genetically modified organisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With their ability to rapidly increase in frequency, gene drives can be used to modify or suppress target populations after an initial release of drive individuals. Recent advances have revealed many possibilities for different types of drives, and several of these have been realized in experiments. These drives have advantages and disadvantages related to their ease of construction, confinement and capacity to be used for modification or suppression. Though characteristics of these drives have been explored in modelling studies, assessment in continuous space environments has been limited, often focusing on outcomes rather than fundamental properties. Here, we conduct a comparative analysis of many different gene drive types that have the capacity to form a wave of advance in continuous space using individual-based simulations in continuous space. We evaluate the drive wave speed as a function of drive performance and ecological parameters, which reveals substantial differences between drive performance in panmictic versus spatial environments. In particular, we find that suppression drive waves are uniquely vulnerable to fitness costs and undesired CRISPR cleavage activity in embryos by maternal deposition. Some drives, however, retain robust performance even with widely varying efficiency parameters. To gain a better understanding of drive waves, we compare their panmictic performance and find that the rate of wild-type allele removal is correlated with drive wave speed, though this is also affected by other factors. Overall, our results provide a useful resource for understanding the performance of drives in spatially continuous environments, which may be most representative of potential drive deployment in many relevant scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene editing tools have become an indispensable part of research into the fundamental aspects of cell biology. With a vast body of literature having been generated based on next generation sequencing technologies, keeping track of this ever-growing body of information remains challenging. This necessitates the translation of genomic data into tangible applications. In order to address this objective, the generated Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data forms the basis for targeted genome editing strategies, employing known enzymes of various cellular machinery, in generating organisms with specifically selected phenotypes. This review focuses primarily on CRISPR/Cas9 technology in the context of its advantages over Zinc finger proteins (ZNF) and Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and meganucleases mutagenesis strategies, for use in agricultural and veterinary applications. This review will describe the application of CRISPR/Cas9 in creating modified organisms with custom-made properties, without the undesired non-targeted effects associated with virus vector vaccines and bioactive molecules produced in bacterial systems. Examples of the successful and unsuccessful applications of this technology to plants, animals and microorganisms are provided, as well as an in-depth look into possible future trends and applications in vaccine development, disease resistance and enhanced phenotypic traits will be discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People who received a more personally relevant message were motivated to pay closer attention to the information and actively process it, which ultimately may stimulate behavioral changes. Therefore, preferred information content has been used in many disciplines to promote effective communication. However, no study has explored the impact of preferred information formats (e.g., word, infographic, and video) concerning food production. With the increasing application of biotechnology to food production, a complex topic to communicate, and evidence that consumers were willing to pay less for bioengineered foods, efficient communication was important to impact consumer preferences. The results of this study showed that consumers mostly preferred information format is writing. Providing information in video format did improve consumers\' trust in information about food biotechnology. However, receiving information in consumers\' preferred formats did not significantly change consumers\' WTP for genetically engineered orange juice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the post-translational modifications of targeted proteins is of great significance for manipulating the physiological processes of eukaryotes. Chemical biology tools have been used to investigate the biological roles of those post-translational modifications at particular sites, especially genetic code expansion technology, which can also be combined with the concept of synthetic biology to generate a genetically modified organism with a synthetic auxotroph for co-translational modification components. In this concept, we will introduce applications, limitations, and perspectives of genetic code expansion technology for studying post-translational modification based on recent progresses. Future perspectives of genetically modified organisms also will be discussed in regard to the application of post-translational modification research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To ensure safe use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), since 1993, China has made great efforts to establish and improve the safety regulatory system for GMOs. Here, we summarize and analyze the regulatory framework of agricultural GMOs, and the progress in regulatory approval of GM crops in China. In general, the development of GMO safety regulations underwent four stages: exploration (1993-2000), development (2001-2010), improvement (2011-2020) and current (2021-present) stage. The first formal regulation was promulgated in 1993, which provided a basis for further development of the regulations, during the exploration stage, when insect-resistant GM cotton, expressing genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), was approved for cultivation. During the development stage, the Chinese government issued a series of administrative measures, which covered almost all the fields relative to GMO safety when the basic regulatory system was established. Along with the controversy over GMO safety, the regulations have been further, and greatly improved, during improvement stage. From 2021, a few additional revisions have been made, and meanwhile, the new regulation on gene-edited crops was introduced with the development of biotechnology, forming a relative complete regulation and law system for China. The well-developed GMO regulations establishes a firm basis for safe use of GM crops in China. Currently, GM cotton and GM papaya have been widely grown on a large scale in China that have brought great economic and ecological benefits. In addition, 12 corn events, 3 soybean events, and 2 rice events have also obtained biosafety certification, but presently, these lines have yet to enter commercial production. However, several GM soybean and corn events have entered pilot industrialization, and can soon be expected to be commercially grown in China. In addition to planting, six GM crops, including soybean, corn, cotton, canola, papaya and sugar beet, with a total of 64 events, have been approved for import as processing material in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to provide more evidence for the evaluation of the ecological risks of transgenic maize, arthropod population dynamics and biodiversity in fields planted with two kinds of transgenic maize (DBN9868, expressing the PAT and EPSPS genes, and DBN9936, expressing the Cry1Ab and EPSPS gene) were investigated by direct observation and trapping for three years. The recorded arthropod species belonged to 19 orders and 87 families, including Aphidoidea, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae and Araneae. The species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, dominance index and community similarity index of arthropod communities in maize fields were statistically analyzed, and the results showed that (1) the biodiversity difference of arthropod communities between transgenic maize and non-transgenic maize was smaller than that between different conventional cultivars; (2) the differences between ground-dwelling arthropod communities were less obvious than those between plant-inhabiting arthropod communities; and (3) Lepidoptera, the target pests of Bt maize, were not the dominant population in maize fields, and the dominant arthropod population in maize fields varied greatly between years and months. Combining those results, we concluded that the transgenic maize DBN9868 and DBN9936 had no significant effect on the arthropod communities in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrochemical polymerase chain reaction (PCR) represents a valid alternative to the optical-based PCR due to reduced costs of signaling labels, use of simpler instrumentation, and possibility of miniaturization and portability of the systems, which can facilitate decentralized detection. The high intrinsic electroactivity and strong linear relationship between the material concentration and its redox signal suggest a possible use of oxidized nanocarbon materials as electroactive tags for PCR. Herein, we compared three different nanographene oxide materials namely nGO-1, nGO-2 and nGO-3 as signaling tags for the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMO) by electrochemical PCR. The three materials differ in size, chemical composition as well as type and amount of oxygen functionalities verified by extensive characterization with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrochemical methods. A sense primer sequence belonging to the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter (a common genetic marker for GMO screening) was used to conjugate to the nanocarbon materials by carbodiimide chemistry before PCR amplification with a biotinylated antisense strand. Finally, the amplified electroactive PCR product was detected, where the reduction signal derived from the electrochemically reducible oxygenated functionalities on the nanocarbon material surface was directly correlated to the presence of GMO. Overall, we were able to correlate the different material characteristics with their performance as electroactive labels and identify the nanocarbon material that exhibits the highest potential to be used as innovative electroactive label for PCR in the amplification and detection of the selected target sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Material from genetically engineered maize producing insecticidal Cry proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) may enter aquatic ecosystems and expose nontarget organisms. We investigated the effects on life table parameters of the midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae) of SmartStax maize leaves, which contain six different Cry proteins targeting Lepidoptera and Coleoptera pests, in two plant backgrounds. For midge development and emergence, 95% confidence intervals for the means of six conventional maize lines (Rheintaler, Tasty Sweet, ES-Eurojet, Planoxx, EXP 258, and EXP 262), were used to capture the natural range of variation. For reproduction, lowest and highest means were used. The natural range of variation allows one to judge whether observed effects between Bt maize and the closest non-Bt comparator are likely to be of biological relevance. No adverse effects on C. riparius were observed with any Bt maize line compared with the respective non-Bt counterpart. Development time was shorter when females were fed Bt maize than when they were fed non-Bt maize, but this effect was not considered adverse. Development time, emergence ratio, sex ratio, and larvae/egg rope measured for Bt maize were within the natural range of variation. Fecundity for the Bt lines was equal to or higher than that for the conventional lines. Future risk assessment studies may consider plant background effects and the natural range of variation to judge the relevance of observed differences between particular genetically engineered and non-genetically engineered plants. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;41:1078-1088. © 2022 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular characterization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) yields basic information on exogenous DNA integration, including integration sites, entire inserted sequences and structures, flanking sequences and copy number, providing key data for biosafety assessment. However, there are few effective methods for deciphering transgene integration, especially for large DNA fragment integration with complex rearrangement, inversion and tandem repeats. Herein, we developed a universal Large Integrated DNA Fragments Enrichment strategy combined with PacBio Sequencing (LIFE-Seq) for deciphering transgene integration in GMOs. Universal tilling DNA probes targeting transgenic elements and exogenous genes facilitate specific enrichment of large inserted DNA fragments associated with transgenes from plant genomes, followed by PacBio sequencing. LIFE-Seq were evaluated using six GM events and four crop species. Target DNA fragments averaging ~6275 bp were enriched and sequenced, generating ~26 352 high fidelity reads for each sample. Transgene integration structures were determined with high repeatability and sensitivity. Compared with next-generation whole-genome sequencing, LIFE-Seq achieved better data integrity and accuracy, greater universality and lower cost, especially for transgenic crops with complex inserted DNA structures. LIFE-Seq could be applied in molecular characterization of transgenic crops and animals, and complex DNA structure analysis in genetics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), soil health is declining over the decades and it has an adverse impact on human health as well as food security. Hence, soil health restoration is a need of the hour. It is known that microorganisms play a vital role in remediation of soil pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides, hydrocarbons etc. However, the indigenous microbes have a limited capacity to degrade these pollutants and it will be a slow process. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) can catalyse the degradation process as their altered metabolic pathways lead to hyper secretions of various biomolecules that favours the bioremediation process. This review provides an overview on the application of bioengineered microorganisms for the restoration of soil health by degradation of various pollutants. It also sheds light on the challenges of using GMOs in environmental application as their introduction may affect the normal microbial community in soil. Since, soil health also refers to the potential for native organisms to survive; the possible changes in native microbial community with the introduction of GMOs are also discussed. Finally, the future prospects of using bioengineered microorganisms in the environmental engineering applications to make the soil fertile and healthy has been deciphered. With the alarming rates of soil health loss, the treatment of soil and soil health restoration needs to fastened to a greater pace and the combinatorial efforts unifying GMOs, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and other soil amendments will provide an effective solution to soil heath restoration ten years ahead.





