3D pathology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The pathological diagnosis of organizing pneumonia (OP) relies on conventional traditional histopathological analysis, which involves examining stained thin slices of tissue. However, this method often results in suboptimal diagnostic objectivity due to low tissue sampling rates. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of tissue-clearing and infiltration-enhanced 3D spatial imaging techniques for elucidating the tissue architecture of OP.
    METHODS: H&E staining, 3D imaging technology, and AI-assisted analysis were employed to facilitate the construction of a multidimensional tissue architecture using six OP patient specimens procured from Taichung Veterans General Hospital, enabling a comprehensive morphological assessment.
    RESULTS: Specimens underwent H&E staining and exhibited Masson bodies and varying degrees of interstitial fibrosis. Furthermore, we conducted a comprehensive study of 3D images of the pulmonary histology reconstructed through an in-depth pathology analysis, and uncovered heterogenous distributions of fibrosis and Masson bodies across different depths of the OP specimens.
    CONCLUSIONS: Integrating 3D imaging for OP with AI-assisted analysis permits a substantially enhanced visualization and delineation of complex histological pulmonary disorders such as OP. The synergistic application of conventional histopathology with novel 3D imaging elucidated the sophisticated spatial configuration of OP, revealing the presence of Masson bodies and interstitial fibrosis. This methodology transcends conventional pathology constraints and paves the way for advanced algorithmic approaches to enhance precision in the detection, classification, and clinical management of lung pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human tissue, which is inherently three-dimensional (3D), is traditionally examined through standard-of-care histopathology as limited two-dimensional (2D) cross-sections that can insufficiently represent the tissue due to sampling bias. To holistically characterize histomorphology, 3D imaging modalities have been developed, but clinical translation is hampered by complex manual evaluation and lack of computational platforms to distill clinical insights from large, high-resolution datasets. We present TriPath, a deep-learning platform for processing tissue volumes and efficiently predicting clinical outcomes based on 3D morphological features. Recurrence risk-stratification models were trained on prostate cancer specimens imaged with open-top light-sheet microscopy or microcomputed tomography. By comprehensively capturing 3D morphologies, 3D volume-based prognostication achieves superior performance to traditional 2D slice-based approaches, including clinical/histopathological baselines from six certified genitourinary pathologists. Incorporating greater tissue volume improves prognostic performance and mitigates risk prediction variability from sampling bias, further emphasizing the value of capturing larger extents of heterogeneous morphology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nondestructive pathology based on three-dimensional (3D) optical microscopy holds promise as a complement to traditional destructive hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide-based pathology by providing cellular information in high throughput manner. However, conventional techniques provided superficial information only due to shallow imaging depths. Herein, we developed open-top two-photon light sheet microscopy (OT-TP-LSM) for intraoperative 3D pathology. An extended depth of field two-photon excitation light sheet was generated by scanning a nondiffractive Bessel beam, and selective planar imaging was conducted with cameras at 400 frames/s max during the lateral translation of tissue specimens. Intrinsic second harmonic generation was collected for additional extracellular matrix (ECM) visualization. OT-TP-LSM was tested in various human cancer specimens including skin, pancreas, and prostate. High imaging depths were achieved owing to long excitation wavelengths and long wavelength fluorophores. 3D visualization of both cells and ECM enhanced the ability of cancer detection. Furthermore, an unsupervised deep learning network was employed for the style transfer of OT-TP-LSM images to virtual H&E images. The virtual H&E images exhibited comparable histological characteristics to real ones. OT-TP-LSM may have the potential for histopathological examination in surgical and biopsy applications by rapidly providing 3D information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer prognostication largely relies on visual assessment of a few thinly sectioned biopsy specimens under a microscope to assign a Gleason grade group (GG). Unfortunately, the assigned GG is not always associated with a patient\'s outcome in part because of the limited sampling of spatially heterogeneous tumors achieved by 2-dimensional histopathology. In this study, open-top light-sheet microscopy was used to obtain 3-dimensional pathology data sets that were assessed by 4 human readers. Intrabiopsy variability was assessed by asking readers to perform Gleason grading of 5 different levels per biopsy for a total of 20 core needle biopsies (ie, 100 total images). Intrabiopsy variability (Cohen κ) was calculated as the worst pairwise agreement in GG between individual levels within each biopsy and found to be 0.34, 0.34, 0.38, and 0.43 for the 4 pathologists. These preliminary results reveal that even within a 1-mm-diameter needle core, GG based on 2-dimensional images can vary dramatically depending on the location within a biopsy being analyzed. We believe that morphologic assessment of whole biopsies in 3 dimension has the potential to enable more reliable and consistent tumor grading.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imaging whole brains is one of the central efforts of biophotonics. While the established imaging modalities used in radiology, such as MRI and CT, have enabled in vivo investigations of various cognitive and affective processes, the prevailing resolution of one-cubic-millimeter has limited their use in studying the \"ground-truth\" of neuronal activities. On the other hand, electron microscopy (EM) visualizes the finest anatomic structures at a resolution of around 30 nm. However, the extensive tissue preparation process and the required large-scale morphological reconstruction restrict this method to small sample volumes. Light microscopy (LM) has the potential to bridge the above two spatial scales, with a resolution ranging from a few hundred nanometers to a few micrometers. Recent advances in tissue clearing have paved the way for optical investigation of large intact tissue volumes. However, most of these LM studies rely on fluorescence-a nonlinear optical process to provide contrast. This chapter introduces an alternative type of LM that is solely based on a linear optical process-elastic scattering, which has some unique advantages over conventional LM methods for the investigation of large-scale biological systems, such as intact murine brains. Here, we will first lay out the background and the motivation of developing this scattering-based method. Then, the basic principle of this approach will be introduced, including controlling tissue scattering and coherent imaging. Next, we explore current implementation and practical considerations. Up-to-date results and the utility of this method will also be demonstrated. Finally, we discuss current limitations and future directions in this promising field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although human anatomy and histology are naturally three-dimensional (3D), commonly used diagnostic and educational tools are technologically restricted to providing two-dimensional representations (e.g. gross photography and glass slides). This limitation may be overcome by employing techniques to acquire and display 3D data, which refers to the digital information used to describe a 3D object mathematically. There are several established and experimental strategies to capture macroscopic and microscopic 3D data. In addition, recent hardware and software innovations have propelled the visualization of 3D models, including virtual and augmented reality. Accompanying these advances are novel clinical and non-clinical applications of 3D data in pathology. Medical education and research stand to benefit a great deal from utilizing 3D data as it can change our understanding of complex anatomical and histological structures. Although these technologies are yet to be adopted in routine surgical pathology, forensic pathology has embraced 3D scanning and model reconstruction. In this review, we intend to provide a general overview of the technologies and emerging applications involved with 3D data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For cancer diagnoses, core biopsies (CBs) obtained from patients using coring needles (CNs) are traditionally visualized and assessed on microscope slides by pathologists after samples are processed and sectioned. A fundamental gain in optical information (i.e., diagnosis/staging) may be achieved when whole, unsectioned CBs (L = 5-20, D = 0.5-2.0 mm) are analyzed in 3D. This approach preserves CBs for traditional pathology and maximizes the diagnostic potential of patient samples. To bridge CNs/CBs with imaging, our group developed a microfluidic device that performs biospecimen preparation on unsectioned CBs for pathology. The ultimate goal is an automated and rapid point-of-care system that aids pathologists by processing tissue for advanced 3D imaging platforms. An inherent, but essential device feature is the microfluidic transport of CBs, which has not been previously investigated. Early experiments demonstrated proof-of-concept: pancreas CBs (D = 0.3-2.0 mm) of set lengths were transported in straight/curved microchannels, but dimensional tolerance and flow rates were variable, and preservation of CB integrity was uncontrolled. A second study used metal cylinder substitutes (L = 10, D = 1 mm) in microchannels to understand the transport mechanism. However, CBs are imperfectly shaped, rough, porous and viscoelastic. In this study, fresh/formalin-fixed porcine and human pancreas CBs were deposited into our device through a custom interface using clinical CNs. CB integrity (i.e., sample viability) may be assessed at every stage using an optomechanical metric: physical breaks were determined when specimen intensity profile data deviated beyond xavg + 2σ. Flow rates for human CBs were determined for several CNs, and microfluidic transport of fresh and formalin-fixed CBs was analyzed.





