Marine protected areas

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The latest emerging transdisciplinary marine protected area (MPA) research scheme requires efficient approaches for theoretically based and data-driven method integration. However, due to the rapid development and diversification of research methods, it is growingly difficult to locate new methods in methodological dimensions and integrate them to the utmost utility. This study proposes a deep learning-based classification framework for MPA management methods focused particularly on data and theory capabilities using natural language processing (NLP). It extracted keywords from academic sources and performed clustering based on semantic similarity, generating benchmark texts for abstract labeling. By training the deep learning NLP model and analyzing the abstracts of 9049 MPA management empirical research articles from 1986 to 2024, the data and theory scores were attributed to each article, and a total of 19 major method categories and 110 segment branches were identified in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed genres. Combination types of research methods were summarized, yielding the data-theory neutralization principle where the average data and theory scores tend to approximate 0.50. Applying the principle broadens traditional boundaries for method integration and extends method synthesis to higher numbers, generating a practical research 2paradigm for future MPA research. Implications include bridging social and ecological data, theorizing emergent challenges in complex systems and integrating theory construction and data science. The framework is applicable to quantification of other environmental management disciplines and can serve as guidance for multidisciplinary method integration. © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine protected areas (MPAs) across various countries have contributed to safeguarding coastal and marine environments. Despite these efforts, marine non-native species (NNS) continue to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems, even within MPAs. Currently, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on the inventories, distribution patterns, and effect factors of NNS within MPAs. Here we show a database containing over 15,000 occurrence records of 2714 marine NNS across 16,401 national or regional MPAs worldwide. To identify the primary mechanisms driving the occurrence of NNS, we utilize model selection with proxies representing colonization pressure, environmental variables, and MPA characteristics. Among the environmental predictors analyzed, sea surface temperature emerged as the sole factor strongly associated with NNS richness. Higher sea surface temperatures are linked to increased NNS richness, aligning with global marine biodiversity trends. Furthermore, human activities help species overcome geographical barriers and migration constraints. Consequently, this influences the distribution patterns of marine introduced species and associated environmental factors. As global climate change continues to alter sea temperatures, it is crucial to protect marine regions that are increasingly vulnerable to intense human activities and biological invasions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing shipping pressure (SP) deteriorates offshore habitats of large mobile species (LMS) and invalidates marine conservation systems, while the threat of SP to the survival of LMS is not well understood. Here, for the 16 endangered LMS in the western Yellow Sea, we quantified their habitat quality in specific sea areas and conservation capacity of marine protected areas (MPAs) under SP, based on AIS (Automatic Identification System) data and an overlay analysis method for SP surfaces and LMS habitats. Results indicate that three specific sea areas have partially lost habitat function, and their MPA networks have also lost 66.7 %, 59.1 %, and 9.2 % of conservation capacity, respectively. To prevent the continued degradation and extinction of endangered LMS, urgent rescue efforts are needed. This study highlights the importance of monitoring offshore shipping pressure and LMS habitat quality, and the findings contribute to the adjustment of marine spatial planning and LMS protection strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological balance and stable economic development are crucial for the fishery. This study proposes a predator-prey system for marine communities, where the growth of predators follows the Allee effect and takes into account the rapid fluctuations in resource prices caused by supply and demand. The system predicts the existence of catastrophic equilibrium, which may lead to the extinction of prey, consequently leading to the extinction of predators, but fishing efforts remain high. Marine protected areas are established near fishing areas to avoid such situations. Fish migrate rapidly between these two areas and are only harvested in the nonprotected areas. A three-dimensional simplified model is derived by applying variable aggregation to describe the variation of global variables on a slow time scale. To seek conditions to avoid species extinction and maintain sustainable fishing activities, the existence of positive equilibrium points and their local stability are explored based on the simplified model. Moreover, the long-term impact of establishing marine protected areas and levying taxes based on unit catch on fishery dynamics is studied, and the optimal tax policy is obtained by applying Pontryagin\'s maximum principle. The theoretical analysis and numerical examples of this study demonstrate the comprehensive effectiveness of increasing the proportion of marine protected areas and controlling taxes on the sustainable development of fishery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change and coastal ecosystems have become challenging subjects for world sustainability. Humans, animals, and other ocean habitats are primarily affected by the harmful changes in climate. Coastal ecosystems support biodiversity and a wide range of species that serve as habitats for many commercially important fish species and enhance human activities in coastal areas. By engaging in coastal outdoor activities, individuals can experience numerous physical and mental health benefits, foster environmental awareness. This study provided valuable insights into the importance of coastal outdoor activities and their potential to improve our quality of life. This study undertook a challenging subject where we graphically and econometrically analyze the relationship and linkages among coastal indicators with other climate-concerning factors. The study comprises the ordinary regression and comparative analysis among the four largest coastline countries in the world. The study took a sample from Canada, Indonesia, Norway, and the Russian Federation from 1990 to 2022. The data is selected on a convenient basis. Results declared that each country has its unique challenges and opportunities in mitigating adverse climate change and retaining a sustainable coastal ecosystem. The study surprisingly revealed that climate change insignificantly affects the coastal ecosystem in Indonesia and the Russian Federation while it inversely affects the coastal ecosystem in Canada and Norway, showed that climate change on average declines coastal production by 0.0041922 and 0.0261104 in Canada and Norway respectively. The detailed review is given in the results section; however, the pooling analysis proved that at the aggregate level, a one percent increase in climate change caused a 0.02266-tonne decline in coastal ecosystems in the four largest coastline nations. There is a need for policies tend to increase CAP activities by implementing practical marine protected areas. Furthermore, scientific research and monitoring will be beneficial in restoring coastal sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the important role of tourists\' behavior plays in marine protected areas (MPAs) and the increasing popularity of ecological experiential learning (EEL) journeys, this study aims to investigate whether and how EEL impact tourists\' pro-environmental behavior (PEB) intentions through both emotional and cognitive pathways. To achieve this, four nature education trips with EEL content were organized, and PEB intentions of 228 tourists to MPAs were analyzed using surveys. The findings revealed that the low-effort PEB intentions of individuals under 24 years old were significantly lower compared to those of older tourists. Furthermore, EEL was positively associated with both low and high effort PEB intentions. The sense of awe acted as a mediator between EEL and low-effort PEB intentions, whereas nature connection was found to mediate the relationship between EEL and both low and high-effort PEB intentions. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the drivers of tourists PEB and provides a theoretical framework for promoting PEB intentions in MPAs.\'\'\'\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of creating a conservation network through the establishment of multiple protected areas to protect marine fauna is gaining momentum. To effectively establish a network that yields favorable outcomes, it is imperative to identify suitable areas that foster optimal connectivity. Given the swift development of coastal areas, it has become necessary to develop cost-effective measures that yield maximum conservation benefits. However, exploration of these ideas for application to marine conservation networks remains scarce. In this study, we used the horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) in the Beibu Gulf as an example. The species and environmental data were collected through field sampling and remote sensing. The species distribution model, the least-cost path model, and circuit theory were employed to establish a marine conservation network. The functional connectivity metrics were employed to optimize both the interconnection and economic efficiency of the network. The results indicated a low presence of adult horseshoe crabs in the Beibu Gulf, with average densities of 1.47 and 1.43 ind./km2 among the 38 surveyed stations in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The species distribution model accurately predicted juvenile presence in mudflats and adult presence offshore, and it identified 43 potential areas that are suitable for the establishment of marine protected areas. The marine protected areas that ranked higher in importance contributed significantly to maintaining the integrity of regional connectivity. The network connectivity shows a law of diminishing returns as the number of marine protected areas increases. The framework developed in this study will provide decision support for building and optimizing marine conservation networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spatial-temporal variation of the impact of political and social factors such as (Fishing Moratorium, Marine Protected Areas, New Year, and COVID-19) on fishing activities offshore was evaluated based on fishing efforts data by AIS from 2013 to 2020 for China. It is found that the maximum fishing intensity occurs within 20-30 km of the coastline, the area within 40 km of the coastline covers 51% of fishing activities, and within 100 km of the coastline accounts for 92% of fishing activities. From 2013 to 2016, fishing hotspots showed a highly aggregated spread in the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea. Since 2017, China\'s hot fishing areas have gradually fragmented and southern moved. During the fishing moratorium, the fishing efforts decreased by 51% compared to the pre-moratorium, and after the moratorium, the fishing efforts increased by 81% compared to the pre-moratorium on average. We investigated fishing activities in and around 249 MPAs in China and found that 71% of MPAs are free of fishing, and average fishing intensity across MPAs is 35% lower than not protected areas. Regarding the social events, it is concluded that during the New Year holiday, the fishing efforts and fishing area were reduced by 79% and 73%, respectively, compared to the regular fishing period. The COVID-19 epidemic prompted a decrease in fishing efforts in 2020 for the first time since 2013, with the average fishing efforts in 2020 being 14% and 6% lower than in 2019 and 2017 to 2019, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are vital for protecting biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem integrity, and tackling future climate change. The effectiveness of MPA networks relies on connectivity, yet connectivity assessments are often skipped in the planning process. Here we employed a multi-species biophysical model to examine the connectivity patterns formed among the 21 national MPAs in the Yellow and East China Seas. We simulated the potential larval dispersal of 14 oviparous species of five classes. Larvae of non-migratory species with pelagic larval duration (PLD) were assumed to be passive floating particles with no explicit vertical migration. A total of 217,000 particles were released according to spawning period, living depth, and species distribution, and they were assumed to move with currents during the PLD. Most larvae were dispersed around the MPAs (0-60 m isobaths) and consistent with the currents. Larval export increased with PLD and current velocity, but if PLD was too long, few larvae survived due to high daily mortality during pelagic dispersal. The overall connectivity pattern exhibited a north-to-south dispersal trend corresponding to coastal currents. Our results indicated that the national MPAs in the Yellow and East China Seas did not form a well-connected network and nearly 30% of them were isolated. These MPAs formed three distinct groups, one in the Yellow Sea ecoregion and two in the East China Sea ecoregion. Four MPAs (all in coastal Zhejiang) emerged as key nodes for ensuring multi-generational connectivity. Under the pressure of future climate change, high self-recruitment and low connectivity present significant challenges for building well-connected MPA networks. We suggest adding new protected areas as stepping stones for bioecological corridors. Focused protection of the Yellow Sea ecoregion could have a good effect on the southern part of the population recruitment downstream. Conservation management should be adjusted according to the life cycles and distributions of vulnerable species, as well as seasonal changes in coastal currents. This study provides a scientific basis for improving ecological connectivity and conservation effectiveness of MPAs in the Yellow and East China Seas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global marine ecosystem has been significantly altered by the combined effects of multiple anthropogenic impacts. Systematic planning of marine protected areas (MPAs) is of paramount importance in alleviating conflicts between humans and the sea. Existing approaches, however, merely integrate both ecological and anthropogenic factors for multiple conservation purposes. By combining the three main anthropogenic impact factors with two main ecological importance factors, this study used a GIS-based AHP-OWA method to identify different levels of priority protection for MPAs in Zhejiang, China. Our results proved that: 1) the multi-objective MPA siting issues can be addressed by the GIS-based AHP-OWA method through scenario simulation; 2) the best locations for MPAs are in the northeast, central, and southern marine areas of Zhejiang; 3) considering the trade-off degree, spatial conservation efficiency, and spatial heterogeneity, an optimized MPA siting scheme can be developed for decision-makers. The proposed MPA siting method and case study may provide an effective technical reference for solving regional marine spatial planning (MSP) issues in the future.





