human fetus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To understand considerable variations in number of adult extensor ten-dons at the dorsal side of the wrist and hand.
    METHODS: We examined histological sections from 30 human fetuses of gestational age 7-39 weeks and crown-rump length 22-323 mm.
    RESULTS: At the carpal level, earlier or smaller fetuses showed a simpler configuration with fewer tendon slips, whereas later or larger fetuses had a greater number of tendon slips with considerable variations in number and topographical relationships. Tendon slips of the early extensor digitorum to the middle and ring fingers were always 1 or 2, but were seven or more at late term. A tendon of the extensor digitorum to the little fin-ger could not be distinguished from other tendons at the carpal bone level. At the meta-carpal bone level, however, it extended from the ring finger tendon toward two slips of the extensor digiti minimi tendon. At the distal carpal level at midterm and late term, in which the tendon sheath was lost, each of the extensor digitorum tendon slips further divided to provide a mediolateral linear cluster of thin bundles. This large number of tendon components joined and united together to provide a single tight tendon at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints. The extensor pollicis longs tendon usually lost a membranous septation when it crossed the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tendon slips in the fourth and fifth canals of the sheath were most likely to reduce in number after birth depending on the mechanical demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of human fetal cerebellum development during the late second trimester, a critical period for the generation of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and unipolar brush cells (UBCs), remains limited. Here, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) in human fetal cerebellum samples from gestational weeks (GWs) 18-25. We find that proliferating UBC progenitors distribute in the subventricular zone of the rhombic lip (RLSVZ) near white matter (WM), forming a layer structure. We also delineate two trajectories from astrogenic radial glia (ARGs) to Bergmann glial progenitors (BGPs) and recognize oligodendrogenic radial glia (ORGs) as one source of primitive oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (PriOPCs). Additionally, our scRNA-seq analysis of the trisomy 21 fetal cerebellum at this stage reveals abnormal upregulated genes in pathways such as the cell adhesion pathway and focal adhesion pathway, which potentially promote neuronal differentiation. Overall, our research provides valuable insights into normal and abnormal development of the human fetal cerebellum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human fetal sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is characterized by unequal development of the paired bones and delayed cavitation. Thus, during the long in utero period, the bony ilium becomes adjacent to the cartilaginous sacrum. This mor-phology may be analogous to that of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). We examined horizontal histological sections of 24 fetuses at 10-30 weeks and compared the timing and sequences of joint cartilage development, cavitation, and ossification of the ilium. We also examined histological sections of the TMJ and humeroradial joint, because these also contain a disk or disk-like structure. In the ilium, endochondral ossification started in the anterior side of the SIJ, extended posteriorly and reached the joint at 12 weeks GA, and then extended over the joint at 15 weeks GA. Likewise, the joint cartilage appeared at the anterior end of the future SIJ at 12 weeks GA, and extended along the bony ilium posteriorly to cover the entire SIJ at 26 weeks GA. The cavitation started at 15 weeks GA. Therefore, joint cartilage development seemed to follow the ossification of the ilium by extending along the SIJ, and cavitation then occurred. This sequence \"ossification, followed by joint cartilage formation, and then cavitation\" did not occur in the TMJ or humeroradial joint. The TMJ had a periosteum-like membrane that covered the joint surface, but the humeroradial joint did not. After muscle contraction starts, it is likely that the mechanical stress from the bony ilium induces development of joint cartilage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare fetal and adult morphologies of the orbital muscle (OM) and to describe the detailed topographical anatomy in adults.
    METHODS: Using unilateral orbits from 15 near-term fetuses and 21 elderly cadavers, semiserial horizontal or sagittal paraffin sections were prepared at intervals of 20-100 µm. In addition to routine histology, we performed immunohistochemistry for smooth muscle actin.
    RESULTS: At near term, the OM consistently extended widely from the zygomatic bone or the greater wing of the sphenoid to the maxilla or ethmoid. Thus, it was a large sheet covering the future inferior orbital fissure. In contrast, the adult OM was a thin and small muscle bundle connecting (1) the greater wing of the sphenoid to the maxilla (11/19 cadavers), (2) the lesser wing of the sphenoid to the maxilla (5/19) or the greater wing (3/19). The small OM was likely to be restricted within the greater wing (5/19 cadavers) or the maxilla (3/19). Two of these five types of OM coexisted in eight orbits. OM attachment to the lesser wing was not seen in fetuses, whereas ethmoid attachment was absent in adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: The lesser wing attachment of the OM seemed to establish after birth. A growing common origin of the three recti was likely involved in \"stealing\" the near-term OM attachment from the ethmoid. The strong immunoreactivity of remnant-like OM in the elderly suggests that OM contraction is still likely to occur against the increased flow through a thin vein. However, the contraction might have no clinical significance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide better understanding of frequent variations of the inferior oblique (IO) of adult extraocular muscles, we observed sagittal and horizontal histological sections of the eye and orbits from 32 fetuses (approximately 7-34 weeks of gestational age; 24-295 mm of crown-rump length). In early fetuses (7-8 weeks), the IO was restricted at an antero-infero-medial angle of the future orbit. In contrast to extraocular recti, the IO appeared to extend along the mediolateral axis and had no definite tendon. At midterm, the IO tendon became evident. Sometimes, the IO muscle belly attached to the inferior rectus or, the IO tendon divided into two laminae to enclose the lateral rectus. At late-term, a multilayered sheath was evident around the sclera and, via one or some of the fascial layers, the IO was communicated with a fascia enclosing the inferior rectus. At midterm and late-term, the IO originated not only from the maxilla near the orbicularis oculi origin but also from a vein-rich fibrous tissue around the lacrimal sac. Both origins were muscular without intermittent tendon or ligament. Therefore, the fascial connection as well as a direct contact between the IO and the inferior or lateral rectus seemed to provide variant muscular bridges as reported in adults. Moreover, the two attachment sites at the origin seemed to provide double muscle bellies of the adult IO. Consequently, the present specimens contained seeds of any types of adult variations. The muscle fibers from the lacrimal sac might play a role for the lacrimal drainage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies of midterm fetuses indicated that a cartilaginous fabella appeared to be embedded in the plantaris (PL), and was fused with the gastrocnemius lateral head (GL). We re-examined the topographical anatomy of the fabella or its analogue (a tight fibrous mass) originating in the GL and/or PL by evaluating histological sections of the unilateral knees of 15 late-term fetuses. Regardless of whether the cartilaginous fabella was present (6 fetuses) or absent (9 fetuses), the origins of the PL and GL muscles each had three parts. In each fetus, the fabella or its analogue was embedded in a thick common tendinous origin of the GL and PL. PL1 (whose origin is similar to that of the adult PL) originated from the femoral condyle immediately above the common tendon; PL2 originated from the posteromedial aspect of the fabella or its analogue; and PL3 originated from the inferior aspect of the fabella or its analogue. The muscle fibers of PL1, PL2, and PL3 joined to provide a thick plantaris. GL1 (which is adjacent to PL2) originated from the common tendon in the superior side of the fabella or its analogue and GL2 originated from the inferior side of the fabella or its analogue. GL1 and GL2 joined to provide a thick bundle, whereas GL3 (located far below the fabella or its analogue) originated from the posterior surface aponeurosis. Therefore, drastic reconstruction at these muscle origins was necessary during development. Due to the strong mechanical stress from the GL and the space-occupying effect of the muscle, we hypothesize that PL2 and PL3 are degraded or absorbed into the GL1 and GL2 during the postnatal period, so that the remaining PL1 was likely the remaining PL in adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We compared the cross-sectional areas of the duodenum to the distal small intestine during early gestation to determine if there is a difference in age for recanalization.
    UNASSIGNED: Serial sagittal sections of six fetuses of gestational age (GA) 8-10 weeks were examined morphologically to compare the degree of recanalization of the duodenum with to the more distal small intestine.
    UNASSIGNED: At GA 8-9 weeks, the duodenum had more epithelial plugs and vacuoles with no or narrower spaces compared to the distal small bowel. Quantitative assessment at GA 10 weeks showed that the cross-sectional area of the duodenal cavity was significantly less than the distal small bowel.
    UNASSIGNED: The development and recanalization of vacuoles in the duodenum occurs later than the jejunum and ileum may be involved in the more frequent development of atresia/stenosis of the duodenum compared to more distal gastrointestinal tract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The three-layered thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) encapsulates the erector spinae and the quadratus lumborum and has been a major concern for physical therapists. However, knowledge of its prenatal development and growth is limited.
    METHODS: Histological examination of 25 embryos and fetuses at 6-37 weeks (CRLs, 15-310 mm).
    RESULTS: At the posterior end, the abdominal muscles continued toward an initial posterior layer of the TLF (pTLF) at 6 weeks, but the connection became narrow and limited to the obliquus externus aponeurosis until near term. The middle layer of the TLF (mTLF) appeared as a posterior continuation of the transversalis fascia at 9 weeks and, depending on a mechanical demand for the vertebral column extension near term, it grew as a thick intermuscular septum between the iliocostalis and quadratus lumborum. Thus, the mTLF lateral end changed from the abdominal wall to the back or pTLF. The serratus posterior inferior originated from the pTLF after 9 weeks, but a connection of the latissimus dorsi with the fascia was established much later. Near term, the gluteus maximus was attached to an aponeurosis covering the multifidus behind the sacrum. Therefore, the pTLF extended to cover the gluteal muscles.
    CONCLUSIONS: We rejected the hypothesis that the mTLF develops as a marginal tissue between the primitive epaxial and hypaxial muscles. This study seemed to be the first report showing a fact that, within prenatal life, a drastic change is likely to occur in interfascial connections and their topographical relation to muscles; the TLF might be the best sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In spite of the amount of research on fetal development of the human middle ear and ear ossicles, there has been no report showing a joint between the short limb of incus and the otic capsule or petrous part of the temporal bone. According to observations of serial histological sections from 65 embryos and fetuses at 7-17 weeks of development, the incudopetrosal joint exhibited a developmental sequence similar to the other joints of ossicles, with an appearance of an interzone followed by a trilaminar configuration at 7-12 weeks, a joint cavitation at 13-15 weeks and development of intraarticular and capsular ligaments at 16-17 weeks. These processes occurred at the same time or slightly later than any other joint. Thus, the joint development might coordinate with vibrating ossicles in utero. The growing short limb of incus appeared to accelerate an expansion of the epitympanic recess of the tympanic cavity. Additional observations of five late-stage fetuses demonstrated the incudopetrosal joint located in the fossa incudis joint changing to syndesmosis. Consequently, a real joint with a cavity existed transiently between the human neurocranium and the first pharyngeal arch derivative (i.e. incus) in contrast to the tympanostapedial joint or syndesmosis between the neurocranium and the second arch derivative. The newly described joint might have an effect on the widely accepted primary jaw concept: the mammalian jaw should thus have been created within the first pharyngeal arch, although the connection with neurocranium by the stapes is of a different origin.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anatomical position of the vermiform appendix varies among adults, and these variations are responsible for differences in the symptoms of appendicitis. However, to date no study has examined how and when these variations occur during fetal development. The present study examined horizontal sections of 27 midterm fetuses (crown rump length [CRL] 38-97 mm, gestational age approximately 8-15 weeks). There were 10 fetuses (CRL 56 mm or more) in which the cecum and appendix were in a posterosuperior site near the right kidney (postmigration phase), and 12 fetuses (CRL 39-72 mm) in which the ileocecal junction and appendix remained on the visceral surface of the liver in the anterior or anterolateral abdominal cavity (migration phase, after physiological umbilical herniation). Analysis of the 12 fetuses in the migration phase indicated that the appendix extended inferiorly in eight fetuses and superiorly in four fetuses. Likewise, a \"preileal\" appendix (a morphology in which the distal part of the appendix was in front of the terminal ileum) was present in eight of these fetuses. Extension of the appendix superiorly or inferiorly during the migration phase seems unrelated to the topographical relationship of the appendix with the terminal ileum at the postmigration phase in fetuses and in adults. Conversely, it seems likely that a retroileal appendix leads to a coiled appendix behind the ileocecal junction. \"Guidance\" by the liver surface seemed to be important for posterior migration, which ended with the ascent of the liver. Clin. Anat., 33:667-677, 2020. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.





