Histological Techniques

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. Effective fusion of histology slides and molecular profiles from genomic data has shown great potential in the diagnosis and prognosis of gliomas. However, it remains challenging to explicitly utilize the consistent-complementary information among different modalities and create comprehensive representations of patients. Additionally, existing researches mainly focus on complete multi-modality data and usually fail to construct robust models for incomplete samples.Approach. In this paper, we propose adual-space disentangled-multimodal network (DDM-net)for glioma diagnosis and prognosis. DDM-net disentangles the latent features generated by two separate variational autoencoders (VAEs) into common and specific components through a dual-space disentangled approach, facilitating the construction of comprehensive representations of patients. More importantly, DDM-net imputes the unavailable modality in the latent feature space, making it robust to incomplete samples.Main results. We evaluated our approach on the TCGA-GBMLGG dataset for glioma grading and survival analysis tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods, with a competitive AUC of 0.952 and a C-index of 0.768.Significance. The proposed model may help the clinical understanding of gliomas and can serve as an effective fusion model with multimodal data. Additionally, it is capable of handling incomplete samples, making it less constrained by clinical limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The interference-holographic method of phase scanning of fields of scattered laser radiation is proposed. The effectiveness of this method for the selection of variously dispersed components is demonstrated. This method made it possible to obtain polarization maps of biological tissues at a high level of depolarized background. The scale-selective analysis of such maps was used to determine necrotic changes in the optically anisotropic architectonics of biological tissues.
    UNASSIGNED: Development and experimental approbation of layered phase polarimetry of repeatedly scattered fields in diffuse layers of biological tissues. Application of scale-selective processing of the found coordinate distributions of polarization states in various phase sections of object fields. Determination of criteria (markers) for histological differential diagnosis of the causes of necrotic changes in optical anisotropy of biological tissues.
    UNASSIGNED: We used a synthesis of three instrumental and analytical methods. Polarization-interference registration of laser radiation scattered by a sample of biological tissue. Digital holographic reconstruction and layered phase scanning of distributions of complex amplitudes of the object field. Analytical determination of polarization maps of various phase cross-sections of repeatedly scattered radiation. Application of wavelet analysis of the distributions of polarization states in the phase plane of a single scattered component of an object field. Determination of criteria (markers) for differential diagnosis of necrotic changes in biological tissues with different morphological structure. Two cases are considered. The first case is the myocardium of those who died as a result of coronary heart disease and acute coronary insufficiency. The second case is lung tissue samples of deceased with bronchial asthma and fibrosis.
    UNASSIGNED: A method of polarization-interference mapping of diffuse object fields of biological tissues has been developed and experimentally implemented. With the help of digital holographic reconstruction of the distributions of complex amplitudes, polarization maps in various phase sections of a diffuse object field are found. The wavelet analysis of azimuth and ellipticity distributions of polarization in the phase plane of a single scattered component of laser radiation is used. Scenarios for changing the amplitude of the wavelet coefficients for different scales of the scanning salt-like MHAT function are determined. Statistical moments of the first to fourth orders are determined for the distributions of the amplitudes of the wavelet coefficients of the azimuth maps and the ellipticity of polarization. As a result, diagnostic markers of necrotic changes in the myocardium and lung tissue were determined. The statistical criteria found are the basis for determining the accuracy of their differential diagnosis of various necrotic states of biological tissues.
    UNASSIGNED: Necrotic changes caused by \"coronary artery disease-acute coronary insufficiency\" and \"asthma-pulmonary fibrosis\" were demonstrated by the method of wavelet differentiation with polarization interference with excellent accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear detection, segmentation and morphometric profiling are essential in helping us further understand the relationship between histology and patient outcome. To drive innovation in this area, we setup a community-wide challenge using the largest available dataset of its kind to assess nuclear segmentation and cellular composition. Our challenge, named CoNIC, stimulated the development of reproducible algorithms for cellular recognition with real-time result inspection on public leaderboards. We conducted an extensive post-challenge analysis based on the top-performing models using 1,658 whole-slide images of colon tissue. With around 700 million detected nuclei per model, associated features were used for dysplasia grading and survival analysis, where we demonstrated that the challenge\'s improvement over the previous state-of-the-art led to significant boosts in downstream performance. Our findings also suggest that eosinophils and neutrophils play an important role in the tumour microevironment. We release challenge models and WSI-level results to foster the development of further methods for biomarker discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer remains a global health challenge, demanding early detection and accurate diagnosis for improved patient outcomes. An intelligent paradigm is introduced that elevates label-free nonlinear optical imaging with contrastive patch-wise learning, yielding stain-free nonlinear optical computational histology (NOCH). NOCH enables swift, precise diagnostic analysis of fresh tissues, reducing patient anxiety and healthcare costs. Nonlinear modalities are evaluated, including stimulated Raman scattering and multiphoton imaging, for their ability to enhance tumor microenvironment sensitivity, pathological analysis, and cancer examination. Quantitative analysis confirmed that NOCH images accurately reproduce nuclear morphometric features across different cancer stages. Key diagnostic features, such as nuclear morphology, size, and nuclear-cytoplasmic contrast, are well preserved. NOCH models also demonstrate promising generalization when applied to other pathological tissues. The study unites label-free nonlinear optical imaging with histopathology using contrastive learning to establish stain-free computational histology. NOCH provides a rapid, non-invasive, and precise approach to surgical pathology, holding immense potential for revolutionizing cancer diagnosis and surgical interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的: 探讨无纺布和滤纸“三明治”固定法对小鼠结直肠病理切片质量和黏膜下层结构完整性的影响。 方法: 分别采用“三明治”法和常规方法固定脱水包埋小鼠结直肠样本,并制作病理切片进行比较。HE染色评估病理切片的肌层分离情况并统计不分离率;通过免疫组织化学法标记淋巴管(LYVE-1)和血管(CD31),分析两组病理切片黏膜下层结构的完整性。 结果: HE染色显示“三明治”组的小鼠结直肠病理切片少见肌层分离情况,而常规方法组切片普遍存在肌层分离;不分离率统计分析发现,“三明治”组不分离率(85.3%)高于常规方法组(21.1%,P<0.01);免疫组织化学结果显示,“三明治”组切片黏膜下层多见完整的淋巴管和血管结构,而常规方法组较为少见;统计分析发现“三明治”组的黏膜下层完整淋巴管和血管的数量分别为(99.3±10.1)和(72.7±8.1);高于常规方法组淋巴管(12.7±2.5,P<0.01)和血管数量(15.9±3.2,P<0.01)。 结论: “三明治”固定法脱水包埋可显著提升小鼠结直肠病理切片的不分离率,有效改善肌层分离问题并保护黏膜下层结构的完整性。.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: We did this network meta-analysis to comprehensively compare the efficacy of different segments [intermediate segment (IS), short segment (SS) and long segment (LS)] in the fixation of thoracolumbar fractures.
    METHODS: We searched studies from inception until January 20, 2023 through PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. All studies comparing different segments in the fixation of thoracolumbar fractures were included in this meta-analysis. Outcomes were anterior vertebral height ratio (AVHR), sagittal Cobb angle (SCA), visual analogue scale score, and implant failure rate. This network meta-analysis was performed by R software with gemtc package.
    RESULTS: Finally, a total of 22 studies were finally included in this network meta-analysis. IS (WMD 2.43, 95% CrI 2.04-2.91) was more effective than SS in terms of the AVHR, and the difference was statistically significant. IS was more effective than LS in reducing SCA (WMD -2.87, 95% CrI -3.79 to -1.96) with statistically significant. Compared with SS, IS significantly reduced the SCA with statistically significant (WMD -2.52, 95% CrI -3.31 to -1.72). IS (WMD -2.87, 95% CrI -3.78 to -1.96) was more effective than LS, and the difference was statistically significant. Moreover, IS (WMD -2.52, 95% CrI -3.31 to -1.72) was more effective than SS, and the difference was statistically significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: IS was associated with a significant reduction in SCA, implant failure rate, and visual analogue scale compared to SS and LS, while having the most favorable impact on AVHR among all the treatments assessed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histology or microanatomy is the science of the structure and function of tissues and organs in metazoic organisms at the cellular level. By definition, histology is dependent on a variety of microscope techniques, usually light or more recently virtual, as well as electron microscopy. Since its inception more than two centuries ago, histology has been an integral component of biomedical education, specifically for medical, dental, and veterinary students. Traditionally, histology has been taught in two sequential phases, first a didactic transfer of information to learners and secondly a laboratory segment in which students develop the skill of analyzing micrographic images. In this chapter, the authors provide an overview of how histology is currently taught in different global regions. This overview also outlines which educational strategies and technologies are used, and how the local and cultural environment influences the histology education of medical and other students in different countries and continents. Also discussed are current trends that change the teaching of this basic science subject.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attentional capture and disengagement are distinct process involved in attentional orienting. Most current studies have examined either the process of attentional capture or disengagement by manipulating stimuli associated with either positive (gains) or negative outcomes (losses). However, few studies have investigated whether attentional capture and disengagement are modulated by reward and loss outcomes. In the current study, we want to examine whether positive or negative outcomes could modulate distinguishing process of attentional capture and disengagement. Here, we manipulated different colored singleton stimuli associated with reward or loss outcomes; these stimuli were either presented at the center of screen or at the peripheral location. The participants\' task was to search the target and identify the orientation of line segment in target as quickly as possible. The results showed that people had difficulty disengaging from a central reward-distractor, in comparison to loss- and neutral-distractor when target was presented at peripheral location. Similarly, peripheral reward-distractor captured more attention than loss- and neutral-distractor when target was presented at the center of screen after central fixation disappeared. Through our discoveries, we can conclude that positive rewards can increase attentional capture and delay attentional disengagement in healthy people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescence micro-optical sectioning tomography (fMOST) is a three-dimensional (3d) imaging method at the mesoscopic level. The whole-brain of mice can be imaged at a high resolution of 0.32 × 0.32 × 1.00 μm3. It is useful for revealing the fine morphology of intact organ tissue, even for positioning the single vessel connected with a complicated vascular network across different brain regions in the whole mouse brain. Featuring its 3d visualization of whole-brain cross-scale connections, fMOST has a vast potential to decipher brain function and diseases. This article begins with the background of fMOST technology including a widespread 3D imaging methods comparison and the basic technical principal illustration, followed by the application of fMOST in cerebrovascular research and relevant vascular labeling techniques applicable to different scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acupuncture has been proven an effective clinical treatment for numerous pathological conditions and malfunctions. However, substantial anatomical evidence for acupuncture points (APs) and meridians is still lacking, so the location of APs is relatively subjective and understanding of the biological mechanisms of acupuncture is limited. All these problems hinder the clinical applications and worldwide acceptance of acupuncture. Our long-term microsurgery experience has indicated that Perforating Cutaneous Vessels (PCVs) are highly relevant to APs but the anatomical evidence is insufficient. To address this lack, two specimens of fresh adult human upper limbs were dissected using an advanced vascular perfusion-fixation method and then examined. The results show that all 30 five-Shu APs in the upper limbs have corresponding PCVs. Both specimens showed a 100% coincidence rate between APs and PCVs, indicating that PCVs could be critical anatomical features of APs. This study also provides an anatomical basis for locating APs objectively via preliminary detection of PCVs. The findings could lead to a better theoretical understanding of mechanisms of acupuncture and the essence of meridians.





