
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alidussignatus Pic, 1926 is transferred from Mispila to Souvanna, and Souvannasignata (Pic, 1926), comb. nov. is proposed. The lectotype of Alidussignatus is designated. The following synonyms are proposed: Souvannasignata = Athylia (s. str.) quadristigma (Gressitt, 1940), syn. nov. = Souvannaphoumai Breuning, 1963, syn. nov. = Mispila (Dryusa) coomani Breuning, 1968, syn. nov., Mispila (s. str.) tenuevittata (Pic, 1930) = Mispila (s. str.) assamensis Breuning, 1938, syn. nov. The gender of the holotype of Alidusmultilineatus Pic, 1925 is determined. New distributional records for Souvannasignata, Mispilacurvilinea Pascoe, 1869, M.subtonkinea Breuning, 1968 and M.tenuevittata are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biological research is generating high volumes of data distributed across various sources. The inconsistent naming of proteins and their encoding genes brings great challenges to protein data integration: proteins and their coding genes usually have multiple related names and notations, which are difficult to match absolutely; the nomenclature of genes and proteins is complex and varies from species to species; some less studied species have no nomenclature of genes and proteins; The annotation of the same protein/gene varies greatly in different databases. In summary, a comprehensive set of protein/gene synonyms is necessary for relevant studies.
    RESULTS: In this study, we propose an approach for protein and its encoding gene synonym integration based on protein ontology. The workflow of protein and gene synonym integration is composed of three modules: data acquisition, entity and attribute alignment, attribute integration and deduplication. Finally, the integrated synonym set of proteins and their coding genes contains over 128.59 million terminologies covering 560,275 proteins/genes and 13,781 species. As the semantic basis, the comprehensive synonym set was used to develop a data platform to provide one-stop data retrieval without considering the diversity of protein nomenclature and species.
    CONCLUSIONS: The synonym set constructed here can serve as an important resource for biological named entity identification, text mining and information retrieval without name ambiguity, especially synonyms associated with well-defined species categories can help to study the evolutionary relationships between species at the molecular level. More importantly, the comprehensive synonyms set is the semantic basis for our subsequent studies on Protein-protein Interaction (PPI) knowledge graph.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudosasa was confirmed as polyphyletic by recent phylogenetic analyses, with Chinese species of Pseudosasa distantly related to those from Japan. Among the Chinese species of Pseudosasa, Pseudosasapubiflora is a morphologically unique as well as taxonomically problematic species endemic to South China, of which the generic designation is still uncertain. Molecular analyses based on both plastid and nuclear genomic data demonstrated that this species is closest to the recently published genus Sinosasa. Morphologically, the two are somewhat similar to each other in flowering branches developing at the nodes of every order of branches, raceme-like units of inflorescence with 3-5 short spikelets, each spikelet with few florets including a rudimentary one at the apex, and each floret with 3 stamens and 2 stigmas. However, P.pubiflora is very different from Sinosasa species in many reproductive and vegetative characters, such as the morphology of paracladia (lateral spikelet \"pedicels\"), the absence or existence of pulvinus at the base of paracladia, the relative length of the upper glume and the lowest lemma, the shape of lodicules and primary culm buds, the branch complement, the morphology of nodes, culm leaves and dried foliage leaf blades, and the number of foliage leaves per ultimate branchlet. The morphological and molecular evidence warrants recognition of a new genus to accommodate this unique species, which is here named Kengiochloa. After consulting related literature and examination of herbarium specimens or specimen photos, a taxonomic revision of K.pubiflora and its synonyms was made, and it was confirmed that four names, viz. P.gracilis, Yushanialanshanensis, Arundinariatenuivagina and P.parilis, should be merged with K.pubiflora, while Indocalamuspallidiflorus and Acidosasapaucifolia are distinct species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A taxonomic revision of the genus Trichohoplorana Breuning, 1961 is presented. A junior synonym of Trichohoplorana, Ipochiromima Sama & Sudre, 2009, syn. nov., is proposed. A junior synonym of T.dureli Breuning, 1961, I.sikkimensis (Breuning, 1982), syn. nov., is proposed. Trichohoplorana is newly recorded from Vietnam. A new species, T.nigeralbasp. nov. is described from Vietnam. Trichohoploranaluteomaculata Gouverneur, 2016 is newly recorded from China and Vietnam. Hind wings and male terminalia of T.luteomaculata are described for the first time. Trichohoplorana is redescribed, and a key to Trichohoplorana species is presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Keys to all levels of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) of Pakistan are provided based on published records and original data from recent research. Checklists to the genera and species of Deltocephalinae are also given. A total of 49 genera with more than 100 species are now known from Pakistan. Two new synonyms are proposed, i.e., Cicadulinastriata Ahmed, 1986 a junior synonym of Cicadulinachinai Ghauri, 1965, syn. nov. and Macrostelesparafalcatus Naveed & Zhang, 2018 a new junior synonym of Macrostelesindrina (Pruthi, 1930), syn. nov.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We demonstrate with morphological characters that the species Pterostyrax burmanicus W.W.Sm. & Farrer and Parastyrax macrophyllus C.Y.Wu & K.M.Feng (Styracaceae) are best placed in the genus Rehderodendron Hu. Rehderodendron burmanicum (W.W.Sm. & Farrer) W.Y.Zhao, P.W.Fritsch & W.B.Liao, comb. nov. and Rehderodendron macrophyllum (C.Y.Wu & K.M.Feng) W.Y.Zhao, P.W.Fritsch & W.B.Liao, comb. nov., are created. We also provide a lectotype for R. macrophyllum. These revisions result in the reduction of Pterostyrax Siebold & Zucc. to three species and this genus is no longer considered to be documented from Myanmar. Further, Parastyrax W.W.Sm. becomes a monotypic genus comprising only P. lacei (W.W.Sm.) W.W.Sm., distributed in Kachin State, northeast Myanmar and Yunnan Province, south-western China.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    This paper addresses early modern botanical nomenclature, the practices of identifying and publishing synonyms in particular, as a collaborative \"information science\". Before Linnaean nomenclature became the lingua franca of botany, it was inevitable that, over time, the same plant was given several names by different people, which created confusion and made communication among botanists increasingly difficult. What names counted as synonyms and actually referred to the same plant had to be identified by meticulously comparing living and dried specimens of this and similar plants as well as relevant illustrations und descriptions in the botanical literature. Identifying synonyms required and generated an ever-expanding mass of data, which was used continuously to adjust and rearrange plant names. Despite the greatest care, judgements on synonyms were not definitive, which meant that published lists of synonyms for individual species of plants were in a state of flux and had to be constantly updated, corrected, and rewritten. This required long-term international collaborations, the accumulated results of which were not published once but consecutively, in augmented and corrected editions of a book. As a result of this networked approach, synonyms are networked names that reflect the epistemic interconnectedness of the botanical community. These questions will be discussed with a focus on the Dutch botanist Johannes Burman (1706-1779), who placed synonyms at the centre of his work as posthumous editor-and co-author-of the botanical manuscripts that were left behind by other botanists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prunusveitchii was published in 1912 and was treated as a synonym of P.serrulatavar.pubescens. The information about this taxon is relatively scarce. When consulting specimens of Prunus L., type materials of Prunusveitchii were found to belong to three taxa and P.veitchii, P.concinna, P.japonicavar.zhejiangensis, C.jingningensis and C.xueluoensis were found to be conspecific. The taxonomic status of P.veitchii is reconsidered in the present paper. Morphometric analyses were performed to evaluate the significance of differences between P.veitchii and P.serrulatavar.pubescens. The results show that the leaves of P.veitchii are significantly smaller and narrower than the leaves of P.serrulatavar.pubescens and the peduncle and pedicels are shorter. According to the results of morphometric analyses, P.veitchii should be treated as a separate species. To address these results, a lectotype of P.veitchii is designated here and P.concinna, Cerasusjingningensis and C.xueluoensis are here designated as synonyms of P.veitchii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herminium (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae) is a medium-sized genus widespread in the northern hemisphere, with a clear centre of diversity in the Himalayas. We present a comprehensive taxonomic revision of Herminium based on field observations and morphological studies, for which we examined about 2500 specimens. We recognize 49 species grouped into six formal sections, including one new species, Herminium tibeticum, from Tibet. We provide an identification key to the species, descriptions of the species, notes on ecology and distribution, and complete nomenclature for each species, including typifications. We here designate lectotypes for five species and reduce four taxa to synonymy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular phylogenetic topologies from 40 individuals of 17 sweetlips were constructed based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. All phylogenetic results strongly revealed the division of the sweetlips into three morphological distinct groups. Group I: sweetlips with colorful patterns, Group II and Group III: species with uniformly dark patterns. The relationships of those morphologically confused Plectorhinchus species were well-resolved in the phylogenetic results. We also confirmed that the genus Diagramma was placed inside the colorful Plectorhinchus groups, suggesting close relationship of Diagramma within Plectorhinchus. Additionally, we found that two species, P. orientalis and P. vittatus, which were traditionally considered as synonyms for oriental sweetlips, which were suggested to be two distinct species. Sequence divergence also revealed a great genetic variation between P. orientalis and P. vittatus (6.0% in Cyt b and 7.4% in COI), which was largely greater than the species diagnosis divergence value (2%) suggested by Hebert et al. This new finding suggested P. orientalis and P. vittatus might be two distinct species and should not be placed as synonyms.





