Sulfolobus solfataricus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperthermophilic Sulfolobus solfataricus β-glycosidase (SS-βGly), with higher stability and activity than mesophilic enzymes, has potential for industrial ginsenosides biotransformation. However, its relatively low ginsenoside Rd-hydrolyzing activity limits the production of pharmaceutically active minor ginsenoside compound K (CK). In this study, first, we used molecular docking to predict the key enzyme residues that may hypothetically interact with ginsenoside Rd. Then, based on sequence alignment and alanine scanning mutagenesis approach, key variant sites were identified that might improve the enzyme catalytic efficiency. The enzyme catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) and substrate affinity (Km) of the N264D variant enzyme for ginsenoside Rd increased by 60% and decreased by 17.9% compared with WT enzyme, respectively, which may be due to a decrease in the binding free energy (∆G) between the variant enzyme and substrate Rd. In addition, Markov state models (MSM) analysis during the whole 1000-ns MD simulations indicated that altering N264 to D made the variant enzyme achieve a more stable SS-βGly conformational state than the wild-type (WT) enzyme and corresponding Rd complex. Under identical conditions, the relative activities and the CK conversion rates of the N264D enzyme were 1.7 and 1.9 folds higher than those of the WT enzyme. This study identified an excellent hyperthermophilic β-glycosidase candidate for industrial biotransformation of ginsenosides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rare ginsenoside Compound K (CK) is an attractive ingredient in traditional medicines, cosmetics, and the food industry because of its various biological activities. However, it does not exist in nature. The commonly used method for the production of CK is enzymatic conversion. In order to further improve the catalytic efficiency and increase the CK content, a thermostable β-glycosidase from Sulfolobus solfataricus was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris and secreted into fermentation broth. The recombinant SS-bgly in the supernatant showed enzyme activity of 93.96 U/mg at 120 h when using pNPG as substrate. The biotransformation conditions were optimized at pH 6.0 and 80 °C, and its activity was significantly enhanced in the presence of 3 mM Li+. When the substrate concentration was 10 mg/mL, the recombinant SS-bgly completely converted the ginsenoside substrate to CK with a productivity of 507.06 μM/h. Moreover, the recombinant SS-bgly exhibited extraordinary tolerance against high substrate concentrations. When the ginsenoside substrate concentration was increased to 30 mg/mL, the conversion could still reach 82.5% with a productivity of 314.07 μM/h. Thus, the high temperature tolerance, resistance to a variety of metals, and strong substrate tolerance make the recombinant SS-bgly expressed in P. pastoris a potential candidate for the industrial production of the rare ginsenoside CK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (DHAD) plays an important role in the utilization of glycerol or glucose for the production of value-added chemicals in the in vitro synthetic enzymatic biosystem. The low activity of DHAD in the dehydration of glycerate to pyruvate hampers its applications in biosystems. Protein engineering of a thermophilic DHAD from Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsDHAD) was performed to increase its dehydration activity. A triple mutant (I161M/Y145S/G205K) with a 10-fold higher activity on glycerate dehydration was obtained after three rounds of iterative saturation mutagenesis (ISM) based on computational analysis. The shrunken substrate-binding pocket and newly formed hydrogen bonds were the reason for the activity improvement of the mutant. For the in vitro synthetic enzymatic biosystems of converting glucose or glycerol to L-lactate, the biosystems with the mutant SsDHAD showed 3.32- and 2.34-fold higher reaction rates than the wild type, respectively. This study demonstrates the potential of protein engineering to improve the efficiency of in vitro synthetic enzymatic biosystems by enhancing the enzyme activity of rate-limited enzymes. KEY POINTS: • A screening method was established for the protein engineering of SsDHAD. • A R3 mutant of SsDHAD with 10-fold higher activity was obtained. • The R3 mutant exhibits higher productivity in the in vitro biosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthetic biology enables microbial hosts to produce complex molecules from organisms that are rare or difficult to cultivate, but the structures of these molecules are limited to those formed by reactions of natural enzymes. The integration of artificial metalloenzymes (ArMs) that catalyse unnatural reactions into metabolic networks could broaden the cache of molecules produced biosynthetically. Here we report an engineered microbial cell expressing a heterologous biosynthetic pathway, containing both natural enzymes and ArMs, that produces an unnatural product with high diastereoselectivity. We engineered Escherichia coli with a heterologous terpene biosynthetic pathway and an ArM containing an iridium-porphyrin complex that was transported into the cell with a heterologous transport system. We improved the diastereoselectivity and product titre of the unnatural product by evolving the ArM and selecting the appropriate gene induction and cultivation conditions. This work shows that synthetic biology and synthetic chemistry can produce, by combining natural and artificial enzymes in whole cells, molecules that were previously inaccessible to nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Y-family DNA polymerases specialize in translesion DNA synthesis, which is essential for replicating damaged DNA. The Y-family polymerases, which are made up of four stable domains, exhibit extensive distributions of charged residues, and are responsible for the tight formation of the protein-DNA complex. However, it is still unclear how the electrostatic interactions influence the conformational dynamics of the polymerases. Here, we focus on the case of a prototype Y-family DNA polymerase, Dpo4. Using coarse-grained models including a salt-dependent electrostatic potential, we investigate the effects of the electrostatic interactions on the folding process of Dpo4. Our simulations show that strong electrostatic interactions result in a three-state folding of Dpo4, consistent with the experimental observations. This folding process exhibits low cooperativity led by low salt concentration, where the individual domains fold one by one through one single pathway. Since the refined folding order of domains in multidomain proteins can shrink the configurational space, we suggest that the electrostatic interactions facilitate the Dpo4 folding. In addition, we study the local conformational dynamics of Dpo4 in terms of fluctuation and frustration analyses. We show that the electrostatic interactions can exaggerate the local conformational properties, which are in favor of the large-scale conformational transition of Dpo4 during the functional DNA binding. Our results underline the importance of electrostatic interactions in the conformational dynamics of Dpo4 at both the global and local scale, providing useful guidance in protein engineering at the multidomain level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Box C/D RNA protein complexes (RNPs) catalyze site-specific 2\'-O-methylation of RNA with specificity determined by guide RNAs. In eukaryotic C/D RNP, the paralogous Nop58 and Nop56 proteins specifically associate with terminal C/D and internal C\'/D\' motifs of guide RNAs, respectively. We have reconstituted active C/D RNPs with recombinant proteins of the thermophilic yeast Chaetomium thermophilum. Nop58 and Nop56 could not distinguish between the two C/D motifs in the reconstituted enzyme, suggesting that the assembly specificity is imposed by trans-acting factors in vivo. The two C/D motifs are functionally independent and halfmer C/D RNAs can also guide site-specific methylation. Extensive pairing between C/D RNA and substrate is inhibitory to modification for both yeast and archaeal C/D RNPs. N6-methylated adenine at box D/D\' interferes with the function of the coupled guide. Our data show that all C/D RNPs share the same functional organization and mechanism of action and provide insight into the assembly specificity of eukaryotic C/D RNPs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dpo4 is a representative model of Y-family DNA polymerase and is therefore one of the most intensively studied DNA polymerase. 6 mA, an epigenetic marker, plays important roles in regulation of various biological processes. However, its effects on DNA replication by Dpo4 is completely unknown. Here, we found that 6 mA and its intermediate Hyp inhibits primer extension by Dpo4, showing an obvious blockage just one nucleotide before 6 mA or Hyp. 6 mA reduces dTTP incorporation efficiency, next-base extension efficiency, binding affinity of DNA to Dpo4, binding affinity of dTTP to Dpo4-DNA complex, the fraction of productive Dpo4 or productive ternary complex, and the burst incorporation rate, explaining the inhibition effects of 6 mA on DNA replication by Dpo4. Hyp is similar to G and dCTP is preferentially incorporated opposite Hyp by Dpo4, resulting in A:T to G:C mutation. Relative to dTTP incorporation opposite unmodified A, Hyp reduces dCTP incorporation efficiency, next-base extension efficiency, the priority in extension beyond correct pair, binding affinity of Dpo4 to DNA, binding of dCTP to Dpo4-DNA complex, and the burst incorporation efficiency, explaining the inhibition effects of Hyp on DNA replication by Dpo4. This work provides insight in the effects of epigenetically modified 6 mA and Hyp on DNA replication by a representative Y-family DNA polymerase Dpo4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Promiscuous enzymes can be modified by protein engineering, which enables the catalysis of non-native substrates. γ-lactamase Sspg from Sulfolobus solfataricus is an enzyme with high activity, high stability, and pronounced tolerance of high concentrations of the γ-lactam substrate. These characteristics suggest Sspg as a robust enzymatic catalyst for the preparation of optically pure γ-lactam. This study investigated the modification of this enzyme to expand its application toward resolving chiral esters. γ-Lactamase-esterase conversion was performed by employing a three-step method: initial sequence alignment, followed by substrate screening, and protein engineering based on the obtained substrate-enzyme docking results. This process of fine-tuning of chemical groups on substrates has been termed \"substrate screening.\" Steric hindrance and chemical reactivity of the substrate are major concerns during this step, since both are determining factors for the enzyme-substrate interaction. By employing this three-step method, γ-lactamase Sspg was successfully converted into an esterase with high enantioselectivity towards phenylglycidate substrates (E value > 300). However, since both wild-type Sspg and Sspg mutants did not hydrolyze para-nitrophenyl substrates (pNPs), this esterase activity was termed \"atypical esterase activity.\" The γ-lactamase activity and stability of the Sspg mutants were not severely compromised. The proposed method can be applied to find novel multi-functional enzyme catalysts within existing enzyme pools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (-)-γ-Lactam ((-)-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-one) has attracted increasing attention as the chiral intermediate of carbocyclic nucleosides most of which serve as pharmaceutical agents such as anti-HIV/HBV drugs abacavir and carbovir. So far, developing in vitro (+)-γ-lactamase-mediated biotransformation has been one of the most efficient approaches for the production of (-)-γ-lactam. In this study, the catalytic activity of the (+)-γ-lactamase from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was engineered by semi-rational design. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation were carried out to target the key positions relevant to catalytic activity. Nine amino acid residues were selected for site saturation mutagenesis. To expedite the screening process, a sensitive colorimetric high-throughput screening method was established based on the Rimini test which was originally applied to distinguish primary amines from secondary amines. The screening process resulted in the achievement of several efficient mutants: V203N, V203Q, I336H, I336R, and Y388H. Synergy effects led to four final mutants (V203N/I336R, V203N/Y388H, I336R/Y388H, and V203N/I336R/Y388H) with enhanced enzyme activity after the combination of positive single mutants. The best mutant V203N/Y388H/I336R displayed a 21-fold higher enzyme efficiency (kcat/KM) compared to the wild-type enzyme. The result demonstrated that the biotransformation using the triple mutant as the catalyst reached > 49% conversion and > 99% enantiomeric excess at 80 °C after 2 h, which made it a good catalyst candidate to produce (-)-γ-lactam. The possible mechanism responsible for the improvement in the catalytic activity was explicated by analyzing the protein-ligand binding modes and interaction between the protein and the ligand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a trimeric ring-shaped clamp protein that encircles DNA and interacts with many proteins involved in DNA replication and repair. Despite extensive structural work to characterize the monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric forms of PCNA alone and in complex with interacting proteins, no structure of PCNA in a ring-open conformation has been published. Here, we use a multidisciplinary approach, including single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET), native ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS), and structure-based computational modeling, to explore the conformational dynamics of a model PCNA from Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso), an archaeon. We found that Sso PCNA samples ring-open and ring-closed conformations even in the absence of its clamp loader complex, replication factor C, and transition to the ring-open conformation is modulated by the ionic strength of the solution. The IM-MS results corroborate the smFRET findings suggesting that PCNA dynamics are maintained in the gas phase and further establishing IM-MS as a reliable strategy to investigate macromolecular motions. Our molecular dynamic simulations agree with the experimental data and reveal that ring-open PCNA often adopts an out-of-plane left-hand geometry. Collectively, these results implore future studies to define the roles of PCNA dynamics in DNA loading and other PCNA-mediated interactions.





