structure-based drug design

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neglected tropical disease (NTD) leishmaniasis is the collective name given to a diverse group of illnesses caused by ~20 species belonging to the genus Leishmania, a majority of which are vector borne and associated with complex life cycles that cause immense health, social, and economic burdens locally, but individually are not a major global health priority. Therapeutic approaches against leishmaniasis have various inadequacies including drug resistance and a lack of effective control and eradication of the disease spread. Therefore, the development of a rationale-driven, target based approaches towards novel therapeutics against leishmaniasis is an emergent need. The utilization of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning methods, which have made significant advances in drug discovery applications, would benefit the discovery process. In this review, following a summary of the disease epidemiology and available therapies, we consider three important leishmanial metabolic pathways that can be attractive targets for a structure-based drug discovery approach towards the development of novel anti-leishmanials. The folate biosynthesis pathway is critical, as Leishmania is auxotrophic for folates that are essential in many metabolic pathways. Leishmania can not synthesize purines de novo, and salvage them from the host, making the purine salvage pathway an attractive target for novel therapeutics. Leishmania also possesses an organelle glycosome, evolutionarily related to peroxisomes of higher eukaryotes, which is essential for the survival of the parasite. Research towards therapeutics is underway against enzymes from the first two pathways, while the third is as yet unexplored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep generative models have shown the ability to devise both valid and novel chemistry, which could significantly accelerate the identification of bioactive compounds. Many current models, however, use molecular descriptors or ligand-based predictive methods to guide molecule generation towards a desirable property space. This restricts their application to relatively data-rich targets, neglecting those where little data is available to sufficiently train a predictor. Moreover, ligand-based approaches often bias molecule generation towards previously established chemical space, thereby limiting their ability to identify truly novel chemotypes. In this work, we assess the ability of using molecular docking via Glide-a structure-based approach-as a scoring function to guide the deep generative model REINVENT and compare model performance and behaviour to a ligand-based scoring function. Additionally, we modify the previously published MOSES benchmarking dataset to remove any induced bias towards non-protonatable groups. We also propose a new metric to measure dataset diversity, which is less confounded by the distribution of heavy atom count than the commonly used internal diversity metric. With respect to the main findings, we found that when optimizing the docking score against DRD2, the model improves predicted ligand affinity beyond that of known DRD2 active molecules. In addition, generated molecules occupy complementary chemical and physicochemical space compared to the ligand-based approach, and novel physicochemical space compared to known DRD2 active molecules. Furthermore, the structure-based approach learns to generate molecules that satisfy crucial residue interactions, which is information only available when taking protein structure into account. Overall, this work demonstrates the advantage of using molecular docking to guide de novo molecule generation over ligand-based predictors with respect to predicted affinity, novelty, and the ability to identify key interactions between ligand and protein target. Practically, this approach has applications in early hit generation campaigns to enrich a virtual library towards a particular target, and also in novelty-focused projects, where de novo molecule generation either has no prior ligand knowledge available or should not be biased by it.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years pharmacophore modeling has become increasingly popular due to the development of software solutions and improvement in algorithms that allowed researchers to focus on interactions between protein and ligands instead of technical details of the software. At the same time, progress in computer hardware made molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on regular PC hardware possible. MD simulations are usually used, within the virtual screening process, to take into account the flexibility of the target and studying it in more realistic way. In order to do so, it is customary to use simulations before the virtual screening process and then use them for collecting some specific conformation of the target used. Furthermore, some researchers have demonstrated that the use of multiple crystal structures of the same protein can be valuable to better explore the role of the ligand within the binding pocket and then evaluate the most important interactions that are created during the host-guest recognition process. Findings derived from the MD analysis, especially focused on interactions, can be in fact exploited as features for pharmacophore generation or constraints to be used in the molecular docking as integrated steps of the whole virtual screening process. In this chapter, we will present the recent advances in the field pharmacophore modeling combined with the use of MD, a field well explored by our research group in the last 2 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a super-family of membrane proteins that attract great pharmaceutical interest due to their involvement in almost every physiological activity, including extracellular stimuli, neurotransmission, and hormone regulation. Currently, structural information on many GPCRs is mainly obtained by the techniques of computer modelling in general and by homology modelling in particular. Based on a quantitative analysis of eighteen antagonist-bound, resolved structures of rhodopsin family \"A\" receptors - also used as templates to build 153 homology models - it was concluded that a higher sequence identity between two receptors does not guarantee a lower RMSD between their structures, especially when their pair-wise sequence identity (within trans-membrane domain and/or in binding pocket) lies between 25 % and 40 %. This study suggests that we should consider all template receptors having a sequence identity ≤50 % with the query receptor. In fact, most of the GPCRs, compared to the currently available resolved structures of GPCRs, fall within this range and lack a correlation between structure and sequence. When testing suitability for structure-based drug design, it was found that choosing as a template the most similar resolved protein, based on sequence resemblance only, led to unsound results in many cases. Molecular docking analyses were carried out, and enrichment factors as well as attrition rates were utilized as criteria for assessing suitability for structure-based drug design.





