Dilution effect

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High species diversity in a community may reduce the risk of infectious disease, termed the dilution effect. However, the generality of the dilution effect in different disease systems remains controversial as both host competence and behaviors of hosts may play roles in dilution or amplification of disease. Using the goldfish (Carassius auratus)-monogenean ectoparasite (Gyrodactylus kobayashii) system, effects of host competence and schooling behavior on parasite transmission were investigated while holding focal host density constant. Following competency tests of 12 fish species as potential hosts for the parasite, infection by G. kobayashii was determined on fins of goldfish mixed with each of three different species based on their level of host competence, including Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio (low competence), grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus (non-competent), swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri (non-competent), and the four species combined. Compared with mean abundance (85.8 ± 25.1) on goldfish in the control group, the mean abundance on goldfish decreased significantly when paired with 10 Prussian carp (30.0 ± 16.5), but did not differ significantly when paired with 10 swordtail (70.0 ± 22.2), 10 grass carp (116.1 ± 33.2), or the multi-species of three Prussian carp, four grass carp and three swordtail (75.9 ± 30.8) during the 11-day experiment. The parasite was also found on the Prussian carp in the Prussian carp group and the multi-species group at a mean abundance of 7.1 and 10.9, respectively. Video recording showed that the school of goldfish mixed well with the Prussian carp, while they maintained separation from the grass carp and swordtail when mixed together. The distance between goldfish increased, and swimming speed and contact time decreased with the additional of other fish species for all groups. The results suggested that the presence of a low-competence host in sufficient numbers was a necessary condition for a dilution effect due to encounter reduction, and the dilution effect may also be enhanced by changes in schooling behavior of goldfish in the presence of low competence hosts. However, the presence of non-competent hosts did not result in any dilution effect owing to the specialist nature of the parasites and the lack of mixing with schools of goldfish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central goal of disease ecology is to identify the factors that drive the spread of infectious diseases. Changes in vector richness can have complex effects on disease risk, but little is known about the role of vector competence in the relationship between vector richness and disease risk. In this study, we firstly investigated the combined effects of vector competence, interspecific competition, and feeding interference on disease risk through a two-vector, one-host SIR-SI model, and obtained threshold conditions for the occurrence of dilution and amplification effects. Secondly, we extended the above model to the case of N vectors and assumed that all vectors were homogeneous to obtain analytic expressions for disease risk. It was found that in the two-vector model, disease risk declined more rapidly as interspecific competition of the high-competence vector increased. When vector richness increases, the positive effects of adding a high-competence vector species on disease transmission may outweigh the negative effects of feeding interference due to increased vector richness, making an amplification effect more likely to occur. While the addition of a highly competitive vector species may exacerbate the negative effects of feeding interference, making a dilution effect more likely to occur. In the N-vector model, the effect of increased vector richness on disease risk was fully driven by the strength of feeding interference and interspecific competition, and changes in vector competence only quantitatively but not qualitatively altered the vector richness-disease risk relationship. This work clarifies the role of vector competence in the relationship between vector richness and disease risk and provides a new perspective for studying the diversity-disease relationship. It also provides theoretical guidance for vector management and disease prevention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the influence of poly(butadiene-isoprene) copolymer rubber (BIR) and TDAE oil on the crystallization and melting behavior of neodymium-based butadiene rubber (Nd-BR). The study demonstrates that the melting points of Nd-BR and its blends decrease with lower crystallization temperatures. Below the critical crystallization temperature (Tc,c), the melting behavior shows dual peaks in distinct temperature ranges, which are attributed to different spherulitic sizes. The addition of BIR or TDAE oil lowers the Tc,c, with TDAE oil exerting a more substantial effect. These diluents mainly influence the nucleation temperature and crystallinity level of Nd-BR while having a minimal effect on the crystallization mechanism. A master curve, which overlaps for various samples, is developed by correlating the peak melting temperature (Tm,peak) with the Tc. This curve facilitates a quantitative assessment of the effects of BIR and TDAE oil on Nd-BR, highlighting the greater influence of TDAE oil on the crystalline structure compared with BIR at equivalent mass fractions. By applying the Lorentz equation and multi-peak fitting, a relationship between the melting points and crystallization temperatures is established, enabling the calculation of the equilibrium melting points (Tm0) for different samples. The findings show a reduction in the Tm0 due to the diluents; specifically, the Tm0 is approximately 0 °C for pure Nd-BR, and it decreases to -4.579 °C and -6.579 °C for samples with 50 PHR TDAE oil and 60 wt.% BIR, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crystallization behavior of neodymium-based rare earth polybutadiene rubber (Nd-BR) is studied in the presence of small-molecule treated distillate aromatic extract (TDAE) and high-molecular-weight polybutadiene-isoprene copolymer rubber (BIR). Pronounced inhibitory effects on the crystallization of Nd-BR are exhibited by both materials, as evidenced by reductions in the crystallization temperature (Tc), melting point (Tm), and corresponding enthalpy change. It is found that, at equal concentrations, a greater influence on the crystallization rate is exerted by TDAE oils, whereas nucleation inhibition is more potently affected by BIR. Incomplete crystallization during cooling is exhibited by Nd-BR when the TDAE oil concentration reaches 40 parts per hundreds of rubber (PHR) (31 wt.%), or BIR achieves a 60 wt.% concentration; subsequently, a noticeable cold crystallization phenomenon is observed upon heating. Insights into the isothermal crystallization kinetics are offered by the data, which reveal that the Avrami index n value for Nd-BR predominantly ranges between 2.5 and 3.0. A decrease in the n value is induced by a small amount of TDAE oil, while a noticeable decline in the n value is observed only when the BIR concentration is 60 wt.%. A correlation between the crystallization activation energy, the concentration of TDAE oil and BIR, and the crystallization temperature is established; a negative activation energy is recorded, and a decrease in the crystallization rate is noted when both concentrations are low and the crystallization temperature exceeds -50 °C. In contrast, positive activation energy and an increase in the crystallization rate are observed when the BIR concentration reaches 60%, and the crystallization temperature resides between -50 °C and -70 °C.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Species functional traits can influence pathogen transmission processes, and consequently affect species\' host status, pathogen diversity, and community-level infection risk. We here investigated, for 143 European waterbird species, effects of functional traits on host status and pathogen diversity (subtype richness) for avian influenza virus at species level. We then explored the association between functional diversity and HPAI H5Nx occurrence at the community level for 2016/17 and 2021/22 epidemics in Europe. We found that both host status and subtype richness were shaped by several traits, such as diet guild and dispersal ability, and that the community-weighted means of these traits were also correlated with community-level risk of H5Nx occurrence. Moreover, functional divergence was negatively associated with H5Nx occurrence, indicating that functional diversity can reduce infection risk. Our findings highlight the value of integrating trait-based ecology into the framework of diversity-disease relationship, and provide new insights for HPAI prediction and prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Under the background of global species extinction, the impact of epidemic diseases on wild animal protection is increasingly prominent. Here, we review and synthesize the literature on this topic, and discuss the relationship between diseases and biodiversity. Diseases usually reduce species diversity by decreasing or extinction of species populations, but also accelerate species evolution and promote species diversity. At the same time, species diversity can regulate disease outbreaks through dilution or amplification effects. The synergistic effect of human activities and global change is emphasized, which further aggravates the complex relationship between biodiversity and diseases. Finally, we emphasize the importance of active surveillance of wild animal diseases, which can protect wild animals from potential diseases, maintain population size and genetic variation, and reduce the damage of diseases to the balance of the whole ecosystem and human health. Therefore, we suggest that a background survey of wild animal populations and their pathogens should be carried out to assess the impact of potential outbreaks on the population or species level. The mechanism of dilution and amplification effect between species diversity and diseases of wild animals should be further studied to provide a theoretical basis and technical support for human intervention measures to change biodiversity. Most importantly, we should closely combine the protection of wild animals with the establishment of an active surveillance, prevention, and control system for wild animal epidemics, in an effort to achieve a win-win situation between wild animal protection and disease control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) is a growing concern over the world\'s various environments. Coastal environments may receive pollutants from land runoffs via estuaries. However, the impact of ARG contamination from estuarine regions to coastal areas is rarely reported. This study used high-throughput quantitative PCR to examine the diversity and abundance of ARGs in Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and adjacent coastal areas. We found that the distribution of ARGs in seawater exhibited the distance-decay phenomenon from the estuary to coastal areas, while the sediment samples did not exhibit an obvious distribution pattern. The estuarine water was found to be the hotspot of ARGs, with 74 ARG species detected and absolute abundance being 5.93 × 105 copies per mL, on average, while less species and lower abundance of ARGs were detected in coastal waters. Ordination analysis showed that estuarine ARG communities were significantly different from coastal ARG communities for water samples. SourceTracker analysis revealed that ARGs from the estuarine environment contributed only a minor fraction of ARG contamination to downstream coastal areas (1.5%-7.4% for water samples, and 0.7-1.8% for sediment samples), indicating the strong dilution effect of seawater. Mantel tests, redundancy analysis and random forest model analysis identified salinity, nutrients, microbial community structure and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) as important factors influencing ARG distribution. Partial least squares-path model revealed that, among all environmental factors, MGEs directly affected the distribution of ARGs, while other factors indirectly contributed by affecting the MGEs assemblage. Our study provides insight into the dissemination of ARGs from the PRE to adjacent coastal areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ternary blend is demonstrated as an effective strategy to promote the device performance of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) due to the dilution effect. While the compromise between the charge generation and recombination remains a challenge. Here, a mixed diluent strategy for further improving the device efficiency of OPV is proposed. Specifically, the high-performance OPV system with a polymer donor, i.e., PM6, and a nonfullerene acceptor (NFA), i.e., BTP-eC9, is diluted by the mixed diluents, which involve a high bandgap NFA of BTP-S17 and a low bandgap NFA of BTP-S16 (similar with that of the BTP-eC9). The BTP-S17 of better miscibility with BTP-eC9 can dramatically enhance the open-circuit voltage (VOC ), while the BTP-S16 maximizes the charge generation or the short-circuit current density (JSC ). The interplay of BTP-17 and BTP-S16 enables better compromise between charge generation and recombination, thus leading to a high device performance of 19.76% (certified 19.41%), which is the best among single-junction OPVs. Further analysis on carrier dynamics validates the efficacy of mixed diluents for balancing charge generation and recombination, which can be further attributed to the more diverse energetic landscapes and improved morphology. Therefore, this work provides an effective strategy for high-performance OPV for further commercialization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid biodiversity losses of the Anthropocene have motivated ecologists to understand how biodiversity affects infectious diseases. Spatial scale is thought to moderate negative biodiversity-disease relationships (i.e., dilution effects) in zoonotic diseases, whereas evidence from plant communities for an effect of scale remains limited, especially at local scales where the mechanisms (e.g., encounter reduction) underlying dilution effects actually work. Here, we tested how spatial scale affects the direction and magnitude of biodiversity-disease relationships. We utilized a 10-year-old nitrogen addition experiment in a Tibetan alpine meadow, with 0, 5, 10, and 15 g/m2 nitrogen addition treatments. Within the treatment plots, we arranged a total of 216 quadrats (of either 0.125 × 0.125 m, 0.25 × 0.25 m or 0.5 × 0.5 m size) to test how the sample area affects the relationship between plant species richness and foliar fungal disease severity. We found that the dilution effects were stronger in the 0.125 × 0.125 m and 0.25 × 0.25 m quadrats, compared with 0.5 × 0.5 m quadrats. There was a significant interaction between species richness and nitrogen addition in the 0.125 × 0.125 m and 0.25 × 0.25 m quadrats, indicating that a dilution effect was more easily observed under higher levels of nitrogen addition. Based on multigroup structural equation models, we found that even accounting for the direct impact of nitrogen addition (i.e., \"nitrogen-disease hypothesis\"), the dilution effect still worked at the 0.125 × 0.125 m scale. Overall, these findings suggest that spatial scale directly determines the occurrence of dilution effects, and can partly explain the observed variation in biodiversity-disease relationships in grasslands. Next-generation frameworks for predicting infectious diseases under rapid biodiversity loss scenarios need to incorporate spatial information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodiversity can influence disease risk. One example of a diversity-disease relationship is the dilution effect, which suggests higher host species diversity (often indexed by species richness) reduces disease risk. While numerous studies support the dilution effect, its generality remains controversial. Most studies of diversity-disease relationships have overlooked the potential importance of phylogenetic diversity. Furthermore, most studies have tested diversity-disease relationships at one spatial scale, even though such relationships are likely scale dependent. Using Lyme disease as a model system, we investigated the effects of host species richness and phylogenetic relatedness on the number of reported Lyme disease cases in humans in the U.S.A. at two spatial scales (the county level and the state level) using piecewise structural equation modelling. We also accounted for relevant climatic and habitat-related factors and tested their correlations with the number of Lyme disease cases. We found that species assemblages with more related species (i.e., host species in the order Rodentia) were associated with more Lyme disease cases in humans. Host species richness correlated negatively with the number of Lyme disease cases at the state level (i.e., a dilution effect), a pattern that might be explained by the higher number of reservoir-incompetent species at high levels of species richness at this larger spatial scale. In contrast, a positive correlation was found between species richness and the number of Lyme disease cases at the county level, where a higher proportion of rodent species was associated with higher levels of species richness, potentially amplifying the disease risk. Our results highlight that analyse at a single spatial scale can miss some impacts of biodiversity on human health. Thus, multi-scale analyses with consideration of host phylogenetic diversity are critical for improving our understanding of diversity-disease relationships.





