
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blastocystis hominis and Cystoisospora belli are considered to be common opportunistic intestinal protozoa in HIV/AIDS patients. In order to investigate the prevalence and genetic characteristics of B. hominis and C. belli in HIV/AIDS patients, a total of 285 faecal samples were individually collected from HIV/AIDS patients in Guangxi, China. B. hominis and C. belli were investigated by amplifying the barcode region of the SSU rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) region of the rRNA gene, respectively. Chi-square test or Fisher\'s exact test were conducted to assess the risk factors related to B. hominis and C. belli infection. The prevalence of B. hominis and C. belli was 6.0% (17/285) and 1.1% (3/285) respectively. Four genotypes of B. hominis were detected, with ST3 (n = 8) and ST1 (n = 6) being predominant, followed by ST6 (n = 2) and ST7 (n = 1). Females had a statistically higher prevalence of B. hominis (11.6%) than males (4.2%). The statistical analysis also showed that the prevalence of B. hominis was significantly associated with age group and educational level. Our study provides convincing evidence for the genetic diversity of B. hominis, which indicates its potential zoonotic transmission and is the first report on the molecular characteristics of C. belli in HIV/AIDS patients in China.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An Isospora species, Isospora amphiboluri, originally described by Canon in 1967 and later by McAllister et al. (1995), was isolated from a central netted dragon (Ctenophorus nuchalis) housed at a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Perth, Western Australia. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora amphiboluri (n = 30) are spherical, 24.2 (26.5-23.0) μm in length and 23.9 (22.4-25.9) μm in width, with a shape index of 1.01. The bilayered oocyst wall is smooth and light-yellow in color. Polar granule, oocyst residuum and micropyle are absent. The sporocysts are lemon-shaped, 15.7 (15.2-18.0) × 10.2 (8.9-11.2) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 1.53. Stieda and substieda bodies are present, the Stieda body being small and hemidome-shaped and the substieda half-moon-shaped. Each sporocyst contains four vermiform sporozoites arranged head to tail. The sporozoites are 11.7 (9.9-16.2) × 3.0 (2.4-3.5) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 3.87. A sporocyst residuum is present. Sporozoites contain a central nucleus with a finely distributed granular residuum. Comparison of oocyst measurements and their features with other valid Isospora species from hosts in the Agamid family confirmed that this Isospora species is Isospora amphiboluri. Molecular characterization of I. amphiboluri at the 18S rRNA and MTCOI loci showed the highest similarity with I. amphiboluri from the central bearded dragon, 99.8% and 99.7% respectively. This is the first report of I. amphiboluri from a central netted dragon in Australia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From a longitudinal survey conducted on 30 Danish mink farms in 2016, 11.0% of faecal samples (456/4140) were positive for Cystoisospora laidlawi oocysts by microscopy, with 60% (189/315) of mink being positive at least once during the study period. Morphological analysis of sporulated oocysts identified Cystoisospora oocysts measuring 34.3 × 29.5 μm with an oocyst length/width (L/W) ratio of 1.2. The morphological features of the oocysts were identical to Isospora laidlawi previously morphological identified in farmed mink from Denmark and elsewhere. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA sequences (1221 bp) from three positive mink indicated that Cystoisospora from mink shared the highest genetic similarity to C. canis from a Canadian dog (99.6%). The phylogenetic analysis placed Cystoisospora from mink in a clade with other Cystoisospora isolates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new Isospora (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) species is described from an Australian raven (Corvus coronoides) in Western Australia. Sporulated oocysts (n = 21) are ovoid, 21.2 (18.4-23.9) μm in length and 18.8 (16.9-20.6) μm in width, with a shape index of 1.13. The bi-layered oocyst wall is smooth and colourless, 1.2 μm thick. A polar granule and oocyst residuum is present, but the micropyle is absent. The sporocysts are ovoid-shaped, 16.3 (13.7-18.9) × 10.7 (8.4-12.9) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 1.52. Stieda and substieda bodies are present, the Stieda body being small and hemidome-shaped and the substieda being indistinct. Each sporocyst with four vermiform sporozoites arranged head to tail. The sporozoites are crescent-shaped, 9.0 (8.9-9.2) × 2.7 (2.3-3.0) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 3.33. The sporocyst residuum is present. The isolated oocysts had different morphological characteristics when compared with all known Isospora spp. The coccidian parasite was analysed at the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) loci. At the 18S locus, I. coronoideae n. sp. exhibited 98.9% similarity to I. neochmiae from a captive-bred red-browed finch (KT224380) and Isospora sp. from domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) (AB757860), 98.5% similarity to I. gryphoni (AF080613) from an American goldfinch and 98.3% similarity to I. manorinae (KT224379) from a yellow-throated miner. At the 28S locus, it exhibited 95.4% and 94.8% similarity to I. manorinae (KT224381) and I. anthochaerae (KF766053), respectively. At the COI locus, it exhibited 99.8% and 99.7% similarity to I. butcherae (KY801687) and I. neochmiae (KT224378), respectively. Based on morphological and molecular data, this isolate is a new species of Isospora, which is named Isospora coronoideae n. sp. after its host, the Australian raven (Corvus coronoides) (Passeriformes: Corvidae) (Linnaeus, 1758).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diarrhea caused by opportunistic intestinal protozoa is a common problem in HIV infection. We aimed to establish the prevalence of Cryptosporidium, misrosporidia, and Isospora in HIV-infected people using a systematic review and meta-analysis, which is central to developing public policy and clinical services.
    We searched PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Embase, Chinese Web of Knowledge, Wanfang, and Chongqing VIP databases for studies reporting Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, or Isospora infection in HIV-infected people. We extracted the numbers of people with HIV and protozoa infection, and estimated the pooled prevalence of parasite infection by a random effects model.
    Our research identified 131 studies that reported Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and Isospora infection in HIV-infected people. We estimated the pooled prevalence to be 14.0% (3283/43,218; 95% CI: 13.0-15.0%) for Cryptosporidium, 11.8% (1090/18,006; 95% CI: 10.1-13.4%) for microsporidia, and 2.5% (788/105,922; 95% CI: 2.1-2.9%) for Isospora. A low prevalence of microsporidia and Isospora infection was found in high-income countries, and a high prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Isospora infection was found in sub-Saharan Africa. We also detected a high prevalence of Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and Isospora infection in patients with diarrhea. Sensitivity analysis showed that three studies significantly affect the prevalence of Isospora, which was adjusted to 5.0% (469/8570; 95% CI: 4.1-5.9%) by excluding these studies.
    Our findings suggest that HIV-infected people have a high prevalence of Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and Isospora infection in low-income countries and patients with diarrhea, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, reinforcing the importance of routine surveillance for opportunistic intestinal protozoa in HIV-infected people.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isospora suis is an intestinal protozoan parasite in pigs. The 2-3 weeks old piglets are most often infected by I. suis because their immune system is not fully developed. The infection exhibits clinical features such as diarrhea and dehydration and seriously affects the economic interests of farmers. The traditional method of identifying I. suis relies on the detection of fecal oocysts, which depends heavily on the accumulation of experience. Thus, missed detection, and false alarms often occur during detection. With the development of molecular-based detection methods, development of a simple, convenient and more sensitive method for the detection of I. suis is an urgent need. In this study, based on the 18S rRNA gene sequence, a fluorescence -based real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was established for the detection of I. suis. The results showed that the assay is highly specific and sensitive, with a detection limit of 2.74 × 10(2) copies/μL recombinant plasmid of I. suis, corresponding to 1 fg/μL plasmid when converted to DNA concentration. The sensitivity is about 100 times higher than conventional PCR. Additionally, DNA extracted from a certain number of oocysts was used for detection, and it showed that the LAMP assay had a detection limit of 5 oocysts, lower than that of 13 oocysts of conventional PCR. The established LAMP assay overcomes the shortage of the traditional microscopy-based method, and provides a valuable way for molecular detection of I. suis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report describes the novel sampling of bile from the biliary endoscopic intervention for the molecular identification of parasite infection.A 63-year-old Vietnamese man underwent travel health examination in our hospital. Physical examination showed that his height was 159 cm and weight was 41 kg. He had a 15-year history of intermittent abdominal pain and frequent episodes of diarrhea. Laboratory tests revealed raised eosinophil count (23%, normal range [NR] 0-5), absolute eosinophil count (1899/μL, NR 50-350), and levels of serum immunoglobulin E (3770 IU/mL, NR < 100), aspartate transaminase (270 U/L, NR 0-37), alanine transaminase (210 U/L, NR 0-40), and total bilirubin (1.8 mg/dL, NR 0.2-1.4); however, the serum alkaline phosphatase level was normal (65 U/L, NR 28-94) and non-reactive result for serum human insufficiency virus antibody.Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography revealed diffuse dilatation of the biliary tree; the common hepatic and pancreatic duct diameters increased to 1.86 cm and 0.61 cm, respectively.Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was performed and a 10-Fr model plastic biliary stent was inserted and flushed with 20 cc normal saline; thereafter, the bile was collected and sent for DNA sequencing. Isospora belli (IB) infection was identified by a polymerase chain reaction.Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 800 mg q6h was administered for 1 month. Liver enzyme levels normalized and negative for concentration method of ova study. The patient was doing well and weighed 51 kg at the outpatient clinic visit 3 months later.This bile sampling with molecular identification has not been described in the literature. We believe that an acute IB infection through fecal-oral transmission may progress to chronic infection of the hepatobiliary system, leading to biliary obstruction and jaundice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new Isospora (Apicomplexa:Eimeriidae) species is described from a single yellow-throated miner bird (Manorina flavigula) (subspecies M. f. wayensis) in Western Australia. Sporulated oocysts (n = 32) of this isolate are spherical to subspherical, 22.8 (20.3-23.8) × 18.3 (17.7-18.7) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 1.25 (1.2-1.3); and a smooth and bilayered oocyst wall, 1.3 μm thick (outer layer 0.9 μm, inner 0.4 μm). A polar granule is present, but the micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent. The sporocysts are lemon-shaped, 15.5 (14.6-15.8) × 9.5 (9.5-10.2) μm, with a shape index of 1.6. Stieda and substieda bodies are present, the Stieda body being knob-like and the substieda body being subspherical-shaped. A sporocyst residuum is present and composed of numerous granules of different size scattered among the sporozoites, a spheroid or subspheroid refractile body is present in the sporozoite. Morphologically, the oocysts from this isolate are different from those of all known valid Isospora spp. Molecular analysis was conducted at 3 loci; the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) gene. At the 18S locus, this new isolate exhibited 99.2% similarity to Isospora gryphoni and three other Isospora spp. Further analysis of a subgroup of 300 bp long 18S sequences (8), including Isospora anthochaerae was conducted. This new isolate grouped in a clade with I. anthochaerae and exhibited 99.3% similarity. At the 28S locus, this new isolate grouped with I. anthochaerae with which it shared 99.1% similarity. At the COI locus, this new isolate exhibited 96.8% similarity to Isospora sp. JCI-2015 from a spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) in Spain. Further analysis from a subgroup of shorter COI sequences (n = 13) was performed and this new isolate exhibited 99.1% similarity to I. anthochaerae. Based on morphological and molecular data, this isolate is a new species of Isospora, which is named Isospora manorinae n. sp. after its host, the yellow-throated miner (Manorina flavigula wayensis).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the prevalence of coccidian infection in suckling piglets in China, fecal samples from 779 litters of suckling piglets were collected on 80 different farms in 17 provinces from September 2009 to December 2010. These samples were examined through saturated saline flotation technique. The prevalences of coccidian infection ranged from 0 to 32.5% among different provinces and the average was 16.7% (130/779). The highest prevalence of 19.9% (69/346) was found in 8-14 day-old litters of suckling piglets. Seven coccidian species were detected in the positive litters of suckling piglets, including Isospora suis (63.9%), Eimeria debliecki (46.9%), Eimeria polita (19.2%), Eimeria suis (20.8%), Eimeria perminuta (13.9%), Eimeria scabra (4.6%), and Eimeria yanglingensis (1.5%). 55.4% of the positive litters of suckling piglet infected more than one coccidian species. The results of this investigation will provide the relevant basic data for control strategies against porcine coccidiosis on pig farms in China.





