
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ongoing terrorist attacks in the Sahel region call for strengthening the security system by using human DNA identification technology. In this context, public opinion must be considered when establishing solid standards and universal safeguards for one of the most invasive forms of surveillance and profiling. For this purpose, we gathered internet users\' opinions in Burkina Faso (a country located in the Sahel region) on the use of DNA technology to support criminal investigations. The results revealed that 91.7% (431) of the 470 participants believed that this technology is currently necessary for the Burkina Faso\'s criminal justice system. However, the respondents expressed concerns about the custody and management of a national forensic DNA database. In this particular security setting, the public opinion of this study may provide leaders and political policymakers with clues for considering genetic fingerprints and implementing an national forensic DNA database to support criminal investigations in Burkina Faso whilst also considering the ethical implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This specific research initiative aims to intricately examine the intricate dynamics connecting terrorism, corruption, and capital flight within the context of South Asian economies, encompassing countries including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The principal objectives of this study entail a comprehensive investigation into the synergistic impacts of terrorism and corruption on the prevalence of capital flight. To realize these objectives, the study employs longitudinal data from 1990 to 2019, adopting the portfolio choice framework as its theoretical underpinning. In terms of methodology, the empirical inquiry uses the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation technique. The empirical findings derived from this analysis distinctly establish a statistically noteworthy and positive correlation between terrorism, corruption, and the occurrence of capital flight across multiple South Asian nations. In light of these discerning outcomes, it is strongly recommended that the governments of South Asian countries prioritize and actively pursue the fortification of their institutional governance mechanisms. This strategic approach is deemed crucial in efficaciously counteracting the escalation of capital flight. Specifically, a targeted focus on augmenting institutional governance practices, fostering transparency, fortifying anti-corruption measures, and intensifying counterterrorism efforts could collectively contribute to reducing capital flight tendencies. By undertaking these recommendations, South Asian governments can foster an environment of enhanced economic stability, attractiveness for investment, and sustainable growth, thereby deterring the adverse impact of capital flight while concurrently combatting the underlying challenges posed by terrorism and corruption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terrorism has shown a trend of organizational cooperation in a large number of terrorist attacks around the world, posting a great challenge to counter-terrorism efforts. To investigate the trend and pattern of global terrorist organizational cooperations and to propose effective measures for effectively enforcing and restricting terrorist attacks, based on the Global Terrorism Database and the UN sanctions list of terrorist groups, this study constructs a cooperative evolutionary network of terrorist organizations from 119,803 terrorist attacks that occurred globally between 2001 and 2018. The evolution of worldwide terrorist cooperation is evaluated in terms of network characteristics, including key nodes, cohesion, and motifs. The network keeps expanding, with a large number of new nodes emerging each year. On average, there are 13 additional organizations entering in the collaboration network each year, with a yearly survival rate of about 34.66%, and the rank of node importance iterate and update frequently. Through k-core decomposition, for which the breakdown of the network has increased from three to five partitions, we find that the core of the terrorist organization\'s cooperation network changes much less frequently than the edges. The dominating modal structure of the network is the \"star\" motif (90%), and \"triadic closed\" motif (9%). We conclude that, over time, the cooperative network of terrorist groups has gradually evolved into a cluster of star-shaped networks, with various organizations serving as the centers of the networks and showing core-periphery structure in their individual communities. The core organizations are highly connected and stable, whereas the periphery organizations are loosely connected and highly variable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though the existing studies have extensively investigated the impacts of information and communication technology and social capital on sustainable development, the literature overlooks the role of their interaction effect in the level of emissions. To fill this gap in the existing body of ICT-environment literature, this article analyzes the impact of ICT, social capital, terrorism, and income on sustainable development using panel data model for Asian and Middle East countries from 2005 to 2022. The findings show that ICT and education significantly reduce CO2 emissions, while income increases the CO2 emissions. Moreover, innovation, trade, and financial development reduce the CO2 emission from increased ICT. The findings suggest that ICT is an important factor in increasing income and social capital and improving investment in sustainable development. The region\'s economies have far more serious consequences for internet users than those of Asian countries. Nonetheless, according to the policy recommendations of this study, governments in Asia and the Middle East should invest more in technology and other systems to take advantage of technology and achieve sustainable development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human security is threatened by terrorism in the 21st century. A rapidly growing field of study aims to understand terrorist attack patterns for counter-terrorism policies. Existing research aimed at predicting terrorism from a single perspective, typically employing only background contextual information or past attacks of terrorist groups, has reached its limits. Here, we propose an integrated deep-learning framework that incorporates the background context of past attacked locations, social networks, and past actions of individual terrorist groups to discover the behavior patterns of terrorist groups. The results show that our framework outperforms the conventional base model at different spatio-temporal resolutions. Further, our model can project future targets of active terrorist groups to identify high-risk areas and offer other attack-related information in sequence for a specific terrorist group. Our findings highlight that the combination of a deep-learning approach and multi-scalar data can provide groundbreaking insights into terrorism and other organized violent crimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rampant terrorism poses a serious threat to the national security of many countries worldwide, particularly due to separatism and extreme nationalism. This paper focuses on the development and application of a temporal self-exciting point process model to the terror data of three countries: the US, Turkey, and the Philippines. To account for occurrences with the same time-stamp, this paper introduces the order mark and reward term in parameter selection. The reward term considers the triggering effect between events in the same time-stamp but different order. Additionally, this paper provides comparisons between the self-exciting models generated by day-based and month-based arrival times. Another highlight of this paper is the development of a model to predict the number of terror events using a combination of simulation and machine learning, specifically the random forest method, to achieve better predictions. This research offers an insightful approach to discover terror event patterns and forecast future occurrences of terror events, which may have practical application towards national security strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to prevent and fight terrorism, a new research area has developed called terrorist financing. An important aspect is the financing of terrorism by Non-Profit Organization (NPO), through transfer funds, terrorist alliances, abuse of NPOs, terrorist recruitment, and false NPOs and agents. Therefore, the NPO counter-terrorist financing strategy was established, considering four major aspects: warning information indicators, internal management mechanisms, international cooperation and information sharing, and counter-terrorist Financing legislation. This paper provides a new way to supervise the terrorist financing of NPOs. First, actual cases should be collected, and viable warning indicators for regulatory agencies and NPOs should be established. Second, internal management mechanisms should be strengthened to actively prevent terrorist activities within NPOs. Third, given the global activity of NPOs and terrorist organizations, information-led international cooperation must be emphasized. Fourth, from the angle of independent counter-terrorist Financing legislation, the gap should be filled in NPO counter-terrorist Financing legislation.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    To understand existing triage algorithms, propose improvement measures through comparison to better deal with mass-casualty incidents caused by bioterrorism.
    Systematic review.
    Medline, Scopus and Web of Science were searched up to January 2022. The studies investigating triage algorithms for mass-casualty bioterrorism. Quality assessment was performed using the International Narrative Systematic Assessment tool. Data extractions were performed by four reviewers.
    Of the 475 titles identified in the search, 10 studies were included. There were four studies on triage algorithms for most bioterrorism events, four studies on triage algorithms for anthrax and two studies on triage algorithms for mental or psychosocial problems caused by bioterrorism events. We introduced and compared 10 triage algorithms used for different bioterrorism situations.
    For triage algorithms for most bioterrorism events, it is necessary to determine the time and place of the attack as soon as possible, control the number of exposed and potentially exposed people, prevent infection and determine the type of biological agents used. Research on the effects of decontamination on bioterrorism attacks needs to continue. For anthrax triage, future research should improve the distinction between inhalational anthrax symptoms and common disease symptoms and improve the efficiency of triage measures. More attention should be paid to triage algorithms for mental or psychosocial problems caused by bioterrorism events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outbreak of pandemics such as COVID-19 can result in cascading effects for global systemic risk. To combat an ongoing pandemic, governmental resources are largely allocated toward supporting the health of the public and economy. This shift in attention can lead to security vulnerabilities which are exploited by terrorists. In view of this, counterterrorism during a pandemic is of critical interest to the safety and well-being of the global society. Most notably, the population flows among potential targets are likely to change in conjunction with the trend of the health crisis, which leads to fluctuations in target valuations. In this situation, a new challenge for the defender is to optimally allocate his/her resources among targets that have changing valuations, where his/her intention is to minimize the expected losses from potential terrorist attacks. In order to deal with this challenge, in this paper, we first develop a defender-attacker game in sequential form, where the target valuations can change as a result of the pandemic. Then we analyze the effects of a pandemic on counterterrorism resource allocation from the perspective of dynamic target valuations. Finally, we provide some examples to display the theoretical results, and present a case study to illustrate the usability of our proposed model during a pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tourism is impacted by all types of crises, no matter how big or small. Even though many studies have examined tourism crises, most focus on the number of tourists arriving and departing. As a result of this lack of information, The adaptive differences in tourist behavior caused by various crises are not well understood. When it comes to inbound tourism, the financial and health-related crisis can significantly impact the tourist profile of the country and its visitors\' spending habits. The findings show that the health crisis has a significant positive impact on tourism. Moreover, COVID_deaths and COVID_confirm_cases decrease the international tourism in developed and developing countries. According to the study\'s findings, tourists\' sensitivity to crises varies between short- and long-haul markets. The evidence shows that financial inclusion has a significant positive impact on various aspects of tourism development in China. Hence, this article offers numerous policy and practical suggestions for sustainable tourism management.





