tinea corporis

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 40-year-old Asian Indian woman, diagnosed as having idiopathic panuveitis (elsewhere) 3 years earlier and being treated with oral steroids (20 mg/day) and methotrexate (25 mg/week), presented to us with worsening vision in both eyes. Her best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was perception of light in her right eye and counting fingers close to face in her left eye. A slit lamp examination showed an anterior chamber (AC) reaction (1+) in both eyes with posterior synechia, a total cataract in her right eye, and pseudophakia in her left eye. The left fundus showed vitritis, vitreous membranes, chorioretinitis, multifocal areas of retinitis, and retinal vascular sheathing. A systemic examination showed extensive multifocal areas of tinea corporis on the hands and torso. Owing to the leukocytosis (22,000 cells/mm3), diagnostic vitrectomy was initially deferred and 100 mg of oral itraconazole was given twice a day for 3 months. The vitritis improved a little and her total white blood cell (WBC) count improved with treatment of the skin infection. Following a diagnostic vitrectomy later in her left eye, resolving areas of retinitis were seen. Complete resolution of eye inflammation was seen at the end of 6 weeks. At the 6-month follow-up, her BCVA was 6/18 in left eye and she was off oral steroids and methotrexate, with no recurrence of inflammation. We speculate a probable association between the ocular inflammation and extensive tinea corporis based on the therapeutic response to itraconazole.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Trichophyton benhamiae, an anthropophilic dermatophyte, can cause dermatophytosis in humans and animals with rising zoonotic infections through pets, primarily in Europe. Dermatophytosis from T. benhamiae is often misdiagnosed due to its inflammatory symptoms. We report a case of tinea corporis from T. benhamiae var. luteum in a Japanese woman, contracted from pet Czech degus.
    METHODS: The 40-year-old patient developed neck papules resembling acne. Initial treatment with topical antibiotics and steroids exacerbated the rash. Fungal elements were not detected by direct potassium hydroxide examination. Skin biopsy confirmed fungal elements in the stratum corneum and hair follicles, and tinea corporis was diagnosed. Oral terbinafine 125 mg was initiated without topical agents. Erythematous papules appeared on her limbs, determined as a trichophytid reaction. After two months, her skin improved significantly. Fungal culture identified T. benhamiae var. luteum colonies with a yellowish hue. Mating tests classified the strain as Americano-European race (-) with MAT1-1 genotype. This was diagnosed as tinea corporis from T. benhamiae var. luteum, likely transmitted from pet Czech degus.
    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence rate of pet-transmitted cutaneous fungal infections may increase in Japan with the trend to keep exotic pets. Dermatologists must recognize dermatophytosis clinical features from anthropophilic dermatophytes to prevent misdiagnosis and understand evolving nomenclature and pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Trichophyton indotineae is an emerging dermatophyte species that plays a relevant role in human healthcare. It has been associated with severe chronic skin infections and a high level of terbinafine resistance. T. indotineae is endemic to India, Iran, and Iraq but several cases have been reported in Europe, recently. In this manuscript, the authors report the first clinical description of a tinea corporis and onychomycosis due to T. indotineae. The patient was a 42-year-old female from India that has lived in Umbria (Central Italy) for the last two years. Firstly, a dermatological examination suggested dermatophytosis: mycology isolation from cultures and macro- and microscopical features identified the colonies as belonging to the T. mentagrophytes/T. interdigitale species complex. Subsequently, ITS1/ITS4 end-point PCR and Sanger sequencing identified the strain as T. indotineae. Lastly, a DermaGenius® Resistance Multiplex real-time PCR assay was carried out, targeting the mutations in the SQLE gene to establish terbinafine resistance or susceptibility of the strain. The melting curve observed was compatible with wild-type positive control, identifying the strain as T. indotineae terbinafine-sensitive. An oral terbinafine treatment was associated with a topical ciclopirox nail solution, resulting in remission in its clinical manifestation. On 3 July 2023, the local Prevention Service notified the case to the Ministry of Health that then reported the information at national and international levels.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dermatophytosis is the most common type of superficial fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. Occasionally, the fungus invades deep into the dermis or other tissues, causing deep dermatophytosis. Deep dermatophytosis is often associated with Caspase Recruitment Domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9) deficiency in patients. Here, we report the first case of deep dermatophytosis with a rare mycosis fungoides manifestation caused by T. tonsurans in a patient with a novel mutation in exon 4 of CARD9. The condition presented with heterozygous K196E mutation, which leads to deficiency of innate and adaptive immune responses in the patient, and caused intractable severe lesions. The patient received treatment with multiple antifungal drugs and was ultimately alleviated by posaconazole. These findings extend the pathogen spectrum of deep dermatophytosis linked with CARD9 deficiency and enriched their phenotypic spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tinea imbricata and tinea pseudoimbricata are variant types of tinea corporis characterized by annual-ring-shaped erythema. Although the skin lesions manifest similar symptoms, these two diseases are classified based on causative fungi. The former is caused by Trichophyton concentricum, an anthropophilic dermatophyte, and the latter is caused by dermatophytes other than T. concentricum, commonly zoophilic fungi such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex. Here, we report a 27-year-old Japanese male diagnosed with tinea pseudoimbricata attributed to Trichophyton tonsurans, an anthropophilic dermatophyte. We suspected that application of steroid ointment caused the annular pattern of his skin lesions. After three months use of topical luliconazole cream, treatment was finished. We also summarize the knowledge about tinea pseudoimbricata through previous reports with bibliographical consideration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a 76-year-old Japanese male with tinea faciei, tinea corporis, and tinea unguium with dermatophytoma. We performed fungal culture and confirmed the causative fungus to be Trichophyton rubrum. We treated the patient using oral fosravuconazole l-lysine ethanolate (F-RVCZ). More than one year has passed since the end of treatment, but there has been no recurrence. This case suggests that F-RVCZ is effective for tinea other than tinea unguium.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Three boys from the same city, treated by the same dermatologist, developed tinea capitis. Two of them, 4 and 8 years old, underwent mycological diagnostic workup. However, no pathogens familiar in this country, such as Microsporum (M.) canis or Trichophyton (T.) tonsurans, were isolated, but instead that of a dermatophyte that has not been found in Germany for decades. Both dermatophyte isolates showed white-beige-brownish colonies with a flat, radiating edge and a central, verrucous curvature. The sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA confirmed the suspicion of M. ferrugineum already expressed based on the morphological picture. The anthropophilic dermatophyte occurs in the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa and is considered to be the cause of tinea capitis or tinea corporis in children and adolescents. In 2016, M. ferrugineum has again been isolated in Germany, probably as a result of migration movements. The fungus is strikingly isolated to martial arts, especially wrestlers. It mainly affects children and adolescents, some with a Russian-German background. The anthropophilic dermatophyte is transmitted directly from person to person, especially in the case of tinea capitis. An indirect transmission, for example, via mats in martial arts is likely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel dermatophyte was isolated from skin scales of a female patient presenting with tinea corporis of the wrist and arm. Her principal risk factor was long-term corticosteroid use for underlying Lupus autoimmune syndrome. Microscopic examination of skin scales from lesions revealed hyphae consistent with dermatophyte infection, and a morphologically identical fungus grew in pure culture on all cultures of skin scales. Repeat isolation of the same organism from persistent lesions five months later confirmed the novel species as the causative agent. Microscopic examination revealed predominantly smooth, thin-walled macroconidia, with large numbers of unicellular aleuriospores of varied shapes and sizes. Since the isolate exhibited considerable microscopic pleomorphism, sharing morphological features consistent with several dermatophyte genera, it was subjected to multi-locus phylogenetic analyses employing a total of six different loci. Sequence analyses of all loci revealed that the isolate clustered with species within Nannizzia but diverged from all known members of the genus by 2 to 13% depending on locus analyzed. The isolate exhibited high minimum inhibitory concentrations for terbinafine in vitro, which might explain why the infection had failed to respond to two cycles of oral treatment with this antifungal agent. Interestingly, sequences in GenBank of an unnamed \"Microsporum sp\" isolated from leg skin of a patient in the Czech Republic showed greater than 99% identity across all of the loci analysed in common, indicating that this novel organism, which we describe here as Nannizzia perplicata sp. nov., is likely not restricted to the UK.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Microsporum gypseum is a geophilic dermatophyte that colonises keratinous substances in the soil. Fur-bearing animals carry this dermatophyte but are rarely infected. Human infection can be acquired from the soil, carrier or infected animals, and rarely other humans. M gypseum is an uncommon cause of cutaneous infection in humans and typically manifests as tinea corporis, tinea barbae, and tinea capitis. Onychomycosis is rarely caused by M gypseum.
    METHODS: We present a case of a 32-year-old white man who presented with a red scaly rash and nail dystrophy after adopting a pet rat 10 years prior to presentation. A fungal culture of a nail clipping grew out M gypseum, and the patient was treated with terbinafine daily for 6 weeks for dystrophic onychomycosis and tinea corporis. After the 6 weeks of treatment, the erythema at the proximal nail fold and distal finger had improved but still persisted. An additional 6 weeks of terbinafine daily completely resolved the clinical manifestations of onychomycosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The increase in incidence of M gypseum onychomycosis over the past 2 decades is thought to be due to phylogenetic evolution of the dermatophyte from soil saprophyte to a human parasite. Increasing domestication of mammals is also thought to contribute to increasing incidence. Treatment consists of an extended course of terbinafine or itraconazole.





