mating systems

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing in flowering plants have convergent morphological and genomic signatures and can involve parallel evolution within related lineages. Adaptive evolution of morphological traits is often assumed to evolve faster than nonadaptive features of the genomic selfing syndrome. We investigated phenotypic and genomic changes associated with transitions from distyly to homostyly in the Primula oreodoxa complex. We determined whether the transition to selfing occurred more than once and investigated stages in the evolution of morphological and genomic selfing syndromes using 22 floral traits and both nuclear and plastid genomic data from 25 populations. Two independent transitions were detected representing an earlier and a more recently derived selfing lineage. The older lineage exhibited classic features of the morphological and genomic selfing syndrome. Although features of both selfing syndromes were less developed in the younger selfing lineage, they exhibited parallel development with the older selfing lineage. This finding contrasts with the prediction that some genomic changes should lag behind adaptive changes to morphological traits. Our findings highlight the value of comparative studies on the timing and extent of transitions from outcrossing to selfing between related lineages for investigating the tempo of morphological and molecular evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Opisthopappus is a perennial, endemic herb of the Taihang Mountains in China. Two species of this genus (O. longilobus and O. taihangensis) are important wild genetic resources for Asteraceae; however, their reproductive biology has been lacking until now. This study is the first detailed report on the reproductive biology and breeding systems of two Opisthopappus species. Through field observations, the floral syndromes of O. longilobus and O. taihangensis were found to possess a similar pattern, although O. taihangensis has a relatively larger capitulum, more ray ligules, and disc florets. The flowers of both O. longilobus and O. taihangensis are protandrous, a character that can prevent autogamy at the single-flower level, and insects are required for pollination. Further, brightly ligules, brightly bisexual florets, unique fragrance, and amount of nectar suggest that these species propagate via an entomophilous pollination system. Hymenopteran and Diptera species were observed as the effective pollinators for these two species. The outcrossing index, pollen/ovule ratio and the results of hand pollination indicated that these Opisthopappus species might have a mixed mating system that combines cross-fertilization and partial self-fertilization for O. longilobus and O. taihangensis, outcrossing predominated in the breeding system, while self-pollination played an important role in seed production when insect pollination was unavailable, particularly in a harsh environment, such as the Taihang Mountains cliffs. Meanwhile, O. taihangensis might better adapt to severe surroundings with relatively complex floral syndromes, specifically through the attraction of visiting insects and a high seed set rate. The above results not only provide reference information toward a better understanding of the survival strategies of O. longilobus and O. taihangensis in the Taihang Mountains but also lay a solid foundation for further exploring the molecular mechanisms that underly their adaptation under cliff environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To address claims of human exceptionalism, we determine where humans fit within the greater mammalian distribution of reproductive inequality. We show that humans exhibit lower reproductive skew (i.e., inequality in the number of surviving offspring) among males and smaller sex differences in reproductive skew than most other mammals, while nevertheless falling within the mammalian range. Additionally, female reproductive skew is higher in polygynous human populations than in polygynous nonhumans mammals on average. This patterning of skew can be attributed in part to the prevalence of monogamy in humans compared to the predominance of polygyny in nonhuman mammals, to the limited degree of polygyny in the human societies that practice it, and to the importance of unequally held rival resources to women\'s fitness. The muted reproductive inequality observed in humans appears to be linked to several unusual characteristics of our species-including high levels of cooperation among males, high dependence on unequally held rival resources, complementarities between maternal and paternal investment, as well as social and legal institutions that enforce monogamous norms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Good genes theories of sexual selection predict that polygamy will be associated with more efficient removal of deleterious alleles (purifying selection), due to the alignment of sexual selection with natural selection. On the other hand, runaway selection theories expect no such alignment of natural and sexual selection, and may instead predict less efficient purifying selection in polygamous species due to higher reproductive variance. In an analysis of polymorphism data extracted from 150-bird genome assemblies, we show that polygamous species carry significantly fewer nonsynonymous polymorphisms, relative to synonymous polymorphisms, than monogamous bird species (p = .0005). We also show that this effect is independent of effective population size, consistent with the alignment of natural selection with sexual selection and \"good genes\" theories of sexual selection. Further analyses found no impact of polygamy on genetic diversity, while polygamy in females (polyandry) had a marginally significant impact (p = .045). We also recapitulate previous findings that smaller body mass and greater geographic range size are associated with more efficient purifying selection, more intense GC-biased gene conversion, and greater genetic diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The length of time a flower remains open and functional - floral longevity - governs important reproductive processes influencing pollination and mating and varies considerably among angiosperm species. However, little is known about large-scale biogeographic patterns and the correlates of floral longevity. Using published data on floral longevity from 818 angiosperm species in 134 families and 472 locations world-wide, we present the first global quantification of the latitudinal pattern of floral longevity and the relationships between floral longevity and a range of biotic and abiotic factors. Floral longevity exhibited a significant phylogenetic signal and was longer at higher latitudes in both northern and southern hemispheres, even after accounting for elevation. This latitudinal variation was associated with several biotic and abiotic variables. The mean temperature of the flowering season had the highest predictive power for floral longevity, followed by pollen number per flower. Surprisingly, compatibility status, flower size, pollination mode, and growth form had no significant effects on flower longevity. Our results suggest that physiological processes associated with floral maintenance play a key role in explaining latitudinal variation in floral longevity across global ecosystems, with potential implications for floral longevity under global climate change and species distributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations plays a central role in molecular evolution. It is therefore crucial to be able to estimate it accurately from genomic data and to understand the factors that shape it. After a rapid overview of available methods to characterize the fitness effects of mutations, we review what is known on the factors affecting them in plants. Available data indicate that life history traits (e.g. mating system and longevity) have a major effect on the DFE. By contrast, the impact of demography within species appears to be more limited. These results remain to be confirmed, and methods to estimate the joint evolution of demography, life history traits, and the DFE need to be developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing often occur in heterostylous plants. Selfing homostyles originate within distylous populations and frequently evolve to become reproductively isolated species. We investigated this process in 10 species of Primula section Obconicolisteri using phylogenomic approaches and inferred how often homostyly originated from distyly and its consequences for population genetic diversity and floral trait evolution. We estimated phylogenetic relationships and reconstructed character evolution using the whole plastome comprised of 76 protein-coding genes. To investigate mating patterns and genetic diversity we screened 15 microsatellite loci in 40 populations. We compared floral traits among distylous and homostylous populations to determine how phenotypically differentiated homostyles were from their distylous ancestors. Section Obconicolisteri was monophyletic and we estimated multiple independent transitions from distyly to homostyly. High selfing rates characterised homostylous populations and this was associated with reduced genetic diversity. Flower size and pollen production were reduced in homostylous populations, but pollen size was significantly larger in some homostyles than in distylous morphs. Repeated transitions to selfing in section Obconicolisteri are likely to have been fostered by the complex montane environments that species occupy. Unsatisfactory pollinator service is likely to have promoted reproductive assurance in homostyles leading to subsequent population divergence through isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic predisposition to obesity presents a paradox: how do genetic variants with a detrimental impact on human health persist through evolutionary time? Numerous hypotheses, such as the thrifty genotype hypothesis, attempt to explain this phenomenon yet fail to provide a justification for the modern obesity epidemic. In this critical review, we appraise existing theories explaining the evolutionary origins of obesity and explore novel biological and sociocultural agents of evolutionary change to help explain the modern-day distribution of obesity-predisposing variants. Genetic drift, acting as a form of \'blind justice,\' may randomly affect allele frequencies across generations while gene pleiotropy and adaptations to diverse environments may explain the rise and subsequent selection of obesity risk alleles. As an adaptive response, epigenetic regulation of gene expression may impact the manifestation of genetic predisposition to obesity. Finally, exposure to malnutrition and disease epidemics in the wake of oppressive social systems, culturally mediated notions of attractiveness and desirability, and diverse mating systems may play a role in shaping the human genome. As an important first step towards the identification of important drivers of obesity gene evolution, this review may inform empirical research focused on testing evolutionary theories by way of population genetics and mathematical modelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outbreeding floral polymorphism heterostyly frequently breaks down, resulting in the evolution of self-fertilization as a result of homostyle formation. Here, the loss of floral polymorphism in distylous Primula oreodoxa, a sub-alpine species restricted to western Sichuan, China, was examined by investigating the ecological correlates and genetic consequences of mating system transitions. Several key questions were addressed. (1) What are the frequencies, geographical distribution and reproductive characteristics of floral morphs in distylous and homostylous populations? (2) Does increased elevation influence pollinator service and the likelihood of inbreeding in populations? (3) How often has homostyly originated and what are the consequences of the breakdown of distyly for the amounts and distribution of genetic diversity in populations?
    Fourteen populations throughout the range of P. oreodoxa were sampled, and morph frequencies and floral characteristics were recorded. Polymorphism at microsatellite loci and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation were used to quantify population genetic structure and genetic relationships among populations. Controlled pollinations and studies of pollen tube growth and fertility were conducted to determine the compatibility status of populations and their facility for autonomous self-pollination. Finally, visitation rates of long- and short-tongued pollinators to distylous and homostylous populations at different elevations were compared to determine if increased elevation was associated with deterioration in pollinator service.
    In contrast to most heterostylous species, both distylous and homostylous morphs of P. oreodoxa are highly self-compatible, but only homostyles have the facility for autonomous self-pollination. Homostyles set significantly more fruit and seeds following open pollination than the distylous morphs. Visitation by long-tongued pollinators was significantly lower in homostylous populations, and overall rates of insect visitation decreased with elevation. Genetic diversity was significantly lower in homostylous populations, with evidence of increased inbreeding at higher elevation. Patterns of cpDNA variation were consistent with multiple transitions from distyly to homostyly and limited gene flow among populations.
    The results of this study support the hypothesis that the multiple loss of floral polymorphism in distylous P. oreodoxa is associated with unsatisfactory pollinator service, with homostyles benefiting from reproductive assurance as a result of autonomous self-pollination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The breakdown of heterostyly to homostyly is a classic system for the investigation of evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing. Loss of sexual polymorphism is characterized by changes to population morph structure and floral morphology. Here, we used molecular phylogeography to investigate the geographical context for the breakdown process in Primula chungensis, a species with distylous and homostylous populations. We genotyped plants from 20 populations throughout the entire range in south-west China using the chloroplast intergenic spacer (trnL-trnF), nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 10 nuclear microsatellite loci, and determined the genetic relationships among populations and the variation in floral traits associated with homostyle evolution. The marker data identified two multi-population lineages (Tibet and Sichuan) and one single-population lineage (Yunnan), a pattern consistent with at least two independent origins of homostyly. Evidence from flower and pollen size variation is consistent with the hypothesis that transitions to selfing have arisen by the same genetic mechanism involving recombination and/or mutation at the distyly linkage group. Nevertheless, flowers of homostylous lineages have followed divergent evolutionary trajectories following their origin, resulting in populations with both approach and reverse herkogamy. Our study illustrates a rare example of the near-complete replacement of sexual polymorphism by floral monomorphism in a heterostylous species.





