
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From January 1, 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulation about the limit of fuel sulfur content to 0.5 % become effective, and ships commonly install sulfur scrubbers or use low-sulfur fuel or liquefied natural gas to replace sulfur-rich heavy fuel oil. In this study, the 4-year PM2.5 sampling in the coastal suburbs of Kitakyushu, Japan clearly indicated the significant effects of relevant regulation and countermeasures on particle emissions in this receptor site. From the perspective of air quality, an obvious decrease in the mass concentration of ship-emitted particles was observed in 2020, and the contribution of sulfate could reach 60 %. The ammonium concentration was mainly controlled by sulfate and nitrate, and its reduction also could not be ignored, accounting for about 17 %. In terms of public health, the particle exposure risk also changed greatly, mainly due to the reduction of risk levels for As, W, Sb, V, Ni, and Cd; the lowest non-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk for both adults (HI = 1.2 and CR = 5.7 × 10-5) and children (HI = 9.9 and CR = 1.1 × 10-4) all occurred in 2020. However, these reduced health risks were still not within the safe level (except for the carcinogenic risk for adults), a fact that requires continued attention. This result exposed the deficiency of current countermeasures regarding the IMO\'s fuel sulfur content limit in Kitakyushu City, and increasing the proportion of ships using clean fuels (liquefied natural gas, methanol, etc.) would surely alleviate the particle pollution caused by ship emissions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A limited number of studies have investigated the association between short-term exposure to PM2.5 components and morbidity. The present case-crossover study explored the association between exposure to total PM2.5 and its components and emergency ambulance dispatches, which is one of the indicators of morbidity, in the 23 Tokyo wards. Between 2016 and 2018 (mean mass concentrations of total PM2.5 13.5 μg/m3), we obtained data, from the Tokyo Fire Department, on the daily cases of ambulance dispatches. Fine particles were collected at a fixed monitoring site and were analyzed to estimate the daily mean concentrations of carbons and ions. We analyzed 1038301 cases of health-based all-cause ambulance dispatches by using a conditional logistic regression model. The average concentrations of total PM2.5 over one and the previous day were positively associated with the number of ambulance dispatches. In terms of PM2.5 components, the percentage increase per interquartile range (IQR) increase was 0.8% for elemental carbon (IQR = 0.8 μg/m3; 95% CI = 0.3-1.3%), 0.9% for sulfate (2.1 μg/m3; 0.5-1.4%), and 1.1% for ammonium (1.3 μg/m3; 0.4-1.8%) in the PM2.5-adjusted models. This is the first study to find an association between some specific components in PM2.5 and ambulance dispatches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mediterranean areas are characterized by complex hydrogeological systems, where water resources are faced with several issues such as salinity and pollution. Fifty-one water samples were gathered from the Bou-areg coastal and the Gareb aquifers to evaluate the source of water salinity and to reveal the processes of the different sources of pollution using a variety of chemical and isotopic indicators (δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O, δ34S-SO4, and δ18O-SO4). The results of the hydrochemical analysis of water samples show that the order of dominated elements is Cl- > HCO3- > SO42- > NO3- and Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ and evidenced extremely high salinity levels (EC up to 22000 μS/cm). All samples exceeded the WHO drinking water guidelines, making them unfit for human consumption. Ion ratio diagrams, isotopic results, and graphical comparing indicate that the mineralization of groundwater in the area, is controlled by carbonate dissolution, evaporite dissolution, ion exchange, and sewage invasion. The return of irrigation water plays a significant role as well in the groundwater recharge and its mineralization by fertilizers mainly. Evaporites (Gypsum), sewage, and fertilizers constitute the main sources of sulfates in the investigated water resources. These scientific results will be an added value for decision-makers to more improve the sustainable management of groundwater in water-stressed regions. The use of chemical and isotopic tracers once again shows their relevance in such zones where systematic monitoring is lacking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our assessment of 30 water bodies in the vicinity of the Mae Moh coal mine and power station in northern Thailand does not indicate substantial water quality management challenges to developing fisheries/aquaculture in peripheral reservoirs and streams. Negative water quality issues such as high concentrations of arsenic (2-17 μg/L) and ions including sulfate (868-2605 mg/L), sodium (217-552 mg/L), and total ammonia (<1-5 mg/L) were associated with groundwater and surface water resources on the facility, as well as the stream network draining from it. Total dissolved solids were also very high, ranging from 658 to 3610 mg/L. Six of seven ponds tested had As concentrations in the range of 5-17 μg/L. Although these levels are less than the Thai regulation for industrial effluent, they are elevated over background surface water concentrations. The highest concentration in a contaminated stream was 10.54 μg/L As, which is only slightly above the WHO (2017) regulation of 10 μg/L for drinking water. Ponds, contaminated streams, and deep subsurface water should not be used for fisheries/aquaculture without extensive remediation/treatment. Concentrations of these water parameters in peripheral streams and reservoirs were not of environmental concern. High water hardness (161-397 mg/L CaCO3 and potential ionic imbalances may be the greatest hindrances to developing sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in reservoirs in the study area. Routine monitoring of inorganic As species and other contaminants in water is needed to assess the full extent of arsenic risk at the site following closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) were investigated in surface waters (Laranjinha River and Ribeirão das Pedras stream) and groundwaters from a coal mining area sampled in two different seasons at Figueira city, Paraná State, Brazil. The spatial data distribution indicated that the acid effluents favor the chemical elements leaching and transport from the tailings pile into the superficial water bodies or aquifers, modifying their quality. The acid groundwaters in both sampling periods (dry: pH 2.94-6.04; rainy: pH 3.25-6.63) were probably due to the AMD generation and infiltration, after the oxidation of sulfide minerals. Such acid effluents cause an increase of the solubilization rate of metals, mainly iron and aluminum, contributing to both groundwater and surface water contamination. Sulfate in high levels is a result of waters\' pollution due to AMD. In some cases, high sulfate and low iron contents, associated with less acidic pH values, could indicate that AMD, previously generated, is nowadays being neutralized. The chemistry of the waters affected by AMD is controlled by the pH, sulfide minerals\' oxidation, oxygen, iron content, and microbial activity. It is also influenced by seasonal variations that allow the occurrence of dissolution processes and the concentration of some chemical elements. Under the perspective of the waters\' quality evaluation, the parameters such as conductivity, dissolved sodium, and sulfate concentrations acted as AMD indicators of groundwaters and surface waters affected by acid effluents.





