quantitative trait nucleotides

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The projected rise in global ambient temperature by 3-5 °C by the end of this century, along with unpredicted heat waves during critical crop growth stages, can drastically reduce grain yield and will pose a great food security challenge. It is therefore important to identify wheat genetic resources able to withstand high temperatures, discover genes underpinning resilience to higher temperatures, and deploy such genetic resources in wheat breeding to develop heat-tolerant cultivars. In this study, 180 accessions of synthetic hexaploid wheats (SHWs) were evaluated under normal and late wheat growing seasons (to expose them to higher temperatures) at three locations (Islamabad, Bahawalpur, and Tando Jam), and data were collected on 11 morphological and yield-related traits. The diversity panel was genotyped with a 50 K SNP array to conduct genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for heat tolerance in SHW. A known heat-tolerance locus, TaHST1, was profiled to identify different haplotypes of this locus in SHWs and their association with grain yield and related traits in SHWs. There was a 36% decrease in grain yield (GY), a 23% decrease in thousand-grain weight (TKW), and an 18% decrease in grains per spike (GpS) across three locations in the population due to the heat stress conditions. GWASs identified 143 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) distributed over all 21 chromosomes in the SHWs. Out of these, 52 QTNs were associated with morphological and yield-related traits under heat stress, while 15 of them were pleiotropically associated with multiple traits. The heat shock protein (HSP) framework of the wheat genome was then aligned with the QTNs identified in this study. Seventeen QTNs were in proximity to HSPs on chr2B, chr3D, chr5A, chr5B, chr6D, and chr7D. It is likely that QTNs on the D genome and those in proximity to HSPs may carry novel alleles for heat-tolerance genes. The analysis of TaHST1 indicated that 15 haplotypes were present in the SHWs for this locus, while hap1 showed the highest frequency of 25% (33 SHWs). These haplotypes were significantly associated with yield-related traits in the SHWs. New alleles associated with yield-related traits in SHWs could be an excellent reservoir for breeding deployment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stalk lodging is one of the main factors affecting maize (Zea mays L.) yield and limiting mechanized harvesting. Developing maize varieties with high stalk lodging resistance requires exploring the genetic basis of lodging resistance-associated agronomic traits. Stalk strength is an important indicator to evaluate maize lodging and can be evaluated by measuring stalk rind penetrometer resistance (RPR) and stalk buckling strength (SBS). Along with morphological traits of the stalk for the third internodes length (TIL), fourth internode length (FIL), third internode diameter (TID), and the fourth internode diameter (FID) traits are associated with stalk lodging resistance.
    In this study, a natural population containing 248 diverse maize inbred lines genotyped with 83,057 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers was used for genome-wide association study (GWAS) for six stalk lodging resistance-related traits. The heritability of all traits ranged from 0.59 to 0.72 in the association mapping panel. A total of 85 significant SNPs were identified for the association mapping panel using best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) values of all traits. Additionally, five candidate genes were associated with stalk strength traits, which were either directly or indirectly associated with cell wall components.
    These findings contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of maize stalk lodging and provide valuable theoretical guidance for lodging resistance in maize breeding in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing global temperature has adverse effects on crop health and productivity at both seedling and reproductivity stages. It is paramount to develop heat tolerant wheat cultivars able to sustain under high and fluctuating temperature conditions. An experiment was conducted to characterize 194 historical wheat cultivars of Pakistan under high temperature at seedling stage to identify loci associated with heat tolerance using genome-wide association studies (GWAS). A quantitative trait locus, TaHST1, on chr4A was also characterized to identify the haplotypes at this locus associated with heat tolerance in wheat from Pakistan. Initially, the diversity panel was planted under control conditions (25°C/20°C day and night temperature) in a glass house. At three leaf stage, plants were subjected to heat stress (HS) by increasing temperature (40°C/35°C day and night), while one treatment was kept at control condition. After 7 days of HS, data were collected for seedling morphology. Heat stress reduced these traits by 25% (root weight) to 40% (shoot weight), and shoot biomass was largely affected by heat stress. A GWAS model, fixed and random model circulating probability unification (FarmCPU), identified 43 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) on all chromosomes, except chr7B, were associated under both HS and control conditions. Thirteen QTNs were identified in control, while 30 QTNs were identified in HS condition. In total, 24 haplotypes were identified at TaHST1 locus, and most of the heat tolerant genotypes were assigned to Hap-20 and Hap-21. Eleven QTNs were identified within 0.3-3.1 Mb proximity of heat shock protein (HSP). Conclusively, this study provided a detailed genetic framework of heat tolerance in wheat at the seedling stage and identify potential genetic regions associated with heat tolerance which can be used for marker assisted selection (MAS) in breeding for heat stress tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In wheat breeding, improved quality traits, including grain quality and dough rheological properties, have long been a critical goal. To understand the genetic basis of key quality traits of wheat, two single-locus and five multi-locus GWAS models were performed for six grain quality traits and three dough rheological properties based on 19, 254 SNPs in 267 bread wheat accessions. As a result, 299 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) within 105 regions were identified to be associated with these quality traits in four environments. Of which, 40 core QTN regions were stably detected in at least three environments, 19 of which were novel. Compared with the previous studies, these novel QTN regions explained smaller phenotypic variation, which verified the advantages of the multi-locus GWAS models in detecting important small effect QTNs associated with complex traits. After characterization of the function and expression in-depth, 67 core candidate genes involved in protein/sugar synthesis, histone modification and the regulation of transcription factor were observed to be associated with the formation of grain quality, which showed that multi-level regulations influenced wheat grain quality. Finally, a preliminary network of gene regulation that may affect wheat quality formation was inferred. This study verified the power and reliability of multi-locus GWAS methods in wheat quality trait research, and increased the understanding of wheat quality formation mechanisms. The detected QTN regions and candidate genes in this study could be further used for gene cloning and marker-assisted selection in high-quality breeding of bread wheat.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant height is an important target for soybean breeding. It is a typical quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes and is susceptible to environmental influences. Here, we carried out phenotypic analysis of 156 recombinant inbred lines derived from \"Dongnong L13\" and \"Henong 60\" in nine environments at four locations over 6 years using interval mapping and inclusive composite interval mapping methods. We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis by applying pre-built simple-sequence repeat maps. We detected 48 QTLs, including nine significant QTLs detected by multiple methods and in multiple environments. Meanwhile, genotyping of all lines using the SoySNP660k BeadChip produced 54,836 non-redundant single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. We used five multi-locus genome-wide association analysis methods to locate 10 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs), four of which overlap with previously located QTLs. Five candidate genes related to plant height are predicted to lie within 200 kb of these four QTNs. We identified 19 homologous genes in Arabidopsis, two of which may be associated with plant height. These findings further our understanding of the multi-gene regulatory network and genetic determinants of soybean plant height, which will be important for breeding high-yielding soybean.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most important source of natural fiber in the world. Early-maturity upland cotton varieties are commonly planted in China. Nevertheless, lint yield of early-maturity upland cotton varieties is strikingly lower than that of middle- and late-maturity ones. How to effectively improve lint yield of early maturing cotton, becomes a focus of cotton research. Here, based on 72,792 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms of 160 early-maturing upland cotton accessions, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for lint percentage (LP), one of the most lint-yield component traits, applying one single-locus method and six multi-locus methods. A total of 4 and 45 significant quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were respectively identified to be associated with LP. Interestingly, in two of four planting environments, two of these QTNs (A02_74713290 and A02_75551547) were simultaneously detected via both one single-locus and three or more multi-locus GWAS methods. Among the 42 genes within a genomic region (A02: 74.31-75.95 Mbp) containing the above two peak QTNs, Gh_A02G1269, Gh_A02G1280, and Gh_A02G1295 had the highest expression levels in ovules during seed development from 20 to 25 days post anthesis, whereas Gh_A02G1278 was preferentially expressed in the fibers rather than other organs. These results imply that the four potential candidate genes might be closely related to cotton LP by regulating the proportion of seed weight and fiber yield. The QTNs and potential candidate genes for LP, identified in this study, provide valuable resource for cultivating novel cotton varieties with earliness and high lint yield in the future.






