
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to verify Bolton\'s values for tooth size ratios and to evaluate possible relationships to different occlusal traits using precise digital measurement methods.
    METHODS: Including 1000 consecutively selected patients from three study centres a digital, partially automated model analysis was performed utilizing the software OnyxCeph. The measurements comprised tooth width for calculation of anterior (AR) and overall ratio (OR) as a percentage, arch width, length, perimeter, overjet, overbite, space analysis in millimetre and the assessment of the angle classification.
    RESULTS: AR and OR were significantly increased compared to Bolton\'s ratios of 77.2% (AR) and 91.3% (OR). In the gender comparison, male patients showed larger tooth size ratios, especially in the OR. Patients with Angle Class II/1 and II/2 had smaller tooth size ratios than patients with Angle Class III and I. Thus, patients with Angle Class II/1 had the largest tooth diameters in all maxillary teeth and with Angle Class II/2 the smallest tooth sizes in the mandible. The largest tooth widths in the lower jaw were observed in the Angle Class III patient group. Furthermore, a negative correlation from AR/OR to overjet, overbite, and available space in lower jaw as well as a positive correlation to available space in upper jaw was detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear correlation between the tooth size ratios and the present dysgnathia as well as other orthodontically relevant occlusal traits. This prior knowledge about our patients is extremely important to create an individualized treatment plan and enable sufficient occlusion. To achieve a functionally good occlusion with correct overjet and overbite, it is essential that the maxillary and mandibular teeth are proportional in size. Any deviation from the ideal patient in terms of tooth size, number, shape, or arch must be considered in the pre-therapeutic treatment plan in combination with the existing dysgnathia in order to be able to achieve a stable anterior and posterior occlusion with appropriate adjustments to the therapy post-therapeutically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The analgesia after lower third molar alveolectomy is based on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that have significant risks, and are contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy. Aiming to reduce NSAIDs use after this surgery, we quantified analgesic effects of ultrasound (US)-guided extraoral mandibular nerve block.
    METHODS: Thirty-six patients were equally allocated to the experimental or control group, based on their willingness to receive experimental US-guided extraoral mandibular nerve block for postoperative analgesia. The experimental block applied prior to lower third molar alveolectomy, was followed by standard intraoral inferior alveolar nerve block. In the control group, patients received only intraoral block of inferior alveolar nerve. All patients reported pain level (visual analogue scale, VAS) right after the application of blocks. The next day, patients reported duration of pain-free time and the use of analgesic.
    RESULTS: The US-guided extraoral mandibular nerve block prolonged the pain-free time to 8 h (vs. 4 in control group, P < 0.001) and reduced NSAIDs use (12 patients needed analgesic in experimental vs. 17 patients in control group, P = 0.038). The application of experimental block was less painful (VAS = 2) than the application of intraoral inferior alveolar nerve block (VAS = 4, P = 0.011). In 8/18 patients in the experimental group US-guided extraoral mandibular nerve block solely achieved adequate surgical anesthesia.
    CONCLUSIONS: US-guided extraoral mandibular nerve block prolonged pain-free period and reduced the use of NSAIDs after lower third molar alveolectomy, thus proving to be successful analgesia method for this dental surgery.
    BACKGROUND: https://classic.
    RESULTS: gov/ct2/show/NCT06009302 , identification number: NCT06009302, date of registration: 18/08/2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research examines animal teeth from Early Dynastic (2900-2350 BCE) Mesopotamia (Southern Iraq) to assess animal management practices and identify consumption patterns in animal diets. The objective to answer larger questions about food management and environmental resilience in ancient early complex societies in the Near East was achieved by the use of mass spectrometry-based proteomics for dietary reconstruction. Dietary MS, a revolutionary new methodology applying proteomics techniques to archeological sample sets to reconstruct ancient animal diet. A developed protein extraction technique followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry allowed for the identification of the specific plant species consumed in order to highlight variable herd management strategies, resource optimization, for each taxon over time. It also provided information about overall health and indications of disease. This is the first study to apply a full suite of analyses to the region and provides the foundations of a necessary long-term view of human interaction within an environment, through both time and space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Grotta-Riparo di Uluzzo C (Apulia, southern Italy) is a pivotal site for investigating the evolution of the Middle Paleolithic and the earliest phases of the Upper Paleolithic in southern Italy, as the extensive stratigraphic record of this site includes a thick Mousterian sequence followed by the Uluzzian. Here, we investigate the taxonomic affinity of seven unpublished deciduous human teeth retrieved from the site of Uluzzo C in 1960.
    METHODS: The teeth are represented by seven plaster dental casts, which are housed at the Museo Civico di Paleontologia e Paletnologia in Maglie (Lecce, Apulia). The location of the original specimens remains unknown, rendering these casts the only human remains evidence yielded by Uluzzo C to date. Based on occlusal-view photographs and digital models of the casts, we examined the external morphology and morphometry of the teeth, comparing them to Homo sapiens and H. neanderthalensis samples. Through geometric morphometric methods and statistical analyses, we analyzed the crown outline of the deciduous molars.
    RESULTS: The teeth show morphological and morphometric features that are variably found in H. neanderthalensis, H. sapiens, or both. Specifically, crown outline analysis shows that all molars fall within H. neanderthalensis variability, except for Uluzzo 853 (lower right deciduous first molar), which falls within H. sapiens variability.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first taxonomic assessment of the hominin teeth from Uluzzo C. The results contribute additional insights into the Paleolithic peopling of southern Italy during a crucial period marked by the persistence of post-Tyrrhenian Neanderthal techno-complexes and the arrival of H. sapiens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Binge drinking has been linked to traumatic dental injury (TDI). Once drunk, adolescents are more prone to accidents, which may result in orofacial injury.
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the possible association of binge drinking with a number of traumatised teeth in a population of 12-year-old Brazilian adolescents in 2013 and 2015.
    METHODS: This study was longitudinal, carried out with 588 adolescents at two moments, 2013 and 2015. TDI, overjet and lip protection were assessed by calibrated examiners. Binge drinking data were collected through the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Sociodemographic indicators were obtained through a questionnaire answered by the parents/guardians. The Poisson regression model with a random effects intercept was estimated.
    RESULTS: A higher prevalence of traumatised teeth was observed among adolescents who binge drink (IRR = 1.37; 95% CI: 1.05-1.80; p < .05). The prevalence was also significantly higher among adolescents in this age range with a ≥ 3-mm overjet and those with inadequate lip protection (IRR = 1.99; 95% CI: 1.44-2.76; p < .001 and IRR = 3.41; 95% CI: 2.57-4.53; p < .001, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: A greater number of traumatised teeth were found among adolescents who reported binge drinking and had severe overjet and inadequate lip coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between tooth colour and individual satisfaction in oral aesthetics has long been a topic of interest. In this study, we utilized the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to investigate the impacts of sex and age on tooth colour preference. The findings of this study should provide a scientific basis for oral aesthetic practice.
    METHODS: In the current study, a random selection method was employed, and a survey was completed by 120 patients. To obtain tooth colour data, standard tooth colour charts were used. Smile photos were taken as template images using a single-lens reflex camera. The FAHP was utilized to conduct a weight analysis of tooth colour preferences among patients of different sexes and age groups.
    RESULTS: There were significant differences in tooth colour preference based on sex and age. Men tend to prefer the B1 colour, while women may prioritize the aesthetic effects of other colours. Additionally, as patients age, their preferences for tooth colour become more diverse. These findings offer valuable insights for oral aesthetics practitioners, enabling them to better address the aesthetic needs of patients across different sexes and ages. This knowledge can aid in the development of more personalized treatment plans that align with patients\' expectations.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we utilized scientific analysis methods to quantify the popularity of different tooth colours among various groups of people. By doing so, we established a scientific foundation for clinical practice. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for oral aesthetic research, enhancing our understanding of tooth colour. Additionally, these findings have practical applications in the field of oral medicine, potentially improving patients\' quality of life and overall oral health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Despite the constant development of medicine and the increasing accessibility to medical specialists, in the first quarter of the 21st century, odontogenic abscesses remain one of the leading causes of emergency hospitalization in maxillofacial surgery clinics. Because of the serious and lethal complications that this type of suppurative infection can lead to if not treated promptly, there is a need for constant updating of the knowledge of its origin, which is precisely what is addressed in this original article. Materials and methods It reports on a retrospective study conducted over a five-year period (2018-2023), during which 705 patients aged 18 years and older with a confirmed diagnosis of odontogenic soft tissue abscess of the head and neck underwent emergency surgery. Results The average age of the patients studied was 41 years, with the oldest being an 82-year-old woman. The proportion of males in the study population was higher - 54.18%. Young patients (18-44 years) were the most affected, with a total of 364 patients (213 males and 151 females), while the proportion of old people (75 years of age and older) was the lowest, with a total of 15 patients, including seven males and eight females. The first molars of both jaws (16, 26, 36 and 46) were the cause of the suppurative bacterial infection in the highest number among our study patients - 208 out of 705 (29.5%). Central incisors (teeth 11, 21, 31 and 41) were the least frequent direct cause of odontogenic infection, accounting for only 17 cases out of 705 (2.41%). Discussion The most logical reason for the decrease in the number of patients with odontogenic abscesses with increasing age is tooth loss in older individuals. Our study confirmed the knowledge that the first mandibular molars are the most common teeth leading to the formation of purulent exudate in the adjacent mandibular soft tissues. However, in contrast to the well-known fact for the maxilla that canines are the most frequent etiologic factor for the occurrence of odontogenic abscesses, we conclude that again the first molars (teeth 16 and 26) outnumber the other teeth of the maxillary dentition, with canines outnumbering only incisors. The teeth of the lower jaw are the cause of more than twice as many exudative infections as those of the upper jaw - the ratio between them is 2.54:1. Conclusions Knowledge of odontogenic abscesses - their demographic distribution, frequency and etiology, their diagnosis and treatment - is the basis for the prediction and treatment outcome of these diseases, mainly affecting young people. Their treatment is both surgical in order to evacuate the suppurative focus, and antibacterial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several tooth extraction techniques are described in equine literature, and oral extraction techniques in standing sedated horses are popular among equine practitioners. The objectives of this study were to develop the corkscrew technique for cheek tooth extraction (CSET) in equine cadaver heads and evaluate this technique in clinical cases. We hypothesized that the CSET could be performed safely to extract cheek teeth in standing sedated horses. First, the CSET was attempted and developed in eight equine cadaver heads. Second, the CSET was performed in clinical cases between 2016 and 2020, and the following information was recorded: diagnosis, affected tooth, procedure duration, intraoperative difficulties, tooth size, postoperative complications, medication, hospitalization time, and 1-year follow-up. Sixteen CSET procedures were performed in eight equine skulls with a 75% success rate. In 24 clinical cases, 25 CSET procedures were attempted to extract 22 superior and 3 inferior cheek teeth. CSET was successful in 76% of procedures. Fractures of the tooth and stripping of screw threads were the major complications that led to the failure of CSET. CSET is a viable and safe technique to extract cheek teeth in standing sedated horses. Longitudinal drilling is a must for this technique to be successful.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of employing a deep learning methodology for the automated identification and enumeration of permanent teeth in bitewing radiographs. The experimental procedures and techniques employed in this study are described in the following section.
    A total of 1248 bitewing radiography images were annotated using the CranioCatch labeling program, developed in Eskişehir, Turkey. The dataset has been partitioned into 3 subsets: training (n = 1000, 80% of the total), validation (n = 124, 10% of the total), and test (n = 124, 10% of the total) sets. The images were subjected to a 3 × 3 clash operation in order to enhance the clarity of the labeled regions.
    The F1, sensitivity and precision results of the artificial intelligence model obtained using the Yolov5 architecture in the test dataset were found to be 0.9913, 0.9954, and 0.9873, respectively.
    The utilization of numerical identification for teeth within deep learning-based artificial intelligence algorithms applied to bitewing radiographs has demonstrated notable efficacy. The utilization of clinical decision support system software, which is augmented by artificial intelligence, has the potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of dental practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digitalizing oral health data through an app can help manage the extensive data obtained through oral health surveys. The Tooth Memo app collects data from oral health surveys and personal health information.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the evaluate the time efficiency, reliability, and user satisfaction of the Tooth Memo app.
    METHODS: There are 2 sections in the Tooth Memo app: oral health survey and personal oral health record. For the oral health survey section of the Tooth Memo app, different data entry methods were compared and user satisfaction was evaluated. Fifth-year dental students had access to the oral health survey section in the Tooth Memo app during their clinical work. The time required for data entry, analysis, and summary of oral health survey data by 3 methods, that is, pen-and-paper (manual), Tooth Memo app on iOS device, and Tooth Memo app on Android device were compared among 3 data recorders who entered patients\' information on decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth (DMFT) index and community periodontal index (CPI), which were read aloud from the database of 103 patients by another dental personnel. The interobserver reliability of the 3 different data-entering procedures was evaluated by percent disagreement and kappa statistic values. Laypeople had access to the personal oral health record section of this app, and their satisfaction was evaluated through a Likert scale questionnaire. The satisfaction assessments for both sections of the Tooth Memo app involved the same set of questions on the app design, usage, and overall satisfaction.
    RESULTS: Of the 103 dental records on DMFT and CPI, 5.2% (177/3399) data points were missing in the manual data entries, but no data on tooth status were missing in the Android and iOS methods. Complete CPI information was provided by all 3 methods. Transferring data from paper to computer took an average of 55 seconds per case. The manual method required 182 minutes more than the iOS or Android methods to clean the missing data and transfer and analyze the tooth status data of 103 patients. The users, that is, 109 fifth-year dental students and 134 laypeople, expressed high satisfaction with using the Tooth Memo app. The overall satisfaction with the oral health survey ranged between 3 and 10, with an average (SD) of 7.86 (1.46). The overall satisfaction with the personal oral health record ranged between 4 and 10, with an average (SD) of 8.09 (1.28).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Tooth Memo app was more efficacious than manual data entry for collecting data of oral health surveys. Dental personnel as well as general users reported high satisfaction when using this app.





