• 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sea jellyfish stings pose a threat to human health, and traditional detection methods face challenges in terms of accuracy and real-time capabilities.
    UNASSIGNED: To address this, we propose a novel algorithm that integrates YOLOv4 object detection, an attention mechanism, and PID control. We enhance YOLOv4 to improve the accuracy and real-time performance of detection. Additionally, we introduce an attention mechanism to automatically focus on critical areas of sea jellyfish stings, enhancing detection precision. Ultimately, utilizing the PID control algorithm, we achieve adaptive adjustments in the robot\'s movements and posture based on the detection results. Extensive experimental evaluations using a real sea jellyfish sting image dataset demonstrate significant improvements in accuracy and real-time performance using our proposed algorithm. Compared to traditional methods, our algorithm more accurately detects sea jellyfish stings and dynamically adjusts the robot\'s actions in real-time, maximizing protection for human health.
    UNASSIGNED: The significance of this research lies in providing an efficient and accurate sea jellyfish sting detection algorithm for intelligent robot systems. The algorithm exhibits notable improvements in real-time capabilities and precision, aiding robot systems in better identifying and addressing sea jellyfish stings, thereby safeguarding human health. Moreover, the algorithm possesses a certain level of generality and can be applied to other applications in target detection and adaptive control, offering broad prospects for diverse applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auxin plays a key role in plant growth and development through auxin local synthesis, polar transport, and auxin signaling. Many previous reports on Arabidopsis have found that various types of auxin-related genes are involved in the development of the cotyledon, including the number, symmetry, and morphology of the cotyledon. However, the molecular mechanism by which auxin is involved in cotyledon formation remains to be elucidated. PID, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase localized to the plasma membrane, has been found to phosphorylate the PIN1 protein and regulate its polar distribution in the cell. The loss of function of pid resulted in an abnormal number of cotyledons and defects in inflorescence. It was interesting that the pid mutant interacted synergistically with various types of mutant to generate the severe developmental defect without cotyledon. PID and these genes were indicated to be strongly correlated with cotyledon formation. In this review, PID-centered genetic interactions, related gene functions, and corresponding possible pathways are discussed, providing a perspective that PID and its co-regulators control cotyledon formation through multiple pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ant colony algorithm (ACA) is a heuristic algorithm that resolves the optimality problem by simulating an ant\'s foraging process, which finds the shortest path. The connotation of the ACA is to find the optimal solution. The Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) parameter tuning is an essential tool in the control field and includes three parameters, Kp, Ki, and Kd, to achieve the best control effect. Besides, tuning the PID parameters is closely related to finding the \"optimal\" solution that can be attained based on the feasible combination of the two. This article transforms the PID parameter tuning problem into an ACA that finds the optimal solution called ACA-based PID parameters tuning. Furthermore, PID control is simulated by setting the parameters of ACA, such as ant colony size, iteration times, nodes, paths, path evaluation criteria, pheromone concentration, heuristic function, weight factor, and decision function. Eventually, the two PID controller parameter tuning strategies are compared and analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each are obtained. Compared with the 4:1 attenuation curve method, the proposed method can significantly reduce the MP score of the overshoot of the system, increase the time, and improve the dynamic and steady-state performance of the system, but reduce the steady-state error of the system. Therefore, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 10 kV distribution network is a crucial piece of infrastructure to guarantee enterprises\' and households\' access to electricity. Stripping cables is one of many power grid maintenance procedures that are now quickly expanding. However, typical cable-stripping procedures are manual and harmful to workers. Although numerous automated solutions for grid maintenance have been created, none of them focus on cable stripping, and most of them have large dimensions to guarantee multi-functions. In this paper, a new cable-stripping robot for the 10 kV power system is introduced. The design of a live working cable-stripping robot that is appropriate for installing insulating rods is introduced, taking into account the working environment of 10 kV overhead lines and the structural characteristics of overhead cables. The robot is managed by an auxiliary remote control device. A cascade PID control technology based on the back propagation neural network (BPNN) method was developed, as the stripper robot\'s whole system is nonlinear and the traditional PID controller lacked robustness and adaptability in complex circumstances. To validate the structural feasibility of the cable-stripping robot, as well as the working stability and adaptability of the BPNN-PID controller, a 95 mm2 cable-stripping experiment are carried out. A comparison of the BPNN-PID controller with the traditional PID method revealed that the BPNN-PID controller has a greater capacity for speed tracking and system stability. This robot demonstrated its ability to replace manual stripping procedures and will be used for practical routine power maintenance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silicon single crystal (SSC) quality monitoring and control has been a hot research topic in the field of the Czochralski crystal growth process. Considering that the traditional SSC control method ignores the crystal quality factor, this paper proposes a hierarchical predictive control strategy based on a soft sensor model for online control of SSC diameter and crystal quality. First, the proposed control strategy considers the V/G variable (V is the crystal pulling rate, and G is the axial temperature gradient at the solid-liquid interface), a factor related to crystal quality. Aiming at the problem that the V/G variable is difficult to measure directly, a soft sensor model based on SAE-RF is established to realize the online monitoring of the V/G variable and then complete hierarchical prediction control of SSC quality. Second, in the hierarchical control process, PID control of the inner layer is used to quickly stabilize the system. Model predictive control (MPC) of the outer layer is used to handle system constraints and enhance the control performance of the inner layer. In addition, the SAE-RF-based soft sensor model is used to monitor the crystal quality V/G variable online, thereby ensuring that the output of the controlled system meets the desired crystal diameter and V/G requirements. Finally, based on the industrial data of the actual Czochralski SSC growth process, the effectiveness of the proposed crystal quality hierarchical predictive control method is verified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aiming at the problem that the single sensor of the coaxial UAV cannot accurately measure attitude information, a pose estimation algorithm based on unscented Kalman filter information fusion is proposed. The kinematics and dynamics characteristics of coaxial folding twin-rotor UAV are studied, and a mathematical model is established. The common attitude estimation methods are analyzed, and the extended Kalman filter algorithm and unscented Kalman filter algorithm are established. In order to complete the test of the prototype of a small coaxial twin-rotor UAV, a test platform for the dynamic performance and attitude angle of the semi-physical flight of the UAV was established. The platform can analyze the mechanical vibration, attitude angle and noise of the aircraft. It can also test and analyze the characteristics of the mechanical vibration and noise produced by the UAV at different rotor speeds. Furthermore, the static and time-varying trends of the pitch angle and yaw angle of the Kalman filter attitude estimation algorithm is further analyzed through static and dynamic experiments. The analysis results show that the attitude estimation of the UKF is better than that of the EKF when the throttle is between 0.2σ and 0.9σ. The error of the algorithm is less than 0.6°. The experiment and analysis provide a reference for the optimization of the control parameters and flight control strategy of the coaxial folding dual-rotor aircraft.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crash of an aircraft with an almost vertical attitude in Wuzhou, Guangxi, China, on 21 March 2022, has caused a robust discussion in the civil aviation community. We propose an active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC) for suppressing aeroelastic vibrations of a flexible aircraft at the simulation level. The ADRC has a relatively simple structure and it has been proved in several fields to provide better control than the classical proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control theory and is easier to translate from theory to practice compared with other modern control theories. In this paper, the vibration model of the flexible aircraft was built, based on the first elastic vibration mode of the aircraft. In addition, the principle of ADRC is explained in detail, a second-order ADRC was designed to control the vibration model, and the system\'s closed-loop frequency domain characteristics, tracking effect and sensitivity were comprehensively analyzed. The estimation error of the extended state observer (ESO) and the anti-disturbance effect were analyzed, while the robustness of the closed-loop system was verified using the Monte Carlo method, which was used for the first time in this field. Simulation results showed that the ADRC suppressed aircraft elastic vibration better than PID controllers and that the closed-loop system was robust in the face of dynamic parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fast tool servo (FTS) control strategy is the control core of high-speed noncircular turning. This method should ensure high-speed and precision positioning and have the corresponding anti-interference ability in the micro-stroke motion with dynamic changes of tool feed and load. Most of the previous FTS control studies used the repetitive control and speed feedforward control strategy, which achieved promising results under ideal machining conditions. However, this strategy showed some defects in the real-world complex and changeable working conditions such as time-varying cutting force, intermittent cutting and fluctuating machine spindle speed. This paper proposed and implemented a compound proportional integral derivative control strategy based on input feedforward and dynamic compensation in noncircular turning. This technique successfully met the motion requirements of the high responsiveness of micro-stroke in noncircular turning and overcame disturbances from complex time variations of the cutting force, intermittent cutting case of the product and fluctuations of machine spindle speed. According to the findings, the machining tracking error was less than ±2 µm. Experimental results demonstrated the excellent tracking performance and machining effect of this control strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the actual industrial production process, the method of adaptively tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) parameters online by neural network can adapt to different characteristics of different controlled objects better than the controller with PID. However, the commonly used microcontroller unit (MCU) cannot meet the application scenarios of real time and high reliability. Therefore, in this paper, a closed-loop motion control system based on BP neural network (BPNN) PID controller by using a Xilinx field programmable gate array (FPGA) solution is proposed. In the design of the controller, it is divided into several sub-modules according to the modular design idea. The forward propagation module is used to complete the forward propagation operation from the input layer to the output layer. The PID module implements the mapping of PID arithmetic to register transfer level (RTL) and is responsible for completing the output of control amount. The main state machine module generates enable signals that control the sequential execution of each sub-module. The error backpropagation and weight update module completes the update of the weights of each layer of the network. The peripheral modules of the control system are divided into two main parts. The speed measurement module completes the acquisition of the output pulse signal of the encoder and the measurement of the motor speed. The pulse width modulation (PWM) signal generation module generates PWM waves with different duty cycles to control the rotation speed of the motor. A co-simulation of Modelsim and Simulink is used to simulate and verify the system, and a test analysis is also performed on the development platform. The results show that the proposed system can realize the self-tuning of PID control parameters, and also has the characteristics of reliable performance, high real-time performance, and strong anti-interference. Compared with MCU, the convergence speed is far more than three orders of magnitude, which proves its superiority.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to better understand the disturbance rejection principle of PID, the active disturbance rejection PID is derived based on the singular perturbation theory and bandwidth parameterization. However, the PID structure is not suitable for high order systems with state constraints. In addition, the adaptive neural network (ANN) method for the state constrained control is not facile for engineering applications. Therefore, based on the disturbance rejection ideas of PID, the reduced order improved generalized proportional integral observer (IGPIO) based state constrained control is proposed to reject the multi uncertainties actively, meanwhile, it can prevent the violation of the system state constraints. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the state constrained control simulation for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) driven electric vehicle (EV).





