therapeutic strategy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intracranial germ cell tumors (GCTs) are highly heterogeneous and rare, and the recurrence of mature teratomas is uncommon. There is limited data on the systematic management of multiple recurrent tumors following total teratoma removal. Herein, we report repeated relapsing GCTs with different histological subtypes and locations after en bloc total resection of a pineal mature teratoma. A 14-year-old patient underwent total resection of a tumor in the pineal region and histopathology revealed a mature cystic teratoma. Four years later, the patient experienced a recurrence of the suprasellar tumor, which occurred several times over the next eight years. The tumor was successfully eliminated after multiple surgeries, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. By the time the paper was submitted, the patient had not had a recurrence of the tumor and was in the good physical condition and leading a normal life. Based on this case, we discussed the pathogenesis of recurrent mature teratoma and the therapeutic strategy of multiple recurrent GCTs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Lung cancer is the main cause of oncological death in the US and worldwide, constituting a significant public health problem. The incidence of lung cancer is on the increase. In the present study, the diagnostic process was carried out and treatment options were considered to determine the therapeutic response of a patient diagnosed with lung cancer. The case of an early stage lung cancer patient who benefited from surgical treatment was presented. The pathology report stated the complete diagnosis to be pleomorphic lung cancer with an adenocarcinoma component, pT2aN0M0, with focal positivity for thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1), without epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations and ALK recombinations, having an initial clinical stage of IB and programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) positivity with a tumor proportion score of over 70%. The patient underwent radiotherapy treatment and was administered osteoclast inhibitors and immunotherapy, with no favorable therapeutic effect and with the presence of secondary cutaneous adverse effects to pembrolizumab. As a main cause of death, lung cancer registers a low general survival rate even in patients with targeted therapies or immunotherapy. By better identifying the patients at risk, one can establish a more efficient personalized treatment; the future objective of scientific studies is the follow-up of adverse effects of new therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy associated breast cancer is a rare disease. It presents a unique entity of breast cancer with aggressive phenotype. The main aim was to evaluate how the international guidelines were followed in daily practice.
    METHODS: Data concerning patients\' and tumours\' characteristics, management, delivery and maternal outcome were recorded from institutional electronic database. In this paper a case series of pregnant breast cancer patients treated at single tertiary institution between 2007 and 2019 are presented and the key recommendations on managing such patients are summarized.
    RESULTS: Fourteen patients met the search criteria. The majority of tumours were high grade, triple negative or HER2 positive, two patients were de novo metastatic. Treatment plan was made for each patient by multidisciplinary team. Eight patients were treated with systemic chemotherapy with no excess toxicity or severe maternal/fetal adverse effects. In all but two patients, delivery was on term and without major complications. Only one event, which was not in whole accordance with international guidelines, was identified. It was the use of blue dye in one patient.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with pregnancy associated breast cancer should be managed like non-pregnant breast cancer patients and should expect a similar outcome, without causing harm to the unborn child. To achieve a good outcome in pregnancy associated breast cancer, a multidisciplinary approach is mandatory.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Presentation of case reviews depicting the imaging characteristics of carotid paragangliomas, associated with a thorough analysis of the anatomical morphological features and the current therapeutic strategies.
    METHODS: We present the cases of 3 patients diagnosed with carotid paragangliomas in our clinic, illustrating diagnostic imaging elements by computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but also the postoperative aspect of the carotid system, with respective anatomical, clinical and surgical considerations.
    RESULTS: The imaging aspect of the carotid paragangliomas is characterised by a mass of soft tissue with intense contrast enhancement and with \"salt and pepper\" MRI appearance on conventional spin-echo sequences. The postoperative evolution of the patients included in the article was favourable, without any perioperative complications or signs of local tumour recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Carotid paragangliomas are rare, often asymptomatic tumours, but with potential for increased malignancy, which raises the need for good knowledge of the cervical region pathology as well as the features of neuroendocrine tumours. CT and MRI examinations are essential for diagnosis, staging and, implicitly, for establishing the therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As pregnancy accelerates glioma growth, therapeutic abortion has been recommended prior to tumor resection. Additionally, it has also been suggested that the extent of glioma resection is closely correlated with patient survival.
    UNASSIGNED: A 162-cm, 61.4-kg, 30-year-old, right-handed primigravida was referred to our institution at 21 weeks gestation to obtain a second opinion. At 18 weeks gestation, the patient developed new-onset generalized convulsive seizures (GCSs), which were poorly controlled by anticonvulsant polytherapy, early in the second trimester. A 6-cm lesion located in her left frontal supplementary motor area (SMA) was suspected as a grade III glioma, classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Due to the limited evidence on the use of adjuvant therapy during pregnancy, tumors causing neurological symptoms and seizures must be treated, in order to stabilize the maternal condition and enable a safe birth. In the case of pregnant patients, awake craniotomy using intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) is considered advantageous, achieving gross total resection with a reduction of direct cortical stimulation, which may induce seizure, and so reducing fetal exposure to anesthetics. The \"Asleep-Awake-Asleep\" technique was performed at 27 weeks and 2 days gestation. As use of propofol in pregnant patients is prohibited, general anesthesia was maintained through administration of sevoflurane and remifentanil until the first scan of iMRI, and was subsequently re-induced with dexmedetomidine when tumor removal had been accomplished. A supraglottic airway (SGA) was used until the patient\'s cranium was opened. There were no complications during either the procedure or the post-operative period. At 35 weeks gestation, the patient delivered a healthy baby of 2317 g. Pathological examination of the patient, revealed an anaplastic astrocytoma, thus radiotherapy and chemotherapy began 2 months post-delivery. There is no evidence of tumor recurrence in the patient and the child did not show any medical or developmental concerns at the point of the 17-month follow-up.
    UNASSIGNED: Since evidence on the use of adjuvant therapy during pregnancy is limited, extensive resection with functional monitoring is recommended if a brain tumor is presumed to be malignant. Awake craniotomy is considered advantageous to pregnant patients because subjective movement preserves the patient\'s motor function and reduces fetal exposure to anesthetics. Therefore, providing multidisciplinary discussion takes place within the decision-making process, as well as careful perioperative preparation, awake craniotomy should be considered, even in the case of pregnant patients.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Verrucous carcinomas (VC) of the oesophagus are a rarity. Due to their histological resemblance to squamous cell carcinoma, the diagnostic and treatment standards applicable to the latter have so far also been applied to VC as a disease entity. Quite limited data are available including two case series of 5 or 11 patients. The present study reports on a single case treated by local endoscopic therapy and a series of 15 patients, 9 of whom received local endoscopic therapy.
    METHODS: The data for patients diagnosed with VC of the oesophagus who had been treated from January 1999 to May 2011 were analysed retrospectively.
    RESULTS: 15 patients with the diagnosis of oesophageal VC were included. The male-female ratio was 3:1. 9 of 11 pT1-VC patients presented with the cardinal symptom dysphagia or odynophagia. For the majority of the patients, the growth pattern is one of extensive superficial expansion showing a median length of 9 cm (range: 2-22 cm). Surprisingly, none of the VC patients showed lymph node or distant metastasis. 9 of 15 VC patients received local endoscopic therapy; 4 were treated with curative intent and 5 were treated palliatively. 3 patients underwent oesophageal resection, and definitive chemoradiotherapy was administered in a further 3 patients. One severe complication, consisting of a postoperative anastomotic insufficiency with a fatal outcome, occurred in this group of patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest published study describing patients diagnosed with VC of the oesophagus so far. The option of local endoscopic therapy and its results in 9 patients are reported for the first time. The superficial growth pattern of the tumour and the frequent absence of lymph node or distant metastasis suggest that endoscopic resection can be carried out as a diagnostic and/or therapeutic approach. Due to the rarity of this entity, the case numbers are unfortunately so limited that evidence-based recommendations are unlikely to become available even in the future.
    Verruköse Ösophaguskarzinome sind eine Rarität. Aufgrund der feingeweblichen Verwandtschaft zum Plattenepithelkarzinom wurden bisher die hierfür gültigen Diagnostik- und Therapiestandards auf die Entität der verrukösen Karzinome übertragen. Die Datenlage ist sehr begrenzt und beinhaltet zwei Fallserien mit 5 bzw. 11 Patienten.
    Es wurden alle Patienten eingeschlossen, die im Zeitraum von Januar 1999 bis Mai 2011 aufgrund der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms behandelt wurden.
    15 Patienten mit der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms wurden erfasst. Der überwiegende Anteil der Tumoren zeigte ein oberflächlich nach lateral infiltrierendes Wachstum mit einer medianen Länge von 9 cm (Bereich: 2-22 cm). Überraschenderweise zeigte das Staging bei keinem der Patienten eine Lymphknoten- oder Fernmetastasierung. 9 der 15 Patienten erhielten eine endoskopische Therapie. 3 Patienten unterzogen sich einer Ösophagusresektion, und weitere 3 Patienten erhielten eine kombinierte Radio-/Chemotherapie. In dieser Gruppe trat als schwere Komplikation eine Anastomoseninsuffizienz auf.
    Die vorgelegte Arbeit ist die größte bisher publizierte Serie von Patienten mit der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms. Erstmalig werden die Möglichkeit sowie die Ergebnisse einer lokalen endoskopischen Therapie bei 9 Patienten berichtet. Das oberflächliche Wachstumsmuster der Tumoren und die Abwesenheit von Lymphknoten- und Fernmetastasen lassen den Tumor für eine endoskopische Therapie geeignet erscheinen. Aufgrund der Seltenheit der Diagnose ist die Fallzahl jedoch so begrenzt, dass auch in Zukunft nicht auf evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zurückgegriffen werden kann.





