Niche divergence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Angiosperms, a trigger for the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution (KTR), underwent a rapid expansion and occupied all the environments during the Mid-Upper Cretaceous. Yet, Cretaceous biogeographic patterns and processes underlying the distribution of angiosperm diversity in the Northern Hemisphere are still poorly known. Here, we elucidated the biogeographic diversification of the angiosperm family Papaveraceae, an ancient Northern Hemisphere clade characterized by poor dispersal ability and high level of regional endemism. Based on both plastome and multi-locus datasets, we reconstructed a robust time-calibrated phylogeny that includes all currently recognized 45 genera of this family. Within the time-calibrated phylogenetic framework, we conducted 72 biogeographic analyses by testing the sensitivity of uncertainties of area delimitation, maxarea constraints, and the parameters of the model, i.e., j (describing jump-dispersal events) and w (modifying dispersal multiplier matrices), to ancestral range estimations. We also inferred ancestral habitat and ecological niches. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support Papaveraceae as monophyletic. Pteridophylloideae is strongly supported as sister to Hypecoideae-Fumarioideae. Our results indicate that the j parameter and number of predefined areas strongly affect ancestral range estimates, generating questionable ancestral ranges, whereas maxarea constraint and w parameter have no effect and improve model fit. After accounting for these uncertainties, our results indicate that Papaveraceae differentiated in Asian wet forests during the Lower Cretaceous and subsequently occupied the Asian and western North American arid and open areas. Three dispersals from Asia to western North America via the Bering land bridge occurred in the Mid-Upper Cretaceous, largely in agreement with the KTR. Habitat shift and ecological niche divergence resulted in the subsequent disjunctions between Asia and western North America. These findings suggest that the interplay of range expansion and niche divergence-driven vicariance might have shaped Cretaceous biogeographic patterns of angiosperms with Papaveraceae-like ecological requirements and dispersal abilities in the Northern Hemisphere, hence contributing to the knowledge on the geographic expansion of angiosperms during the KTR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants may maintain long-term xylem function via efficiency-safety tradeoff and segmentation. Most studies focus on the growing season and community level. We studied species with different efficiency-safety tradeoff strategies, Quercus acutissima, Robinia pseudoacacia, Vitex negundo var. heterophylla, and Rhus typhina, to determine the seasonality of this mechanism. We separated their branches into perennial shoots and terminal twigs and monitored their midday water potential (Ψmd), relative water content (RWC), stem-specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks), loss of 12, 50, and 88% of maximum efficiency (i.e., P12, P50, P88) for 2 years. There were no correlations between water relations (Ψmd, RWC, Ks) and embolism resistance traits (P12, P50, P88) but they significantly differed between the perennial shoots and terminal twigs. All species had weak annual hydraulic efficiency-safety tradeoff but strong segmentation between the perennial shoots and the terminal twigs. R. pseudoacacia used a high-efficiency, low-safety strategy, whereas R. typhina used a high-safety, low-efficiency strategy. Q. acutissima and V. negundo var. heterophylla alternated these strategies. This mechanism provides a potential basis for habitat partitioning and niche divergence in the changing warm temperate zone environment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many natural systems are subject to profound and persistent anthropogenic influence. Human-induced gene movement through afforestation and the selective transportation of genotypes might enhance the potential for intraspecific hybridization, which could lead to outbreeding depression. However, the evolutionary legacy of afforestation on the spatial genetic structure of forest tree species has barely been investigated. To do this properly, the effects of anthropogenic and natural processes must be examined simultaneously. A multidisciplinary approach, integrating phylogeography, population genetics, species distribution modeling, and niche divergence would permit evaluation of potential anthropogenic impacts, such as mass planting near-native material. Here, these approaches were applied to Pinus armandii, a Chinese endemic coniferous tree species, that has been mass planted across its native range. Population genetic analyses showed that natural populations of P. armandii comprised three lineages that diverged around the late Miocene, during a period of massive uplifts of the Hengduan Mountains, and intensification of Asian Summer Monsoon. Only limited gene flow was detected between lineages, indicating that each largely maintained is genetic integrity. Moreover, most or all planted populations were found to have been sourced within the same region, minimizing disruption of large-scale spatial genetic structure within P. armandii. This might be because each of the three lineages had a distinct climatic niche, according to ecological niche modeling and niche divergence tests. The current study provides empirical genetic and ecological evidence for the site-species matching principle in forestry and will be useful to manage restoration efforts by identifying suitable areas and climates for introducing and planting new forests. Our results also highlight the urgent need to evaluate the genetic impacts of large-scale afforestation in other native tree species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND4 genes and 9 microsatellite loci to determine genetic diversity, population structure, evolutionary history, and migration patterns within the Reeves\' butterfly lizard Leiolepis reevesii (Agamidae). Considering molecular-based phylogeographical lineages, we then performed niche equivalency and similarity tests between divergent lineages. Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data revealed 2 lineages (A and B) diverging ≈0.84 million years ago and, respectively, restricted to the northern and southern portions of the Wuzhishan and Yinggeling mountain ranges. Lineage B contains individuals from southern Hainan; Lineage A includes individuals from all other localities and can be further divided into 3 clusters according to microsatellite data. The null hypothesis that the 2 lineages shared identical niches was rejected in all niche equivalency tests, indicating niche shifts during genetic divergence. Similarity tests provided evidence of niche conservatism, suggesting that the 2 lineages share more characteristics of their niche spaces than randomly expected. The niche similarity and equivalency tests indicated a complex niche pattern in which both lineages share a main portion of their ecological spaces. The climatic niche of Lineage B represented a marginal and specialized fraction of the entire ecological space of the climatic niche of Lineage A, with warmer conditions. Isolation caused by orogenesis and subsequent niche divergence, together with local adaptation, may have led to genetic differentiation and further lineage sorting in L. reevesii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the factors promoting speciation is a major task in ecological and evolutionary research and can be aided by phylogeographic analysis. The Qinling-Daba Mountains (QDM) located in central China form an important geographic barrier between southern subtropical and northern temperate regions, and exhibit complex topography, climatic, and ecological diversity. Surprisingly, few phylogeographic analyses and studies of plant speciation in this region have been conducted. To address this issue, we investigated the genetic divergence and evolutionary histories of three closely related tree peony species (Paeonia qiui, P. jishanensis, and P. rockii) endemic to the QDM. Forty populations of the three tree peony species were genotyped using 22 nuclear simple sequence repeat markers (nSSRs) and three chloroplast DNA sequences to assess genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships, supplemented by morphological characterization and ecological niche modeling (ENM). Morphological and molecular genetic analyses showed the three species to be clearly differentiated from each other. In addition, coalescent analyses using DIYABC conducted on nSSR variation indicated that the species diverged from each other in the late Pleistocene, while ecological niche modeling (ENM) suggested they occupied a larger area during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) than at present. The combined genetic evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA and the results of ENM indicate that each species persisted through the late Pleistocene in multiple refugia in the Qinling, Daba, and Taihang Mountains with divergence favored by restricted gene flow caused by geographic isolation, ecological divergence, and limited pollen and seed dispersal. Our study contributes to a growing understanding of the origin and population structure of tree peonies and provides insights into the high level of plant endemism present in the Qinling-Daba Mountains of Central China.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The black-spotted tokay and the red-spotted tokay are morphologically distinct and have largely allopatric distributions. The black-spotted tokay is characterized by a small body size and dark skin with sundry spots, while the red-spotted tokay has a relatively large body size and red spots. Based on morphological, karyotypic, genetic, and distribution differences, recent studies suggested their species status; however, their classifications remain controversial, and additional data such as ecological niches are necessary to establish firm hypotheses regarding their taxonomic status. We reconstructed their ecological niches models using climatic and geographic data. We then performed niche similarity tests (niche identity and background tests) and point-based analyses to explore whether ecological differentiation has occurred, and whether such differences are sufficient to explain the maintenance of their separate segments of environmental ranges. We found that both niche models of the black- and the red-spotted tokay had a good fit and a robust performance, as indicated by the high area under the curve (AUC) values (\"black\" = 0.982, SD = ± 0.002, \"red\" = 0.966 ± 0.02). Significant ecological differentiation across the entire geographic range was found, indicating that the involvement of ecological differentiation is important for species differentiation. Divergence along the environmental axes is highly associated with climatic conditions, with isothermality being important for the \"black\" form, while temperature seasonality, precipitation of warmest quarter, and annual temperature range together being important for the \"red\" form. These factors are likely important factors in niche differentiation between the two forms, which result in morphological replacement. Overall, beside morphological and genetic differentiation information, our results contribute to additional insights into taxonomic distinction and niche differentiation between the black- and the red-spotted tokay.





