Retrograde signaling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over-expression (OE) lines for the ER-tethered NAC transcription factor ANAC017 displayed de-repression of gun marker genes when grown on lincomycin (lin). RNA-seq revealed that ANAC017OE2 plants constitutively expressed greater than 40% of the genes induced in wild-type with lin treatment, including plastid encoded genes ycf1.2 and the gene cluster ndhH-ndhA-ndhI-ndhG-ndhE-psaC-ndhD, documented as direct RNA targets of GUN1. Genes encoding components involved in organelle translation were enriched in constitutively expressed genes in ANAC017OE2. ANAC017OE resulted in constitutive location in the nucleus and significant constitutive binding of ANAC017 was detected by ChIP-Seq to target genes. ANAC017OE2 lines maintained the ability to green on lin, were more ABA sensitive, did not show photo-oxidative damage after exposure of de-etiolated seedlings to continuous light and the transcriptome response to lin were as much as 80% unique compared to gun1-1. Both double mutants, gun1-1:ANAC017OE and bzip60:ANAC017OE (but not single bzip60), have a gun molecular gene expression pattern and result in variegated and green plants, suggesting that ANAC017OE may act through an independent pathway compared to gun1. Over-expression of ANAC013 or rcd1 did not produce a GUN phenotype or green plants on lin. Thus, constitutive ANAC017OE2 establishes an alternative transcriptional program that likely acts through a number of pathways, that is, maintains plastid gene expression, and induction of a variety of transcription factors involved in reactive oxygen species metabolism, priming plants for lin tolerance to give a gun phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplasts are not only critical photosynthesis sites in plants, but they also participate in plastidial retrograde signaling in response to developmental and environmental signals. MEcPP (2-C-Methyl-D-erythritol-2,4-cyclopyrophosphate) is an intermediary in the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway in chloroplasts. It is a critical precursor for the synthesis of isoprenoids and terpenoid derivatives, which play crucial roles in plant growth and development, photosynthesis, reproduction, and defense against environmental constraints. Accumulation of MEcPP under stressful conditions triggers the expression of IMPα-9 and TPR2, contributing to the activation of abiotic stress-responsive genes. In this correspondence, we discuss plastidial retrograde signaling in support of a recently published paper in Molecular Plant (Zeng et al. 2024). We hope that it can shed more insight on the retrograde signaling cascade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants, being sessile organisms, constantly need to respond to environmental stresses, often leading to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). While ROS can be harmful, they also act as second messengers guiding plant growth and stress responses. Because chloroplasts are sensitive to environmental changes and are both a source and a target of ROS during stress conditions, they are important in conveying environmental changes to the nucleus, where acclimation responses are coordinated to maintain organellar and overall cellular homeostasis. ANAC102 has previously been established as a regulator of β-cyclocitral-mediated chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling, protecting plants against photooxidative stress. However, debates persist about where ANAC102 is located-in chloroplasts or in the nucleus. Our study, utilizing the genomic ANAC102 sequence driven by its native promoter, establishes ANAC102 primarily as a nuclear protein, lacking a complete N-terminal chloroplast-targeting peptide. Moreover, our research reveals the sensitivity of plants overexpressing ANAC102 to severe superoxide-induced chloroplast oxidative stress. Transcriptome analysis unraveled a dual role of ANAC102 in negatively and positively regulating genome-wide transcriptional responses to chloroplast oxidative stress. Through the integration of published data and our own study, we constructed a comprehensive transcriptional network, which suggests that ANAC102 exerts direct and indirect control over transcriptional responses through downstream transcription factor networks, providing deeper insights into the ANAC102-mediated regulatory landscape during oxidative stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vacuoles are the largest membrane-bound organelles in plant cells, critical for development and environmental responses. Vacuolar dynamics indicate reversible changes of vacuoles in morphology, size, or numbers. In this review, we summarize current understandings of vacuolar dynamics in different types of plant cells, biological processes associated with vacuolar dynamics, and regulators controlling vacuolar dynamics. Specifically, we point out the possibility that vacuolar dynamics play key roles in cell division and differentiation, which are controlled by the nucleus. Finally, we propose three routes through which vacuolar dynamics actively participate in nucleus-controlled cellular activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retrograde signaling between plastids and the nucleus is vital for chloroplast biogenesis and environmental responses. GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1) was proposed to be a central integrator of multiple retrograde signaling pathways in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). However, the function of GUN1 orthologs in other plant species has not been well studied. Here, we found that many GUN1 orthologs from the Solanaceae family have a short N-terminus before the first pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) motif which is predicted as intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). Functional analyses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) GUN1 (SlGUN1), which does not contain N-terminal IDRs, show that it can complement the GUN phenotype of the Arabidopsis gun1 mutant (Atgun1). However, in contrast to the AtGUN1 protein, which does contain the N-terminal IDRs, the SlGUN1 protein is highly accumulated even after chloroplast biogenesis is completed, suggesting that the N-terminal IDRs may determine the stability of the GUN1 protein. Furthermore, we generated tomato Slgun1 genome-edited mutants via the CRISPR-Cas9 system. The Slgun1 mutants exhibited a typical GUN phenotype under lincomycin (Lin) or norflurazon (NF) treatment. Moreover, Slgun1 mutants are hypersensitive to low concentrations of Lin or NF. Taken together, our results suggest that, although lacking the N-terminal IDRs, SlGUN1 plays conserved roles in plastid retrograde signaling in tomato plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chloroplast is a critical battleground in the arms race between plants and pathogens. Among microbe-secreted mycotoxins, tenuazonic acid (TeA), produced by the genus Alternaria and other phytopathogenic fungi, inhibits photosynthesis, leading to a burst of photosynthetic singlet oxygen (1O2) that is implicated in damage and chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling. Despite the significant crop damage caused by Alternaria pathogens, our understanding of the molecular mechanism by which TeA promotes pathogenicity and cognate plant defense responses remains fragmentary. We now reveal that A. alternata induces necrotrophic foliar lesions by harnessing EXECUTER1 (EX1)/EX2-mediated chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling activated by TeA toxin-derived photosynthetic 1O2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mutation of the 1O2-sensitive EX1-W643 residue or complete deletion of the EX1 singlet oxygen sensor domain compromises expression of 1O2-responsive nuclear genes and foliar lesions. We also found that TeA toxin rapidly induces nuclear genes implicated in jasmonic acid (JA) synthesis and signaling, and EX1-mediated retrograde signaling appears to be critical for establishing a signaling cascade from 1O2 to JA. The present study sheds new light on the foliar pathogenicity of A. alternata, during which EX1-dependent 1O2 signaling induces JA-dependent foliar cell death.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorophyll (Chl)-mediated oxygenic photosynthesis sustains life on Earth. Greening leaves play fundamental roles in plant growth and crop yield, correlating with the idea that more Chls lead to better adaptation. However, they face significant challenges from various unfavorable environments. Chl biosynthesis hinges on the first committed step, which involves inserting Mg2+ into protoporphyrin. This step is facilitated by the H subunit of magnesium chelatase (CHLH) and features a conserved mechanism from cyanobacteria to plants. For better adaptation to fluctuating land environments, especially drought, CHLH evolves multiple biological functions, including Chl biosynthesis, retrograde signaling, and abscisic acid (ABA) responses. Additionally, it integrates into various chloroplast-derived signaling pathways, encompassing both retrograde signaling and hormonal signaling. The former comprises ROS (reactive oxygen species), heme, GUN (genomes uncoupled), MEcPP (methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate), β-CC (β-cyclocitral), and PAP (3\'-phosphoadenosine-5\'-phosphate). The latter involves phytohormones like ABA, ethylene, auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, strigolactone, brassinolide, salicylic acid, and jasmonic acid. Together, these elements create a coordinated regulatory network tailored to plant development and adaptation. An intriguing example is how drought-mediated improvement of fruit quality provides insights into chloroplast-derived signaling, aiding the shift from vegetative to reproductive growth. In this context, we explore the integration of CHLH\'s multifaceted roles into chloroplast-derived signaling, which lays the foundation for plant development and adaptation, as well as fruit ripening and quality. In the future, manipulating chloroplast-derived signaling may offer a promising avenue to enhance crop yield and quality through the homeostasis, function, and regulation of Chls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retrograde signaling modulates the expression of nuclear genome-encoded organelle proteins to adjust organelle function in response to environmental cues. MULTIPLE ORGANELLAR RNA EDITING FACTOR 2 (MORF2) was initially recognized as a plastidial RNA-editing factor but recently shown to interact with GUN1. Given the central role of GUN1 in chloroplast retrograde signaling and the unviable phenotype of morf2 mutants that is inconsistent with many viable mutants involved in RNA editing, we hypothesized that MORF2 has functions either dosage dependent or beyond RNA editing. Using an inducible Clustered Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat interference (iCRISPRi) approach, we were able to reduce the MORF2 transcripts in a controlled manner. In addition to MORF2-dosage dependent RNA-editing errors, we discovered that reducing MORF2 by iCRISPRi stimulated the expression of stress responsive genes, triggered plastidial retrograde signaling, repressed ethylene signaling and skotomorphogenesis, and increased accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. These findings along with previous discoveries suggest that MORF2 is an effective regulator involved in plastidial metabolic pathways whose reduction can readily activate multiple retrograde signaling molecules possibly involving reactive oxygen species to adjust plant growth. In addition, our newly developed iCRISPRi approach provided a novel genetic tool for quantitative reverse genetics studies on hub genes in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial retrograde signaling (MRS) supports photosynthetic function under a variety of conditions. Induction of mitochondrial dysfunction with myxothiazol (a specific inhibitor of the mitochondrial bc1 complex) or antimycin A (an inhibitor of the mitochondrial bc1 complex and cyclic electron transport in the chloroplast under light conditions) in the light and dark revealed diurnal control of MRS. This was evidenced by (1) significantly enhanced binding of ANAC017 to promoters in the light compared with the dark in Arabidopsis plants treated with myxothiazol (but not antimycin A), (2) overlap in the experimentally determined binding sites for ANAC017 and circadian clock regulators in the promoters of ANAC013 and AOX1a, (3) a diurnal expression pattern for ANAC017 and transcription factors it regulates, (4) altered expression of ANAC017-regulated genes in circadian clock mutants with and without myxothiazol treatment, and (5) a decrease in the magnitude of LHY and CCA1 expression in an ANAC017-overexpressing line and protein-protein interaction between ANAC017 and PIF4. This study also shows a large difference in transcriptome responses to antimycin A and myxothiazol in the dark: these responses are ANAC017 independent, observed in shoots and roots, similar to biotic challenge and salicylic acid responses, and involve ERF and ZAT transcription factors. This suggests that antimycin A treatment stimulates a second MRS pathway that is mediated or converges with salicylic acid signaling and provides a merging point with chloroplast retrograde signaling.





