
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Homolateral Imitative Synkinesis (HIS) is a rare form of associative movement between the ipsilateral upper and lower limbs. The incidence of HIS or its correlation with various movements remains uninvestigated. This study expounds on the characteristics of HIS, the frequency at which it occurs, and its relationship with movement, particularly walking.
    METHODS: This study included 1328 patients with acute stroke admitted to our healthcare facility between October 2019 and February 2022. We evaluated the severity of motor paralysis and sensory impairment in instances where HIS manifested, and assessed the relationship between HIS, basic activities, and gait.
    RESULTS: HIS was observed in 13/1328 patients. Motor paralysis was mild in all the cases. Each patient displayed a degree of sensory impairment, albeit of varying severity. HIS did not manifest during basic activities but was evident during walking movements in five instances. These patients displayed involuntary repetitive lifting of their upper limbs during the swing phase of their gait. Some individuals expressed discontent with involuntary upper-limb movements, citing them as contributors to a suboptimal gait.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study identified HIS as a rare syndrome, manifesting at a rate of 0.9%. Focus was more common in patients with damage to the thalamus and parietal lobe. No manifestations of the HIS occurred during basic activities, suggesting a weak correlation between the HIS and such activities. Certain patients exhibit HIS during gait, report suboptimal gait, and have an increased risk of falls, potentially influencing their gait proficiency.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Blepharoptosis is a common symptom in ophthalmology clinic, but eyelid retraction when smiling in a ptosis eye is a rare manifestation. Here we report a novel manifestation that eyelid retraction during smiling in a patient with monocular congenital ptosis.
    METHODS: A 10-year-old girl with isolated and mild unilateral congenital ptosis showed eyelid retraction in ptotsis eye when smiling together with a lid lag on downgaze. She didn\'t have any systematic and ocular diseases other than myopia and astigmatism.Eyelid retraction during smiling is 5 mm, resulting in a significant difference in the height of bilateral palpebral fissures.As for ptosis, is mild.The margin to reflex distance 1 is 1.0 mm on the right eye(ptosis eye) and 3.0 mm on the left eye. A lid lag of 1.0 mm on downward gaze was noted on the right, she could close her eyes fully while sleeping.The ice pack test, laboratory test for thyroid function, whole-exome sequencing (WES) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of the orbital and ocular motor nerves showed normal results.Her symptoms alleviated after 6 months, with the retraction of the right upper eyelid when smiling was approximately 3 mm, thus the difference in the palpebral fissure height when smiling was smaller than that at the initial presentation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Blepharoptosis may accompanied with abnormal innervation like eyelid retraction, this phenomenon can be alleviated with age.The results of the levator muscle function test should be carefully examined to determine whether it is ptosis in an impaired innervation eyelid.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An 11-year old, intact male Border Collie was referred with a history of subacute and progressive left eye exophthalmos and mydriasis associated with reduced pupillary light reflex, ventrolateral strabismus, and absence of physiologic nystagmus in the left eye. Neuroanatomical localization was consistent with a left oculomotor neuropathy, involving the general somatic and visceral parasympathetic efferent components. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head were performed. Imaging findings were consistent with an infectious-inflammatory process involving the left retrobulbar space and regional muscles, extending intracranially through the left orbital fissure. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from the cerebellomedullary cistern, and the analysis revealed albuminocytologic dissociation. The dog was treated with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid and prednisolone at anti-inflammatory dose; a significant improvement of neurologic status was observed afterward. However, 4 weeks after the initial presentation, the dog showed an abnormal, bilateral adduction of both eyes and third eyelid protrusion of the left eye while chewing the leash; the dog\'s mental status was normal, and the patient did not appear to be in discomfort during these episodes. A presumptive diagnosis of acquired trigemino-oculomotor synkinesis, induced by the intracranial inflammation was made. To the authors\' best knowledge, this is the first case of presumed trigemino-oculomotor synkinesis reported in veterinary medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To identify a rationale for treatment of patients with Marcus Gunn jaw winking syndrome (MGJWS).
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospective review of 38 consecutive patients with MGJWS referred to a single tertiary institution. Clinical data included visual acuity, ocular motility, side of jaw-wink, presence or absence of ptosis, levator function, clinical photographs, and management undertaken. Thirty-two patients were operated on with customized surgery by a senior surgeon (FQL).
    UNASSIGNED: Cases with no ptosis or mild ptosis were managed conservatively. Levator advancement (LA) was successful in case of moderate ptosis and negligible synkynesis but resulted in a more evident synkinesis. Levator resection (LR) in patients with severe ptosis was associated with high rate of ptosis recurrence. Ptosis was adequately corrected in all patients submitted to uni- or bilateral levator excision (LE) and bilateral frontalis suspension (FS) or unilateral frontalis flap (FF). Jaw winking resolved in all patients submitted to LE but recurred in three cases at a later stage. Strabismus surgery was performed simultaneously in case of associated esotropia or hypotropia.
    UNASSIGNED: Moderate ptosis can be corrected with LA, but success is not related to levator function and synkinesis becomes more evident postoperatively. In severe ptosis, LR showed unpredictable results. In case of severe ptosis and severe synkinesis, uni- or bilateral LE and bilateral FS are recommended; unilateral FF is an alternative in patients who refuse bilateral treatment, as the cosmetic outcome is usually better than after unilateral FS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facial nerve palsy (FP) is the most common cranial nerve lesion, leading to partial or complete immobility of the affected half of face. If food residues on tooth surfaces cannot be removed by natural self-cleaning mechanisms that this is likely to lead to an increase dental plaque formation and the risk of dental, periodontal and general diseases. It was the aim of this study to assess oral health, oral hygiene with the influence of handedness and oral health related quality of life in patients with chronic peripheral FP. This study included 86 people. Patients with FP (n = 43) in an FP-group (FPG) were matched with 43 participants without ever diagnosed FP in a control group (CG). Oral health and oral hygiene were assessed in a clinical examination performed in hospital. Decayed-missing-filled-teeth-index, periodontal-screening-index, approximal plaque index and sulcus bleeding index were used to evaluate dental caries and periodontal health status. Oral health-related quality of life data (OHQoL) was collected with the Oral health impact profile (Germany-14) by interview. Oral health parameters in the FPG were significantly worse than in the CG. The median revealed 14.3% more proximal plaque (p = 0.014), 20.8% more sulcus bleeding (p = 0.002) and more than twice as much caries (p = 0.024). The paretic side compared to the non-paretic side of patients was significantly more affected by inflammatory periodontal diseases (p = 0.032) and had a higher prevalence of caries (p = 0.163). Right-handed patients with right-sided FP performed worse than right-handed patients with left-sided FP (p = 0.004). Patients with FP described a greater limitation of OHQoL than patients without this disease (p < 0.001). In conclusion, facial nerve palsy affects oral health, oral hygiene and OHQoL of patients while handedness influences oral hygiene and oral health.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In the last few decades, Duane\'s syndrome (DS) has begun to be classified under as one of the congenital cranial dysinnervation syndromes (CCDDs), as its primary cause is neurogenic. Incomplete forms of DS have been described very recently. This case appears to be the first report of the association of an incomplete DS with synkinesis of the levator and lateral rectus as a severe and complex example of a CCDD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ocular-oral synkinesis refers to the unintended contraction of the perioral muscles during voluntary eye closure. This phenomenon can either be congenital or occasionally develop during recovery from facial palsy. In this study, we report a case of ocular-oral synkinesis without facial palsy after trauma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ephaptic transmission has been proven as an alternative to chemical synaptic neural transmission and occurs in pathological situations, such as epilepsy and demyelination. Hereby, we report the case of an adult male that in 2012 was involved in a low-speed motorcycle accident with sacrum impact that from day three onwards reported unwanted penile movement when performing hallux and toe plantar flexion of the right foot. Urologic studies and perineal MRI were unremarkable but sacral MRI showed a significantly stenotic canal at the S1-S2 level while EMG displayed chronic moderate right S2 radiculopathy. Nine years later the patient underwent surgical decompression of the sacral canal with complete resolution of the synkinesis. We hypothesize ephaptic transmission between adjacent motor nerve fibres at the S2 sacral nerve root to be the likely mechanism explaining this phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis (HGA) is an autosomal dominant systemic amyloidosis, characterized by cranial and sensory peripheral neuropathy, corneal lattice dystrophy, and cutis laxa. We report a case of HGA presenting with bilateral facial palsy. A 70-year-old Japanese man presented with slowly progressive bilateral facial palsy and facial twitching, which had started in his 40s. His mother also had the same symptoms due to an unknown cause but rest of the family did not. He showed incomplete facial palsy with no frontal muscle movement and partial movement of the orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi muscles. The patient showed no synkinesis. Electroneurography revealed symmetric low compound motor action potential amplitude of the orbicularis oris muscle, and a nerve excitability test showed a symmetric increase in the response threshold. Despite the partial voluntary movement of the orbicularis oculi muscle, bilateral blink reflexes were absent. He also showed facial spasms after contraction of the orbicularis oris muscle. Genetic testing revealed a heterozygous c.640G>A mutation (p. Asp214Asn); therefore, the patient was diagnosed with HGA. HGA related facial palsy showed moderate bilateral, upper blanch-dominant axonal degeneration of the facial nerve without reinnervation, and trigeminal nerve neuropathy.





