allosteric regulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allostery is a hallmark of cellular function and important in every biological system. Still, we are only starting to mimic it in the laboratory. Here, we introduce an approach to study aspects of allostery in artificial systems. We use a DNA origami domino array structure which-upon binding of trigger DNA strands-undergoes a stepwise allosteric conformational change. Using two FRET probes placed at specific positions in the DNA origami, we zoom in into single steps of this reaction cascade. Most of the steps are strongly coupled temporally and occur simultaneously. Introduction of activation energy barriers between different intermediate states alters this coupling and induces a time delay. We then apply these approaches to release a cargo DNA strand at a predefined step in the reaction cascade to demonstrate the applicability of this concept in tunable cascades of mechanochemical coupling with both spatial and temporal control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacteria, chromosome replication is achieved by the coordinations of more than a dozen replisome enzymes. Replication initiation protein DnaA melts DNA duplex at replication origin (oriC) and forms a replication bubble, followed by loading of helicase DnaB with the help of loader protein DnaC. Then the DnaB helicase unwinds the dsDNA and supports the priming of DnaG and the polymerizing of DNA polymerase. The DnaB helicase functions as a platform coupling unwinding, priming, and polymerizing events. The multiple roles of DnaB helicase are underlined by its distinctive architecture and dynamics conformations. In this review, we will discuss the assembling of DnaB hexamer and the conformational changes upon binding of various partners, DnaB in states of closed dilated (CD), closed constricted (CC), closed helical (CH), and open helical (OH) are discussed. These multiple interfaces among DnaB and partners are potential targets for inhibitors design and novel peptide antibiotics development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X receptors, a subfamily of ligand-gated ion channels activated by extracellular ATP, are implicated in various physiopathological processes, including inflammation, pain perception, and immune and respiratory regulations. Structural determinations using crystallography and cryo-EM have revealed that the extracellular three-dimensional architectures of different P2X subtypes across various species are remarkably identical, greatly advancing our understanding of P2X activation mechanisms. However, structural studies yield paradoxical architectures of the intracellular domain (ICD) of different subtypes (e.g., P2X3 and P2X7) at the apo state, and the role of the ICD in P2X functional regulation remains unclear. Here, we propose that the P2X3 receptor\'s ICD has an apo state conformation similar to the open state but with a less tense architecture, containing allosteric sites that influence P2X3\'s physiological and pathological roles. Using covalent occupancy, engineered disulfide bonds and voltage-clamp fluorometry, we suggested that the ICD can undergo coordinated motions with the transmembrane domain of P2X3, thereby facilitating channel activation. Additionally, we identified a novel P2X3 enhancer, PSFL77, and uncovered its potential allosteric site located in the 1α3β domain of the ICD. PSFL77 modulated pain perception in P2rx3+/+, but not in P2rx3-/-, mice, indicating that the 1α3β, a \"tunable\" region implicated in the regulation of P2X3 functions. Thus, when P2X3 is in its apo state, its ICD architecture is fairly ordered rather than an unstructured outward folding, enabling allosteric modulation of the signaling of P2X3 receptors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the important hub of many cellular signaling networks, KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homologue) has been identified as a tumor biomarker. It is the frequently mutated oncogene in human cancers, and KRAS protein activation caused by mutations, such as G12D, has been found in many human tumors tissues. Although, there are two specific allosteric sites (AS1 and AS2) on the KRAS protein that can be used as the targets for inhibitor development, the difference of regulatory mechanisms between two individual allosteric sites still not be reported. Here, using molecular dynamics simulations combined with molecular mechanics generalized born surface area (MM/GBSA) analysis, we found that both of the inhibitors, located at AS1 and AS2, were able to reduce the binding free energy between wild type, mutant KRAS (G12/D/V/S/C) and GTP remarkably, however the effect of inhibitors on the binding free energy between wild type, mutant KRAS and GDP was limited. In addition, the degree of decrease of binding free energy between KRAS and GTP caused by inhibitors at AS2 was significantly greater than that caused by inhibitors at AS1. Further analysis revealed that both inhibitors at AS1 and AS2 were able to regulate the fluctuation of Switch Ⅰ and Switch Ⅱ to expand the pocket of the orthosteric site (GTP binding site), thereby reducing the binding of KRAS to GTP. Noteworthy there was significant differences in the regulatory preferences on Switch Ⅰ and Switch Ⅱ between two type inhibitor. The inhibitor at AS2 mainly regulated Switch Ⅱ to affect the pocket of the orthosteric site, while the inhibitor at AS1 mainly expand the pocket of the orthosteric site by regulating the fluctuation of Switch Ⅰ. Our study compared the differences between two type inhibitors in regulating the KRAS protein activity and revealed the advantages of the AS2 as the small molecule drug target, aiming to provide theoretical guidance for the research of novel KRAS protein inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein-based therapeutic agents currently used for targeted tumor therapy exhibit limited penetrability, nonspecific toxicity, and a short circulation half-life. Although targeting cell surface receptors improves cancer selectivity, the receptors are also slightly expressed in normal cells; consequently, the nonspecific toxicity of recombinant protein-based therapeutic agents has not been eliminated. In this study, an allosteric-regulated protein switch was designed that achieved cytoplasmic reorganization of engineered immunotoxins in tumor cells via interactions between allosteric self-splicing elements and cancer markers. It can target the accumulated HIF-1α in hypoxic cancer cells and undergo allosteric activation, and the splicing products were present in hypoxic cancer cells but were absent in normoxic cells, selectively killing tumor cells and reducing nonspecific toxicity to normal cells. The engineered pro-protein provides a platform for targeted therapy of tumors while offering a novel universal strategy for combining the activation of therapeutic functions with specific cancer markers. The allosteric self-splicing element is a powerful tool that significantly reduces the nonspecific cytotoxicity of therapeutic proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two-thirds of signaling hormones and one-third of approved drugs exert their effects by binding and modulating the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activation. While the activation mechanism for monomeric GPCRs has been well-established, little is known about GPCRs in dimeric form. Here, by combining transition pathway generation, extensive atomistic simulation-based Markov state models, and experimental signaling assays, we reveal an asymmetric, stepwise millisecond allosteric activation mechanism for the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 receptor (mGlu5), an obligate dimeric class C GPCR. The dynamic picture is presented that agonist binding induces dimeric ectodomains compaction, amplified by the precise association of the cysteine-rich domains, ultimately loosely bringing the intracellular 7-transmembrane (7TM) domains into proximity and establishing an asymmetric TM6-TM6 interface. The active inter-domain interface enhances their intra-domain flexibility, triggering the activation of micro-switches crucial for downstream signal transduction. Furthermore, we show that the positive allosteric modulator stabilizes both the active inter-domain 7TM interface and an open, extended intra-domain ICL2 conformation. This stabilization leads to the formation of a pseudo-cavity composed of the ICL2, ICL3, TM3, and C-terminus, which facilitates G protein coordination. Our strategy may be generalizable for characterizing millisecond events in other allosteric systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins perform their biological functions through motion. Although high throughput prediction of the three-dimensional static structures of proteins has proved feasible using deep-learning-based methods, predicting the conformational motions remains a challenge. Purely data-driven machine learning methods encounter difficulty for addressing such motions because available laboratory data on conformational motions are still limited. In this work, we develop a method for generating protein allosteric motions by integrating physical energy landscape information into deep-learning-based methods. We show that local energetic frustration, which represents a quantification of the local features of the energy landscape governing protein allosteric dynamics, can be utilized to empower AlphaFold2 (AF2) to predict protein conformational motions. Starting from ground state static structures, this integrative method generates alternative structures as well as pathways of protein conformational motions, using a progressive enhancement of the energetic frustration features in the input multiple sequence alignment sequences. For a model protein adenylate kinase, we show that the generated conformational motions are consistent with available experimental and molecular dynamics simulation data. Applying the method to another two proteins KaiB and ribose-binding protein, which involve large-amplitude conformational changes, can also successfully generate the alternative conformations. We also show how to extract overall features of the AF2 energy landscape topography, which has been considered by many to be black box. Incorporating physical knowledge into deep-learning-based structure prediction algorithms provides a useful strategy to address the challenges of dynamic structure prediction of allosteric proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bromodomain-containing protein 9 (BRD9) is a key player in chromatin remodeling and gene expression regulation, and it is closely associated with the development of various diseases, including cancers. Recent studies have indicated that inhibition of BRD9 may have potential value in the treatment of certain cancers. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, Markov modeling and principal component analysis were performed to investigate the binding mechanisms of allosteric inhibitor POJ and orthosteric inhibitor 82I to BRD9 and its allosteric regulation. Our results indicate that binding of these two types of inhibitors induces significant structural changes in the protein, particularly in the formation and dissolution of α-helical regions. Markov flux analysis reveals notable changes occurring in the α-helicity near the ZA loop during the inhibitor binding process. Calculations of binding free energies reveal that the cooperation of orthosteric and allosteric inhibitors affects binding ability of inhibitors to BRD9 and modifies the active sites of orthosteric and allosteric positions. This research is expected to provide new insights into the inhibitory mechanism of 82I and POJ on BRD9 and offers a theoretical foundation for development of cancer treatment strategies targeting BRD9.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an oncogenic phosphatase, SHP2 acts as a converging node in the RTK-RAS-MAPK signaling pathway in cancer cells and suppresses antitumor immunity by passing signals downstream of PD-1. Here, we utilized the extra druggable pocket outside the previously identified SHP2 allosteric tunnel site by the (6,5 fused), 6 spirocyclic system. The optimized compound, JAB-3312, exhibited a SHP2 binding Kd of 0.37 nM, SHP2 enzymatic IC50 of 1.9 nM, KYSE-520 antiproliferative IC50 of 7.4 nM and p-ERK inhibitory IC50 of 0.23 nM. For JAB-3312, an oral dose of 1.0 mg/kg QD was sufficient to achieve 95% TGI in KYSE-520 xenograft model of mouse. JAB-3312 was well-tolerated in animal models, and a close correlation was observed between the plasma concentration of JAB-3312 and the p-ERK inhibition in tumors. Currently, JAB-3312 is undergoing clinical trials as a potential anticancer agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ferroptosis is a unique type of non-apoptotic form of cell death characterized by increased lipid hydroperoxide levels. It has relevance for a number of pathological conditions including multiple organ injuries and degenerative diseases. GPX4 plays an important role in ferroptosis by repairing lipid hydroperoxides. Based on the reported allosteric sites, we obtained the GPX4 allosteric activator hit compound A9 through virtual screening. A9 can bind to GPX4 and prevent RSL3-induced lipid peroxidation production in HT-1080 cells. In addition, A9 can specifically rescue erastin-induced cell death. Further chemical modification and structure-activity relationship studies afforded the optimized compound C3. C3 showed the activity of alleviating myocardial injury in the doxorubicin-induced myocardial injury mouse model. This study demonstrated that inhibiting ferroptosis by activating GPX4 is expected to be a potential solution to treat myocardial injury.





