
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lobsters and crayfish in Australasia can develop a condition known as Tail Fan Necrosis (TFN syndrome). Many attempts have been made to find a primary pathogen or link the syndrome to commercial activities, but a solution remains elusive. TFN syndrome is a \'wicked problem\', a problem difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete and contradictory information forming a matrix of potential outcomes with no simple solution. Reviewing the literature shows TFN syndrome is sometimes reported to develop in association with sterile blisters on the telson and uropods which may rupture permitting invasion by environmental fungal and/or bacterial flora. Whether blisters form prior to, or because of, infection is unknown. TFN syndrome sometimes develops in captivity, sometimes requires a previous insult to the telson and uropods, and prevalence is patchy in the wild. The literature shows the cause of blisters associated with TFN syndrome remains an enigma, for which we suggest several possible initiating factors. We strongly urge that researchers not \'jump to conclusions\' as to the aetiology of TFN syndrome. It cannot be explained without carefully exploring alternative aetiologies whilst being cognisant of the age-old lesson that \'correlation does not equal causation\'.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Pigs play an important role in influenza A virus (IAV) epidemiology because they support replication of human, avian, and swine origin viruses and act as an IAV reservoir for pigs and other species, including humans. Moreover, novel IAVs with human pandemic potential may be generated in pigs. To minimize the threat of IAVs to human and swine health, it is crucial to understand host defense mechanisms that restrict viral replication and pathology in pigs. In this article, we review IAV strains circulating in the North American swine population, as well as porcine innate and acquired immune responses to IAV, including recent advances achieved through immunological tools developed specifically for swine. Furthermore, we highlight unique aspects of the porcine pulmonary immune system, which warrant consideration when developing vaccines and therapeutics to limit IAV in swine or when using pigs to model human IAV infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Study on the failure of limb regeneration in lizards evidences the difficult problems met from amniotes to regenerate organs. Contrary to the tail, limb loss in terrestrial environment is generally fatal and no selection for its regeneration occurred during lizard evolution.
    METHODS: Experimentally amputated limbs were fixed and embedded for microscopy.
    RESULTS: After limb loss an intense inflammatory reaction occurs and immune cells are recruited underneath a wound epidermis, forming a vascularized granulation tissue. The regenerating epidermis takes 2-3 weeks to cover the limb stump since degenerating long bones must be excised first while a dense connective tissue is formed and no limb growth occurs. Cell proliferation occurs in granulation tissues and wound epidermis during the initial 2-3 weeks of wound healing but disappears later determining the arrest of growth. Transcriptome data indicates that the limb, contrary to the tail, activates numerous genes involved in inflammation, immunity and fibroplasia while down-regulates some proliferative and most myogenic genes. Attempts to stimulate limb regeneration, by implants of nervous tissues or growth factors such as FGFs only maintain proliferation for few weeks but eventually the scarring program prevails and only short outgrowths missing of autopodial elements are regenerated.
    CONCLUSIONS: While lizard limbs show the typical scarring outcome of mammals, the comparison of genes activated in the regenerating tail has allowed identifying key genes implicated in organ regeneration in amniotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to repair injuries among reptiles, i.e., ectothermic amniotes, is similar to that of mammals with some noteworthy exceptions. While large wounds in turtles and crocodilians are repaired through scarring, the reparative capacity involving the tail derives from a combined process of wound healing and somatic growth, the latter being continuous in reptiles. When the tail is injured in juvenile crocodilians, turtles and tortoises as well as the tuatara (Rhynchocephalia: Sphenodon punctatus, Gray 1842), the wound is repaired in these reptiles and some muscle and connective tissue and large amounts of cartilage are regenerated during normal growth. This process, here indicated as \"regengrow\", can take years to produce tails with similar lengths of the originals and results in only apparently regenerated replacements. These new tails contain a cartilaginous axis and very small (turtle and crocodilians) to substantial (e.g., in tuatara) muscle mass, while most of the tail is formed by an irregular dense connective tissue containing numerous fat cells and sparse nerves. Tail regengrow in the tuatara is a long process that initially resembles that of lizards (the latter being part of the sister group Squamata within the Lepidosauria) with the formation of an axial ependymal tube isolated within a cartilaginous cylinder and surrounded by an irregular fat-rich connective tissue, some muscle bundles, and neogenic scales. Cell proliferation is active in the apical regenerative blastema, but much reduced cell proliferation continues in older regenerated tails, where it occurs mostly in the axial cartilage and scale epidermis of the new tail, but less commonly in the regenerated spinal cord, muscles, and connective tissues. The higher tissue regeneration of Sphenodon and other lepidosaurians provides useful information for attempts to improve organ regeneration in endothermic amniotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tail regeneration in lizards is the only case of large multi-tissue organ regeneration in amniotes.
    METHODS: The present Review summarizes numerous immunolocalization and gene-expression studies indicating that after tail amputation in lizards the stump is covered in 7-10 days by the migration of keratinocytes. This allows the accumulation of mesenchymal-fibroblasts underneath the wound epidermis and forms a regenerative blastema and a new tail.
    RESULTS: During migration keratinocytes transit from a compact epidermis into relatively free keratinocytes in a process of \"Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition\" (EMT). While EMT has been implicated in carcinogenesis no malignant transformation is observed during these cell movements in the regenerative blastema. Immunolabeling for E-cadherin and snail shows that these proteins are present in the cytoplasm and nuclei of migrating keratinocytes. The basal layer of the wound epithelium of the apical blastema express onco-proteins (wnt2b, egfr, c-myc, fgfs, fgfr, rhov, etc.) and tumor suppressors (p53/63, fat2, ephr, apc, retinoblastoma, arhgap28 etc.). This suggests that their balanced action regulates proliferation of the blastema.
    CONCLUSIONS: While apical epidermis and mesenchyme are kept under a tight proliferative control, in more proximal regions of the regenerating tail the expression of tumor-suppressors triggers the differentiation of numerous tissues, forming the large myomeres, axial cartilage, simple spinal cord and nerves, new scales, arteries and veins, fat deposits, dermis and other connective tissues. Understanding gene expression patterns of developmental pathways activated during tail regeneration in lizards is useful for cancer research and for future attempts to induce organ regeneration in other amniotes including humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pig industry faces many animal welfare issues. Among these, biting behaviour has a high incidence. It is indicative of an existing problem in biters and is a source of physical damage and psychological stress for the victims. We categorize this behaviour into aggressive and non-aggressive biting, the latter often being directed towards the tail. This review focusses specifically on predisposing factors in early life, comprising the prenatal and postnatal periods up to weaning, for the expression of aggressive and non-aggressive biting later in life. The influence of personality and coping style has been examined in a few studies. It varies according to these studies and, thus, further evaluation is needed. Regarding the effect of environmental factors, the number of scientific papers is low (less than five papers for most factors). No clear influence of prenatal factors has been identified to date. Aggressive biting is reduced by undernutrition, cross-fostering and socialization before weaning. Non-aggressive biting is increased by undernutrition, social stress due to competition and cross-fostering. These latter three factors are highly dependent on litter size at birth. The use of familiar odours may contribute to reducing biting when pigs are moved from one environment to another by alleviating the level of stress associated with novelty. Even though the current environment in which pigs are expressing biting behaviours is of major importance, the pre-weaning environment should be optimized to reduce the likelihood of this problem.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Even when resectable pancreatic cancer (PC) is associated with a dismal prognosis. Initial presentation varies according with primary tumor location. Aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the prognosis associated with site (head versus body/tail) in patients with PC.
    METHODS: We searched PubMed, Cochrane Library, SCOPUS, Web of Science, EMBASE, Google Scholar, LILACS, and CINAHL databases from inception to March 2018. Studies reporting information on the independent prognostic role of site in PC and comparing overall survival (OS) in head versus body/tail tumors were selected. Data were aggregated using hazard ratios (HRs) for OS of head versus body/tail PC according to fixed- or random-effect model.
    RESULTS: A total of 93 studies including 254,429 patients were identified. Long-term prognosis of head was better than body/tail cancers (HR =0.96, 95% CI: 0.92-0.99; P=0.02). A pooled HR of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.92-0.99, P=0.02) from multivariate analysis only (n=77 publications) showed that head site was an independent prognostic factor for survival.
    CONCLUSIONS: Primary tumor location in the head of the pancreas at the time of diagnosis is a predictor of better survival. Such indicator should be acknowledged when designing future studies, in particular in the operable and neoadjuvant setting.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tail regeneration in lizards is a unique case of organ regeneration among amniotes. The Review summarizes past and recent studies indicating that tail regeneration utilizes numerous signaling pathways typical for tumor growth. The regenerative blastema-cone contains sparse proliferating cells that utilize coding and noncoding RNAs in an environment rich in water and hyaluronate, as typical for tumor outgrowth. Differently from tumors, the blastema appears as a polarized outgrowth where the distal region contains proliferating cells mainly driven by the up-regulation of Wnt, snoRNAs, and associated onco-genes. The down-regulation of immune-genes coupled with the high production of hyaluronate coating blastema cells likely protect them from attach by immune cells. Immunoevasion of blastema cells allows the proliferation and migration necessary for the morphogenesis of a new tail. Transcriptome and immunolabeling data suggest that gradients for wnts, shh, msx, and signaling receptors are present in the tail blastema. It is hypothesized that cells along these gradients activate different genes, including tumor suppressors that are expressed in more proximal regions where cells stop proliferating and differentiate into tissues of the new tail. The continuous proliferation at the apex of the blastema is turned into a regulated growth in more proximal regions near the original tail. In contrast, it is hypothesized that no or nonresponding gradients of signaling proteins are present in tumor outgrowths so that cell proliferation but no differentiation occurs in expanding tumors. Considering signaling gradients, the lizard model of regeneration can help in understanding the lack of regulation of tumor growth. Anat Rec, 302:1469-1490, 2019. © 2018 American Association for Anatomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tissue regeneration in lizards represents a unique model of regeneration and scarring in amniotes. The tail and limb contain putative stem cells but also dedifferentiating cells contribute to regeneration. Following tail amputation, inflammation is low and cell proliferation high, leading to regeneration while the intense inflammation in the limb leads to low proliferation and scarring. FGFs stimulate tail and limb regeneration and are present in the wound epidermis and blastema while they disappear in the limb wound epidermis 2-3 weeks postamputation in the scarring outgrowth. FGFs localize in the tail blastema and the apical epidermal peg (AEP), an epidermal microregion that allows tail growth but is absent in the limb. Inflammatory cells invade the limb blastema and wound epidermis, impeding the formation of an AEP. An embryonic program of growth is activated in the tail, dominated by Wnt-positive and -negative regulators of cell proliferation and noncoding RNAs, that represent the key regenerative genes. The balanced actions of these regulators likely impede the formation of a tumor in the tail tip. Genes for FACIT and fibrillar collagens, protease inhibitors, and embryonic keratins are upregulated in the regenerating tail blastema. A strong downregulation of genes for both B and T-lymphocyte activation suggests the regenerating tail blastema is a temporal immune-tolerated organ, whereas a scarring program is activated in the limb. Wnt inhibitors, pro-inflammatory genes, negative regulators of cell proliferation, downregulation of myogenic genes, proteases, and oxidases favoring scarring are upregulated. The evolution of an efficient immune system may be the main limiting barrier for organ regeneration in amniotes, and the poor regeneration of mammals and birds is associated with the efficiency of their mature immune system. This does not tolerate embryonic antigens formed in reprogrammed embryonic cells (as for neoplastic cells) that are consequently eliminated impeding the regeneration of lost organs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A true human tail is a benign vestigial caudal cutaneous structure composed of adipose, connective tissue, muscle, vessels, nerves and mechanoreceptors. A true human tail can be distinguished from a pseudotail as the latter is commonly associated with underlying spinal dysraphism, which requires specialised management. True human tails are very rare, with fewer than 40 cases reported to date. We report a healthy one-day-old male newborn who was referred to the Bharath Hospital, Kottayam, Kerala, India, in 2014 with a cutaneous appendage arising from the lumbosacral region. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine ruled out spinal dysraphism. The appendage was removed by simple surgical excision. Clinicians should emphasise use of \'true tail\' and \'pseudotail\' as specific disparate terms as the clinical, radiological and histological findings of these conditions differ significantly, along with management strategies and outcomes.





