Financial inclusion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To attain sustainable development, a pertinent question that needs to be answered is whether good governance leads to financial inclusion (FI) and whether bank stability matters. This study examines how financial stability modulates the link between governance and FI in the Nordic-Baltic region between 2004 and 2021. Using a mixed effect model, we observed a positive causal relationship between governance and FI and bank stability modulate this causality. These findings are robust to alternative assumptions and model specifications. Interestingly, we found that good governance helps foster economic growth and social equality. The study further highlights the need for digital financial education to overcome the phobia of digital products as a priority policy agenda. Overall, this finding supports arguments in the literature that for FI to be sustainable, inequality should be low as income levels and well-being increase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study utilizes cross-country data from 2002 to 2019 from 60 selected developing countries to explore the impact of competition and financial inclusion on financial stability. Employing the system GMM estimator, compelling evidence is revealed, highlighting a number of key findings. Firstly, it is observed that financial inclusion has a weakening effect on financial stability within developing countries. Conversely, competition among these nations demonstrates a significant capacity to bolster financial stability. Additionally, the study underscores the pivotal role of financial development, identifying it as a primary driver that enables financial inclusion to positively influence financial stability within developing nations. Furthermore, the introduction of the square term of financial inclusion yields noteworthy insights, revealing a nonlinear relationship. Specifically, the findings suggest that strategic investments in the financial inclusion of developing countries have the potential to enhance financial stability up to a certain threshold. Therefore, for emerging economies seeking to fortify their financial stability, prioritizing efforts to augment financial inclusion is imperative. Over the long term, such endeavors have the potential to yield tangible improvements in financial stability. In conclusion, the research offers valuable policy implications. These include recommendations aimed at fostering greater financial inclusion within developing economies as a means of bolstering overall financial stability. By heeding these suggestions and implementing targeted policies, policymakers can work towards cultivating a more resilient and robust financial landscape within their respective nations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we examine the Moderating Role of Governance on the Relationships between social inclusion (SI), Information and communication technology infrastructure (ICT), and financial inclusion (FI) in 46 countries representing a global sample span from 2010 to 2020. We collect the data from the IMF\'s financial access survey and construct a multidimensional FI index. Based on the FI index, we divide the sample into two sub-samples (med-high level and low-level FI countries). For the empirics, we employed panel-corrected standard errors, fully modified ordinary least squares and dynamic ordinary least squares techniques. We find that SI is negatively related to FI. ICT infrastructure positively influences FI. Further, we find that governance with sound ICT infrastructure and socially inclusive communities enhances FI. The findings of sub-samples are similar to the full sample results except for a promoting effect of SI and governance in the case of med-high financially inclusive economies. Moreover, the Interaction term of governance and ICT infrastructure is insignificant in med-high financially inclusive economies and negatively significant in low financially inclusive economies. Our study reports novel findings which have significant implications for policymakers and financial institutions to effectively develop and implement new policies which strengthen the institutional base, develop digital banking infrastructure, enhance SI to boost up FI and ensure sustainable economic growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper examines the relative role of financial inclusion in enhancing households\' ability to spend on energy consumption across rural and urban locations. It uses comprehensive household data from Ghana and employs the ordinary least square (OLS) as well as an instrumental variable estimation technique. Endogeneity of financial inclusion is instrumented using distance to the nearest bank. Our findings suggest that a standard deviation increase in financial inclusion contributes to an improvement in residential energy expenditure by 1.2835 standard deviations. This finding is robust to different methods for resolving endogeneity and alternative weighting schemes in the financial inclusion construct. Among the different sources of energy for lighting and cooking, financial inclusion increases expenditure on LPG and electricity more than the others. Financial inclusion increases the ability to spend more on residential energy in urban, poorest, and female-headed dual-parent households. Household net income is a key pathway through which financial inclusion affects residential energy expenditure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate the global perspective on the relationship between financial inclusion and environmental degradation, taking into account the potential moderating role of information and communication technology (ICT). The research utilizes panel data from 131 countries, covering the period of 1995 to 2019. The findings show that financial inclusion has significant and positive impact on carbon emissions, implying that as financial inclusion increases, so do carbon emissions. Moreover, our findings reveal a significant negative moderating effect of the ICT on the relationship between financial inclusion and carbon emissions. This implies that the impact of financial inclusion on carbon emissions is contingent upon the level of ICT development. The robustness of these findings is confirmed through the use of alternative proxies for the explanatory and moderating variables, as well as alternative estimation methods. The outcomes of this study carry significant implications for both policy and practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Financial stability is essential for economic growth because it fosters confidence and trust and promotes investment in green development. However, it is a dilemma for the world economies to create an equilibrium between financial stability and environmental sustainability. In the extent of these challenges, the present study aims at grabbing the link of financial inclusion to attain financial stability. Further, the present study investigates the association of institutional quality, renewable energy, green growth, environmental sustainability, and financial inclusion with financial stability. Two basic econometric models are applied that focused on the basic and interaction term outcomes. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) is analyzed to design an index for five proxies of financial inclusion. Additionally, the research inspected the interaction term of institutional quality and financial inclusion (FIN*INSQ) and determined the multiplied impact on financial stability in a separate model. This research employed the linear autoregressive distributed lag approach from 1990 to 2020 for long- and short-term dynamics. Theoretically, the research supports the sustainable finance and financial development theory. Hence, results showed that financial inclusion and institutional quality are positively associated with financial stability, while green growth, environmental sustainability, and renewable energy mechanisms are achieved through financial stability. Following our findings, the government should establish consistency between financial development and economic policies to maintain financial instability and ensure financial soundness. Furthermore, countries require viable financial institutions prioritizing green growth and institutional quality to achieve financial stability and long-term development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study assesses the relationship between financial inclusion and low-carbon development and its implications for regional development. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to analyse data from a sample of E7 countries from 2001 to 2020. Results show that financial inclusion and low-carbon development are significantly related, indicating that financial inclusion is a significant driver of low-carbon development. Additionally, regional differences between E7 countries in financial inclusion and low-carbon development are identified, highlighting the need for region-specific policies to promote sustainable development. Moreover, findings show that deposits, bank accounts, and ATMs of all E7 economies contribute to environmental and economic growth inputs. The findings have important implications. Therefore, encouraging low-carbon growth via increased financial inclusion may be successful. Access to financial services, financial literacy, and financial innovation are all areas where policymakers might do more to advance the cause of financial inclusion. Accounting for variations in financial inclusion and low-carbon development between regions is important when crafting policies to encourage sustainable development. The economic climate, cultural norms, and institutional structures of a given area must all be considered by policymakers if they are to craft plans that will be successful.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Financial inclusion is critical element of economic growth as it makes financial services available to all facets of society and hence has an influence on environmental quality. Using data from 2004 to 2019, this research evaluates the asymmetric nexus between financial inclusion and environmental quality in the top-10 polluted nations (China, India, Russia, USA, Japan, Iran, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Indonesia). Previous research used panel data approaches, which resulted in usual findings of the connection between financial inclusion and environmental quality, even with the reality that numerous nations did not show such a linkage individually. This research, conversely, utilizes an exclusive method \'Quantile-on-Quantile (QQ)\', which permits us to probe each nation distinctly to provide multilateral yet country-specific information about the relation between the variables. The estimations demonstrate that financial inclusion degrades environmental quality in 7 out of the 10 economies at many quantiles of data distribution. Additionally, the outcomes reveal that the degree of asymmetry between financial inclusion and carbon emissions differs by nation, stressing the need of governments giving particular attention while implementing policies related to financial inclusion and a sustainable environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Financial inclusion enhances economic growth by facilitating businesses and individuals to access financial resources. Financial inclusion also contributes to environmental sustainability; however, very few studies have explored the link between financial inclusion and the environment. Also, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on environmental performance remains unexplored. From this perspective, this study probes the objective of whether financial inclusion and environmental performance co-move in COVID-19 in highly polluted economies. This objective is tested with the help of 2SLS and GMM approaches. The study also gets assistance from a panel quantile regression approach for empirical tasks. The results show that financial inclusion and the COVID-19 pandemic have a negative impact on CO2 emissions. Based on these findings, the study suggests that highly polluted economies should promote financial inclusion and assimilate environmental policies with financial inclusion policies to attain environment-related goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this research is to explore the potential of financial inclusion and low-carbon architectural design strategies as solutions to improve the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of new buildings in different architectural climate conditions. The manufacture sector, which accounts for about 40% of all yearly greenhouse gas releases, has been stimulating with trying to reduce the amount of energy it consumes and the detrimental effects it has on the climate, in accordance with the standards outlined in the 2016 Paris Agreement. In this study, panel data analysis is used to examine the connection between green property financing and carbon dioxide emissions from the building sector in one hundred and five developed and developing countries. Although this analysis finds a negative correlation among the development of environmentally friendly real estate financing and firms\' worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, it finds that this correlation is most robust in developing nations. A number of these countries are experiencing an unregulated and rapid population explosion, which has boosted their demand for oil, making this discovery essential for them. The difficulty in securing green funding during this crisis is slowing and even reversing gains made in past years, making it all the more important to keep this momentum going during the COVID-19 outbreak. It\'s critical to keep the momentum going by doing something.





