
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-amnestic presentations of neurodegenerative dementias, including posterior- and visual-predominant cognitive forms, are under-recognized. Specific screening measures for posterior cortical symptoms could allow for earlier, more accurate diagnosis and directed treatment.
    Based on clinical experience with posterior cortical atrophy evaluations, high-yield screening questions were collected and organized into a 15-item self-report questionnaire, titled the Colorado Posterior Cortical Questionnaire (CPC-Q). The CPC-Q was then piloted within a longitudinal cohort of cognitive aging, including 63 older adults, including healthy older adults (n = 33) and adults with either amnestic Alzheimer\'s disease (n = 21) or posterior cortical atrophy (PCA, n = 9).
    The CPC-Q demonstrated acceptable psychometric properties (internal consistency, α = 0.89; mean item-total correlation = 0.62), correlated strongly with visuospatial measures on cognitive testing (p < 0.001), and could distinguish PCA from non-PCA groups (p < 0.001; AUC 0.95 (95% CI 0.88, 1.0)).
    The CPC-Q captured posterior cortical symptoms in older adults, using a gold standard of expert consensus PCA diagnosis. Future studies will validate the CPC-Q in a larger cohort, with recruitment of additional PCA participants, to evaluate its convergent and discriminant validity more thoroughly. As a short, self-report tool, the CPC-Q demonstrates potential to improve detection of non-amnestic neurodegenerative dementias in the clinical setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Dysfunction of social cognition is well-recognized as one of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cognitive impairments. Previous studies have mostly associated social cognition subcomponents, including Theory of Mind (ToM), with executive dysfunction using highly-demanding tasks. In the present study, we investigate dysfunction of affective ToM in a sample of ALS patients without dementia and evaluate any possible associations both with executive and non-executive dysfunction.Methods: We included 42 ALS patients and 30 healthy controls (HC) and administered the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Screen (ECAS). Affective ToM was examined based on the ECAS judgment of preference task; total score and type of errors (\"favourite\", \"unclassified\") were recorded for all participants.Results: A significant proportion of ALS patients (31%) were impaired on ToM task, scoring significantly lower compared to HC. Impairments in ToM task were more frequent (45%) in patients with cognitive impairment compared to those with intact cognition (15%). ALS patients showed significantly more errors on ToM task compared to HC. A significant association was found between ToM score and ECAS language and visuospatial abilities but not fluency, executive or memory function.Conclusion: Dysfunction of affective ToM appears prevalent in ALS patients without dementia, and associates with language and visuospatial abilities. These associations align with motor and extra-motor symptoms due to the degeneration across corresponding networks. Impaired ToM should be considered in clinical settings, since it might contribute to patients\' social life, as well as the burden of their caregivers and relatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Queen Square Screening Test for Visual Deficits (QS test) screens for changes in visual processing. Our pilot study aimed to review the applicability of the QS test in individuals with dementia compared with those with normal cognition. Participants with major and minor neurocognitive disorder scored 50/71 (n=12) and 61/71 (n=10) respectively on the QS test, compared to 65/71 for age-matched healthy controls (n=11). The QS test score correlated with cognitive impairment as measured using the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (r = 0.74). The QS test is an affordable and easy bedside screening test for visual processing changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Everyone can be susceptible to motion sickness (except those with complete loss of labyrinth function) and around one in three are known to be servery susceptible. Motion sickness can be experienced in many domains, including car travel, on a boat, using virtual reality headsets and simulator use amongst others. It is expected that due to potential designs and use cases, self-driving cars will increase motion sickness onset likelihood and severity for many car travellers. Besides medication, there are limited methods through which one can actively reduce their motion sickness susceptibility. This research develops a novel visuospatial training tool and explores the effect of visuospatial training on motion sickness. With a combined sample of 42 participants split between driving simulator trials (n = 20), and on-road trials (n = 22) baseline visuospatial skills and motion sickness were first measured. After a 14-day training period where participates completed 15-min of pen and paper tasks per day, it was found that visuospatial skills improved by 40%. This increase in visuospatial ability was shown to be directly responsible for a reduction in motion sickness by 51% in the simulator (with a 60% reduction in participant dropouts) and a 58% reduction in the on-road trial. This research has successfully identified a new method to reduce motion sickness susceptibility and the impact of these findings have wide reaching implications for motion sickness research, especially in the field of self-driving vehicles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The profile of brain structural dysmorphology of individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) involves disruption of the limbic system. In vivo imaging studies report hippocampal volume loss in AUD relative to controls, but only recently has it been possible to articulate different regions of this complex structure. Volumetric analysis of hippocampal regions rather than total hippocampal volume may augment differentiation of disease processes. For example, damage to hippocampal subfield cornu ammonis 1 (CA1) is often reported in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), whereas deficits in CA4/dentate gyrus are described in response to stress and trauma. Two previous studies explored the effects of chronic alcohol use on hippocampal subfields: one reported smaller volume of the CA2+3 in alcohol-dependent subjects relative to controls, associated with years of alcohol consumption; the other, smaller volumes of presubiculum, subiculum, and fimbria in alcohol-dependent relative to control men. The current study, conducted in 24 adults with DSM5-diagnosed AUD (7 women, 53.7 ± 8.8) and 20 controls (7 women, 54.1 ± 9.3), is the first to use FreeSurfer 6.0, which provides state-of-the art hippocampal parcellation, to explore the sensitivity of hippocampal sufields to alcoholism. T1- and T2- images were collected on a GE MR750 system with a 32-channel Nova head coil. FreeSurfer 6.0 hippocampal subfield analysis produced 12 subfields: parasubiculum; presubiculum; subiculum; CA1; CA2+3; CA4; GC-ML-DG (Granule Cell (GC) and Molecular Layer (ML) of the Dentate Gyrus (DG)); molecular layer; hippocampus-amygdala-transition-area (HATA); fimbria; hippocampal tail; hippocampal fissure; and whole volume for left and right hippocampi. A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests comprising attention, memory and learning, visuospatial abilities, and executive functions was administered. Multiple regression analyses of raw volumetric data for each subfields by group, age, sex, hemisphere, and supratentorial volume (svol) showed significant effects of svol (p < .04) on nearly all structures (excluding tail and fissure). Volumes corrected for svol showed effects of age (fimbria, fissure) and group (subiculum, CA1, CA4, GC-ML-DG, HATA, fimbria); CA2+3 showed a diagnosis-by-age interaction indicating older AUD individuals had a smaller volume than would be expected for their age. There were no selective relations between hippocampal subfields and performance on neuropsychological tests, likely due to lack of statistical power. The current results concur with the previous study identifying CA2+3 as sensitive to alcoholism, extend them by identifying an alcoholism-age interaction, and suggest an imaging phenotype distinguishing AUD from AD and stress/trauma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Working memory (WM), the capacity for short-term storage and manipulation of small quantities of information, depends on fronto-parietal circuits. However, the function of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in WM has gone relatively understudied in rodents. Recent evidence calls into question whether the PPC is necessary for all forms of WM. Thus, the present experiment examined the role of the rat PPC in the Trial-Unique Non-matching-to-Location (TUNL) task, a touchscreen-based visuospatial WM task that relies on the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Temporary inactivation of the PPC caused by bilateral infusions of muscimol and baclofen significantly impaired accuracy and increased the number of correction trials performed, indicating that the PPC is necessary for performance of TUNL. Additionally, we investigated the effects of blocking NMDA or non-NMDA parietal ionotropic glutamate receptors on TUNL and found that, in contrast to the prefrontal cortex, NMDA receptors in the PPC are not necessary for TUNL performance, whereas blockade of AMPA/Kainate receptors significantly impaired accuracy. These results indicate that performance of the TUNL task depends on the PPC but that NMDA receptor signaling within this brain area is not necessary for intact performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Conventional bedside tests of visuospatial function such as the clock drawing (CDT) and intersecting pentagons tests (IPT) are subject to considerable inconsistency in their delivery and interpretation. We compared performance on a novel test - the letter and shape drawing (LSD) test - with these conventional tests in hospitalised elderly patients.
    METHODS: The LSD, IPT, CDT and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were performed in 40 acute elderly medical inpatients at University Hospital Limerick The correlation between these tests was examined as well as the accuracy of the visuospatial tests to identify significant cognitive impairment on the MoCA.
    RESULTS: The patients (mean age 81.0±7.71; 21 female) had a median MoCA score of 15.5 (range=1-29). There was a strong, positive correlation between the LSD and both the CDT (r=0.56) and IPT (r=0.71). The correlation between the LSD and MoCA (r=0.91) was greater than for the CDT and IPT (both 0.67). The LSD correlated highly with all MoCA domains (ranging from 0.54 to 0.86) and especially for the domains of orientation (r=0.86), attention (0.81) and visuospatial function (r=0.73). Two or more errors on the LSD identified 90% (26/29) of those patients with MoCA scores of ⩽20, which was substantially higher than for the CDT (59%) and IPT (55%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The LSD is a novel test of visuospatial function that is brief, readily administered and easily interpreted. Performance correlates strongly with other tests of visuospatial ability, with favourable ability to identify patients with significant impairment of general cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although activation of dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) has been consistently observed in the neuroimaging studies of mental rotation, the functional meaning of PMd activation is still unclear and multiple alternative explanations have been suggested. The present study used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to investigate the role of PMd in mental rotation. Two tasks were used, involving mental rotation of hands and abstract objects, with either matching (same stimuli) or mirror stimuli. Compared to sham stimulation, TMS over right and left PMd regions significantly affected accuracy in the object task, specifically for the same stimuli. Furthermore, response times were longer following right PMd stimulation in both the object and the hand tasks, but again, selectively for the same stimuli. The effect of rotational angle on response times and accuracies was greater for the same stimuli. Moreover TMS over PMd impaired the performance accuracy selectively in these stimuli, mainly in a task that included abstract objects. For these reasons, the present findings indicate a contribution of PMd to mental rotation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study examined attention and memory load-dependent differences in the brain activation and deactivation patterns between adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and typically developing (TD) controls using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Attentional (0-back) and working memory (WM; 2-back) processing and load differences (0 vs. 2-back) were analysed. WM-related areas activated and default mode network deactivated normally in ASDs as a function of task load. ASDs performed the attentional 0-back task similarly to TD controls but showed increased deactivation in cerebellum and right temporal cortical areas and weaker activation in other cerebellar areas. Increasing task load resulted in multiple responses in ASDs compared to TD and in inadequate modulation of brain activity in right insula, primary somatosensory, motor and auditory cortices. The changes during attentional task may reflect compensatory mechanisms enabling normal behavioral performance. The inadequate memory load-dependent modulation of activity suggests diminished compensatory potential in ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) is emerging as an alternative to carotid endarterectomy for the treatment of carotid artery stenosis (CS), but the effect of CAS on the cognitive function of patients with severe CS has not been fully investigated. The aim of this study was to use comprehensive neuropsychological tests to determine the effect of CAS on cognitive function from baseline to 3 months postprocedure in patients with severe CS.
    METHODS: Thirty-one patients due to undergo CAS due to high-grade CS (≥70%) and 11 control subjects who were diagnosed with CS, but who did not undergo CAS, and who visited the clinic or emergency room between February 2009 and February 2012 were recruited consecutively at baseline (i.e., pre-CAS). Follow-up neuropsychological evaluations after 3 months were completed by 23 of the 31 patients who underwent CAS, and by 10 of the 11 control subjects. The primary cognitive outcome was assessed using a neuropsychological test containing subcategories designed to test general cognitive function, attention, visuospatial function, language and related functions, memory, and frontal lobe/executive function.
    RESULTS: Of the 23 patients undergoing CAS who completed the 3-month follow-up tests, 12 had asymptomatic CS. During the 3-month follow-up period, the patients who underwent CAS and those with asymptomatic CS achieved similar results to the control group on all cognitive tests. However, symptomatic CS patients (n=11) who underwent CAS exhibited improvements in visuospatial function (p=0.046) and total Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery-Dementia Version scores (p=0.010) in comparison with both the asymptomatic CS patients and the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that CAS has a positive effect on cognitive function in patients with symptomatic CS over a 3-month follow-up period. A long-term, multicenter, prospective case-control study would be helpful to predict quality of life and prognoses for patients undergoing CAS.





