vascular malformations

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hemolymphangioma is a rare, noninvasive benign tumor that originates from vascular and lymphatic malformations. It is usually congenital and can present with varying symptoms depending on its location and size. There are very few reports of hemolymphangiomas within the spinal canal, and giant lesions are exceptionally rare.
    METHODS: In July 2023, a 64-year-old male with a giant intravertebral epidural hemolymphangioma from thoracic 11 to lumbar 2 (T11-L2) was admitted to the Department of Spine Surgery at the People\'s Hospital of Binzhou City, China. The patient experienced progressive lumbar and left lower limb pain, numbness, weakness in both lower limbs, and difficulty with urination and defecation. Imaging studies revealed a large cystic mass in the spinal canal at T11-L2. Surgical decompression was performed, and the pathology confirmed hemolymphangioma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Complete resection of hemolymphangiomas has the best prognosis, and final diagnosis relies on pathologic diagnosis. In this case, the mass was removed intact with a pedicle nail rod system, leading to adequate spinal decompression and restoration of spinal stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS) is a rare congenital vascular disorder characterized by extensive capillary and venous malformations that pose unique challenges during pregnancy. This case report discusses the successful management of a 34-year-old pregnant woman with KTS who had two caesarean sections, resulting in the birth of two healthy babies. Despite the lack of evidence-based guidelines for obstetrical management in KTS, a multidisciplinary team collaborated to devise a high-risk thrombosis management plan, involving the use of compression stocking and low molecular weight heparin prophylaxis. The patient\'s elevated risk of thrombosis, exacerbated during pregnancy, informed the decision of caesarean sections, aligning with finding that in most KTS pregnancies, this method of delivery based on obstetric indications and arteriovenous malformations is chosen. This case highlights the importance of systematic and patient-centered care, advocating for comprehensive obstetric management guidelines to address the unique challenges posed by KTS during pregnancy. Further research is warranted to enhance our understanding and refine guidelines for individuals with vascular abnormalities linked to KTS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Mediastinal venous malformation (MVM) and fusiform superior vena cava aneurysm (F-SVCA) are both rare congenital vascular anomalies.
    METHODS: A 46-year-old male presented with acute ischemic stroke of unknown etiology. Computed tomography (CT) angiography revealed the coexistence of MVM and F-SVCA. Diagnostic venography demonstrated a significant reduction in blood flow velocity within the F-SVCA, but failed to identify a direct connection to the left heart system or pulmonary vein. The patient expired due to extensive brain damage caused by a stroke.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case may increase the necessity of meticulous radiological evaluation and preventive management for these anomalies, as mediastinal vascular anomalies can result in thromboembolic complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Familial glomangiomatosis is a rare autosomal dominant vascular malformation caused by a mutation in the glomulin GLMN gene. It is characterized by the appearance of multiple glomus tumors composed of dysmature veins surrounded by glomus cells. We present a case of an 11-year-old girl with familial glomangiomatosis successfully treated with Nd:YAG long-pulse laser. Three sessions of laser treatment were performed, resulting in more than 80% reduction of the lesion and complete disappearance of pain, with no adverse effects reported. This case report demonstrates the excellent risk-benefit ratio of Nd:YAG long-pulse laser in the treatment of familial glomangiomatosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A boy in his mid-teens presented with progressively increasing bleeding from the right eye and nostril intermittently over a period of 6 weeks. A complete ophthalmic examination revealed nothing significant. His otorhinological examination and haematological investigations were within normal limits. The patient came a month later with frank bleeding from the right eye. Ophthalmic examination revealed hyperaemia and maceration of the right lower palpebral conjunctiva. A histopathological examination of conjunctival scrapings from the site showed abnormal dilated blood vessels suggestive of a vascular malformation. Digital subtraction angiography confirmed the presence of a conjunctival micro arteriovenous malformation supplied by the external carotid and ophthalmic artery branches. He underwent successful transarterial Onyx embolisation resulting in complete resolution of the haemolacria.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vascular malformations are rare congenital abnormalities of blood vessels that persist throughout life. Large vascular malformations affecting the facial region can be distressing and require meticulous management to achieve satisfactory outcomes and prevent recurrence. Here, we present a case of a 40-year-old man with a progressively growing tumor-like mass on the right side of his face, extending from the periorbital region to the chin. He was diagnosed with vascular malformations, which was further confirmed with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Eventually, he underwent surgical excision of the lesion with a split-thickness skin graft. The surgical management of this case was challenging due to the large size and complexity of the lesion, particularly because it was located in the facial region. This unique case report highlights the importance of diagnostic imaging techniques and effective surgical management in addressing large vascular malformations, especially those affecting the facial region while prioritizing desirable cosmetic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The current case report presents a male baby, second born to nonconsanguineous parents at 38 weeks of gestation by lower segment cesarean section, with engorged blood vessels and distinctive patterns of discoloration and dilation of blood vessels on the left leg. A Doppler of the femoral artery and vein showed normal triphasic flow and waveforms without any evidence of significant luminal stenosis. There was also a lower limb length discrepancy of 1.5 cm. Genetic testing using fluorometric enzyme immunoassay screening revealed a negative screening report. Otologic screening using distortion product otoacoustic emissions revealed normal functioning of outer hair cells in both ears. The case was diagnosed as cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC), after ruling out genetic diseases. It was not associated with any other significant health problems. The diagnosis of CMTC was based on the appearance of the skin at birth, which became more noticeable shortly after two days. In this case, no specific treatment was warranted and the condition improved with time.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Agenesis of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is a rare congenital anomaly that is associated with the development of extensive collateral circulation with the aim of compensating for the inadequate return of blood to the right ventricle. This collateral circulation predisposes to the emergence of venous hypertension with stasis and thrombus formation. Most cases are asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally. We report the case of a 28-year-old man who presented with bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as the first manifestation of agenesis of the IVC. We decided to maintain anticoagulation for an indefinite period of time after a multidisciplinary discussion. IVC agenesis should be considered a cause of DVT in young men, with bilateral and proximal thrombosis and without other risk factors. The rarity of the condition makes its therapeutic approach complex.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A persistent sciatic artery (PSA) is a rare congenital vascular anomaly with an extremely low incidence of about 0.04%-0.06%. It is due to the persistence of the embryological axial limb artery, representing a continuation of the internal iliac artery into the thigh through the greater sciatic foramen below the piriformis muscle and down the thigh alongside the sciatic nerve. In normal embryologic development of the lower limb, the axial artery normally regresses after week 12. Persistent sciatic artery is often asymptomatic until a complication develops, it can be classified into two types, complete and incomplete. PSA can cause serious lower limb complications such as acute or critical limb ischemia.
    RésuméUne artère sciatique persistante (APS) est une anomalie vasculaire congénitale rare avec une incidence extrêmement faible d’environ 0,04 % à 0,06 %. Cela est dû à la persistance de l’artère axiale embryologique des membres, représentant une continuation de l’artère iliaque interne dans la cuisse à travers la grande foramen sciatique sous le muscle piriforme et le long de la cuisse le long du nerf sciatique. Dans le développement embryologique normal de la partie inférieure membre, l’artère axiale régresse normalement après la semaine 12. L’artère sciatique persistante est souvent asymptomatique jusqu’à ce qu’une complication se développe, elle peut être classés en deux types, complets et incomplets. Le PSA peut entraîner des complications graves des membres inférieurs telles qu’une ischémie aiguë ou critique des membres.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Arterial tortuosity syndrome is a rare Autosomal recessive disease that leads to a loss of function of the connective tissues of the body, this happens due to a mutation in the solute carrier family 2 member 10 (SLC2A10) gene. ATS is more likely to occur in Large and medium-sized arteries including the aorta and pulmonary arteries. This syndrome causes the arteries to be elongated and tortuous, This tortuosity disturbs the blood circulation resulting in stenosis and lack of blood flow to organs and this chronic turbulent flow increases the risk of aneurysm development, dissection and ischemic events.
    METHODS: A 2 years old Arabian female child was diagnosed with ATS affecting the pulmonary arteries as a newborn, underwent a pulmonary arterial surgical reconstruction at the age of 2 years old due to the development of pulmonary artery stenosis with left pulmonary artery having a peak gradient of 73 mmHg with a peak velocity of 4.3 m/s and the right pulmonary artery having a peak gradient of 46 mmHg with a peak velocity of 3.4 m/s causing right ventricular hypertension. After surgical repair the left pulmonary artery has a peak pressure gradient of 20 mmHg, with the right pulmonary artery having a peak pressure gradient of 20 mmHg.
    CONCLUSIONS: ATS is a rare genetic condition that affects the great arteries especially the pulmonary arteries causing stenotic and tortuous vessels that may be central branches or distal peripheral branches that leads to severe right ventricular dysfunction and hypertension. We believe that surgical treatment provides the optimum outcomes when compared to transcather approaches especially when the peripheral arteries are involved. Some challenges and hiccups might occur, especially lung reperfusion injury that needs to be diagnosed and treated accordingly.





