Mutation Accumulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spontaneous mutations power evolution, whereas large-scale structural variations (SVs) remain poorly studied, primarily because of the lack of long-read sequencing techniques and powerful analytical tools. Here, we explore the SVs of Escherichia coli by running 67 wild-type (WT) and 37 mismatch repair (MMR)-deficient (ΔmutS) mutation accumulation lines, each experiencing more than 4,000 cell divisions, by applying Nanopore long-read sequencing and Illumina PE150 sequencing and verifying the results by Sanger sequencing. In addition to precisely repeating previous mutation rates of base-pair substitutions and insertion and deletion (indel) mutation rates, we do find significant improvement in insertion and deletion detection using long-read sequencing. The long-read sequencing and corresponding software can particularly detect bacterial SVs in both simulated and real data sets with high accuracy. These lead to SV rates of 2.77 × 10-4 (WT) and 5.26 × 10-4 (MMR-deficient) per cell division per genome, which is comparable with previous reports. This study provides the SV rates of E. coli by applying long-read sequencing and SV detection programs, revealing a broader and more accurate picture of spontaneous mutations in bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal nanoparticles, especially silver, have been used in various medical scenarios, due to their excellent antimicrobial effects. Recent studies have shown that AgNPs do not exert mutagenic effects on target bacteria, but the degree to which they compromise eukaryotic genomes remains unclear. To study this, we evaluated the mutagenic effects of AgNPs on the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ATCC-16979, of which ∼23% genes are homologous to human ones, at single-nucleotide resolution, and whole-genome scale by running 283 mutation accumulation lines for ∼260,000 cell divisions in total. We also explored the action and mutagenesis mechanisms using differential gene-expression analysis based on RNAseq. Upon AgNPs treatment, the genomic base-substitution mutation rate of S. pombe at four-fold degenerate sites increased by 3.46×, and small indels were prone to occur in genomic regions that are not simple sequence repeats. The G:C → T:A transversion rate was also significantly increased, likely mostly from oxidative damage. Thus, in addition to their antimicrobial potency, AgNPs might pose slight genotoxicity threats to eukaryotic and possibly human genomes, though at a low magnitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of cancer is largely dependent on the accumulation of somatic mutations, indicating the potential to develop cancer chemoprevention agents targeting mutation drivers. However, ideal cancer chemoprevention agents that can effectively inhibit the mutation drivers have not been identified yet.
    The somatic mutation signatures and expression analyses of APOBEC3B were performed in patient with pan-cancer. The computer-aided screening and skeleton-based searching were performed to identify natural products that can inhibit the activity of APOBEC3B. 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO)-induced spontaneous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and azoxymethane/dextran sulfate sodium (AOM/DSS)-induced spontaneous colon cancer mouse models were conducted to investigate the influences of APOBEC3B inhibitor on the prevention of somatic mutation accumulation and cancer progression.
    Here, we discovered that the cytidine deaminase APOBEC3B correlated somatic mutations were widely observed in a variety of cancers, and its overexpression indicated poor survival. SMC247 (3, 5-diiodotyrosine), as a source of kelp iodine without side effects, could strongly bind APOBEC3B (KD=65 nM) and effectively inhibit its deaminase activity (IC50=1.69 µM). Interestingly, 3, 5-diiodotyrosine could significantly reduce the clusters of mutations, prevent the precancerous lesion progression, and prolong the survival in 4-NQO-induced spontaneous ESCC and AOM/DSS-induced spontaneous colon cancer mouse models. Furthermore, 3, 5-diiodotyrosine could reduce colitis, increase the proportion and function of T lymphocytes via IL-15 in tumor microenvironment. The synergistic cancer prevention effects were observed when 3, 5-diiodotyrosine combined with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade.
    This is the first prove-of-concept study to elucidate that the natural product 3, 5-diiodotyrosine could prevent somatic mutation accumulation and cancer progression through inhibiting the enzymatic activity of APOBEC3B. In addition, 3, 5-diiodotyrosine could reduce the colitis and increase the infiltration and function of T lymphocytes via IL-15 in tumor microenvironment. 3, 5-diiodotyrosine combined with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade could elicit synergistic cancer prevention effects, indicating a novel strategy for both prevent the somatic mutation accumulation and the immune-suppressive microenvironment exacerbation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accumulation of multiple genetic mutations is essential during the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma induced by hepatitis B (HBV-HCC), but understanding their cooperative effects and identifying the warning transition point from hepatitis B to HCC are challenges. In the genomic analysis of somatic mutations of the patient with HBV-HCC in a patient-specific protein-protein interaction (ps-PPI) network, we find mutation influence can propagate along the ps-PPI network. Therefore, in the article, we got the mutation cluster as a new research unit using the Random Walks with Restarts algorithm that is used to describe the efficient boundary of mutation influences. The connection of mutation cluster leads to dysregulation of signaling pathways corresponding to HCC, while dysregulated signaling pathways accumulate gradually and experience a process from quantitative to qualitative changes including a critical mutation cluster called transition point (TP) from hepatitis B to HCC. Moreover, two subtypes of HCC patients with different prognosis and their corresponding biological and clinical characteristics were identified according to TP. The poor prognosis HCC subtype was associated with significant metabolic pathway dysregulation and lower immune cell infiltration, while we also identified several preventive drugs to block the transformation of hepatitis B to hepatocellular carcinoma. The network-level study integrated multiomics data not only showed the sequence of multiple somatic mutations and their cooperative effect but also identified the warning transition point in HCC tumorigenesis for each patient. Our study provides new insight into exploring the cooperative molecular mechanism of chronic inflammatory malignancy in the liver and lays the foundation for the development of new approaches for early prediction and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma and personalized targeted therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its substantial costs, sexual reproduction dominates in animals. One popular explanation for the paradox of sex is that asexual reproduction is more likely to accumulate deleterious mutations than sexual reproduction. To test this hypothesis, we compared the mitogenomes of two asexual wasp strains, Trichogramma cacoeciae and T. pretiosum, to their sexual relatives. These two asexual strains represent two different transition mechanisms in Trichogramma from sexual to asexual reproduction. Asexual T. pretiosum is induced by Wolbachia, while T. cacoeciae presumably originated from interspecific hybridization. We sequenced and assembled complete mitochondrial genomes of asexual T. cacoeciae and T. pretiosum. Compared to four sexual relatives, we found no evidence of higher mutation accumulation in asexual Trichogramma mitogenomes than in their sexual relatives. We also did not detect any relaxed selection in asexual Trichogramma mitogenomes. In contrast, the intensified selection was detected in Nad1 and Nad4 of the asexual T. pretiosum mitogenome, suggesting more purifying selection. In summary, no higher mitochondrial mutation accumulation was detected in these two asexual Trichogramma strains. This study provides a basis for further investigating mitochondrial evolution and asexual reproduction in Trichogramma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida tropicalis is one of the most common opportunistic yeast pathogens of humans, especially prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. This yeast has broad ecological distributions, can be found in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, including being associated with a diversity of trees, animals, and humans. Evolutionary theory predicts that organisms thriving in diverse ecological niches likely have efficient mechanisms to generate genetic diversity in nature. Indeed, abundant genetic variations have been reported in natural populations (both environmental and clinical) of C. tropicalis. However, at present, our understanding on how genetic diversity is generated in natural C. tropicalis population remains controversial. In this paper, I review the current understanding on the potential modes of reproduction in C. tropicalis. I describe expectations of the three modes of reproduction (sexual, parasexual, and asexual) and compare them with the observed genotypic variations in natural populations. Though sexual and parasexual reproduction cannot be excluded, the analyses suggest asexual reproduction alone could explain all the observations reported so far. The results here have implications for understanding the evolution and epidemiology of C. tropicalis and other related human fungal pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutation accumulation (MA) has profound ecological and evolutionary consequences. One example is that accumulation of conditionally neutral mutations leads to fitness trade-offs among heterogenous habitats which cause population divergence. Here we suggest that temperature, which controls the rates of all biochemical and biophysical processes, should play a crucial role for determining mutational effects. Particularly, warmer temperatures may mitigate the effects of some, not all, deleterious mutations and cause stronger environmental dependence in MA effects.
    We experimentally tested the above hypothesis by measuring the growth performance of ten Escherichia coli genotypes on six carbon resources across ten temperatures, where the ten genotypes were derived from a single ancestral strain and accumulated spontaneous mutations. We analyzed resource dependence of MA consequences for growth yields. The MA genotypes typically showed reduced growth yields relative to the ancestral type; and the magnitude of reduction was smaller at intermediate temperatures. Stronger resource dependence in MA consequences for growth performance was observed at higher temperatures. Specifically, the MA genotypes were more likely to show impaired growth performance on all the six carbon resources when grown at lower temperatures; but suffered growth performance loss only on some, not all the six, carbon substrates at higher temperatures.
    Higher temperatures increase the chance that MA causes conditionally neutral fitness effects while MA is more likely to cause fitness loss regardless of available resources at lower temperatures. This finding has implications for understanding how geographic patterns in population divergence may emerge, and how conservation practices, particularly protection of diverse microhabitats, may mitigate the impacts of global warming.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elevated temperatures can cause physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in plants that can greatly affect their growth and development. Mutations are the most fundamental force driving biological evolution. However, how long-term elevations in temperature influence the accumulation of mutations in plants remains unknown.
    Multigenerational exposure of Arabidopsis MA (mutation accumulation) lines and MA populations to extreme heat and moderate warming results in significantly increased mutation rates in single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small indels. We observe distinctive mutational spectra under extreme and moderately elevated temperatures, with significant increases in transition and transversion frequencies. Mutation occurs more frequently in intergenic regions, coding regions, and transposable elements in plants grown under elevated temperatures. At elevated temperatures, more mutations accumulate in genes associated with defense responses, DNA repair, and signaling. Notably, the distribution patterns of mutations among all progeny differ between MA populations and MA lines, suggesting that stronger selection effects occurred in populations. Methylation is observed more frequently at mutation sites, indicating its contribution to the mutation process at elevated temperatures. Mutations occurring within the same genome under elevated temperatures are significantly biased toward low gene density regions, special trinucleotides, tandem repeats, and adjacent simple repeats. Additionally, mutations found in all progeny overlap significantly with genetic variations reported in 1001 Genomes, suggesting non-uniform distribution of de novo mutations through the genome.
    Collectively, our results suggest that elevated temperatures can accelerate the accumulation, and alter the molecular profiles, of DNA mutations in plants, thus providing significant insight into how environmental temperatures fuel plant evolution.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutation is a primary source of genetic variation that is used to power evolution. Many studies, however, have shown that most mutations are deleterious and, as a result, extremely low mutation rates might be beneficial for survival. Using a mutation accumulation experiment, an unbiased method for mutation study, we found an extremely low base-substitution mutation rate of 5.94 × 10-11 per nucleotide site per cell division (95% Poisson confidence intervals: 4.65 × 10-11, 7.48 × 10-11) and indel mutation rate of 8.25 × 10-12 per site per cell division (95% confidence intervals: 3.96 × 10-12, 1.52 × 10-11) in the bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens ATCC29999. The mutations are strongly A/T-biased with a mutation bias of 10.28 in the A/T direction. It has been hypothesized that the ability for selection to lower mutation rates is inversely proportional to the effective population size (drift-barrier hypothesis) and we found that the effective population size of this bacterium is significantly greater than most other bacteria. This finding further decreases the lower-bounds of bacterial mutation rates and provides evidence that extreme levels of replication fidelity can evolve within organisms that maintain large effective population sizes.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Gardner syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder with a high degree of penetrance, which is characterized by intestinal polyposis, osteomas, and dental abnormalities. Majority of patients with Gardner syndrome will develop colorectal cancer by the age of 40 to 50 years. Mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene are supposed to be responsible for the initiation of Gardner syndrome.
    METHODS: A 22-year-old Chinese female was admitted to our hospital due to abdominal pain and bloody stool.
    METHODS: The patient presented with multiple intestinal polyposis, desmoid tumors, and dental abnormalities was diagnosed as Gardner syndrome and further examination revealed a colon tumor.
    RESULTS: Patients were implanted with stents to alleviate bowel obstruction, and were treated with oxaliplatin combined with 5-Fu for 4 cycles, but the efficacy was not good. We performed next generation sequencing of 390 genes for the tumor specimens. We detected adenomatous polyposis coli E1538Ifs∗5, KRAS G12D, NF1 R652C, loss of SMAD4, TP53 R175H, IRF2 p.R82S, TCF7L2 p.A418Tfs∗14, and SMAD4 p.L43F in this patient.
    CONCLUSIONS: We reported serial mutations in key genes responsible for initiation and progression of colorectal cancer from a patient with Gardner syndrome.





