
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pseudorabies virus (PRV) TJ strain, a variant of PRV, induces more severe neurological symptoms and higher mortality in piglets and mice than the PRV SC strain isolated in 1980. However, the mechanism underlying responsible for the discrepancy in virulence between these strains remains unclear. Our study investigated the differences in neurotropism between PRV TJ and PRV SC using both in vitro and in vivo models. We discovered that PRV TJ enters neural cells more efficiently than PRV SC. Furthermore, we found that PRV TJ has indistinguishable genomic DNA replication capability and axonal retrograde transport dynamics compared to the PRV SC. To gain deeper insights into the mechanisms underlying these differences, we constructed gene-interchanged chimeric virus constructs and assessed the affinity between envelope glycoprotein B, C, and D (gD) and corresponding receptors. Our findings confirmed that mutations in these envelope proteins, particularly gD, significantly contributed to the heightened attachment and penetration capabilities of PRV TJ. Our study revealed the critical importance of the gDΔR278/P279 and gDV338A in facilitating viral invasion. Furthermore, our observations indicated that mutations in envelope proteins have a more significant impact on viral invasion than on virulence in the mouse model. Our findings provide valuable insights into the roles of natural mutations on the PRV envelope glycoproteins in cell tropism, which sheds light on the relationship between cell tropism and clinical symptoms and offers clues about viral evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CVA6 is one of Enteroviruses causing worldwide epidemics of HFMD with neurological and systemic complications. A suitable animal model is necessary for studying the pathogenesis of CVA6 and evaluating antiviral and vaccine efficacy. In this study, we generated a mouse-adapted CVA6 strain that successfully infected 10-day-old ICR mice via oral route. All infected mice were paralyzed and died within 11 dpi. Analysis of pathological changes and virus loads in fourteen tissues showed that CVA6 triggered systematic damage similar to i.p. inoculation route. Unlike i.p. route, we detected oral and gastrointestinal lesions with the presence of viral antigens. Both specific anti-CVA6 serum and inactivated vaccines successfully generated immune protection in mice. Meanwhile, we also established a successful infection of CVA6 via i.p. and i.m. route in 10-day-old mice. After infection, mice developed remarkably neurological signs and systemic manifestations such as emaciation, polypnea, quadriplegia, depilation and even death. Through i.p. inoculation, pathological examination showed brain and spinal cord damage caused by the virus infection with neuronal reduction, apoptosis, astrocyte activation, and recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes. Following neurological manifestation, the CVA6 infection became systemic, and high viral loads were detected in multiple organs along with morphological changes and inflammation. Moreover, analysis of spleen cells by FACS indicated that CVA6 led to immune system activation, which further contributed to systemic inflammation. Taken together, our novel murine model of CVA6 provides a useful tool for studying the pathogenesis and evaluating antiviral and vaccine efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral covert mortality disease (VCMD), also known as running mortality syndrome (RMS), is caused by covert mortality nodavirus (CMNV) and has impacted the shrimp farming industry in Asia and Latin America in recent years. The pathogenic mechanism of CMNV infecting Penaeus vannamei was investigated in this study. In the naturally infected shrimp, histopathological and in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis verified that CMNV infection and severe cellar structural damage occurred in almost all cells of the ommatidium. Under transmission electron microscopic (TEM), vacuolation and necrosis, together with numerous CMNV-like particles, could be observed in the cytoplasm of most cell types of the ommatidium. The challenge test showed that a low CMNV infectious dose caused cumulative mortality of 66.7 ± 6.7% and 33.3 ± 3.6% of shrimp in the 31-day outdoor and indoor farming trials, respectively. The shrimp in the infection group grew slower than those in the control group; the percentage of soft-shell individuals in the infection group (42.9%) was much higher than that of the control group (17.1%). The histopathological and ISH examinations of individuals artificially infected with CMNV revealed that severe cellar damage, including vacuolation, karyopyknosis, and structural failure, occurred not only in the cells of the refraction part of the ommatidium, but also in the cells of the nerve enrichment and hormone secretion zones. And the pathological damages were severe in the nerve cells of both the ventral nerve cord and segmental nerve of the pleopods. TEM examination revealed the ultrastructural pathological changes and vast amounts of CMNV-like particles in the above-mentioned tissues. The differential transcriptome analysis showed that the CMNV infection resulted in the significant down-regulated expression of genes of photo-transduction, digestion, absorption, and growth hormones, which might be the reason for the slow growth of shrimp infected by CMNV. This study uncovered unique characteristics of neurotropism of CMNV for the first time and explored the pathogenesis of slow growth and shell softening of P. vannamei caused by CMNV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) primarily targets lipid-producing cells for viral tropism. In this review, we connect systemic lipid couriers, particularly high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) and exosomes, with the neurological facets of SARS-CoV-2 infection. We discuss how SARS-CoV-2 preferentially targets lipid-secreting cells and usurps host cell lipid metabolism for efficient replication and systemic spreading. Besides providing natural veils for viral materials against host immunity, the inherent properties of some of these endogenous lipid particles to traverse the blood-brain barrier (BBB) also offer alternative routes for SARS-CoV-2 neurotropism. Importantly, virus-driven neurological aberrations mediated by HDLs and exosomes are fueled by lipid rafts, which are implicated in the production and transmigration of these lipid particles across the BBB. Finally, we discuss how repurposing existing drugs targeting lipid rafts and cholesterol homeostasis may be beneficial toward alleviating the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disease burden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer neuroscience has emerged as a burgeoning field for the investigation of cancer-nervous system interactions. Perineural invasion (PNI) is defined as the presence of cancer cells that surround and/or invade the nerves infiltrating the tumor microenvironment. PNI is closely associated with increased tumor recurrence and diminished survival in many cancer types. Based on diverse in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models, mounting evidence suggests that the reciprocal crosstalk between nerves and cancer cells drives PNI, which is mediated by several factors including secreted neurotrophins, chemokines, exosomes, and inflammatory cells. Typical in vitro models using dorsal root ganglia (DRG) cells cocultured with cancer cells or other cell types allow the study of isolated factors. Ex vivo PNI models created by cocultivating cancer cells with explanted vagus and sciatic nerves enable the study of neuroaffinity in a time-saving and cost-efficient manner. In vivo models such as genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) and the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM)-DRG model, provide the nerve microenvironment needed to recapitulate the complex pathophysiological processes of PNI. Here, we summarize the current methods commonly used for modeling PNI and discuss the inherent pros and cons of these approaches for understanding PNI biology.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The prevalence and etiology of COVID-19\'s impact on brain health and cognitive function is poorly characterized. With mounting reports of delirium, systemic inflammation, and evidence of neurotropism, a statement on cognitive impairment among COVID-19 cases is needed. A substantial literature has demonstrated that inflammation can severely disrupt brain function, suggesting an immune response, a cytokine storm, as a possible cause of neurocognitive impairments. In this light, the aim of the present study was to summarize the available knowledge of the impact of COVID-19 on cognition (i.e., herein, we broadly define cognition reflecting the reporting on this topic in the literature) during the acute and recovery phases of the disease, in hospitalized patients and outpatients with confirmed COVID-19 status. A systematic review of the literature identified six studies which document the prevalence of cognitive impairment, and one which quantifies deficits after recovery. Pooling the samples of the included studies (total sample n = 644) at three standards of quality produced conservative estimates of cognitive impairment ranging from 43.0 to 66.8% prevalence in hospitalized COVID-19 patients only, as no studies which report on outpatients met criteria for inclusion in the main synthesis. The most common impairment reported was delirium and frequent reports of elevated inflammatory markers suggest etiology. Other studies have demonstrated that the disease involves marked increases in IL-6, TNFα, and IL-1β; cytokines known to have a profound impact on working memory and attention. Impairment of these cognitive functions is a characteristic aspect of delirium, which suggests these cytokines as key mediators in the etiology of COVID-19 induced cognitive impairments. Researchers are encouraged to assay inflammatory markers to determine the potential role of inflammation in mediating the disturbance of cognitive function in individuals affected by COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some coronaviruses (CoVs) have an extra furin cleavage site (RRKR/S, furin-S2\' site) upstream of the fusion peptide in the spike protein, which plays roles in virion adsorption and fusion. Mutation of the S2\' site of QX genotype (QX-type) infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) spike protein (S) in a recombinant virus background results in higher pathogenicity, pronounced neural symptoms and neurotropism when compared with conditions in wild-type IBV (WT-IBV) infected chickens. In this study, we present evidence suggesting that recombinant IBV with a mutant S2\' site (furin-S2\' site) leads to higher mortality. Infection with mutant IBV induces severe encephalitis and breaks the blood-brain barrier. The results of a neutralization test and immunoprotection experiment show that an original serum and vaccine can still provide effective protection in vivo and in vitro. This is the first demonstration of IBV-induced neural symptoms in chickens with encephalitis and the furin-S2\' site as a determinant of neurotropism.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurotropic virus-based tracers have been extensively applied in mapping and manipulation of neural circuits. However, their neurotropic and neurotoxic properties remain to be fully characterized.
    Through neural circuit tracing, we systematically compared the neurotropism discrepancy among different multi-trans-synaptic and mono-synaptic retrograde viral tracers including pseudorabies virus (PRV), rabies virus (RV), and the newly engineered retro adeno-associated virus (rAAV2-retro) tracers. The (single-cell) RNA sequencing analysis was utilized for seeking possible attribution to neurotropism discrepancy and comparing cell toxicity caused by viral infection between glycoprotein-deleted RV (RV-∆G) and rAAV2-retro. Viral toxicity induced microglia activation and neuronal protein change were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.
    Multi-trans-synaptic retrograde viral tracers, PRV and RV, exhibit differential neurotropism when they were used for central neural circuit tracing from popliteal lymph nodes. Mono-synaptic retrograde tracers, including RV-∆G and rAAV2-retro, displayed discrepant neurotropic property, when they were applied to trace the inputs of lateral hypothalamic area and medial preoptic nucleus. rAAV2-retro demonstrated preference in cerebral cortex, whereas RV-∆G prefers to label basal ganglia and hypothalamus. Remarkably, we detected a distinct preference for specific cortical layer of rAAV2-retro in layer 5 and RV-∆G in layer 6 when they were injected into dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus to label corticothalamic neurons in primary visual cortex. Complementation of TVA receptor gene in RV-resistant neurons enabled EnvA-pseudotyped RV infection, supporting receptors attribution to viral neurotropism. Furthermore, both RV-∆G and rAAV2-retro exerted neurotoxic influence at the injection sites and retrogradely labeled sites, while the changes were more profound for RV-∆G infection. Finally, we demonstrated a proof-of-concept strategy for more comprehensive high-order circuit tracing of a specific target nucleus by combining rAAV2-retro, RV, and rAAV tracers.
    Different multi-trans-synaptic and mono-synaptic retrograde viral tracers exhibited discrepant neurotropism within certain brain regions, even cortical layer preference. More neurotoxicity was observed under RV-∆G infection as compared with rAAV2-retro. By combining rAAV2-retro, RV, and rAAV tracers, high-order circuit tracing can be achieved. Our findings provide important reference for appropriate application of viral tracers to delineate the landscape and dissect the function of neural network.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The histopathological characteristics of lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) vary. Currently, 6 subtypes have been reported, including a new subtype with perifollicular infiltration and different degrees of folliculotropism of CD30+ atypical lymphocytes, known as follicular LyP. However, LyP pathologically manifesting with folliculotropism, eccrinotropism and neurotropism has been rarely reported. We present a case of LyP showing CD30+ atypical lymphocytes around the hair follicle, eccrine gland and nerve fiber, with varying degrees of infiltrates. The pathological characteristics of folliculotropism and eccrinotropism are often associated with mycosis fungoides (MF). This case suggests that differential diagnosis is necessary when atypical lymphocytes infiltrate the follicle and eccrine gland. As folliculotropism and eccrinotropism can occur in both MF and LyP, it may represent a conceptual intersection between the 2 disease processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the purpose of developing a novel dengue vaccine candidate, recombinant plasmids were constructed which contained the full length cDNA clone of Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine strain SA14-14-2 with its premembrane (PreM) and envelope (E) genes replaced by the counterparts of dengue virus type 4 (DENV4). By transfecting the in vitro transcription products of the recombinant plasmids into BHK-21 cells, a chimeric virus JEV/DENV4 was successfully recovered. The chimeric virus was identified by complete genome sequencing, Western blot and immunofluorescent staining. Growth characteristics revealed it was well adapted to primary hamster kidney (PHK) cells. Its genetic stability was investigated and only one unintentional mutation in 5\'-untranslated region (5\'-UTR) was found after 20 passages in PHK cells. Neurotropism, neurovirulence and immunogenicity of the chimeric virus were tested in mice. Besides, the influence of JE vaccine pre-immunization on the neutralizing antibody level induced by the chimeric virus was illuminated. To our knowledge, this is the first chimeric virus incorporating the JE vaccine stain SA14-14-2 and DENV4. It is probably a potential candidate to compose a tetravalent dengue chimeric vaccine.





