Native plants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, numerous ecosystems have been co-invaded by multiple exotic plant species that can have competitive or facilitative interactions with each other and with native plants. Invaded ecosystems often exhibit spatial heterogeneity in soil moisture and nutrient levels, with some habitats having more nutrient-rich and moist soils than others. The stress-gradient hypothesis predicts that plants are likely to engage in facilitative interactions when growing in stressful environments, such as nutrient-deficient or water-deficient soils. In contrast, when resources are abundant, competitive interactions between plants should prevail. The invasional meltdown hypothesis proposes that facilitative interactions between invasive species can enhance their establishment and amplify their ecological impact. Considering both hypotheses can offer insights into the complex interactions among invasive and native plants across environmental gradients. However, experimental tests of the effects of soil moisture and nutrient co-limitation on interactions between invasive and native plants at both interspecific and intraspecific levels in light of these hypotheses are lacking. We performed a greenhouse pot experiment in which we cultivated individual focal plants from five congeneric pairs of invasive and native species. Each focal plant was subjected to one of three levels of plant-plant interactions: (1) intraspecific, in which the focal plant was grown with another individual of the same species; (2) interspecific, involving a native and an invasive plant; and (3) interspecific, involving two native or invasive individuals. These plant-plant interaction treatments were fully crossed with two levels of water availability (drought vs. well-watered) and two levels of nutrient supply (low vs. high). Consistent with the stress-gradient and invasional meltdown hypotheses, our findings show that under low-nutrient conditions, the biomass production of invasive focal plants was facilitated by invasive interspecific neighbors. However, under high-nutrient conditions, the biomass production of invasive focal plants was suppressed by invasive interspecific neighbors. When competing with native interspecific neighbors, high-nutrient conditions similarly enhanced the biomass production of both invasive and native focal plants. Invasive and native focal plants were neither competitively suppressed nor facilitated by conspecific neighbors. Taken together, these results suggest that co-occurring invasive exotic plant species may facilitate each other in low-nutrient habitats but compete in high-nutrient habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal pollution in water, soil, and vegetation is an emerging environmental issue. Therefore, this study investigated the abundance of heavy metals (HMs) within roots and shoots of native plant species i.e., Bromus pectinatus, Cynodon dactylon, Poa annua, Euphorbia heliscopa, Anagallis arvensis, and Stellaria media grown in the adjoining area of municipal wastewater channels of a Pakistani city of Abbottabad. HMs concentrations (mg L-1) in municipal wastewater were: chromium (Cr) (0.55) > nickel (Ni) (0.09) > lead (Pb) (0.07) > cadmium (Cd) (0.03). Accumulation of HMs in both roots and shoots of plant species varied as B. pectinatus > C. dactylon > P. annua > E. heliscopa > A. arvensis > S. media. Irrespective of the plant species, roots exhibited higher concentrations of HMs than shoots. Higher amount of Cr (131.70 mg kg-1) was detected in the roots of B. pectinatus and the lowest amount (81 mg kg-1) in A. arvensis, Highest Cd concentration was found in the shoot of B. pectinatus and the lowest in the E. heliscopa. The highest concentration of Ni was found in the roots of S. media (37.40 mg kg-1) and the shoot of C. dactylon (15.70 mg kg-1) whereas the lowest Ni concentration was achieved in the roots of A. arvensis (12.10 mg kg-1) and the shoot of E. heliscopa (5.90 mg kg-1). The concentration of HMs in individual plant species was less than 1000 mg kg-1. Considering the higher values (> 1) of biological concentration factor (BCF), biological accumulation co-efficient (BAC), and translocation factor (TF), B. pectinatus and S. media species showed greater potential for HMs accumulation than other species. Therefore, these plants might be helpful for the remediation of HM-contaminated soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Datura stramonium is an invasive herb of the family Solanaceae from Mexico and has been invading seriously in China. The effects of invasive plants on the functional traits of native plants and the stoichiometric characteristics of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in different habitats were explored by taking the invasive plant D. stramonium and coexisting native plants as the research object. The species, quantity and height of plants in sample plots in farmland, wasteland and roadside habitats were investigated and the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (C), nitrogen content (N), carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N), construction cost (CCmass) and stoichiometric characteristics of soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were analyzed. The results showed that compared with the noninvaded area, the species and quantity of native plants decreased in the invaded area, and SLA and leaf N showed a decreasing trend. The plant height of native plants in the invaded area of the farmland and wasteland decreased by 23.19% and 15.26%, respectively, while the height of native plants along the roadside increased by 95.91%. The leaf C:N ratio of native plants in the invaded area along the roadside significantly increased by 54.07%. The plant height and leaf N of D. stramonium in the three habitats were higher than those of the native plants. The soil N in the invaded area of the three habitats increased, with the soil N in the farmland increasing by 21.05%, in the wasteland increasing by 9.82% and along the roadside significantly increasing by 46.85%. The soil carbon-to-phosphorus ratio (C:P) in the three habitats showed an increasing trend. The soil C:P ratio in the farmland increased by 62.45%, in the wasteland it increased by 11.91% and along the roadside it significantly increased by 71.14%. These results showed that invasion by D. stramonium has a great effect on the local ecosystem, and it has a high ability to capture resources. D. stramonium can improve its own competitiveness by enhancing invasiveness by changing the functional traits of native plants and the stoichiometric characteristics of soil C, N and P, which may be the reason for its invasive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil samples and native plants were collected from abandoned farmlands with a long history of sewage irrigation along Dongdagou stream, Baiyin City. We investigated the concentrations of heavy metal(loid)s (HMMs) in soil-plant system to evaluate the accumulation and transportation ability of HMMs in native plants. Results indicated that soils in study area were severely polluted by Cd, Pb, and As. With the exception of Cd, the correlation between total HMM concentrations in soil and plant tissues was poor. Among all investigated plants, no one was close to the criteria for the HMM concentrations of hyperaccumulators. The concentrations of HMMs in most plants were reached the phytotoxic level and the abandoned farmlands could not be used as forages, which showed that native plants may possess resistance capabilities or high tolerance for As, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn. The FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometer) results suggested that the detoxification of HMMs in plants may depend on the functional groups (-OH, C-H, C-O, and N-H) of some compounds. Bioaccumulation factor (BAF), bioconcentration factor (BCF), and biological transfer factor (BTF) were used to identify the accumulation and translocation characteristics of HMMs by native plants. S. glauca had the highest mean values of BTF for Cd (8.07) and Zn (4.75). C. virgata showed the highest mean BAFs for Cd (2.76) and Zn (9.43). P. harmala, A. tataricus, and A. anethifolia also presented high accumulation and translocation abilities for Cd and Zn. High HMMs (As, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn) accumulation in the aerial parts of plants may lead to increased accumulation of HMMs in the food chain; additional research is desperately required. This study demonstrated the HM enrichment characteristics of weeds and provided a basis for the management of abandoned farmlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In context of the climate change, major abiotic stresses faced by plants include salt stress and drought stress. Though, plants have similar physiological mechanisms to cope with these salt and drought stresses. The physiological and biochemical response of native plants to the combined application of salinity and drought stresses are still not well-understood. Thus, to investigate the combined effect of salinity and drought stresses, an experiment was conducted on Salsola imbricata with four levels of salinity and four drought intensities under the arid climatic conditions. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement replicated three times. S. imbricata had been found resistant to different levels of individual and combined salt and drought stresses. S. imbricata survived till the end of the experiment. Salt and water stress did not show any significant effects on shoot weight, shoot length, and root length. The drought stress affected the photosynthetic rate, ion uptake and leaf water potential. However, salt stress helped to counter this effect of drought stress. Thus, drought stress did not affect plant growth, photosynthesis rate, and ion uptake when combined with salt stress. Increased Na+ and Cl- uptake under the salt stress helped in osmotic adjustment. Therefore, the leaf water potential (LWP) decreased with increasing the salt stress from 5 dSm-1 until 15 dSm-1 and increased again at 20 dSm-1. At lower salt stress, ABA and proline content declined with increasing the drought stress. However, at higher salt stress, ABA content increased with increasing the drought stress. In conclusion, the salt stress had been found to have a protective role to drought stress for S. imbricata. S. imbricata utilized inorganic ion for osmotic adjustment at lower salinity stress but also accumulate the organic solutes to balance the osmotic pressure of the ions in the vacuole under combined stress conditions. Due to the physical lush green appearance and less maintenance requirements, S. imbricata can be recommended as a native substitute in landscaping under the salt and drought stresses conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 17% of the land worldwide is considered highly vulnerable to non-native plant invasion, which can dramatically alter nutrient cycles and influence greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in terrestrial and wetland ecosystems. However, a systematic investigation of the impact of non-native plant invasion on GHG dynamics at a global scale has not yet been conducted, making it impossible to predict the exact biological feedback of non-native plant invasion to global climate change. Here, we compiled 273 paired observational cases from 94 peer-reviewed articles to evaluate the effects of plant invasion on GHG emissions and to identify the associated key drivers. Non-native plant invasion significantly increased methane (CH4 ) emissions from 129 kg CH4 ha-1  year-1 in natural wetlands to 217 kg CH4 ha-1  year-1 in invaded wetlands. Plant invasion showed a significant tendency to increase CH4 uptakes from 2.95 to 3.64 kg CH4 ha-1  year-1 in terrestrial ecosystems. Invasive plant species also significantly increased nitrous oxide (N2 O) emissions in grasslands from an average of 0.76 kg N2 O ha-1  year-1 in native sites to 1.35 kg N2 O ha-1  year-1 but did not affect N2 O emissions in forests or wetlands. Soil organic carbon, mean annual air temperature (MAT), and nitrogenous deposition (N_DEP) were the key factors responsible for the changes in wetland CH4 emissions due to plant invasion. The responses of terrestrial CH4 uptake rates to plant invasion were mainly driven by MAT, soil NH4 + , and soil moisture. Soil NO3 - , mean annual precipitation, and N_DEP affected terrestrial N2 O emissions in response to plant invasion. Our meta-analysis not only sheds light on the stimulatory effects of plant invasion on GHG emissions from wetland and terrestrial ecosystems but also improves our current understanding of the mechanisms underlying the responses of GHG emissions to plant invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural habitats play crucial roles in biodiversity conservation and shape the delivery of ecosystem services in farming landscapes. By providing diverse resources to foraging natural enemies, they can equally enhance biological pest control. In this study, we described the plant community and foliage-dwelling invertebrate predators within non-crop habitats of the Gobi Desert oases in southern Xinjiang, China. We assessed whether plant-related variables (i.e., species identity, flowering status) and herbivore abundance affect natural enemy identity and abundance. A total of 18 plant species belonging to 18 genera and 10 families were commonly encountered, with Apocynum pictum (Apocynaceae), Phragmites communis (Poaceae), Karelinia caspia (Asteraceae), and Tamarix ramosissima (Tamaricaceae) as the dominant species. Certain plant species (P. communis) primarily provide shelter, while others offer (floral, non-floral) food resources or alternative prey. Predatory ladybeetles and spiders were routinely associated with these plants and foraged extensively within adjacent field crops. Plant traits and herbivore abundance explained up to 44% (3%-44%) variation in natural enemy community and exhibited consistent, year-round effects. Among all plant species, A. pictum consistently had a significantly higher abundance of resident natural enemies, except for August 2019. Our study underlines how perennial flowering plants, such as A. pictum, are essential to sustain natural enemy communities and related ecosystem services in arid settings. This work not only informs sustainable pest management initiatives but also shows how non-crop habitats at the periphery of agricultural fields underpin ecological resilience under adverse climatic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exotic plant invasion is an urgent issue occurring in the biosphere, which can be stimulated by environmental nitrogen (N) loading. However, the allocation and assimilation of soil N sources between leaves and roots remain unclear for plants in invaded ecosystems, which hampers the understanding of mechanisms behind the expansion of invasive plants and the co-existence of native plants. This work established a new framework to use N concentrations and isotopes of soils, roots, and leaves to quantitatively decipher intra-plant N allocation and assimilation among plant species under no invasion and under the invasion of Chromolaena odorata and Ageratina adenophora in a tropical ecosystem of SW China. We found that the assimilation of N derived from both soil ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) were higher in leaves than in roots for invasive plants, leading to higher leaf N levels than native plants. Compared with the same species under no invasion, most native plants under invasion showed higher N concentrations and NH4+ assimilations in both leaves and roots, and increases in leaf N were higher than in root N for native plants under invasion. These results inform that preferential N allocation, dominated by NH4+-derived N, to leaves over roots as an important N-use strategy for plant invasion and co-existence in the studied tropical ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though gold mines provide significant economic benefits to local governments, mining causes soil pollution by potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) in mining areas, especially in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Screening of native plant species from mining areas is now an effective, inexpensive, and eco-friendly method for the remediation of PTEs in situ. In the present study, we conducted experiments to assess the accumulation of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in 12 native plant species growing on a typical gold mining area in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Our results showed that rhizosphere soils have high soil organic matter content, high levels of As, and moderate levels of Cd. Geranium pylzowianum accumulated relatively higher As in its shoots and exhibited translocation factor (TF) higher than 1 for As (4.65), Cd (1.87), and Pb (1.36). Potentilla saundersiana had bioconcentration factor of shoot (BCF-S) higher than 1 for Cd (4.52) and Pb (1.70), whereas its TF was higher than 1 for As, Cd, Pb, and Zn. These plant species exhibit strong tolerance to these PTEs. Furthermore, Elymus nutans accumulated low levels of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in their shoots and exhibited TF values lower than 1 for the four PTEs. Therefore, G. pylzowianum is a promising candidate for the in situ phytoextraction of As, and P. saundersiana can be used as an effective plant for Cd and Pb phytoextraction. E. nutans is better suited for the phytostabilisation of multiple PTEs. This work is of significant importance for screening native plant species that can provide a reference for phytoremediation of PTE-contaminated soils in this area or other place with similar climate, and has a good potential for developing PTE phytoremediation strategies at mining sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the dominant plants in ecological restoration of tin mining areas, field investigations were conducted in a tin tailings area in Lailishan, Yunnan Provence, and 15 dominant plants and corresponding rhizosphere soils were collected. The plant root mycorrhizal infection rate; the copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and tin (Sn) contents; and the chemical properties of the rhizosphere tailings were determined. The transfer and enrichment coefficients of six heavy metals were calculated for each of the 15 plants to comprehensively evaluate the application potential of native plants. The rhizophere tailings had an average pH value of 3.13, which was acidic. The organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, and available phosphorus content of the soils was 6.07 g ·kg-1, 5.74 g ·kg-1, 0.62 g ·kg-1, 8.66 g ·kg-1, 30.84 mg ·kg-1, and 2.08 mg ·kg-1 respectively, indicating relatively nutrient-poor soil. The average Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, As, and Sn contents of the soils were 347.40, 1.02, 1.34, 168.47, 25.81, and 2299.02 mg ·kg-1, respectively. Among the heavy metals, the Cd content reached a third-level pollution warning value. The soil also contained a large amount of Cu and Pb which exhibited a different spatial distribution. This area appears to have a high risk of Cu, Pb, and Cd pollution. In addition, the roots of Olea europaea L. and Eurya japonica Thunb. had a high rate of mycorrhizal infection. Alnus cremastogyne Burk., Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. ex Schult. \'Alphonse-Kar\' R. A. Young, Juncus effusus L., and Cyperus rotundus L. var. had a strong ability to absorb and transport heavy metals. The other plants were also adapted to the growth environment of the tin tailings, with the potential to restore the mining area.





