hypoglossal nerve

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is an immune-mediated neuropathy. While CIDP typically affects the peripheral nerves in the limbs, involvement of cranial nerves is atypical, and cases of muscle atrophy secondary to cranial nerve involvement are exceptionally rare. A 30-year-old female patient, who complained of numbness and weakness in her limbs, was diagnosed with CIDP after experiencing atrophy of the tongue and sternocleidomastoid muscles, along with tongue muscle fibrillation during a neurological examination. Additionally, the patient had hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis. Cerebrospinal fluid tests indicated albumincytological dissociation. Electrophysiological examination results confirmed the diagnosis of typical CIDP. Glucocorticoid treatment, a standard therapy for CIDP, led to a significant improvement in the patient\'s symptoms, including the regeneration of her tongue muscles. A literature review revealed only eight cases of CIDP with hypoglossal nerve involvement, and this case represents the first documentation of concurrent sternocleidomastoid muscle atrophy. Although muscle atrophy from cranial nerve involvement is infrequent in CIDP, the positive response to treatment is encouraging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) incurs a huge individual, societal, and economic burden. Specific and selective targeting of hypoglossal motor neurons could be an effective means to treat OSA. Bioluminescent-optogenetics (BL-OG) is a novel genetic regulatory approach in which luminopsins, fusion proteins of light-generating luciferase and light-sensing ion channels, increase neuronal excitability when exposed to a suitable substrate. Here we develop and validate the feasibility of BL-OG for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Upon confirming that diet-induced obese mice represent an excellent SDB model, we employed a method of targeting the hypoglossal nucleus (12 N) by peripherally injecting retrogradely transported rAAV2/Retro. With AAV transduction, the eLMO3 protein is expressed in hypoglossal motor neurons (HMN); administration of CTZ results in production of bioluminescence that in turn activates the tethered channelrhodopsin, leading to an increase in the firing of HMN and a 2.7 ± 0.8-fold increase in phasic activity of the genioglossus muscle, a 7.6 ± 1.8-fold increase in tonic activity, and improvements in hypoventilation and apnea index without impacting sleep structure. This is therefore the first study to leverage the rAAV2/Retro vector to execute the BL-OG approach in SDB, which amplified genioglossus muscle discharge activity and increased airflow in mice after activation. This study marks the pioneering utilization of BL-OG in SDB research.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective:To investigate the factors and efficacy of different surgical techniques used in facial nerve(FN) reconstruction. Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on 24 patients who underwent facial nerve reconstruction surgery in our department from January 2016 to January 2021. The duration of total facial nerve paralysis was less than 18 months. The study included 5 surgical techniques, including 6 cases of FN anastomosis(Group A), 5 cases of FN grafting(sural nerve or great auricular nerve)(Group B), 5 cases of side-to-end facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis(Group C), 4 cases of side-to-end FN grafting(sural nerve or great auricular nerve) hypoglossal nerve anastomosis(Group D), and 4 cases of dual nerve reanimation(Group E). The postoperative follow-up period was ≥1 year. Results:The HB-Ⅲ level of FN function at 1 year after surgery was 83.3%(5/6) in group A, 60.0%(3/5) in group B, 40.0%(2/5) in group C, 25.0%(1/4) in group D, and 50.0%(2/4) in group E. In patients without multiple FN repair, the incidence of synkinesis was 15.0%(3/20), while no cases of synkinesis were observed in patients with dual nerve reanimation. The patients who underwent hypoglossal-facial side-to-end anastomosis showed no hypoglossal nerve dysfunction. Conclusion:Different FN repair techniques result in varying postoperative FN function recovery, as personalized repair should be managed. Among the various techniques, FN end-to-end anastomosis after FN transposition is recommended as to reduce the number of anastomotic stoma, while hypoglossal-facial side-to-end anastomosis is advocated as to prevent postoperative hypoglossal nerve dysfunction. Additionally, dual nerve repair can effectively improve smile symmetry and reduce synkinesis, which enhances patients\' quality.
    目的:探讨不同面神经重建方案的影响因素及其疗效,为面神经功能重建策略提供参考。 方法:回顾性分析2016年1月至2021年1月因面神经不可逆损伤,行面神经功能重建手术的24例患者,面神经全瘫时程均<18个月。面神经中枢端可利用的患者中,根据面神经缺失长度,行面神经吻合术6例(A组),行面神经移植术(腓肠神经或耳大神经)5例(B组);面神经中枢端无法利用时,行面神经-舌下神经桥接术(端-侧吻合)5例(C组),面神经移植术(腓肠神经或耳大神经)-舌下神经桥接术(端-侧吻合)4例(D组);联合修复术(面神经-咬肌神经桥接术联合上述方式之一)4例(E组)。术后随访时程≥1年。 结果:24例患者中,术后1年面神经功能HB-Ⅲ级的百分比分别是:A组83.3%(5/6),B组60.0%(3/5),C组40.0%(2/5),D组25.0%(1/4),E组50.0%(2/4)。非多重面神经修复患者,口眼联动发生率为15.0%(3/20),而进行面神经-咬肌神经桥接的多重面神经修复患者中无一例发生口眼联动,且微笑时口角偏斜不明显。所有面神经-舌下神经端侧吻合的患者,伸舌无偏斜,舌肌无萎缩。 结论:周围性面瘫的面神经功能重建方案多样,需根据中枢端能否利用及面神经缺损长度制定个性化修复方案。在单一修复方案中,为增加术后面神经功能疗效,应尽量减少神经的吻合口,提倡面神经转位吻合,同时为避免术后舌下神经功能障碍,提倡面神经-舌下神经端侧吻合。另外,多重面神经修复能够有效提高微笑时口角活动对称性,并降低口眼联动的发生率,对患者术后生活质量的提高具有较重要的意义。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A hypoglossal nerve stimulator (HGNS) is an invasive device that is used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) through electrical stimulation. The conventional implantable HGNS device consists of a stimuli generator, a breathing sensor, and electrodes connected to the hypoglossal nerve via leads. However, this implant is bulky and causes significant trauma. In this paper, we propose a minimally invasive HGNS based on an electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor and wireless power transfer (WPT), consisting of a wearable breathing monitor and an implantable stimulator. The breathing external monitor utilizes an ECG sensor to identify abnormal breathing patterns associated with OSA with 88.68% accuracy, achieved through the utilization of a convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm. With a skin thickness of 5 mm and a receiving coil diameter of 9 mm, the power conversion efficiency was measured as 31.8%. The implantable device, on the other hand, is composed of a front-end CMOS power management module (PMM), a binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK)-based data demodulator, and a bipolar biphasic current stimuli generator. The PMM, with a silicon area of 0.06 mm2 (excluding PADs), demonstrated a power conversion efficiency of 77.5% when operating at a receiving frequency of 2 MHz. Furthermore, it offers three-voltage options (1.2 V, 1.8 V, and 3.1 V). Within the data receiver component, a low-power BPSK demodulator was ingeniously incorporated, consuming only 42 μW when supplied with a voltage of 0.7 V. The performance was achieved through the implementation of the self-biased phase-locked-loop (PLL) technique. The stimuli generator delivers biphasic constant currents, providing a 5 bit programmable range spanning from 0 to 2.4 mA. The functionality of the proposed ECG- and WPT-based HGNS was validated, representing a highly promising solution for the effective management of OSA, all while minimizing the trauma and space requirements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to establish a delineation guideline for the contouring of the hypoglossal nerve by dividing the nerve into different segments, and to test the possibility of a radiation dose reduction to the hypoglossal nerve in NPC patients receiving radiotherapy. Twenty NPC patients were selected arbitrarily. The hypoglossal nerves were delineated using anatomic landmarks and divided into the cisternal, intracanalicular, carotid, and transverse segments. The tumor coverage by radiation and dose-volume parameters of the nerve with and without various dose constraints to the hypoglossal nerve were compared. The hypoglossal nerve, which is invisible on CT images, can be delineated accurately with the assistance of several anatomic landmarks. Without a dose constraint to the hypoglossal nerve, the carotid space, intracanalicular, and transverse segments had high radiation dose-volumes. The dose-volume to the nerve, however, can be reduced when the nerve was defined and a dose constraint was given. The delineation of the hypoglossal nerve with its different segments is feasible. The carotid space, intracanalicular, and transverse segments received the highest dose, where the nerve damage was most likely located. The dose to the nerve can be reduced to less than 70 Gy using the intensity-modulated radiotherapy technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide a precise description of the morphology and morphometry of the hypoglossal canal (HC) and its relationship with surrounding structures by using the epoxy sheet plastination technique.
    Thirty human cadaveric heads were plastinated into 5 sets of gross transparent plastination slices and 43 sets of ultrathin plastination sections. The HC were examined at both macro- and micro levels in these plastination sections and the reconstructed 3-dimensional visualization model.
    The HC was an upward arched bony canal with a dumbbell-shaped lumen. According to the arched trajectory of its bottom wall, the HC could be divided into a medial ascending segment and a lateral descending segment. The thickness of the compact bone in the middle part of the HC was thinner than that at the intracranial and extracranial orifices. In 14 of 43 sides (32.6%), the posterior wall or the roof of the HC were disturbed by passing venous channels which communicated the posterior condylar emissary vein and the inferior petroclival vein. The trajectory of hypoglossal nerve in HC is mainly from anterosuperior to posteroinferior. The meningeal dura and the arachnoid extended into the HC along the hypoglossal nerve to form the dural and arachnoid sleeves and then fused with the nerve near the extracranial orifice of the HC.
    Knowledge of the detailed anatomy of the HC can be helpful in avoiding surgical complications when performing surgery for lesions and the occipital condylar screw placement in this complex area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To establish a new method for fast exposure of the facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve during facial nerve anastomosis surgery.
    Dissection of 12 formalin-fixed cadaveric specimens was performed to explore the positional relationship between the posterior belly of digastric muscle (PBD) and the facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve. We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent facial nerve reconstruction surgery between 2015 and 2020 at Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the optimized surgical strategy based on the PBD was proposed.
    The trunk of the hypoglossal nerve runs across the external carotid artery after giving off the descendens hypoglossi located within the 1-cm scope deep to the junction of the tendon and belly of the PBD. The mean depth difference between the hypoglossal nerve and the junction of the tendon and belly of the PBD was 5.48 ± 2.24 mm (range, 1.88-9.27 mm). The stylomastoid foramen segment of the facial nerve was revealed after the parotid gland was dissected within the angle between the anterior margin of the mastoid tip and the inferior margin of the cartilage of the external acoustic meatus.
    The facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve can be rapidly identified using the PBD as an anatomical landmark. The end-to-end facial-descendens hypoglossi anastomosis is a reliable facial nerve reconstruction method for patients whose facial nerve was damaged during operation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    本文报道1例儿童外周型舌下神经鞘瘤(hypoglossal schwannoma,HS)。患儿男,13岁6个月,因“发现左侧颈部肿块5年余”就诊,行左侧颈部肿物切除+左侧颈部淋巴清扫术,术中见肿瘤形态符合神经鞘瘤,来源于舌下神经周围段,伴颈部淋巴结粘连,完整切除肿瘤并保留神经功能,术后仅有一过性舌根麻木表现。术后病理符合HS,伴淋巴结反应性增生。随访半年未见复发,患者预后良好。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the diagnostic value of the Yin-Yang tongue sign in patients with tongue deviation.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the presence of the Yin-Yang tongue sign on CT/MR, 107 patients with tongue deviation were divided into a positive group and a negative group. The involvement categories of the hypoglossal canal (HC) in the positive group were evaluated and classified as HC dilation and HC erosion. The correlations between HC involvement categories and the presence of the sign were analysed.
    UNASSIGNED: There were 55 cases (55/107, 51.4%) in the positive group and 52 cases (52/107, 48.6%) in the negative group. Hypoglossal nerve (HN) involvement mainly occurred in the skull base (61.8%), skull base and carotid space (10.9%), and carotid space segment (12.7%). Neurogenic (50.9%), squamous cell carcinoma (14.5%), and metastases (12.7%) were the predominant aetiologies. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of this sign for suggesting skull base lesions around HC were 72.4%, 80.8%, and 76.6%, respectively. In the positive group, HC dilation was seen in 21 patients (21/55, 38.2%) and 21 cases were all benign. HC erosion were noted in 19 patients (19/55, 34.5%), of whom 12 cases were malignant.
    UNASSIGNED: The Yin-Yang tongue sign is formed by unilateral tongue atrophy and fat infiltration caused by lesions in the HN pathway, especially compressive or invasive lesions involving the skull base segment.





