Bronchogenic cyst

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this study is to explore the practical value of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the assessment of congenital cystic lung disease in fetuses, to evaluate the relative size of the lesion and the status of lung development, and to make an attempt at utilizing the strength of MRI in post-processing to obtain assessment indicators of the size of the lesion and the status of lung development, with which predictions can be made for the prognosis that these fetuses may face after birth. We retrospectively collected and analyzed the data of fetuses diagnosed with congenital cystic lung disease. Prenatal ultrasound examination of these fetuses led to the diagnosis that they were suspected of having congenital cystic lung disease and the diagnosis was confirmed by subsequent prenatal MRI. The fetuses were followed up to track their condition at birth (postnatal respiratory distress, mechanical ventilation, etc.), whether the fetuses underwent surgical treatment, and the recovery of the fetuses after surgical treatment. The recovery of the fetuses was followed up to explore the feasibility of prenatal MRI examination to assess fetal congenital pulmonary cystic disease, and to preliminarily explore the predictive value of prenatal MRI for the prognosis of fetuses with congenital pulmonary cystic disease.
    UNASSIGNED: MRI fetal images were collected from pregnant women who attended the West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University between May 2018 and March 2023 and who were diagnosed with fetal congenital pulmonary cystic disease by prenatal ultrasound and subsequent MRI. Fetal MRI images of congenital cystic lung disease were post-processed to obtain the fetal lung lesion volume, the fetal affected lung volume, the healthy lung volume, and the fetal head circumference measurements. The signal intensity of both lungs and livers, the lesion volume/the affected lung volume, the lesion volume/total lung volume, the cystic volume ratio (CVR), and the bilateral lung-liver signal intensity ratio were measured. The feasibility and value of MRI post-processing acquisition indexes for evaluating the prognosis of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease were further analyzed by combining the follow-up results obtained 6 months after the birth of the fetus. Logistic regression models were used to quantify the differences in maternal age, gestational week at the time of MRI, CVR, and bilateral lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio, and to assess whether these metrics correlate with poor prognosis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to assess the value of the parameters obtained by MRI calculations alone and in combination with multiple metrics for predicting poor prognosis after birth.
    UNASSIGNED: We collected a total of 67 cases of fetuses diagnosed with congenital cystic lung disease by fetal MRI between May 2018 and March 2023, and excluded 6 cases with no normal lung tissue in the affected lungs, 11 cases of fetal induction, and 3 cases of loss of pregnancy. In the end, 47 cases of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease were included, of which 30 cases had a good prognosis and 17 cases had a poor prognosis. The difference in the difference between the signal intensity ratios of the affected and healthy sides of the lungs and livers of the fetuses in the good prognosis group and that in the poor prognosis group was statistically significant (P<0.05), and the signal intensity ratio of the healthy side of the lungs and livers was higher than the signal intensity ratio of the affected side of the lungs and livers. Further analysis showed that CVR (odds ratio [OR]=1.058, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.014-1.104), and the difference between the lung-to-liver signal intensity ratios of the affected and healthy sides (OR=0.814, 95% CI: 0.700-0.947) were correlated with poor prognosis of birth in fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease. In addition, ROC curve analysis showed that the combined application of lesion volume/affected lung volume and the observed difference in the signal intensity ratio between the affected and healthy lungs and liver predicted the prognosis of children with congenital cystic lung disease more accurately than the single-parameter judgment did, with the area under the curve being 0.988, and the cut-off value being 0.33, which corresponded to a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 93.3%, and a 95% CI of 0.966-1.000.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on the MRI of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease, we obtained information on lesion volume, lesion volume/affected lung volume, lesion volume/total lung volume, CVR, and bilateral lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio difference, all of which showing some clinical value in predicting the poor prognosis in fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease. Furthermore, among the combined indexes, the lesion volume/affected lung volume and bilateral lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio difference are more effective predictors for the poor prognosis of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease, and show better efficacy in predicting the poor prognosis of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease. This provides a new and effective predictive method for further assessment of pulmonary lung development in fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease, and helps improve the assessment and prediction of the prognosis of fetuses with congenital cystic lung disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Bronchogenic cysts are rare developmental anomalies that belong to the category of congenital enterogenous cysts. They arise from lung buds and are present at birth. The embryonic foregut is their origin. Typically, they are located within the chest cavity, particularly in the cavum mediastinale of the thoracic cavity or lodged in the pulmonary parenchyma, and are considered a type of lung bud malformation.
    METHODS: A 49-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital due to the detection of a retroperitoneal mass during a physical examination. Two weeks before admission, the patient underwent a physical examination and routine laboratory tests, which revealed a space-occupying mass in the retroperitoneal region. The patient did not report any symptoms (such as abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, high fever, or chills). The computed tomography (CT) revealed a retroperitoneal space-occupying lesion with minimal enhancement and a CT value of approximately 36 Hounsfield units. The lesion was not delineated from the boundary of the pancreatic body and was closely related to the retroperitoneum locally.
    CONCLUSIONS: Following a series of tests, an abdominal mass was identified, prompting the implementation of a laparoscopic retroperitoneal mass excision procedure. During the investigation, an 8 cm × 7 cm cystic round-shaped mass with a distinct demarcation was identified in the upper posterior region of the pancreas. Subsequently, full resection of the mass was performed. Postoperative pathological examination reveled a cystic mass characterized by a smooth inner wall. The cystic mass was found to contain a white, viscous liquid within its capsule.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Gastric bronchogenic cysts (BCs) are extremely rare cystic masses caused by abnormal development of the respiratory system during the embryonic period. Gastric bronchial cysts are rare lesions that were first reported in 1956; as of 2023, only 33 cases are available in the PubMed online database. BCs usually have no clinical symptoms in the early stage, and imaging findings also lack specificity. Therefore, they are difficult to diagnose before histopathological examination.
    METHODS: A 34-year-old woman with respiratory distress presented at our hospital. Endoscopic ultrasound revealed an anechoic mass between the spleen, left kidney and gastric fundus, with hyperechogenic and soft elastography textures and with a size of approximately 6.5 cm × 4.0 cm. Furthermore, a computed tomography scan demonstrated high density between the posterior stomach and the spleen and the left kidney, with uniform internal density and a small amount of calcification. The maximum cross section was approximately 10.1 cm × 6.1 cm, and the possibility of a cyst was high. Because the imaging findings did not suggest a malignancy and because the patient required complete resection, she underwent laparotomy surgery. Intraoperatively, this cystic lesion was found to be located in the posterior wall of the large curvature of the fundus and was approximately 8 cm × 6 cm in size. Finally, the pathologists verified that the cyst in the fundus was a gastric BC. The patient recovered well, her symptoms of chest tightness disappeared, and the abdominal drain was removed on postoperative day 6, after which she was discharged on day 7 for 6 months of follow-up. She had no tumor recurrence or postoperative complications during the follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is a valuable report as it describes an extremely rare case of gastric BC. Moreover, this was a very young patient with a large BC in the stomach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Although esophageal bronchogenic cysts are benign diseases, they may be accompanied by serious complications and have the possibility of recurrence. Therefore, once confirmed, it is necessary to treat the esophagobronchial cyst when the contraindication is excluded. Endoscopic treatment is usually used for lesions with small diameter and shallow origin, and has the advantages of small surgical trauma and risk, which can reduce the psychological burden of patients to a certain extent, help them to recover quickly, and lower hospital costs.
    METHODS: Case 1 is a 54-year-old Han Chinese man admitted to our hospital who complained of difficulty swallowing in the past 6 months. Case 2 is a 41-year-old Han Chinese man who was hospitalized in the past 3 months due to chest discomfort. Endoscopic ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic cystic lesion arising from the muscularis propria. Submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection was performed using a dual knife, and a cystic mass was observed between the mucosa and the muscular layers of the esophagus. On locating the cyst, an incision was made on the oral side of the lesion for evacuation. The cyst wall was excised using endoscopic argon plasma coagulation. We successfully removed the esophageal bronchogenic cyst lesion in the intrinsic muscle layer using submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Esophageal bronchogenic cysts are rare in clinical practice and lack specificity in clinical manifestations. Multiple methods can be used to determine the location and nature of the lesion and ultimately determine the treatment plan. Surgical resection and endoscopic treatment are two different treatment methods, and appropriate treatment plans need to be selected on the basis of the origin layer, size, and relationship with the esophagus of the lesion to reduce complications and improve prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The occurrence of simultaneous extralobar pulmonary sequestration, esophageal duplication, and bronchogenic cysts is relatively low. We report the case of a 9-month-old Chinese child who had a right lung cyst, detected in utero and was closely monitored until birth. At age 9 months, contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed right mediastinal extralobar pulmonary sequestration and two cysts. The patient did not exhibit any abnormalities. However, the parents were concerned about the disease. Following positive psychological counseling to the parents, surgery was the strong desire. Subsequently, successful thoracoscopic surgery was performed, excising the three lesions. No postoperative complications occurred. Postoperative pathology confirmed extralobar pulmonary sequestration syndrome combined with esophageal duplication and bronchogenic cysts. The patient was followed-up at 1 and 12 months postoperatively and recovered well with no abnormal space occupation. In such cases, preoperative imaging examinations should be carefully performed, and intraoperative exploration should correspond to that before surgery to avoid lesion omission.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    患者女,36岁,因“咽部异物感1个月余,呼吸困难15 d”就诊。门诊电子纤维喉镜提示,声门下一半球形肿物隆起,突入并堵塞气道90%,遂紧急行气管切开术。术前颈部增强CT见C6平面喉咽右侧壁软组织结节影凸向气管腔,边缘见低密度影。急诊在全身麻醉下行经口支撑喉镜下CO2激光声门下肿物切除术。病理标本大体检查示,肿瘤大小2.0 cm×1.0 cm,剖开内为黏稠胶冻样组织,囊壁厚0.2 cm,术后病理诊断为支气管源性囊肿。患者于术后第2天堵管,术后3 d出院,出院1年复查未见肿物复发,预后良好。.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The bronchogenic cyst (BC) is a type of congenital anomaly that is most usually found in the mediastinum and lung, and rarely in the diaphragm. We report two cases of bronchogenic cysts originating from the left diaphragm. Case 1 involved a 50-year-old man who underwent computed tomography (CT) of the adrenal glands for hypertension, showing left adrenal changes. An adrenal CT at our hospital showed a space-occupying lesion above the left diaphragm. We performed a left-sided thoracotomy in the seventh intercostal space and found that the mass was entirely located in the diaphragm. Case 2 was a 58-year-old woman who underwent chest CT under a standard health check-up, and a subpleural lesion of approximately 4 cm was found in the posterior basal segment of the left inferior lung lobe. During thoracoscopic surgery, the mass was found to originate from the surface of the diaphragm, having no correlation with the lung tissue. The two cases of diaphragmatic bronchogenic cysts were confirmed by surgical pathology. Ectopic bronchogenic cysts arising from the diaphragm are very uncommon, and diaphragmatic bronchogenic cysts typically occur on the left side, in women, and in the angle between the vertebral column and the diaphragm. As far as we know, there are no relevant reports of intradiaphragmatic BCs similar to case 1, which was entirely located within the diaphragm. Most diaphragmatic BCs are located on the surface of the diaphragm and project toward the thoracic or abdominal cavities. Moreover, bilocular diaphragmatic bronchogenic cysts, similar to case 2, have not yet been reported.





