reference standards

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的: 基于本实验室测序平台,建立与肿瘤基因高通量测序试剂性能匹配的,符合本实验室可实施的简化版的验证流程体系,为临床实验室应用提供实操依据。 方法: 标准流程选取来自不同厂家的6例DNA标准品和2例RNA标准品,从甲醛固定石蜡包埋(formalin fixation and paraffin-embedding,FFPE)的肿瘤样本中提取DNA和RNA,按杂交捕获实验流程制备文库后进行高通量测序,通过6次测序分别进行重复实验、不同投入量、常见干扰物质等研究,从下机数据质控、变异类型、肿瘤突变负荷和微卫星不稳定检出情况进行评估。基于标准流程的结果,用同一方法原理、检测范围相近的试剂盒检测不同的参考品,制定用时短、耗资低的简化流程,通过准确性、特异度和灵敏度评估,并参加国家卫生健康委临床检验中心(NCCL)室间质量评价活动。 结果: 标准流程试剂验证评估合格,参加NCCL室间质评合格,但耗时长耗资大;简化流程试剂准确性、特异度、灵敏度评估合格,参加NCCL室间质评合格。 结论: 基于本实验室建立了简化可行的肿瘤基因检测试剂盒性能确认流程,为院内开展肿瘤基因检测及其临床应用提供了实验室依据。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A correct and stably expressing reference gene is prerequisite for successful quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Investigating gene expression profiling during flower development could enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of flower formation and fertility in Lycium.
    RESULTS: In this study, 11 candidate reference genes in Lycium flower development were selected from transcriptome sequence data and evaluated with five traditional housekeeping genes from previous studies based on qRT-PCR amplification. Comparing the expression stability result of 16 candidate genes using GeNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and Delta Ct algorithms, Lba04g01649 and Lba12g02820 were validated as the optimal reference genes for the flower development of Lycium.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reference genes identified in this study would improve the accuracy of qRT-PCR quantification of target gene expression in Lycium flower development and facilitate future functional genomics studies on flower development. This research could lay the foundation for the study of the reproduction and development of the Lycium flower.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid increase in lipidomic studies has led to a collaborative effort within the community to establish standards and criteria for producing, documenting, and disseminating data. Creating a dynamic easy-to-use checklist that condenses key information about lipidomic experiments into common terminology will enhance the field\'s consistency, comparability, and repeatability. Here, we describe the structure and rationale of the established Lipidomics Minimal Reporting Checklist to increase transparency in lipidomics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In emergency situations, ensuring standardized cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) actions is crucial. However, current automated external defibrillators (AEDs) lack methods to determine whether CPR actions are performed correctly, leading to inconsistent CPR quality. To address this issue, we introduce a novel method called deep-learning-based CPR action standardization (DLCAS). This method involves three parts. First, it detects correct posture using OpenPose to recognize skeletal points. Second, it identifies a marker wristband with our CPR-Detection algorithm and measures compression depth, count, and frequency using a depth algorithm. Finally, we optimize the algorithm for edge devices to enhance real-time processing speed. Extensive experiments on our custom dataset have shown that the CPR-Detection algorithm achieves a mAP0.5 of 97.04%, while reducing parameters to 0.20 M and FLOPs to 132.15 K. In a complete CPR operation procedure, the depth measurement solution achieves an accuracy of 90% with a margin of error less than 1 cm, while the count and frequency measurements achieve 98% accuracy with a margin of error less than two counts. Our method meets the real-time requirements in medical scenarios, and the processing speed on edge devices has increased from 8 fps to 25 fps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    D-Phenylalanine (D-Phe) is a small chiral organic molecule that is both an important pharmaceutical intermediate and used as a calibrator for quantifying amino acids in liquid chromatography-circular dichroism. We have developed a process for a national certified reference material (CRM) for D-Phe following ISO 17034:2016. The identity of D-Phe was confirmed using mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared, and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy. The absolute optical conformation was also determined using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and optical rotation measurements. Impurities were identified via liquid chromatography (LC) with a UV-Vis detector and a charged aerosol detector (CAD) and LC-MS. Both mass balance and quantitative NMR were employed for value assessment, and the associated uncertainty was evaluated. The certified purity was determined to be 0.995 ± 0.003 g/g, a validation that was confirmed by CD using L-Phe CRM as a calibrator. Twenty milligrams of raw material was packed in sealed brown glass tubes for storage, and no inhomogeneity was observed. Stability tests revealed that the D-Phe CRM remained stable at -20 °C for at least 26 months, at 4 °C for at least 14 days, and at 25 °C and 60 °C for at least 7 days. The D-Phe CRM can be used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of D-Phe quantitation in the pharmaceutical field and also as a calibrator to ensure traceability to the International System of Units (SI) for L-Phe quantitation and protein purity analysis using LC-CD methods. The approach outlined in this paper also has potential for use in the development of other chiral CRMs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The liver plays a vital role in lipid synthesis and metabolism in poultry. To study the functional genes more effectively, it is essential to screen of reliable reference genes in the chicken liver, including females, males, embryos, as well as the Leghorn Male Hepatoma (LMH) cell line. Traditional reference gene screening involves selecting commonly used housekeeping genes (HKGs) for RT-qPCR experiments and using different algorithms to identify the most stable ones. However, this approach is limited in selecting the best reference gene from a small pool of HKGs. High-throughput sequencing technology may offer a solution to this limitation. This study aimed to identify the most consistently expressed genes by utilizing multiple published RNA-seq data of chicken liver and LMH cells. Subsequently, the stability of the newly identified reference genes was assessed in comparison to previously validated stable poultry liver expressed reference genes and the commonly employed HKGs using RT-qPCR. The findings indicated that there is a higher degree of similarity in stable expression genes between female and male liver (such as LSM14A and CDC40). In embryonic liver, the optimal new reference genes were SUDS3, TRIM33, and ERAL1. For LMH cells, the optimal new reference genes were ALDH9A1, UGGT1, and C21H1orf174. However, it is noteworthy that most HKGs did not exhibit stable expression across multiple samples, indicating potential instability under diverse conditions. Furthermore, RT-qPCR experiments proved that the stable expression genes identified from RNA-seq data outperformed commonly used HKGs and certain validated reference genes specific to poultry liver. Over all, this study successfully identified new stable reference genes in chicken liver and LMH cells using RNA-seq data, offering researchers a wider range of reference gene options for RT-qPCR in diverse situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The robustness and credibility of RT-qPCR results are critically dependent on the selection of suitable reference genes. However, the mineralization of the extracellular matrix can alter the intracellular tension and energy metabolism within cells, potentially impacting the expression of traditional reference genes, namely Actb and Gapdh.
    OBJECTIVE: To methodically identify appropriate reference genes for research focused on mouse cementoblast mineralization.
    METHODS: Time-series transcriptomic data of mouse cementoblast mineralization were used. To ensure expression stability and medium to high expression levels, three specific criteria were applied to select potential reference genes. The expression stability of these genes was ranked based on the DI index (1/coefficient of variation) to identify the top six potential reference genes. RT-qPCR validation was performed on these top six candidates, comparing their performance against six previously used reference genes (Rpl22, Ppib, Gusb, Rplp0, Actb, and Gapdh). Cq values of these 12 genes were analyzed by RefFinder to get a stability ranking.
    RESULTS: A total of 4418 (12.27%) genes met the selection criteria. Among them, Rab5if, Chmp4b, Birc5, Pea15a, Nudc, Supt4a were identified as candidate reference genes. RefFinder analyses revealed that two candidates (Birc5 and Nudc) exhibited superior performance compared to previously used reference genes.
    CONCLUSIONS: RefFinder\'s stability ranking does not consider the influence of primer efficiency.
    CONCLUSIONS: We propose Birc5 and Nudc as candidate reference genes for RT-qPCR studies investigating mouse cementoblast mineralization and cementum repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate measurement of serum glycocholic acid (GCA) is crucial for evaluating the activity of chronic hepatitis. Moreover, GCA is a novel identified biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Although some laboratories have used the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method to measure GCA in recent years, the problem of potential interference of GCA analogues has not been solved well yet. Neither reference measurement procedures nor reference materials for GCA have been listed in the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) database. For standardization of GCA, it is urgent to establish a candidate measurement procedure for GCA. In this study, a candidate reference measurement procedure for the quantification of GCA in human serum based on isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS) by a two-step sample pretreatment of protein precipitation and MAX solid-phase extraction was developed and validated. GCA can be completely separated from its structural analogues with gradient elution in 9 min compared with short time gradients published in previous literature by Huang\'s group. Method validation indicated perfect quantitation precision with intra-day and inter-day values that were ≤1.30% and ≤1.80%, respectively. The method showed excellent linearity with high regression coefficients (R2 > 0.999) over a range of 0.92 ng/g-38.38 μg/g and perfect recoveries at three spiked levels (99.87-100.43%). No interference, matrix effect, and carryover were observed. Moreover, the cRMP was successfully applied to measure GCA in serum samples and compared with two immunoassays in a clinical laboratory. As a candidate reference method, this method can promote a GCA standardization program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translating RNA-seq into clinical diagnostics requires ensuring the reliability and cross-laboratory consistency of detecting clinically relevant subtle differential expressions, such as those between different disease subtypes or stages. As part of the Quartet project, we present an RNA-seq benchmarking study across 45 laboratories using the Quartet and MAQC reference samples spiked with ERCC controls. Based on multiple types of \'ground truth\', we systematically assess the real-world RNA-seq performance and investigate the influencing factors involved in 26 experimental processes and 140 bioinformatics pipelines. Here we show greater inter-laboratory variations in detecting subtle differential expressions among the Quartet samples. Experimental factors including mRNA enrichment and strandedness, and each bioinformatics step, emerge as primary sources of variations in gene expression. We underscore the profound influence of experimental execution, and provide best practice recommendations for experimental designs, strategies for filtering low-expression genes, and the optimal gene annotation and analysis pipelines. In summary, this study lays the foundation for developing and quality control of RNA-seq for clinical diagnostic purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONSTANS-LIKE (COL ) genes are a key signalling molecule that regulates plant growth and development during the photoperiod. Our preliminary experiments showed that the photoperiod greatly influence the formation of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum root tubers. In this study, we examined the oscillation patterns and expression characteristics of COL genes in leaves of T. hemsleyanum under different photoperiod conditions. Six genes were selected as candidate reference genes for further analyses: (1) 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA ); (2) α-tubulin (TUBA ); (3) 30S ribosomal RNA (30S rRNA ); (4) TATA binding protein (TBP ); (5) elongation factor 1α (EF-1α ); and (6) RNA polymerase II (RPII ). The geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper software programs were used to evaluate expression stability. Two ThCOL genes were screened in the T. hemsleyanum transcriptome library, and their expression patterns under different photoperiod conditions were analysed using quantitative reverse transcription PCR. The genes EF-1α , TUBA , and 18S rRNA were used to analyse the expression profiles of CONSTANS genes (ThCOL4 and ThCOL5 ) under different photoperiods. The expression peaks of ThCOL4 and ThCOL5 appeared at different times, demonstrating that their oscillation patterns were influenced by the photoperiod. We speculate that these two ThCOL genes may be involved in different biological processes.





