
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many remarkable innovations have repeatedly occurred across vast evolutionary distances. When convergent traits emerge on the tree of life, they are sometimes driven by the same underlying gene families, while other times many different gene families are involved. Conversely, a gene family may be repeatedly recruited for a single trait or many different traits. To understand the general rules governing convergence at both genomic and phenotypic levels, we systematically tested associations between 56 binary metabolic traits and gene count in 14,710 gene families from 993 species of Saccharomycotina yeasts. Using a recently developed phylogenetic approach that reduces spurious correlations, we discovered that gene family expansion and contraction was significantly linked to trait gain and loss in 45/56 (80%) of traits. While 601/746 (81%) of significant gene families were associated with only one trait, we also identified several \'keystone\' gene families that were significantly associated with up to 13/56 (23%) of all traits. These results indicate that metabolic innovations in yeasts are governed by a narrow set of major genetic elements and mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The evolutionary success of flowering plants is associated with the vast diversity of their reproductive structures. Despite recent progress in understanding angiosperm-wide trends of floral structure and evolution, a synthetic view of the diversity in seed form and function across angiosperms is lacking.
    METHODS: Here we present a roadmap to synthesise the diversity of seed forms in extant angiosperms, relying on the morphospace concept, i.e. a mathematical representation which relates multiple traits and describes the realised morphologies. We provide recommendations on how to broaden the range of measurable traits beyond mass, by using key morphological traits representative of the embryo, endosperm, and seed coat but also fruit attributes (e.g., dehiscence, fleshiness). These key traits were used to construct and analyse a morphospace to detect evolutionary trends and gain insight into how morphological traits relate to seed functions. Finally, we outline challenges and future research directions, combining the morphospace with macroevolutionary comparative methods to underline the drivers that gave rise to the diversity of observed seed forms.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that this multidimensional approach has the potential, although still untapped, to improve our understanding of covariation among reproductive traits, and further elucidate angiosperm reproductive biology as a whole.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Orchids constitute one of the most spectacular radiations of flowering plants. However, their origin, spread across the globe, and hotspots of speciation remain uncertain due to the lack of an up-to-date phylogeographic analysis. We present a new Orchidaceae phylogeny based on combined high-throughput and Sanger sequencing data, covering all five subfamilies, 17/22 tribes, 40/49 subtribes, 285/736 genera, and c. 7% (1921) of the 29 524 accepted species, and use it to infer geographic range evolution, diversity, and speciation patterns by adding curated geographical distributions from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants. The orchids\' most recent common ancestor is inferred to have lived in Late Cretaceous Laurasia. The modern range of Apostasioideae, which comprises two genera with 16 species from India to northern Australia, is interpreted as relictual, similar to that of numerous other groups that went extinct at higher latitudes following the global climate cooling during the Oligocene. Despite their ancient origin, modern orchid species diversity mainly originated over the last 5 Ma, with the highest speciation rates in Panama and Costa Rica. These results alter our understanding of the geographic origin of orchids, previously proposed as Australian, and pinpoint Central America as a region of recent, explosive speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two major types of species richness patterns are spatial (e.g. the latitudinal diversity gradient) and clade-based (e.g. the dominance of angiosperms among plants). Studies have debated whether clade-based richness patterns are explained primarily by larger clades having faster rates of species accumulation (speciation minus extinction over time; diversification-rate hypothesis) or by simply being older (clade-age hypothesis). However, these studies typically compared named clades of the same taxonomic rank, such as phyla and families. This study design is potentially biased against the clade-age hypothesis, since clades of the same rank may be more similar in age than randomly selected clades. Here, we analyse the causes of clade-based richness patterns across the tree of life using a large-scale, time-calibrated, species-level phylogeny and random sampling of clades. We find that within major groups of organisms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, archaeans), richness patterns are most strongly related to clade age. Nevertheless, weaker relationships with diversification rates are present in animals and plants. These overall results contrast with similar large-scale analyses across life based on named clades, which showed little effect of clade age on richness. More broadly, these results help support the overall importance of time for explaining diverse types of species richness patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The macroevolutionary processes that have shaped biodiversity across the temperate realm remain poorly understood and may have resulted from evolutionary dynamics related to diversification rates, dispersal rates, and colonization times, closely coupled with Cenozoic climate change. We integrated phylogenomic, environmental ordination, and macroevolutionary analyses for the cosmopolitan angiosperm family Rhamnaceae to disentangle the evolutionary processes that have contributed to high species diversity within and across temperate biomes. Our results show independent colonization of environmentally similar but geographically separated temperate regions mainly during the Oligocene, consistent with the global expansion of temperate biomes. High global, regional, and local temperate diversity was the result of high in situ diversification rates, rather than high immigration rates or accumulation time, except for Southern China, which was colonized much earlier than the other regions. The relatively common lineage dispersals out of temperate hotspots highlight strong source-sink dynamics across the cosmopolitan distribution of Rhamnaceae. The proliferation of temperate environments since the Oligocene may have provided the ecological opportunity for rapid in situ diversification of Rhamnaceae across the temperate realm. Our study illustrates the importance of high in situ diversification rates for the establishment of modern temperate biomes and biodiversity hotspots across spatial scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the evolution of Fulgoromorpha (Insects, Hemiptera) has relied on molecular studies that have only considered either a limited number of taxa where all the families were not represented simultaneously, or a reduced number of genes.The absence of a global analysis comparing all the available data has thus led to significant biases in the analyzes, as evidenced by the incongruence of the results reported for planthopper phylogeny. Here we provide a phylogenetic and dating analysis of the Fulgoromorpha with a large sampling of 531 ingroup taxa, representing about 80% of the currently described suprageneric taxonomic diversity in this group. This study is based on most of the molecular sequences available to date and duly verified, for a set of nuclear and mitochondrial genes from a taxonomic sampling as complete as possible. The most significant results of our study are: (1) the unexpected paraphyly of Delphacidae whose Protodelphacida seem more related to Cixiidae than to other Delphacidae;(2) the group Meenoplidae-Kinnaridae recovered sister to the remaining Fulgoroidea families; (3) the early branching node of Tettigometridae sister of all the other families;(4) the Achilidae-Derbidae clade with Achilidae Plectoderini including Achilixiidae recovered as monophyletic as well as theFulgoridae-Dictyopharidae clade; and (5) the Tropiduchidae placed sister to the other so called \'higher\' families (sec. Shcherbakov, 2006).Our divergence times analysis, calibrated with a set of duly verified fossils, suggests that the first diversification of planthoppers occurred in the Early Triassic around 240 Mya and those of the superfamilies Delphacoidea and Fulgoroidea in the Middle-Late Triassic around 210 Mya and 230 Mya, respectively. By the end of the Jurassic, all major planthopper lineages were originated, and all families, around 125 Mya, might havebeen driven in their distribution and evolution (in their first subfamilial divisions) by the geographical constraints of the Gondwanan break-up.Rapid evolutionary radiations occurred particularly in Fulgoridae around 125-130 Mya. Our results stress the importance of the good quality of the sequences used in the molecular analyzes and the primordial importance of a large sampling when analyzing the phylogeny of the group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hypervariable major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a crucial component of vertebrate adaptive immunity, but large-scale studies on MHC macroevolution in non-model vertebrates have long been constrained by methodological limitations. Here, we used rapidly accumulating genomic data to reconstruct macroevolution of the MHC region in amphibians. We retrieved contigs containing the MHC region from genome assemblies of 32 amphibian species and examined major structural rearrangements, duplication patterns and gene structure across the amphibian phylogeny. Based on the few available caecilian and urodele genomes we showed that the structure of ancestral MHC region in amphibians was probably relatively simple and compact, with a close physical linkage between MHC-I and MHC-II regions. This ancestral MHC architecture was generally conserved in anurans, although the evolution of class I subregion proceeded towards more extensive duplication and rapid expansion of gene copy number, providing evidence for dynamic evolutionary trajectories. Although in anurans we recorded tandems of duplicated MHC-I genes outside the core subregion, our phylogenetic analyses of MHC-I sequences provided little support for an expansion of nonclassical MHC-Ib genes across amphibian families. Finally, we found that intronic regions of amphibian classical MHC genes were much longer when compared to other tetrapod lineages (birds and mammals), which could partly be driven by the expansion of genome size. Our study reveals novel evolutionary patterns of the MHC region in amphibians and provides a comprehensive framework for further studies on the MHC macroevolution across vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The swallowtail genus Papilio (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) is species rich, distributed worldwide, and has broad morphological habits and ecological niches. Because of its elevated species richness, it has been historically difficult to reconstruct a densely sampled phylogeny for this clade. Here we provide a taxonomic working list for the genus, resulting in 235 Papilio species, and assemble a molecular dataset of seven gene fragments representing ca. 80% of the currently described diversity. Phylogenetic analyses reconstructed a robust tree with highly supported relationships within subgenera, although a few nodes in the early history of the Old World Papilio remain unresolved. Contrasting with previous results, we found that Papilio alexanor is sister to all Old World Papilio and that the subgenus Eleppone is no longer monotypic. The latter includes the recently described Fijian Papilio natewa with the Australian Papilio anactus and is sister to subgenus Araminta (formerly included in subgenus Menelaides) occurring in Southeast Asia. Our phylogeny also includes rarely studied (P. antimachus, P. benguetana) or endangered species (P. buddha, P. chikae). Taxonomic changes resulting from this study are elucidated. Molecular dating and biogeographic analyses indicate that Papilio originated ca. 30 million years ago (Oligocene), in a northern region centered on Beringia. A rapid early Miocene radiation in the Paleotropics is revealed within Old World Papilio, potentially explaining their low early branch support. Most subgenera originated in the early to middle Miocene followed by synchronous southward biogeographic dispersals and repeated local extirpations in northern latitudes. This study provides a comprehensive phylogenetic framework for Papilio with clarification of subgeneric systematics and species taxonomic changes enumerated, which will facilitate further studies to address questions on their ecology and evolutionary biology using this model clade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphology usually serves as an effective proxy for functional ecology,1,2,3,4,5 and evaluating morphological, anatomical, and ecological changes permits a deeper understanding of the nature of diversification and macroevolution.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Lingulid (order Lingulida) brachiopods are both diverse and abundant during the early Palaeozoic but decrease in diversity over time, with only a few genera of linguloids and discinoids present in modern marine ecosystems, resulting in them frequently being referred to as \"living fossils.\"13,14,15 The dynamics that drove this decline remain uncertain, and it has not been determined if there is an associated decline in morphological and ecological diversity. Here, we apply geometric morphometrics to reconstruct global morphospace occupation for lingulid brachiopods through the Phanerozoic, with results showing that maximum morphospace occupation was reached by the Early Ordovician. At this time of peak diversity, linguloids with a sub-rectangular shell shape already possessed several evolutionary features, such as the rearrangement of mantle canals and reduction of the pseudointerarea, common to all modern infaunal forms. The end Ordovician mass extinction has a differential effect on linguloids, disproportionally wiping out those forms with a rounded shell shape, while forms with sub-rectangular shells survived both the end Ordovician and the Permian-Triassic mass extinctions, leaving a fauna predominantly composed of infaunal forms. For discinoids, both morphospace occupation and epibenthic life strategies remain consistent through the Phanerozoic. Morphospace occupation over time, when considered using anatomical and ecological analyses, suggests that the limited morphological and ecological diversity of modern lingulid brachiopods reflects evolutionary contingency rather than deterministic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying competitive exclusion at the macroevolutionary scale has typically relied on demonstrating a reciprocal, contradictory response by two co-occurring, functionally similar clades. Finding definitive examples of such a response in fossil time series has proven challenging, however, as has controlling for the effects of a changing physical environment. We take a novel approach to this issue by quantifying variation in trait values that capture almost the entirety of function for steam locomotives (SL), a known example of competitive exclusion from material culture, with the goal of identifying patterns suitable for assessing clade replacement in the fossil record. Our analyses find evidence of an immediate, directional response to the first appearance of a direct competitor, with subsequent competitors further reducing the realized niche of SLs, until extinction was the inevitable outcome. These results demonstrate when interspecific competition should lead to extinction and suggest that clade replacement may only occur when niche overlap between an incumbent and its competitors is near absolute and where the incumbent is incapable of transitioning to a new adaptive zone. Our findings provide the basis for a new approach to analyse putative examples of competitive exclusion that is largely free of a priori assumptions.





