collective motion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turbulent flows are observed in low-Reynolds active fluids, which display similar phenomenology to the classical inertial turbulence but are of a different nature. Understanding the dependence of this new type of turbulence on dimensionality is a fundamental challenge in non-equilibrium physics. Real-space structures and kinetic energy spectra of bacterial turbulence are experimentally measured from two to three dimensions. The turbulence shows three regimes separated by two critical confinement heights, resulting from the competition of bacterial length, vortex size and confinement height. Meanwhile, the kinetic energy spectra display distinct universal scaling laws in quasi-2D and 3D regimes, independent of bacterial activity, length, and confinement height, whereas scaling exponents transition in two steps around the critical heights. The scaling behaviors are well captured by the hydrodynamic model we develop, which employs image systems to represent the effects of confining boundaries. The study suggests a framework for investigating the effect of dimensionality on non-equilibrium self-organized systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular collective motion in confluent epithelial monolayers is involved in many processes such as embryo development, carcinoma invasion, and wound healing. The development of new chemical strategies to achieve large-scale control of cells\' collective motion is essential for biomedical applications. Here a series of DNA nanostructures with different dimensions were synthesized and their influences on cells\' collective migration and packing behaviors in epithelial monolayers were investigated. We found that the framed DNA nanoassemblies effectively reduced the cells\' speed by increasing the rigidity of cells, while the lipid-DNA micelles had a more pronounced effect on cells\' projection area and shape factor. These DNA nanostructures all significantly enhanced the dependence of cells\' speed on their shape factor. Our results indicate that cells\' mobility in monolayers can be manipulated by chemical intercellular interactions without any genetic intervention. This may provide a new chemical strategy for tissue engineering and tumor therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of group motion is common in nature, ranging from the schools of fish, birds and insects, to avalanches, landslides and sand drift. If we treat objects as collectively moving particles, such phenomena can be studied from a physical point of view, and the research on many-body systems has proved that marvelous effects can arise from the simplest individuals. The motion of numerous individuals presents different dynamic phases related to the ordering of the system. However, it is usually difficult to study the dynamic ordering and its transitions through experiments. Electron bubble states formed in a two-dimensional electron gas, as a type of electron solids, can be driven by an external electric field and provide a platform to study the dynamic collective behaviors. Here, we demonstrate that the noise spectrum is a powerful method to investigate the dynamics of bubble states. We observed not only the phenomena of dynamically ordered and disordered structures, but also unexpected alternations between them. Our results show that a dissipative system can convert between chaotic structures and ordered structures when tuning global parameters, which is concealed in conventional transport measurements of resistance or conductance. Moreover, charging the objects to study the electrical noise spectrum in collective motions can be an additional approach to revealing dynamic ordering transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The forefront of micro- and nanorobot research involves the development of smart swimming micromachines emulating the complexity of natural systems, such as the swarming and collective behaviors typically observed in animals and microorganisms, for efficient task execution. This study introduces magnetically controlled microrobots that possess polymeric sequestrant \"hands\" decorating a magnetic core. Under the influence of external magnetic fields, the functionalized magnetic beads dynamically self-assemble from individual microparticles into well-defined rotating planes of diverse dimensions, allowing modulation of their propulsion speed, and exhibiting a collective motion. These mobile microrobotic swarms can actively capture free-swimming bacteria and dispersed microplastics \"on-the-fly\", thereby cleaning aquatic environments. Unlike conventional methods, these microrobots can be collected from the complex media and can release the captured contaminants in a second vessel in a controllable manner, that is, using ultrasound, offering a sustainable solution for repeated use in decontamination processes. Additionally, the residual water is subjected to UV irradiation to eliminate any remaining bacteria, providing a comprehensive cleaning solution. In summary, this study shows a swarming microrobot design for water decontamination processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Earth\'s inner core is predominantly composed of solid iron (Fe) and displays intriguing properties such as strong shear softening and an ultrahigh Poisson\'s ratio. Insofar, physical mechanisms to explain these features coherently remain highly debated. Here, we have studied longitudinal and shear wave velocities of hcp-Fe (hexagonal close-packed iron) at relevant pressure-temperature conditions of the inner core using in situ shock experiments and machine learning molecular dynamics (MLMD) simulations. Our results demonstrate that the shear wave velocity of hcp-Fe along the Hugoniot in the premelting condition, defined as T/Tm (Tm: melting temperature of iron) above 0.96, is significantly reduced by ~30%, while Poisson\'s ratio jumps to approximately 0.44. MLMD simulations at 230 to 330 GPa indicate that collective motion with fast diffusive atomic migration occurs in premelting hcp-Fe primarily along [100] or [010] crystallographic direction, contributing to its elastic softening and enhanced Poisson\'s ratio. Our study reveals that hcp-Fe atoms can diffusively migrate to neighboring positions, forming open-loop and close-loop clusters in the inner core conditions. Hcp-Fe with collective motion at the inner core conditions is thus not an ideal solid previously believed. The premelting hcp-Fe with collective motion behaves like an extremely soft solid with an ultralow shear modulus and an ultrahigh Poisson\'s ratio that are consistent with seismic observations of the region. Our findings indicate that premelting hcp-Fe with fast diffusive motion represents the underlying physical mechanism to help explain the unique seismic and geodynamic features of the inner core.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coordinated behaviors of epithelial cells are widely observed in tissue development, such as re-epithelialization, tumor growth, and morphogenesis. In these processes, cells either migrate collectively or organize themselves into specific structures to serve certain purposes. In this work, we study a spreading epithelial monolayer whose migrating front encloses a circular gap in the monolayer center. Such tissue is usually used to mimic the wound healing process in vitro. We model the epithelial sheet as a layer of active viscous polar fluid. With an axisymmetric assumption, the model can be analytically solved under two special conditions, suggesting two possible spreading modes for the epithelial monolayer. Based on these two sets of analytical solutions, we assess the velocity of the spreading front affected by the gap size, the active intercellular contractility, and the purse-string contraction acting on the spreading edge. Several critical values exist in the model parameters for the initiation of the gap closure process, and the purse-string contraction plays a vital role in governing the gap closure kinetics. Finally, the instability of the morphology of the spreading front was studied. Numerical calculations show how the perturbated velocities and the growth rates vary with respect to different model parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abrupt (i. e. step) environmental changes, such as natural disasters or the intervention of predators, can alter the internal dynamics of groups with active units, leading to the rapid destruction and/or restructuring of the group, with the emergence of new collective structures that endow the system with adaptability. Few studies, to date, have considered the influence of abrupt environmental changes on emergent behavior. Here, we use a model of active matter, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) self-oscillating gel, to study the mechanism of formation and transition between modes of collective locomotion caused by changes of illumination intensity in arrays of interacting photosensitive active units. New forms of collective motion can be generated by step changes of illumination intensity. These transformations arise from the phase resetting and wave-signal regeneration induced by the abrupt parameter variation, while gradual change results in different evolution of collective motion. Our results not only suggest a novel mechanism for emergence, but also imply that new collective behaviors could be accessible via discontinuous parameter changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the sake of accomplishing the rapidity, safety and consistency of obstacle avoidance for a large-scale unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm in a dynamic and unknown 3D environment, this paper proposes a flocking control algorithm that mimics the behavior of starlings. By analyzing the orderly and rapid obstacle avoidance behavior of a starling flock, a motion model inspired by a flock of starlings is built, which contains three kinds of motion patterns, including the collective pattern, evasion pattern and local-following pattern. Then, the behavior patterns of the flock of starlings are mapped on a fixed-wing UAV swarm to improve the ability of obstacle avoidance. The key contribution of this paper is collective and collision-free motion planning for UAV swarms in unknown 3D environments with dynamic obstacles. Numerous simulations are conducted in different scenarios and the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the speed, order and safety of the UAV swarm when avoiding obstacles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish are observed to school in different configurations. However, how and why fish maintain a stable schooling formation still remains unclear. This work presents a numerical study of the dense schooling of two free swimmers by a hybrid method of the multi-agent deep reinforcement learning and the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method. Active control policies are developed by synchronously training the leader to swim at a given speed and orientation and the follower to hold close proximity to the leader. After training, the swimmers could resist the strong hydrodynamic force to remain in stable formations and meantime swim in desired path, only by their tail-beat flapping. The tail movement of the swimmers in the stable formations are irregular and asymmetrical, indicating the swimmers are carefully adjusting their body-kinematics to balance the hydrodynamic force. In addition, a significant decrease in the mean amplitude and the cost of transport is found for the followers, indicating these swimmers could maintain the swimming speed with less efforts. The results also show that the side-by-side formation is hydrodynamically more stable but energetically less efficient than other configurations, while the full-body staggered formation is energetically more efficient as a whole.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our visual system is bombarded with numerous social interactions that form intangible social bonds among people, as exemplified by synchronized walking in crowds. Here, we investigated whether these perceived social bonds implicitly intrude on visual perception and induce a contextual effect. Using multiple point-light walkers and a classical contextual paradigm, we tested 72 college-age adults across six experiments and found that the perceived direction of the central walker was attracted toward the direction of the surrounding walkers. The observed contextual-attraction effect occurred even when the surrounding walkers differed from the central walker in gender and walking speed but disappeared when they were asynchronously presented or replaced by inanimate motion. Strikingly, this contextual-attraction effect partially persisted in the context of local motion rather than static figures. These findings, in contrast to the typical contextual-repulsion effect, lend support for the distinctiveness of perceived social bonds on contextual modulation and suggest a specialized contextual mechanism tuned to social factors.





