
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interferon consensus sequence-binding protein (ICSBP) is a transcription factor induced by interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and a member of the interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family. ICSBP is predominantly expressed in hematopoietic cells and regulates the immune response and cell growth and differentiation. However, little is known about its function in non-hematopoietic cells. Here we show a novel function for ICSBP in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenomena (ELP), cell motility, and invasion in human osteosarcoma cell lines, including U2OS cells. IFN-γ treatment induced ICSBP expression and EMT-like morphological change in U2OS cells, which were suppressed by ICSBP knockdown. To further investigate the role of ICSBP in ELP, we established a stable U2OS cell line that overexpresses ICSBP. ICSBP expression caused U2OS cells to have a more elongated shape and an increased vimentin and fibronectin expression. ICSBP expression also promoted adhesiveness, motility, and invasiveness of U2OS cells. ICSBP upregulated transforming growth factor (TGF)-β receptors and activated TGF-β signaling cascades, which were responsible for ELP as well as increased cell motility and invasion. In addition, ICSBP-induced TGF-β receptor activation resulted in the upregulation of Snail. Knockdown of Snail attenuated the ICSBP-induced augmentation of cell motility and invasion. Upregulation of Snail, ELP, and increased invasion by ICSBP expression were also observed in other osteosarcoma cell lines, such as Saos-2 and 143B. Furthermore, ICSBP and TGF-β receptor I were expressed in 45/54 (84%) and 47/54 (87%) of human osteosarcoma tissues, respectively, and showed significant correlation (r=0.47, P=0.0007) with respect to their expression levels. Taken altogether, these data demonstrate a novel function for ICSBP in ELP, cell motility, and invasion through the TGF-β and Snail signaling pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly all intermediate filament proteins exhibit a highly conserved amino acid motif (YRKLLEGEE) at the C-terminal end of their central alpha-helical rod domain. We have analyzed its contribution to the various stages of assembly by using truncated forms of Xenopus vimentin and mouse desmin, VimIAT and DesIAT, which terminate exactly before this motif, by comparing them with the wild-type and tailless proteins. It is surprising that in buffers of low ionic strength and high pH where the full-length proteins form tetramers, both VimIAT and DesIAT associated into various high molecular weight complexes. After initiation of assembly, both VimIAT and DesIAT aggregated into unit-length-type filaments, which rapidly longitudinally annealed to yield filaments of around 20 nm in diameter. Mass measurements by scanning transmission electron microscopy revealed that both VimIAT and DesIAT filaments contained considerably more subunits per cross-section than standard intermediate filaments. This indicated that the YRKLLEGEE-motif is crucial for the formation of authentic tetrameric complexes and also for the control of filament width, rather than elongation, during assembly. To determine the structure of the YRKLLEGEE domain, we grew crystals of peptides containing the last 28 amino acid residues of coil 2B, chimerically fused at its amino-terminal end to the 31 amino acid-long leucine zipper domain of the yeast transcription factor GCN4 to facilitate appropriate coiled-coil formation. The atomic structure shows that starting from Tyr400 the two helices gradually separate and that the coiled coil terminates with residue Glu405 while the downstream residues fold away from the coiled-coil axis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growth-regulated vimentin gene contains a functional double AP-1 binding site formed by two nearly perfect inverted repeats. We present evidence for down-regulation of vimentin expression by the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in two mesodermally derived cell types. By mutation analysis we prove that the double consensus element is responsible for this negative regulation. From in vitro protein-DNA interaction studies we conclude that AP-1 binding is inhibited at RAR amounts required for occupation of the cognate RAR binding site in nuclear extracts from 3T3 cells and differentiated embryonal carcinoma cells. Furthermore, we show that, unlike in other cases, trans-activation of the vimentin AP-1 enhancer element can occur in undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma cells, despite the low amount of Jun and Fos proteins present in these cells. Here, however, down-regulation by retinoic acid cannot be detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly all intermediate filament (IF) proteins share two sequence motifs located at the N- and the C-terminal ends of their helical rod domain (\'coil 1a\' and \'coil 2b\', respectively). To examine the structural role of the coil 2b motif, we have performed in vitro assembly studies and in vivo microinjection experiments employing two site-specific reagents: (a) a 20-residue synthetic peptide (C-2) representing the conserved motif itself and (b) a monoclonal antibody (anti-IFA) that recognises an epitope within the conserved coil 2b sequence. We demonstrate here that vimentin protofilaments, when induced to assemble in the presence of C-2 or anti-IFA, show a lower propensity to polymerise and yield various abberant structures. The few filaments that are formed under these conditions appear much shorter than normal IFs and are unravelled or aggregated. Furthermore, when preformed vimentin filaments are exposed to C-2 or anti-IFA, most of the normal IFs are converted into shorter filamentous forms that possess an abberant morphology. None of these effects is seen when vimentin subunits are coincubated with control peptides. Microinjection of anti-IFA into the cytoplasm of interphasic 3T3 cells provokes collapse of vimentin IFs into a juxtanuclear mass and formation of numerous amorphous aggregates distributed throughout the cytoplasm. These two effects are not seen when the anti-IFA is microinjected into the cell nucleus. Our results provide experimental evidence supporting previous suggestions for a role for the conserved coil 2b sequence in filament assembly. We propose that this region is interacting with other sites along the vimentin molecule and that these interactions are essential for proper protofilament-protofilament alignment and filament stability.





