Tuberculosis, Ocular

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Compared with intraocular tuberculosis, ocular tuberculosis with ocular surface involvement is rare. Corneal involvement in ocular tuberculosis may include interstitial keratitis or peripheral ulcerative keratitis. We report a case of peripheral ulcerative keratitis directly caused by tuberculosis.
    METHODS: A 20-year-old man complained of vision loss and pain in the left eye that had lasted for 1 week. A slit lamp examination of the left eye showed a corneal epithelial defect, interstitial corneal edema, and a white irregular infiltrative lesion and ulcer (with the dimension of 2 × 2.5 mm) in the inferior temporal region.
    METHODS: The corneal ulcer was scraped, and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase chain reaction was positive.
    RESULTS: After a month of oral antituberculosis treatment, the corneal ulcer resolved, and the intraocular inflammation improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral ulcerative keratitis secondary to tuberculosis can be directly caused by M tuberculosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Ocular tuberculosis is a relatively rare extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis. This vision-threatening disease is extremely challenging to diagnose, particularly because it can mimic other diseases. We report a case of tuberculous ciliary body granuloma initially diagnosed as bullous retinal detachment.
    METHODS: A 52-year-old female presented with bullous retinal detachment in her left eye, and ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) verified the presence of a lesion with ciliary body granulomatous inflammation. The T-SPOT was positive, and the purified protein derivative (PPD) test was strongly positive (diameter of 20 mm). Following the administration of oral anti-tuberculosis regimen combined with prednisone, the retina gradually became reattached, the ciliary body granuloma became significantly reduced in size, and the visual acuity of the patient noticeably improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tuberculous ciliary body granulomas can cause bullous exudative retinal detachment and can be diagnosed with UBM. Early and full-course anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT) combined with corticosteroid therapy can improve the patient prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is currently a lack of guidelines with regard to tubercular uveitis (TBU) management in Taiwan. We therefore propose an evidence-based consensus on the management for TBU. The Taiwan Ocular Inflammation Society conducted a meeting that included nine ophthalmologist and one infection disease expert that focused on three broad areas of (1) nomenclature for TBU, (2) assessment and diagnosis for TBU, and (3) treatment of TBU. Brief literature review on TBU diagnosis and management was conducted that informed this panel meeting in order to make decisions on each consensus statements. In terms of our results, a consensus statements and recommendations for the diagnosis and management of TBU were developed. This consensus statement provides an algorithmic approach toward diagnosing and managing TBU. These statements are meant to enhance but not replace individual clinician-patient interactions and to facilitate real-world clinical practice improvement in terms of TBU patients care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tuberculosis is an airborne disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and can manifest both pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease, including ocular tuberculosis (OTB). Accurate diagnosis and swift optimal treatment initiation for OTB is faced by many challenges combined with the lack of standardized treatment regimens this results in uncertain OTB outcomes. The purpose of this study is to summarize existing diagnostic approaches and recently discovered biomarkers that may contribute to establishing OTB diagnosis, choice of anti-tubercular therapy (ATT) regimen, and treatment monitoring. The keywords ocular tuberculosis, tuberculosis, Mycobacterium, biomarkers, molecular diagnosis, multi-omics, proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, T-lymphocytes profiling were searched on PubMed and MEDLINE databases. Articles and books published with at least one of the keywords were included and screened for relevance. There was no time limit for study inclusion. More emphasis was placed on recent publications that contributed new information about the pathogenesis, diagnosis, or treatment of OTB. We excluded abstracts and articles that were not written in the English language. References cited within the identified articles were used to further supplement the search. We found 10 studies evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA), and 6 studies evaluating that of tuberculin skin test (TST) in OTB patients. IGRA (Sp = 71-100%, Se = 36-100%) achieves overall better sensitivity and specificity than TST (Sp = 51.1-85.7%; Se = 70.9-98.5%). For nuclear acid amplification tests (NAAT), we found 7 studies on uniplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with different Mtb targets, 7 studies on DNA-based multiplex PCR, 1 study on mRNA-based multiplex PCR, 4 studies on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay with different Mtb targets, 3 studies on GeneXpert assay, 1 study on GeneXpert Ultra assay and 1 study for MTBDRplus assay for OTB. Specificity is overall improved but sensitivity is highly variable for NAATs (excluding uniplex PCR, Sp = 50-100%; Se = 10.5-98%) as compared to IGRA. We also found 3 transcriptomic studies, 6 proteomic studies, 2 studies on stimulation assays, 1 study on intraocular protein analysis and 1 study on T-lymphocyte profiling in OTB patients. All except 1 study evaluated novel, previously undiscovered biomarkers. Only 1 study has been externally validated by a large independent cohort. Future theranostic marker discovery by a multi-omics approach is essential to deepen pathophysiological understanding of OTB. Combined these might result in swift, optimal and personalized treatment regimens to modulate the heterogeneous mechanisms of OTB. Eventually, these studies could improve the current cumbersome diagnosis and management of OTB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To report the clinical presentations of ocular tuberculosis infection (OTB) and the treatment regimen and outcome in an endemic area.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective case series of patients with presumed OTB treated in a tertiary teaching hospital in Hong Kong in 2014-2019.
    RESULTS: Among the nineteen patients recruited, the most common clinical presentation of OTB was retinal vasculitis (42.1%), followed by scleritis, intermediate uveitis, and choroidal tuberculoma (15.8% respectively). 94.7% and 94.4% of the subjects were treated with ATT and steroid, respectively, and 31.6% were put on systemic immunosuppressant prior to the initiation of ATT. Apart from those suffering from intermediate uveitis, most demonstrated good clinical response within 8 weeks of ATT initiation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ocular involvement of TB has been increasingly recognized, especially in endemic regions like Hong Kong. High index of suspicion is recommended for OTB in typical clinical phenotypes or recurrent/resistant ocular inflammation unresponsive to conventional therapy. TB retinal vasculitis was the most common presentation of OTB in this study and OTB generally requires treatment with either regional or systemic steroid together with ATT.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Purpose: This study presents clinical features and prognosis after long-term (12-18 months) antitubercular therapy (ATT) in patients with ocular tuberculosis (OTB) in East China, an endemic area of tuberculosis. Methods: This retrospective study reviewed data from OTB patients treated at the Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University from 2008 to 2018. All the patients completed a minimum follow-up of 6 months after the cessation of ATT. Results: Sixty-six patients with OTB were studied. The ocular manifestations included retinal vasculitis (51.6%), choroiditis (24.2%), panuveitis (23.2%), intermediate uveitis (7.4%), scleritis (5.3%), anterior uveitis (2.1%), and optic neuropathy (1%). Except for two patients (ATT for 6 months), all other patients (64/66, 96.97%) received ATT for at least 12 months (6 patients for 12 months, 30 patients for 15 months, and 28 patients for 18 months). Treatment in conjunction with oral corticosteroids was used in 48 patients (72.7%). The average initial best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.8 ± 0.64 (LogMAR), which improved to 0.31 ± 0.35 (LogMAR) at the last follow-up (P < 0.05). The final BCVA was significantly associated with the initial BCVA and the duration of clinical symptoms. A complete remission of uveitis was achieved in 97% of the patients. Conclusions: This study observed a favorable prognosis with long-term ATT regimens. Patients with better baseline visual acuity and a shorter duration of clinical symptoms before diagnosis had a better prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To summarize the clinical and fundus imaging features of purified protein derivative and T-spot positive tubercular serpiginous-like choroiditis (PTP-SLC) patients. Methods: This retrospective study consecutively enrolled 13 PTP-SLC patients (21 eyes) in Beijing Tongren Hospital from November 2015 to November 2017. There were 8 males and 5 females with an average age of (45.2±12.1) years. Medical history and results of systemic and ophthalmological examinations, such us fundus autofluorescence photography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), fluorescein fundus angiography (FFA) and indocyanine green angiography, were evaluated. Results: Eight patients had binocular disease with an average interval time of (8.4±7.9) years. The average visual acuity of all patients was 0.3, and 4 patients had a clear history of exposure to tuberculosis. The active lesions in the PTP-SLC patients were homogeneous and creamish-yellow with unclear boundaries. Fundus autofluorescence showed an ill-defined, diffuse hyperautofluorescent zone. OCT showed punctate hyperreflexes between the choroidal stroma, destruction of the outer retinal structure with intraretinal edema and discrete vitreal hyper-reflective spots. FFA showed hypofluorescence in the active lesion at early stage and diffuse hyperfluorescence with leakage. Indocyanine green angiography showed persistent hypofluorescence. Conclusions: PTP-SLC fundus lesions are mainly manifested as homogeneous creamish-yellow lesions with unclear boundaries and high in autofluorescence. The involvement of the choroid and the outer layer of the retina can be observed on OCT. FFA can find more retinal vascular inflammatory changes. It is difficult to distinguish PTP-SLC from serpiginous choroiditis simply based on clinical and epidemiological characteristics. The pathogenic examination of tuberculosis is still the key to differential diagnosis (Chin J Ophthalmol, 2020, 56: 914-919).
    目的: 探讨结核菌素(PPD)与结核感染T细胞斑点试验阳性的匐行样脉络膜炎(PTP-SLC)患者临床及眼底影像学特征及其与普通匐行性脉络膜炎(SC)的鉴别。 方法: 回顾性系列病例研究。收集2015年11月至2017年11月在首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院就诊的PTP-SLC患者13例(21只眼),其中男性8例(14只眼),女性5例(7只眼);年龄(45±12)岁。对患者进行病史、全身及眼科检查结果资料的采集,分析患者眼底自发荧光照相、相干光层析成像术(OCT)、荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)及吲哚青绿脉络膜血管造影(ICGA)等眼底影像学资料并进行总结。 结果: 13例PTP-SLC患者中男女比例8∶5。其中双眼发病者8例,其双眼发病时间的间隔为(8.4±7.9)年。患者平均视力0.3,其中4例患者有明确的结核病接触史。PTP-SLC患者眼底活跃期病灶主要表现为,质地均匀边界不清的淡黄色病灶。自发荧光为弥漫边界不清的高自发荧光。OCT可见活动病灶区域脉络膜基质间点状高反射,视网膜外层结构破坏,伴层间水肿。玻璃体腔内还可见点状高反射。FFA早期示活跃期病灶呈弱荧光,晚期病变呈弥漫高荧光伴有渗漏。ICGA表现为持续的弱荧光灶。 结论: PTP-SLC眼底病变主要表现为质地均匀边界不清的淡黄色高自发荧光病灶,OCT可见脉络膜及视网膜外层结构受累,FFA可以发现更多视网膜血管炎性改变。仅根据临床特征和流行病学特征很难区分PTP-SLC与SC,结核病原学检查结果仍是鉴别诊断的关键。(中华眼科杂志,2020,56:914-919).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of tuberculosis is directly related to the processes of globalization and migration. Tuberculosis has also been the main cause of fatality associated with antimicrobial resistance and also the main cause of death in people who have HIV infection. Additionally, tuberculosis smites the lungs in 80% of patients, and in the remaining 20% of patients the tuberculosis may smites other organs, such as the vision/eye. Ocular tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease of bacterial etiology with a chronic and persistent course, the prognosis of which is extremely doubtful. Even effective chemotherapy can be accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, and clinical recovery is not always persistent. Ocular tuberculosis often leads to permanent disability and, as a result, the quality of life of patients decreases. A statistical reporting of this disease does not always reflect the true picture, since ocular tuberculosis sometimes develops against the background of an existing specific lesion in the lung tissue. Currently, ocular tuberculosis remains substantially a conjectural clinical diagnosis. This review paper presents an analytical review of the literature on the epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnosis methods of ocular tuberculosis. The results of recent studies that focused on the modern clinical manifestations of this pathology, its diagnosis, and complex therapy are systematized. The development of new rational regimens and pathogenetic treatment methods are also highlighted in this review.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a severe health burden worldwide. The manifestation of concurrent tuberculous cerebral and ocular involvements associated with TB is uncommon.
    METHODS: We report a 17-year-old girl with concurrent tuberculous cerebral and ocular involvements and visual impairment due to choroidal neovascularization. This study emphasizes the definite diagnosis with the combination of ophthalmological examination, multimodal imaging and routine tuberculosis testing, and the proper management with intravitreal anti-VEGF injection accompanied by systemic anti-tuberculosis therapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combined applications of routine TB tests, fundus multimodal imaging and diagnostic therapy greatly help the clinician to establish a precise diagnosis and in monitoring the therapeutic response.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports





