Imaging flow cytometry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imaging flow cytometry, which combines the advantages of flow cytometry and microscopy, has emerged as a powerful tool for cell analysis in various biomedical fields such as cancer detection. In this study, we develop multiplex imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) by employing a spatial wavelength division multiplexing technique. Our mIFC can simultaneously obtain brightfield and multi-color fluorescence images of individual cells in flow, which are excited by a metal halide lamp and measured by a single detector. Statistical analysis results of multiplex imaging experiments with resolution test lens, magnification test lens, and fluorescent microspheres validate the operation of the mIFC with good imaging channel consistency and micron-scale differentiation capabilities. A deep learning method is designed for multiplex image processing that consists of three deep learning networks (U-net, very deep super resolution, and visual geometry group 19). It is demonstrated that the cluster of differentiation 24 (CD24) imaging channel is more sensitive than the brightfield, nucleus, or cancer antigen 125 (CA125) imaging channel in classifying the three types of ovarian cell lines (IOSE80 normal cell, A2780, and OVCAR3 cancer cells). An average accuracy rate of 97.1% is achieved for the classification of these three types of cells by deep learning analysis when all four imaging channels are considered. Our single-detector mIFC is promising for the development of future imaging flow cytometers and for the automatic single-cell analysis with deep learning in various biomedical fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optofluidic time-stretch imaging flow cytometry (OTS-IFC) provides a suitable solution for high-precision cell analysis and high-sensitivity detection of rare cells due to its high-throughput and continuous image acquisition. However, transferring and storing continuous big data streams remains a challenge. In this study, we designed a high-speed streaming storage strategy to store OTS-IFC data in real-time, overcoming the imbalance between the fast generation speed in the data acquisition and processing subsystem and the comparatively slower storage speed in the transmission and storage subsystem. This strategy, utilizing an asynchronous buffer structure built on the producer-consumer model, optimizes memory usage for enhanced data throughput and stability. We evaluated the storage performance of the high-speed streaming storage strategy in ultra-large-scale blood cell imaging on a common commercial device. The experimental results show that it can provide a continuous data throughput of up to 5891 MB/s.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flow cytometry (FC) is a versatile tool with excellent capabilities to detect and measure multiple characteristics of a population of cells or particles. Notable advancements in in vivo photoacoustic FC, coherent Raman FC, microfluidic FC, and so on, have been achieved in the last two decades, which endows FC with new functions and expands its applications in basic research and clinical practice. Advanced FC broadens the tools available to researchers to conduct research involving cancer detection, microbiology (COVID-19, HIV, bacteria, etc.), and nucleic acid analysis. This review presents an overall picture of advanced flow cytometers and provides not only a clear understanding of their mechanisms but also new insights into their practical applications. We identify the latest trends in this area and aim to raise awareness of advanced techniques of FC. We hope this review expands the applications of FC and accelerates its clinical translation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imaging flow cytometry based on optical time-stretch (OTS) imaging combined with a microfluidic chip attracts much attention in the large-scale single-cell analysis due to its high throughput, high precision, and label-free operation. Compressive sensing has been integrated into OTS imaging to relieve the pressure on the sampling and transmission of massive data. However, image decompression brings an extra overhead of computing power to the system, but does not generate additional information. In this work, we propose and demonstrate OTS imaging flow cytometry in the compressed domain. Specifically, we constructed a machine-learning network to analyze the cells without decompressing the images. The results show that our system enables high-quality imaging and high-accurate cell classification with an accuracy of over 99% at a compression ratio of 10%. This work provides a viable solution to the big data problem in OTS imaging flow cytometry, boosting its application in practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is an uncommon situation in which the body produces too many platelets. This can cause blood clots anywhere in the body and results in various symptoms and even strokes or heart attacks. Removing excessive platelets using acoustofluidic methods receives extensive attention due to their high efficiency and high yield. While the damage to the remaining cells, such as erythrocytes and leukocytes is yet evaluated. Existing cell damage evaluation methods usually require cell staining, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this paper, we investigate cell damage by optical time-stretch (OTS) imaging flow cytometry with high throughput and in a label-free manner. Specifically, we first image the erythrocytes and leukocytes sorted by acoustofluidic sorting chip with different acoustic wave powers and flowing speed using OTS imaging flow cytometry at a flowing speed up to 1 m/s. Then, we employ machine learning algorithms to extract biophysical phenotypic features from the cellular images, as well as to cluster and identify images. The results show that both the errors of the biophysical phenotypic features and the proportion of abnormal cells are within 10% in the undamaged cell groups, while the errors are much greater than 10% in the damaged cell groups, indicating that acoustofluidic sorting causes little damage to the cells within the appropriate acoustic power, agreeing well with clinical assays. Our method provides a novel approach for high-throughput and label-free cell damage evaluation in scientific research and clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell morphology is an essential and phenotypic trait that can be easily tracked during adaptation and evolution to environmental changes. Thanks to the rapid development of quantitative analytical techniques for large populations of cells based on their optical properties, morphology can be easily determined and tracked during experimental evolution. Furthermore, the directed evolution of new culturable morphological phenotypes can find use in synthetic biology to refine fermentation processes. It remains unknown whether and how fast we can obtain a stable mutant with distinct morphologies using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)-directed experimental evolution. Taking advantage of FACS and imaging flow cytometry (IFC), we direct the experimental evolution of the E. coli population undergoing continuous passage of sorted cells with specific optical properties. After ten rounds of sorting and culturing, a lineage with large cells resulting from incomplete closure of the division ring was obtained. Genome sequencing highlighted a stop-gain mutation in amiC, leading to a dysfunctional AmiC division protein. The combination of FACS-based selection with IFC analysis to track the evolution of the bacteria population in real-time holds promise to rapidly select and culture new morphologies and association tendencies with many potential applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Label-free imaging flow cytometry is a powerful tool for biological and medical research as it overcomes technical challenges in conventional fluorescence-based imaging flow cytometry that predominantly relies on fluorescent labeling. To date, two distinct types of label-free imaging flow cytometry have been developed, namely optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase imaging flow cytometry and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging flow cytometry. Unfortunately, these two methods are incapable of probing some important molecules such as starch and collagen. Here, we present another type of label-free imaging flow cytometry, namely multiphoton imaging flow cytometry, for visualizing starch and collagen in live cells with high throughput. Our multiphoton imaging flow cytometer is based on nonlinear optical imaging whose image contrast is provided by two optical nonlinear effects: four-wave mixing (FWM) and second-harmonic generation (SHG). It is composed of a microfluidic chip with an acoustic focuser, a lab-made laser scanning SHG-FWM microscope, and a high-speed image acquisition circuit to simultaneously acquire FWM and SHG images of flowing cells. As a result, it acquires FWM and SHG images (100 × 100 pixels) with a spatial resolution of 500 nm and a field of view of 50 μm × 50 μm at a high event rate of four to five events per second, corresponding to a high throughput of 560-700 kb/s, where the event is defined by the passage of a cell or a cell-like particle. To show the utility of our multiphoton imaging flow cytometer, we used it to characterize Chromochloris zofingiensis (NIES-2175), a unicellular green alga that has recently attracted attention from the industrial sector for its ability to efficiently produce valuable materials for bioplastics, food, and biofuel. Our statistical image analysis found that starch was distributed at the center of the cells at the early cell cycle stage and became delocalized at the later stage. Multiphoton imaging flow cytometry is expected to be an effective tool for statistical high-content studies of biological functions and optimizing the evolution of highly productive cell strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urinary extracellular vesicles (uEVs) are promising biomarkers for various diseases. However, many tools measuring uEVs rely on time-consuming uEV isolation methods, which could induce sample bias. This study demonstrates the detection of single uEVs without isolation using imaging flow cytometry (IFCM). Unstained urine samples contained auto-fluorescent (A-F) particles when characterized with IFCM. Centrifugation successfully removed A-F particles from the unprocessed urine. Based on the disappearance of A-F particles, a gate was defined to distinguish uEVs from A-F particles. The final readouts of IFCM were verified as single EVs based on detergent treatment and serial dilutions. When developing this protocol to measure urine samples with abnormally high protein levels, 25 mg/mL dithiothreitol (DTT) showed improved uEV recovery over 200 mg/mL DTT. This study provides an isolation-free protocol using IFCM to quantify and phenotype single uEVs, eliminating the hindrance and influence of A-F particles, protein aggregates, and coincidence events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The climate-driven changes in temperature, in combination with high inputs of nutrients through anthropogenic activities, significantly affect phytoplankton communities in shallow lakes. This study aimed to assess the effect of nutrients on the community composition, size distribution, and diversity of phytoplankton at three contrasting temperature regimes in phosphorus (P)-enriched mesocosms and with different nitrogen (N) availability imitating eutrophic environments. We applied imaging flow cytometry (IFC) to evaluate complex phytoplankton communities changes, particularly size of planktonic cells, biomass, and phytoplankton composition. We found that N enrichment led to the shift in the dominance from the bloom-forming cyanobacteria to the mixed-type blooming by cyanobacteria and green algae. Moreover, the N enrichment stimulated phytoplankton size increase in the high-temperature regime and led to phytoplankton size decrease in lower temperatures. A combination of high temperature and N enrichment resulted in the lowest phytoplankton diversity. Together these findings demonstrate that the net effect of N and P pollution on phytoplankton communities depends on the temperature conditions. These implications are important for forecasting future climate change impacts on the world\'s shallow lake ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intelligent image-activated cell sorting (iIACS) has enabled high-throughput image-based sorting of single cells with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. This AI-on-a-chip technology combines fluorescence microscopy, AI-based image processing, sort-timing prediction, and cell sorting. Sort-timing prediction is particularly essential due to the latency on the order of milliseconds between image acquisition and sort actuation, during which image processing is performed. The long latency amplifies the effects of the fluctuations in the flow speed of cells, leading to fluctuation and uncertainty in the arrival time of cells at the sort point on the microfluidic chip. To compensate for this fluctuation, iIACS measures the flow speed of each cell upstream, predicts the arrival timing of the cell at the sort point, and activates the actuation of the cell sorter appropriately. Here, we propose and demonstrate a machine learning technique to increase the accuracy of the sort-timing prediction that would allow for the improvement of sort event rate, yield, and purity. Specifically, we trained an algorithm to predict the sort timing for morphologically heterogeneous budding yeast cells. The algorithm we developed used cell morphology, position, and flow speed as inputs for prediction and achieved 41.5% lower prediction error compared to the previously employed method based solely on flow speed. As a result, our technique would allow for an increase in the sort event rate of iIACS by a factor of ~2.





