
  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Applying biochar to soil has been recognized as a promising practice of climate-smart agriculture, with considerable potential in enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Previous studies showed that biochar-induced increases in SOC stock varied substantially among experiments, while the explanatory factors responsible for such variability are still not well assessed. Here, we conducted an integrative meta-analysis of the magnitude and efficiency of biochar-induced change in SOC stock, using a database including 476 field measurements at 101 sites across the globe. Biochar amendment increased SOC stock by 6.13 ± 1.62 (95% confidence interval, CI) and 7.01 ± 1.11 (95% CI) Mg C ha-1, respectively, compared to their unfertilized (R0) and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilized (Rn) references. Of which approx. 52% (R0) and 50% (Rn) were contributed directly by biochar-C input. Corresponding biochar carbon efficiencies in R0 and Rn datasets were estimated as 58.20 ± 10.37% and 65.58 ± 9.26% (95% CI), respectively. The change magnitude of SOC stock increased significantly (p < 0.01) with the increasing amount of biochar-C input, while carbon efficiency of biochar showed an opposite trend. Biochar amendment sequestered larger amounts of SOC with higher efficiency in acidic and loamy soils than in alkaline and sandy soils. Biochar amendments with higher C/N ratio caused higher SOC increase than those with lower C/N ratio. Random forest (RF) algorithm showed that accumulative biochar-C input, soil pH, and biochar C/N ratio were the three most-important factors regulating the SOC stock responses. Overall, these results suggest that applying high C/N ratio biochar in acidic soils is a recommendable agricultural practice from the perspective of enhancing organic carbon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) through straw return (SR) has been widely recommended as a promising practice of climate-smart agriculture. Many studies have investigated the relative effect of straw return on SOC content, while the magnitude and efficiency of straw return in building up SOC stock remain uncertain. Here, we present an integrative synthesis of the magnitude and efficiency of SR-induced SOC changes, using a database comprising 327 observations at 115 sites globally. Straw return increased SOC by 3.68 ± 0.69 (95 % Confidence Interval, CI) Mg C ha-1, with a corresponding C efficiency of 20.51 ± 9.58 % (95 % CI), of which <30 % was contributed directly by straw-C input. The magnitude of SR-induced SOC changes increased (P < 0.05) with increasing straw-C input and experiment duration. However, the C efficiency decreased significantly (P < 0.01) with these two explanatory factors. No-tillage and crop rotation were found to enhance the SR-induced SOC increase, in both magnitude and efficiency. Straw return sequestrated larger amount of C in acidic and organic-rich soils than in alkaline and organic-poor soils. A machine learning random forest (RF) algorithm showed that the amount of straw-C input was the most important single factor governing the magnitude and efficiency of straw return. However, local agricultural managements and environmental conditions were together the dominant explanatory factors determining the spatial differences in SR-induced SOC stock changes. This entails that by optimizing agricultural managements in regions with favorable environmental conditions the farmer can accumulate more C with minor negative impacts. By clarifying the significance and relative importance of multiple local factors, our findings may aid the development of tailored region-specific straw return policies integrating the SOC increment and its environmental side costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, we investigated the effects of auditory numerosity and magnitude (loudness) on visual numerosity processing. Participants compared numerosities of two sequential dot arrays. The second dot array was paired with a tone array that was independent of visual comparison. The numerosity (One-tone vs. Multiple-tone) and the non-numerical magnitude of tones (loudness) were manipulated in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. In Experiment 1, participants\' inverse efficiency score (IES), that is, the quotient between response time and accuracy, was significantly smaller in the One-tone and Multiple-tone conditions than that in the No-tone condition, and linear trend analyses showed that the IES decreased with the number of tones. In Experiment 2, the IES in the Loud-tone condition was significantly smaller than that in the No-tone condition, and the IES decreased as the loudness of the tones increased. In Experiment 3, both auditory numerosity and magnitude were manipulated. For soft tones, the IES was smaller in the Multiple-tone condition than in the One-tone condition, whereas no significant difference was found between two conditions in loud tones. In sum, these findings suggest that the visual numerical representation can be spontaneously affected by the numerosity and non-numerical magnitude of stimuli from another modality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biodynamic response of 14 subjects to sinusoidal dual-axis vibration in lateral and roll directions is studied. The root mean square of human response is detected by measuring the torque at the seat pan. The effects of phase difference, magnitude, and frequency on the biodynamic responses are investigated. The consistency between human responses to dual-axis and single-axis is studied. With increasing phase difference, human response is found to reach the maximum when the vibrations are anti-phase and then decrease to the minimum when they are in-phase. Besides, the dominance of the lateral excitation is confirmed in the dual-axis vibration. Finally, the principle of equivalence between lateral-roll dual-axis vibration and roll single-axis vibration is established. With the equivalence method, the biodynamic characteristics of the human body to multi-axis vibration are expected to be measured and represented with a much simpler test and dynamic model.Practitioner summary: Proposed equivalence uses one index to evaluate the compound discomfort caused by the roll and lateral vibration. Overestimation of discomfort due by summing the effects of them calculated separately can be avoided. After the equivalence, evaluation of discomfort and modelling of the human body can be carried out only in roll direction.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Plant root hydraulic redistribution (HR) has been widely recognized as a phenomenon that helps alleviate vegetation drought stress. However, a systematic assessment of the magnitude of HR and its drivers at the global scale are lacking. We collected 37 peer-reviewed papers (comprising 47 research sites) published in 1900-2018 and comprehensively analyzed the magnitude of HR and its underlying factors. We used a weighting method to analyze HR magnitude and its effect on plant transpiration. Machine learning algorithms (boosted regression trees) and structural equation modeling were used to determine the influence of each factor on HR magnitude. We found that the magnitude of HR was 0.249 mm H2O d-1 (95% CI, 0.113-0.384) and its contribution to plant transpiration was 27.4% (3-79%). HR varied significantly among different terrestrial biomes and mainly occurred in forests with drier conditions, such as temperate forest ecosystems (HR = 0.502 mm H2O d-1), where HR was significantly higher than in other ecosystems (p < 0.01). The magnitude of HR in angiosperms was significantly higher than that in gymnosperms (p < 0.05). The mean magnitude of HR first increased and then decreased with an increase in humidity index; conversely, the mean magnitude of HR decreased with an increase in water table depth. HR was significantly positively correlated with root length and transpiration. Plant characteristics and environmental factors jointly accounted for 61.0% of the variation in HR, and plant transpiration was the major factor that directly influenced HR (43.1% relative importance; p < 0.001), and soil texture was an important indirect driver of HR. Our synthesis offers a comprehensive perspective of how plant characteristics and environmental factors influence HR magnitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether negative numbers have a fixed spatial-numerical association of response codes effect (SNARC effect), and (if they have) whether the spatial representation of negative numbers is associated with negative numbers\' absolute or signed values remains controversial. In this study, through three experiments, the coding level of the magnitude and the spatial-direction is manipulated. In the first experiment, participants are required to code the magnitude and spatial-direction explicitly by using a magnitude classification task. In the second experiment, participants are forced to code the magnitude implicitly as well as to code the spatial-direction explicitly by utilizing a cuing task. In the third experiment, participants are obliged to code the magnitude explicitly as well as to code the spatial-direction implicitly by adopting a magnitude and arrow-direction classification tasks with Go/No-Go responses. The results show that (1) the absolute value of negative numbers associates with space when the magnitude of negative numbers is explicitly coded, no matter employing the explicit or implicit spatial-direction; (2) the signed value of negative numbers associates with space under the condition of implicit magnitude as well as explicit spatial-direction. In conclusion, the current study indicates that the SNARC effect of negative numbers is variable in different conditions, and the type of SNARC effect about negative numbers is modulated by the joint coding level of the magnitude and spatial-direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The size congruity effect in a numerical Stroop task shows that magnitude judgments of two numbers are faster and more accurate when the numerically larger number also appears in a physically larger size, indicating the interaction between numerical and physical magnitudes. It has recently been suggested that spatial shifts of attention between the two numbers may contribute to the size congruity effect. However, a complete line of evidence for the attentional attribution to the size congruity effect remains to be established. Therefore, the present study aimed to provide further demonstrations for the idea that spatial shifts of attention contribute to the size congruity effect during magnitude judgments regarding either the numerical or physical dimension of two numbers. Participants were sequentially or simultaneously presented with a pair of single-digit Arabic numbers whose numerical and physical magnitudes varied independently. They were instructed to perform a magnitude judgment regarding the numerical value or physical size of the paired numbers. Across three experiments, we consistently found that the size congruity effect was reduced or eliminated when number pairs were presented sequentially compared to when they were presented simultaneously. Because in the sequential presentation mode the paired numbers were successively presented at central fixation and therefore spatial attention shifts should be completely precluded by the central presentation of number stimuli, the present findings support the notion that spatial shifts of attention between numbers in the simultaneous presentation mode play an important role in generating the size congruity effect for both numerical and physical tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examined how bees solve a visual discrimination task with stimuli commonly used in numerical cognition studies. Bees performed well on the task, but additional tests showed that they had learned continuous (non-numerical) cues. A network model using biologically plausible visual feature filtering and a simple associative rule was capable of learning the task using only continuous cues inherent in the training stimuli, with no numerical processing. This model was also able to reproduce behaviours that have been considered in other studies indicative of numerical cognition. Our results support the idea that a sense of magnitude may be more primitive and basic than a sense of number. Our findings highlight how problematic inadvertent continuous cues can be for studies of numerical cognition. This remains a deep issue within the field that requires increased vigilance and cleverness from the experimenter. We suggest ways of better assessing numerical cognition in non-speaking animals, including assessing the use of all alternative cues in one test, using cross-modal cues, analysing behavioural responses to detect underlying strategies, and finding the neural substrate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To measure the crystalline lens tilt in eyes with various degrees of myopia before cataract surgery using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).
    METHODS: We used SS-OCT (IOLMaster 700) to scan 131 emmetropic eyes (axial length < 24.5 mm), 25 mild/moderate myopic eyes (axial length 24.5-26 mm), and 123 high myopic eyes (52, 29, and 42 eyes with axial lengths of 26-28, 28-30, and > 30 mm, respectively) as part of the routine preoperative examination before cataract surgery. SS-OCT involved B-scans along six meridians. The data were analyzed to assess the magnitude and orientation of the lens tilt and their correlation with other optical biometric parameters.
    RESULTS: The mean tilt was 3.36 ± 0.98° in emmetropic eyes, 3.07 ± 1.04° in mild/medium myopic eyes, and 2.35 ± 1.01° in high myopic eyes. Tilt correlated significantly and inversely with axial length (Pearson\'s r = - 0.427, P < 0.001). The crystalline lens tilt predominantly faced the upper outer quadrant relative to the visual axis, symmetrically in both eyes, with mean angles of 24.32° and 147.36° in the right and left eyes, respectively. The variability in the lens tilt direction increased with increasing axial length (χ2 test, P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of crystalline lens tilt decreased with increasing axial length. The direction of tilt was predominantly towards the upper outer quadrant in both eyes. The variability in the tilt orientation increased with increasing axial length.
    BACKGROUND: NIH (, NCT03062085. Registered 23 February 2017.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extreme flooding magnitudes and frequencies are essentially related to assessment of risk and reliability in hydrological design. Extreme flooding and its discharge are highly sensitive to regional climate change. Presently, its discharge can be reconstructed by a geological archive or record along the river valley. Two units of typical extreme flooding deposits (EFDs) carrying long-term information preserved in the Holocene loess-palaeosol sequence were found at Xipocun (XPC), which is located in Chengcheng County, China. It is situated in the downstream section of the Beiluohe (hereafter BLH) River. Based on multiple sedimentary proxy indices (grain-size distribution (GSD), magnetic susceptibility (MS), and loss-on-ignition (LOI), etc.), EFDs were interpreted as well-sorted clayey silt in suspension. They were then deposited as a result of riverbank flooding in a stagnant environment during high water level. Through the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating technique and stratigraphic correlations, chronologies of two identified extreme flooding periods were 7600-7400 a B.P. and 3200-3000 a B.P. Two phases of extreme flooding occurrence under climate abnormality scenarios were characterized as having high frequencies of hydrological extremes in river systems. According to simulation and verification using the Slope-Area Method and Hydrologic Engineering Center\'s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model, the extreme flooding discharges at the XPC site were reconstructed between 9625 m3/s and 16,635 m3/s. A new long-term flooding frequency and peak discharge curve, involved gauged flooding, historical flooding at Zhuangtou station and in situ reconstructed extreme flooding events, was established for the downstream BLH River. The results improve the accuracy of low-frequency flooding risk assessment and provide evidence for predicting the response of fluvial systems to climate instability. Thus, this improves the analysis of the BLH River watershed.





