vaginal delivery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finite element models ranging from single to multiscale models have been widely used to gain valuable insights into the physiological delivery process and associated complication scenarios. However, the fetus descent simulation with the active uterine contraction is still challenging for validation and uncertainty quantification issues. The present study performed a fetus descent simulation using the active uterine contraction. Then, simulation outcomes were evaluated using theoretical and in vivo MRI childbirth data. Moreover, parameter uncertainty and propagation were also performed. A maternal pelvis model was developed. The active uterine contraction was modeled using a transversely isotropic Mooney-Rivlin material. Displacement trajectories were compared between simulation, theoretical and in vivo MRI childbirth data. Monte Carlo (M.C) and Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) methods were applied to quantify uncertain parameters and their propagations. Obtained results showed that fetal descent behavior is consistent with the MRI-based observation as well as the theoretical trajectory (curve of Carus). The head downward vertical displacement ranges from 0 to approximately 47 mm. A reduction of 50% in uterine size was observed during the simulation. Three high-sensitive parameters (C1,C2,Ca0) were also identified. Our study suggested that the use of the active uterine contraction is essential for simulating vaginal delivery but the global parameter sensitivity, parameter uncertainty, and outcome evaluation should be carefully performed. As a perspective, the developed approach could be extrapolated for patient-specific modeling and associated delivery complication simulations to identify risks and potential therapeutic solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Predicting the success of vaginal delivery is an important issue in preventing adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. This study sought to examine whether measurement of the angle of progression (AoP) can predict a successful vaginal delivery following induction of labour (IoL) among late term nulliparous women with a low (4>) Bishop score.
    METHODS: This prospective study included consecutive nulliparous pregnant women whose gestational age was 41 weeks and 1-6 days (late-term). The AoP was measured at least three times and their means were calculated.
    RESULTS: During the study period, data of 150 women were included in the final analysis. Thirty-eight women underwent CS due to failure to progress (n=30) or NRGHR (n=8), while the remaining 112 women underwent NVD, with four women requiring vacuum extraction. The two groups were similar with respect to age, gestational age, BMI, estimated foetal weight, and birth weight. Women undergoing NVD differed significantly from those undergoing CS with respect to a greater ultrasonographic AoP (113.8±11.9° vs. 98.1±10.9°, p=0.0001), a shorter duration of dinoprostone use, shorter time to labour contraction, and a shorter duration of labour. In ROC analysis, the cut-off value for AoP was 100° for the prediction of successful IoL for NVD, with a sensitivity of 96 % and a specificity of 63 %.
    CONCLUSIONS: AoP may be a useful sonographic parameter for predicting successful vaginal delivery among nulliparous women at late term undergoing IoL; an AOP wider than 100° is associated with a high rate of vaginal delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subtle but demonstrable movements in the expectant mother\'s pelvis occur during vaginal delivery in all the pelvic joints and anatomical planes of the body (sagittal, frontal, and transverse). The purpose of these movements is to gradually expand the space in the lesser pelvis via widening of the individual pelvic planes so that the newborn\'s head can enter the pelvic inlet, safely pass through the narrow planes of the pelvis, and through the pelvic outlet. From the point of view of biomechanics, these movements are described in literature as counternutation and nutation of the sacrum and iliac bone. The counternutation of the sacrum helps to expand the plane of the pelvic inlet. The nutation of the sacrum assists in expanding the plane of the pelvic width, height, and outlet. These physiological movements are affected by the body constitution, the state of the myofascial and skeletal systems of the mother, and furthermore, by hormonal disjunction of the connections in the expectant mother\'s pelvis together with the progress of the delivery mechanism itself. The main factor that determines the range of movement in the individual joints, and therefore adequate expansion of the individual pelvic planes, is the position of the mother during delivery. Engagement of active movements of the mother together with application of passive stretching of the soft tissues in the lower lumbar area and in the hip joints are both needed for maximum expansion of the individual pelvic planes and utilization of the maximum useful capacity of the mother\'s pelvis during delivery. These movements help invoke the abduction forces on muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the pelvis that lead to the optimum setting of the joints during which delivery movements happen. The specific movements in the pelvic joints predetermine whether nutation or counternutation is possible, and therefore if the newborn\'s head can progress to the pelvic inlet or pass through the narrow and wide pelvic planes, and the pelvic outlet. The knowledge of these biomechanical principles and movements in the pelvis during delivery enables obstetricians and midwives to understand how the movements in the hip joints of the expectant mother can positively impact the spatial ratios in the lesser pelvis, and how to support further progress in the event of non-progressive labour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the effect of the mode of delivery on maternal postpartum comfort level and breastfeeding self-efficacy.
    METHODS: The study was conducted as a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Searching was performed from March to July 2022, on PubMed, National Thesis Center, Dergi Park, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and EBSCO search engines and we included studies from the last 10 years. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools used in cross-sectional studies were employed to appraise the methodological quality and performed meta-analyses using a random-effects model for all outcomes. Study data consisted of continuous variables calculated by Mean Difference.
    RESULTS: From 3732 records received, 21 cross-sectional studies involving 5266 participants were determined to be eligible. Meta-analysis results showed that cesarean section reduced postpartum comfort, albeit not statistically significant (MD: -0.87 95%: -1.98-0.24, Z = 1.53, p = 0.44), whereas the combined results of breastfeeding self-efficacy showed that delivery type did not affect breastfeeding self-efficacy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this review have clinical implications for postpartum caregivers, as the effects of mode of delivery on postpartum comfort and breastfeeding self-efficacy have been well documented in previous studies. The authors recommend caregivers plan maternal care to increase their comfort, taking into account the factors that may affect postpartum comfort in the light of evidence-based practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Childbirth represents a significant life event, bringing about both physical and emotional transformations in a woman\'s life. Among other psychological aspects associated with childbirth, labor pain, death anxiety, and postpartum depression have garnered significant attention in the field of maternal and reproductive health. This study is intended to evaluate how the effectiveness of hypnobirthing training alleviates labor pain, mitigates death anxiety enhances postpartum well-being reduces labor hours, and how anxiety exacerbates the duration of labor.
    UNASSIGNED: Data were collected from (N = 50) young and middle-aged postpartum women in the outpatient obstetrics and gynecology departments of the Civil Hospital, Waseer Gynecology Hospital and Basic Health Unit Jalal Ballagan in Gujranwala, Pakistan, by using the convenience sampling technique. Out of 50, women were divided into a control (N = 25) and an experimental group (N = 25). They were recruited during their 33 weeks of pregnancy until childbirth for hypnobirthing training. Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), Templer Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS), and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) were used to collect participants\' responses.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings proved hypnobirthing training as a catalyst in significantly reducing labor pain, death anxiety, and postpartum depression. Furthermore, the analysis indicated that death anxiety exacerbates the labor duration hours and hypnobirthing decreases the labor hours in the experimental group of women.
    UNASSIGNED: It sheds light on the effectiveness of hypnobirthing training to enhance the birthing process. Findings underscore the significance of collaboration between obstetricians, psychologists, and mental health professionals to develop integrated care plans that address both physical and psychological aspects of childbirth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is an emerging need to systematically investigate the causes for the increased cesarean section rates in Greece and undertake interventions so as to substantially reduce its rates. To this end, the ability of the participating Greek obstetricians to follow evidence-based guidelines and respond to other educational and behavioral interventions while managing labor will be explored, along with barriers and enablers. Herein discussed is the protocol of a stepped-wedge designed intervention trial in Greek maternity units with the aforementioned goals in mind, named ENGAGE (ENhancinG vAGinal dElivery in Greece).
    METHODS: Twenty-two selected maternity units in Greece will participate in a multicenter stepped-wedge randomized prospective trial involving 20,000 to 25,000 births, with two of them entering the intervention period of the study each month (stepped randomization). The maternity care units entering the study will apply the suggested interventions for a period of 8-18 months depending on the time they enter the intervention stage of the study. There will also be an initial phase of the study lasting from 8 to 18 months including observation and recording of the routine practice (cesarean section, vaginal birth, and maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality) in the participating units. The second phase, the intervention period, will include such interventions as the application of the HSOG (the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Guidelines on labor management, training on the correct interpretation of cardiotocography, and dealing with emergencies in vaginal deliveries, while the steering committee members will be available to discuss and implement organizational and behavioral changes, answer questions, clarify relevant issues, and provide practical instructions to the participating healthcare professionals during regular visits or video conferences. Furthermore, during the study, the results will be available for the participating units in order for them to monitor their own performance while also receiving feedback regarding their rates. Τhe final 2-month phase of the study will be devoted to completing follow-up questionnaires with data concerning maternal and neonatal morbidities that occurred after the completion of the intervention period. The total duration of the study is estimated at 28 months. The primary outcome assessed will be the cesarean section rate change and the secondary outcomes will be maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study is expected to yield new information on the effects, advantages, possibilities, and challenges of consistent clinical engagement and implementation of behavioral, educational, and organizational interventions described in detail in the protocol on cesarean section practice in Greece. The results may lead to new insights into means of improving the quality of maternal and neonatal care, particularly since this represents a shared effort to reduce the high cesarean section rates in Greece and, moreover, points the way to their reduction in other countries.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04504500 ( The trial was prospectively registered. Ethics Reference No: 320/23.6.2020, Bioethics and Conduct Committee, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The current study focused on predicting future trends in obstetrics by examining obstetricians\' approaches to specific challenging vaginal delivery that require special experience, such as breech presentation, macrosomic fetus, twin pregnancy, and vacuum use, compared with their residency training experience.
    METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted in two phases. The first phase was qualitative and the second phase was quantitative. The \"interview\" and \"survey\" techniques served as data collection tools. In total, 20 obstetricians participated in the interviews, and 400 obstetricians took part in the survey. Data from the interviews were analyzed using the Maxqda 2020 qualitative data analysis program, and survey data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0.
    RESULTS: Over the past 2 decades, there has been a gradual shift from vaginal deliveries to cesarean deliveries in cases involving breech presentation, macrosomic fetus, twin pregnancy, and vacuum use. While medicolegal concerns are undeniable, the prevalent belief among obstetricians that cesarean delivery is safer than vaginal delivery significantly influences this trend. Comparatively, young obstetricians often complete their residency training without acquiring sufficient knowledge and skills in vaginal delivery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Young obstetricians currently lack adequate experience in managing vaginal deliveries for breech presentation, macrosomic fetus, twin pregnancy, and vacuum use. This experience is at risk of disappearing entirely within the next decade as senior obstetricians retire. Policymakers should take this into consideration when shaping future healthcare policies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Adnexal cyst torsion in late preterm pregnancies is rare, but it frequently causes secondary uterine contractions. Thus, deciding on performing a simultaneous cesarean section due to the potential for early postoperative labor onset is crucial despite no obstetric indications. Here, we report a case of adnexal torsion at 34 weeks of gestation treated with emergency surgery, followed by a full-term vaginal delivery, along with a literature review. A 31-year-old primigravida at 34 weeks and four days of gestation presented to the emergency department with right lower abdominal pain. An emergency laparotomy was performed to achieve term delivery, suspecting right ovarian cyst torsion without signs of fetal distress. General anesthesia with sevoflurane was selected over spinal anesthesia, considering the incision height. The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position on the operating table to ensure proper visualization and maintain uterine circulation. A 4-cm transverse skin incision was made under ultrasound guidance, revealing the twisted right paratubal cyst immediately beneath. The cyst was excised, and the torsion was relieved. The postoperative course was uneventful, and spontaneous labor occurred at 39 weeks and six days of gestation, resulting in a vaginal delivery at 40 weeks. This case demonstrates that even late preterm adnexal torsion can be managed safely with appropriate surgical techniques, allowing for a subsequent term vaginal delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spontaneous vaginal delivery in a tracheostomised woman is rare and literature concerning the same is also very limited, hence this might help in considering vaginal delivery at term as an option in such patients when there are no medical or obstetrical contraindications for the same. We present a case of a 24 years female patient hailing from Tamil Nadu in South India, who was tracheostomised secondary to subglottic stenosis, presented to Otorhinolaryngology department at thirty-eight weeks of gestation to know the possibility of a vaginal delivery at term. Since the patient had an uneventful obstetrical history and no medical or obstetrical contraindications for a vaginal delivery, patient was advised breathing exercises including Valsalva manoeuvre and kept under close follow up. Patient went to labor at term at thirty-nine weeks and five days of gestation, and with the help of a panel of senior doctors underwent spontaneous vaginal delivery with no complications. Vaginal delivery can be attempted in tracheostomised women, in the absence of any medical or obstetrical contra indications, if the patient is motivated and we have a panel of expert doctors from all concerned departments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of tranexamic acid (TXA) in preventing postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) among women with identified risk factors for PPH undergoing vaginal delivery in China.
    UNASSIGNED: This prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded endpoint (PROBE) trial enrolled 2258 women with one or more risk factors for PPH who underwent vaginal delivery. Participants were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive an intravascular infusion of 1 g TXA or a placebo immediately after the delivery of the infant. The primary outcome assessed was the incidence of PPH, defined as blood loss ≥500 mL within 24 h after delivery, while severe PPH was considered as a secondary outcome and defined by total blood loss ≥1000 mL within 24 h.
    UNASSIGNED: 2245 individuals (99.4%) could be followed up to their primary outcome. PPH occurred in 186 of 1128 women in the TXA group and in 215 of 1117 women in the placebo group (16.5% vs. 19.2%; RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.02; p = 0.088). Regarding secondary outcomes related to efficacy, women in the TXA group had a significant lower rate of severe PPH than those in the placebo group (2.7% vs. 5.6%; RR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.74; p = 0.001; adjusted p = 0.002). Similarly, there was a significant reduction in the use of additional uterotonic agents (7.8% vs. 15.6%; RR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.63; p < 0.001; adjusted p = 0.001). No occurrence of thromboembolic events and maternal deaths were reported in both groups within 30 days after delivery.
    UNASSIGNED: In total population with risk factors for PPH, the administration of TXA following vaginal delivery did not result in a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of PPH compared to placebo; however, it was associated with a significantly lower incidence of severe PPH.
    Prophylactic administration of TXA did not yield a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of PPH among women with risk factors in vaginal deliveries.Prophylactic use of TXA may help to reduce the incidence of severe PPH.





