
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying the formation time of a document is a problem forensic document examiners often face. It is understood that intersections with different intersecting sequences made by the same laser printer and the same gel pen are distinct from each other under coaxial light, and the appearance of an oil film or bright metallic marks in the regions of interest can be used as the basis to identify that the ink is above the toner. However, the characteristics of intersections may be influenced by a number of factors. Studying the characteristics of the intersections formed by laser-printed graphics and handwriting strokes made with a gel pen in different intersecting sequences can help us determine the formation sequence of each part on a questioned document. In this manuscript, samples were made using three pen types and two laser printers. A Leica stereo microscope M205A was used to capture the apparent morphology of the intersections. Microspectrophotometry spectra of all intersections were collected in reflectance mode using a video spectral comparator 6000 (VSC6000), and the resultant data were measured and analyzed in Statistical Product and Service Solutions 26.0 (SPSS). The results showed that 92.5% absolute accuracy was achieved from blind tests, and the intersecting sequence can be determined using the optical data of the intersections with an accuracy of up to 97.5% through discriminant analysis under ideal conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signature examination is the most common examination performed by any document examiner. Determination of the authenticity of a handwritten signature on a questioned document is an important task for forensic document examiners in the forensic science field. As a result of continuous developments in technology, a signature stamp can now be created using a photosensitive seal to enable the reproduction of a handwritten signature. These stamps are commonly used in China and several other countries. In this study, 10 types of black photosensitive stamp-pad ink, 10 brands of fountain pen ink, 15 types of black gel ink and six types of black erasable gel ink found on the Chinese domestic market were collected and 10 photosensitive signature stamps were created using the signatures of 10 people. Microscopic analysis, infrared (IR) and fluorescence analyses and microspectrophotometry (MSP) techniques were used to examine the resulting photosensitive signature stamp impressions when applied to printing papers, writing papers and invoice papers. By comparing the printing and spectral characteristics of the photosensitive signature stamp impressions with those of the signatures executed using the fountain pens, gel pens and erasable gel pens, it was possible to determine whether each signature was written or stamped using a photosensitive signature stamp. To validate these results, a 96.7% absolute accuracy and a 99.3% detection rate were achieved over a total of 150 blind tests conducted by five forensic document examiners, thus demonstrating that a combination of the four analysis methods used in this work can provide a more scientific approach and improve the accuracy and the detection rate of the examination process.KEY POINTSA signature stamp is a photosensitive seal made in the style of a handwritten signature.Although microscopic analysis can usually provide better examination results, a comprehensive examination method that includes microscopic analysis and ink composition analysis is required to improve the accuracy and the detection rate of the examination process.This study collected and tested photosensitive stamp-pad inks, fountain pen inks, gel inks and erasable inks.Infrared and fluorescence analyses and microspectrophotometry were able to distinguish the photosensitive ink from both erasable ink and fountain pen ink. Supplemental data for this article are available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/20961790.2021.1898755.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central relevance of cellular heterogeneity to biological phenomena raises the rational needs for analytical techniques with single-cell resolution. Here, we developed a single-cell FTIR microspectroscopy-based method for the quantitative evaluation of cellular heterogeneity by calculating the cell-to-cell similarity distance of the infrared spectral data. Based on this method, we revealed the infrared phenotypes might reflect the dynamic heterogeneity changes in the cell population during the adipogenic differentiation of the human mesenchymal stem cells. These findings provide an alternative label-free optical approach for quantifying the cellular heterogeneity, and the combination with other single-cell analysis tools will be very helpful for understanding the genotype-to-phenotype relationship in cellular populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil is a very important type of trace evidence. The iron content of soil is of great significance in distinguishing soil types, discriminating among different soils, and tracing soils. However, conventional methods for analyzing the iron content of soil are expensive, laborious, and time-consuming. Previous studies have shown that the color of soil correlates well with its hematite content. This article thus deals with the indirect determination of iron content using soil color as a proxy. Soil color measurements were conducted using microspectrophotometry (MSP), and resulting data were transformed into chromaticity value (L*, a*, and b*). Predictions using the redness index in conjunction with a linear regression model were compared with those using the chromaticity value and a back propagation neural network (BPNN) model. The influences of different modeling conditions on the modeling accuracy were compared, and more accurate predictions were achieved when the iron content was higher than 2.13%. The BPNN model produced predictions with R2 and RMSE values of 0.955 and 0.336%, which were better than the predictions of the linear regression model (R2: 0.859, RMSE, 1.07%). We thus demonstrated that MSP can be used for fast, accurate, and non-destructive measurements of soil color and prediction of its iron content. Although the results may not be as precise as conventional laboratory analysis, they still provide more information with acceptable accuracy, which should have promising applications in forensic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer with its prevalence on the rise. Recently, the melanocyte stem cells in hair follicles have been identified as the possible origin of melanoma upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) through skin. It is hypothesized that colourless vellus hair (predominant in childhood) can serve as an alternative pathway in transmitting these ultraviolet (UV) photons to the stem cells. To investigate this, we have used the CRAIC microspectrophotometer to investigate the optical properties of \'vellus-like\' hairs and terminal hairs of different colours using UV-VIS-NIR light sources. It was found that the average attenuation coefficient of \'vellus-like\' hair is significantly lower than that of terminal hair in the UVA (p < 0.0001) and UVB (p < 0.001) wavelength ranges. Next, the optical properties of hairs are applied to simulations for examining their influence on UV transmission into the skin. The results show that the presence of vellus hair would increase the solar UV transmission to the melanocyte stem cell layer significantly. The findings explain why children are particularly vulnerable to sun exposure and the positive correlation found between the incidence of melanoma in adults\' bodies and the number of vellus hairs in these areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new type of erasable gel pen ink is becoming increasingly popular because of the modifiable characteristics for writing on documents. This study attempts to distinguish 12 types of blue and black erasable gel pens produced by mainstream stationery manufacturers using infrared (IR) visual analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, fluorescence analysis, and microspectrophotometry. The results demonstrate that IR visual, FTIR, and fluorescence analysis can be used to help distinguish each type of erasable gel ink. While microspectrophotometry can be used to effectively differentiate the blue gel inks in this study, there are limitations with respect to distinguishing black erasable gel pens. When these four optical analyses methods were used in combination, the gel inks could be accurately distinguished.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date there is no any study on imaging molecular chemistry and chemical structure of biotech-modified plant tissue on a molecular basis. The objective of this methodology study was to apply a non-invasive and non-destructive synchrotron powered technology - SR-IMS to image molecular chemistry of the modified forage leaf tissue. The infrared molecular vibrational microspectroscopy powered with synchrotron light at Advanced Light Source (ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, California, Dept. of Energy, USA) were applied. The synchrotron beamline time was arranged by National Synchrotron Light Source (Scientist Dr. Lisa Miller, Brookhaven National Lab, Dept. of Energy, USA). The various molecular functional groups in the forage tissue included CH symmetric and asymmetric regions, amides I and II regions, structure and non-structure CHO regions, carbonyl ester region with peak areas at ca. 3644-3000 cm-1, ca 3005-2979 cm-1, ca. 1722-1483 cm-1, ca. 1488-1412 cm-1, ca. 1296-1189 cm-1, and ca. 1194-951 cm-1. The spectral peak area ratio imaging of chemical functional groups were also studied which included the ratio of peak area under ca. 1722-1483 cm-1 to peak area under ca. 3005-2979 cm-1 and the ratio of peak area under ca. 1722-1483 cm-1 to peak area under ca. 1194-951 cm-1. The results showed that the advanced synchrotron-based technology - SR-IMS was able to image the forage tissue at an ultra-highly resolution within intact tissue within cellular and subcellular dimension. It revealed the forage tissue in a molecular chemical sense and provided an insight on nutrient properties and their molecular structure as well as chemical features. In conclusion, the synchrotron-radiation SR-IMS is able to image molecular structure of the forage leaf tissue at an ultra-highly resolution. The advanced SR-IMS technique could provide leaf tissue four kinds of information simultaneously: tissue structure, tissue chemistry, tissue nutrients, and tissue environment of forage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surimi is an intermediate product with an increasing popularity worldwide. Discrimination of impurities like fish bones in surimi has become an urgent issue owing to the food safety and the improved requirements for assessment methods in identification of surimi quality and grades. A Tri-step infrared spectroscopy, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), second derivative infrared spectroscopy (SD-IR) and two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy (2DCOS-IR) has been applied to integrally discriminate different contents (1%-8%) of fish bones in surimi at macro-scale. Meanwhile, attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR) microspectroscopic imaging has been employed to recognize and identify the location of fish bones (less than 1.0 mm in size) in micro-scale. Fishbone characteristic infrared absorption peak at 1011 cm-1 contributes to surimi peaks at 1045 cm-1 and 988 cm-1 confirmed by calculation of their peak heights and ratios of peak areas in original spectra. SD-IR spectra enhance the difference in range of 1440-500 cm-1, and specifically peak intensity at 599 cm-1 is significantly increased in surimi with 3%-8% fish bones. Moreover, 2DCOS-IR spectra reveal that surimi containing fish bones have increased intensity of auto-peaks at 525 cm-1, 519 cm-1, 512 cm-1 and 505 cm-1 mainly contributed by hydroxyapatite and collagen. In ATR-IR microspectroscopic images, a clear fishbone shape (800 × 200 μm) corresponding to its visible image is clearly observed in principal component (PC) score image, which is confirmed as a fish bone by corresponding pixel spectra. Furthermore, the single-wavenumber image shows the spatial chemical distribution of various components for both the fish bone and surimi. Consequently, fish bones can be integrally recognized by physical and chemical imaging manners. It has been demonstrated that the developed Tri-step infrared spectroscopy and ATR-IR microspectroscopic imaging could be applicable for rapidly recognizing impurities and adulterants in surimi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, advanced synchrotron-based and globar-sourced techniques are almost unknown to food and feed scientists. There has been little application of these advanced techniques to study blend pellet products at a molecular level. This article aims to provide recent research on advanced synchrotron and globar vibrational molecular spectroscopy contributions to advances in blend pellet products research on molecular structure and molecular nutrition interaction. How processing induced molecular structure changes in relation to nutrient availability and utilization of the blend pellet products. The study reviews Utilization of co-product components for blend pellet product in North America; Utilization and benefits of inclusion of pulse screenings; Utilization of additives in blend pellet products; Application of pellet processing in blend pellet products; Conventional evaluation techniques and methods for blend pellet products. The study focus on recent applications of cutting-edge vibrational molecular spectroscopy for molecular structure and molecular structure association with nutrient utilization in blend pellet products. The information described in this article gives better insight on how advanced molecular (micro)spectroscopy contributions to advances in blend pellet products research on molecular structure and molecular nutrition interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sedum alfredii is one of a few plant species known to hyperaccumulate cadmium (Cd). Uptake, localization, and tolerance of Cd at cellular levels in shoots were compared in hyperaccumulating (HE) and non-hyperaccumulating (NHE) ecotypes of Sedum alfredii. X-ray fluorescence images of Cd in stems and leaves showed only a slight Cd signal restricted within vascular bundles in the NHEs, while enhanced localization of Cd, with significant tissue- and age-dependent variations, was detected in HEs. In contrast to the vascular-enriched Cd in young stems, parenchyma cells in leaf mesophyll, stem pith and cortex tissues served as terminal storage sites for Cd sequestration in HEs. Kinetics of Cd transport into individual leaf protoplasts of the two ecotypes showed little difference in Cd accumulation. However, far more efficient storage of Cd in vacuoles was apparent in HEs. Subsequent analysis of cell viability and hydrogen peroxide levels suggested that HE protoplasts exhibited higher resistance to Cd than those of NHE protoplasts. These results suggest that efficient sequestration into vacuoles, as opposed to rapid transport into parenchyma cells, is a pivotal process in Cd accumulation and homeostasis in shoots of HE S. alfredii. This is in addition to its efficient root-to-shoot translocation of Cd.






