fission yeast

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CYP2A7 is one of the most understudied human cytochrome P450 enzymes and its contributions to either drug metabolism or endogenous biosynthesis pathways are not understood, as its only known enzymatic activities are the conversions of two proluciferin probe substrates. In addition, the CYP2A7 gene contains four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that cause missense mutations and have minor allele frequencies (MAFs) above 0.5. This means that the resulting amino acid changes occur in the majority of humans. In a previous study, we employed the reference standard sequence (called CYP2A7*1 in P450 nomenclature). For the present study, we created another CYP2A7 sequence that contains all four amino acid changes (Cys311, Glu169, Gly479, and Arg274) and labeled it CYP2A7-WT. Thus, it was the aim of this study to identify new substrates and inhibitors of CYP2A7 and to compare the properties of CYP2A7-WT with CYP2A7*1. We found several new proluciferin probe substrates for both enzyme variants (we also performed in silico studies to understand the activity difference between CYP2A7-WT and CYP2A7*1 on specific substrates), and we show that while they do not act on the standard CYP2A6 substrates nicotine, coumarin, or 7-ethoxycoumarin, both can hydroxylate diclofenac (as can CYP2A6). Moreover, we found ketoconazole, 1-benzylimidazole, and letrozole to be CYP2A7 inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methyltestosterone (MT) is one of the most frequently misused anabolic androgenic steroids detected in doping control analysis. The metabolism of MT in humans leads to several phase І metabolites and their corresponding phase Ⅱ conjugates. Previous studies have postulated the 3α-sulfoconjugate of 17α-methyl-5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (S2) as principal sulfate metabolite of MT, with a detection window exceeding 10 days. However, a final direct and unambiguous confirmation of the structure of this metabolite is missing until now. In this study, we established an approach to detect and identify S2, using intact analysis by liquid chromatography hyphenated with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) without complex sample pretreatment. An in vitro study yielded the LC-MS/MS reference retention times of all 3-sulfated 17-methylandrostane-3,17-diol diastereomers, allowing for accurate structure assignment of potentially detected metabolites. In an in vivo excretion study with a single healthy male volunteer, the presence of the metabolite S2 was confirmed after a single oral dose of 10 mg MT. The reference standard was chemically synthesized, characterized by accurate mass mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and quantified by quantitative NMR (qNMR). Thus, this study finally provides accurate structure information on the S2 metabolite and a direct analytical method for detection of MT misuse. The availability of the reference material is expected to facilitate further evaluation and subsequent analytical method validation in anti-doping research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin-based epigenetic memory relies on the accurate distribution of parental histone H3-H4 tetramers to newly replicated DNA strands. Mcm2, a subunit of the replicative helicase, and Dpb3/4, subunits of DNA polymerase ε, govern parental histone H3-H4 deposition to the lagging and leading strands, respectively. However, their contribution to epigenetic inheritance remains controversial. Here, using fission yeast heterochromatin inheritance systems that eliminate interference from initiation pathways, we show that a Mcm2 histone binding mutation severely disrupts heterochromatin inheritance, while mutations in Dpb3/4 cause only moderate defects. Surprisingly, simultaneous mutations of Mcm2 and Dpb3/4 stabilize heterochromatin inheritance. eSPAN (enrichment and sequencing of protein-associated nascent DNA) analyses confirmed the conservation of Mcm2 and Dpb3/4 functions in parental histone H3-H4 segregation, with their combined absence showing a more symmetric distribution of parental histone H3-H4 than either single mutation alone. Furthermore, the FACT histone chaperone regulates parental histone transfer to both strands and collaborates with Mcm2 and Dpb3/4 to maintain parental histone H3-H4 density and faithful heterochromatin inheritance. These results underscore the importance of both symmetric distribution of parental histones and their density at daughter strands for epigenetic inheritance and unveil distinctive properties of parental histone chaperones during DNA replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of microbe cells spend the majority of their times in quiescence due to unfavorable environmental conditions. The study of this dominant state is crucial for understanding the basic cell physiology. Retained recovery ability is a critical property of quiescent cells, which consists of two features: how long the cells can survive (the survivability) and how fast they can recover (the recovery activity). While the survivability has been extensively studied under the background of chronological aging, how the recovery activity depends on the quiescent time and what factors influence its dynamics have not been addressed quantitatively. In this work, we systematically quantified both the survivability and the recovery activity of long-lived quiescent fission yeast cells at the single cell level under various nutrient conditions. It provides the most profound evolutionary dynamics of quiescent cell regeneration ability described to date. We found that the single cell recovery time linearly increased with the starvation time before the survivability significantly declined. This linearity was robust under various nutrient conditions and the recovery speed was predetermined by the initial nutrient condition. Transcriptome profiling further revealed that quiescence states under different nutrient conditions evolve in a common trajectory but with different speed. Our results demonstrated that cellular quiescence has a continuous spectrum of depths and its physiology is greatly influenced by environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic cells are constantly exposed to various environmental stimuli. It remains largely unexplored how environmental cues bring about epigenetic fluctuations and affect heterochromatin stability. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, heterochromatic silencing is quite stable at pericentromeres but unstable at the mating-type (mat) locus under chronic heat stress, although both loci are within the major constitutive heterochromatin regions. Here, we found that the compromised gene silencing at the mat locus at elevated temperature is linked to the phosphorylation status of Atf1, a member of the ATF/CREB superfamily. Constitutive activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling disrupts epigenetic maintenance of heterochromatin at the mat locus even under normal temperature. Mechanistically, phosphorylation of Atf1 impairs its interaction with heterochromatin protein Swi6HP1, resulting in lower site-specific Swi6HP1 enrichment. Expression of non-phosphorylatable Atf1, tethering Swi6HP1 to the mat3M-flanking site or absence of the anti-silencing factor Epe1 can largely or partially rescue heat stress-induced defective heterochromatic maintenance at the mat locus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Standardized nomenclature for genes, gene products, and isoforms is crucial to prevent ambiguity and enable clear communication of scientific data, facilitating efficient biocuration and data sharing. Standardized genotype nomenclature, which describes alleles present in a specific strain that differ from those in the wild-type reference strain, is equally essential to maximize research impact and ensure that results linking genotypes to phenotypes are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). In this publication, we extend the fission yeast clade gene nomenclature guidelines to support the curation efforts at PomBase (, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Model Organism Database. This update introduces nomenclature guidelines for noncoding RNA genes, following those set forth by the Human Genome Organisation Gene Nomenclature Committee. Additionally, we provide a significant update to the allele and genotype nomenclature guidelines originally published in 1987, to standardize the diverse range of genetic modifications enabled by the fission yeast genetic toolbox. These updated guidelines reflect a community consensus between numerous fission yeast researchers. Adoption of these rules will improve consistency in gene and genotype nomenclature, and facilitate machine-readability and automated entity recognition of fission yeast genes and alleles in publications or datasets. In conclusion, our updated guidelines provide a valuable resource for the fission yeast research community, promoting consistency, clarity, and FAIRness in genetic data sharing and interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CRISPR-Cas13d system has a single small effector protein that targets RNA and does not require the presence of a protospacer flanking site in the targeted transcript. These features make CRISPR-Cas13d an attractive system for RNA manipulation. Here, we report the successful implementation of the CRISPR-Cas13d system in fission yeast for RNA knockdown. A high effectiveness of the CRISPR-Cas13d system was ensured by using an array of CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) that are flanked by two self-cleaving ribozymes and are expressed from an RNA polymerase II promoter. Given the repressible nature of the promoter, RNA knockdown by the CRISPR-Cas13d system is reversible. Moreover, using the CRISPR-Cas13d system, we identified an effective crRNA array targeting the transcript of gfp and the effectiveness was demonstrated by successful knockdown of the transcripts of noc4-gfp, bub1-gfp and ade6-gfp. In principle, the effective GFP crRNA array allows knockdown of any transcript carrying the GFP sequences. This new CRISPR-Cas13d-based toolkit is expected to have a wide range of applications in many aspects of biology, including dissection of gene function and visualization of RNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fission yeasts are an ancient group of fungal species that diverged from each other from tens to hundreds of million years ago. Among them is the preeminent model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which has significantly contributed to our understandings of molecular mechanisms underlying fundamental cellular processes. The availability of the genomes of S. pombe and 3 other fission yeast species S. japonicus, S. octosporus, and S. cryophilus has enabled cross-species comparisons that provide insights into the evolution of genes, pathways, and genomes. Here, we performed genome sequencing on the type strain of the recently identified fission yeast species S. osmophilus and obtained a complete mitochondrial genome and a nuclear genome assembly with gaps only at rRNA gene arrays. A total of 5,098 protein-coding nuclear genes were annotated and orthologs for more than 95% of them were identified. Genome-based phylogenetic analysis showed that S. osmophilus is most closely related to S. octosporus and these 2 species diverged around 16 million years ago. To demonstrate the utility of this S. osmophilus reference genome, we conducted cross-species comparative analyses of centromeres, telomeres, transposons, the mating-type region, Cbp1 family proteins, and mitochondrial genomes. These analyses revealed conservation of repeat arrangements and sequence motifs in centromere cores, identified telomeric sequences composed of 2 types of repeats, delineated relationships among Tf1/sushi group retrotransposons, characterized the evolutionary origins and trajectories of Cbp1 family domesticated transposases, and discovered signs of interspecific transfer of 2 types of mitochondrial selfish elements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal nanoparticles, especially silver, have been used in various medical scenarios, due to their excellent antimicrobial effects. Recent studies have shown that AgNPs do not exert mutagenic effects on target bacteria, but the degree to which they compromise eukaryotic genomes remains unclear. To study this, we evaluated the mutagenic effects of AgNPs on the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ATCC-16979, of which ∼23% genes are homologous to human ones, at single-nucleotide resolution, and whole-genome scale by running 283 mutation accumulation lines for ∼260,000 cell divisions in total. We also explored the action and mutagenesis mechanisms using differential gene-expression analysis based on RNAseq. Upon AgNPs treatment, the genomic base-substitution mutation rate of S. pombe at four-fold degenerate sites increased by 3.46×, and small indels were prone to occur in genomic regions that are not simple sequence repeats. The G:C → T:A transversion rate was also significantly increased, likely mostly from oxidative damage. Thus, in addition to their antimicrobial potency, AgNPs might pose slight genotoxicity threats to eukaryotic and possibly human genomes, though at a low magnitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) are one of the most important classes of oxidative enzymes in the human body, carrying out metabolism of various exogenous and endogenous substrates. In order to expand the knowledge of these enzymes\' specificity and to obtain new natural product derivatives, CYP4F11, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, was used in the biotransformation of dialkylresorcinols 1 and 2, a pair of antibiotic microbial natural products. This investigation resulted in four biotransformation products including two oxidative products: a hydroxylated derivative (3) and a carboxylic acid derivative (4). In addition, acetylated (5) and esterified products (6) were isolated, formed by further metabolism by endogenous yeast enzymes. Oxidative transformations were highly regioselective, and took place exclusively at the ω-position of the C-5 alkyl chain. Homology modeling studies revealed that optimal hydrogen bonding between 2 and the enzyme can only be established with the C-5 alkyl chain pointing towards the heme. The closely-related CYP4F12 was not capable of oxidizing the dialkylresorcinol 2. Modeling experiments rationalize these differences by the different shapes of the binding pockets with respect to the non-oxidized alkyl chain. Antimicrobial testing indicated that the presence of polar groups on the side-chains reduces the antibiotic activity of the dialkylresorcinols.





