speech disorders

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of clear twin block (CTB) and traditional twin block (TTB) appliances on speech.
    METHODS: In this randomized clinical trial, 18 skeletal Class II (Class II, division 1) growing patients were selected and randomly divided into CTB and TTB groups. Objective and semiobjective speech assessment tests were performed for vowel and consonant analyses at four time intervals: before (T0), immediately after (T1), 1 month after (T2), and 3 months after (T3) inserting the appliance. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and independent t-test at the .05 significance level.
    RESULTS: Intergroup comparisons showed that the CTB group had less speech distortion immediately after insertion of the appliance (P < .05) than the TTB group; however, the differences were not significant at other time intervals. Intragroup comparisons showed that the number of distortions decreased significantly from T1 to T3 in both groups (P < .05). In contrast to CTB, the T0-T3 comparison was significant in the TTB group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although both appliances had some effects on speech, CTB had less speech distortion immediately after insertion, which is a very crucial moment in patient compliance. Additionally, articulation structures adapted to CTB faster than to TTB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Large curated data sets are required to leverage speech-based tools in health care. These are costly to produce, resulting in increased interest in data sharing. As speech can potentially identify speakers (ie, voiceprints), sharing recordings raises privacy concerns. This is especially relevant when working with patient data protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the reidentification risk for speech recordings, without reference to demographics or metadata, in clinical data sets considering both the size of the search space (ie, the number of comparisons that must be considered when reidentifying) and the nature of the speech recording (ie, the type of speech task).
    METHODS: Using a state-of-the-art speaker identification model, we modeled an adversarial attack scenario in which an adversary uses a large data set of identified speech (hereafter, the known set) to reidentify as many unknown speakers in a shared data set (hereafter, the unknown set) as possible. We first considered the effect of search space size by attempting reidentification with various sizes of known and unknown sets using VoxCeleb, a data set with recordings of natural, connected speech from >7000 healthy speakers. We then repeated these tests with different types of recordings in each set to examine whether the nature of a speech recording influences reidentification risk. For these tests, we used our clinical data set composed of recordings of elicited speech tasks from 941 speakers.
    RESULTS: We found that the risk was inversely related to the number of comparisons an adversary must consider (ie, the search space), with a positive linear correlation between the number of false acceptances (FAs) and the number of comparisons (r=0.69; P<.001). The true acceptances (TAs) stayed relatively stable, and the ratio between FAs and TAs rose from 0.02 at 1 × 105 comparisons to 1.41 at 6 × 106 comparisons, with a near 1:1 ratio at the midpoint of 3 × 106 comparisons. In effect, risk was high for a small search space but dropped as the search space grew. We also found that the nature of a speech recording influenced reidentification risk, with nonconnected speech (eg, vowel prolongation: FA/TA=98.5; alternating motion rate: FA/TA=8) being harder to identify than connected speech (eg, sentence repetition: FA/TA=0.54) in cross-task conditions. The inverse was mostly true in within-task conditions, with the FA/TA ratio for vowel prolongation and alternating motion rate dropping to 0.39 and 1.17, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that speaker identification models can be used to reidentify participants in specific circumstances, but in practice, the reidentification risk appears small. The variation in risk due to search space size and type of speech task provides actionable recommendations to further increase participant privacy and considerations for policy regarding public release of speech recordings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep functional and structural neuroimaging of a series of Gerstmann\'s syndrome patients required high accuracy, and our results avoided false overlaps of heterogeneous brain lesions by handling each case of our study subjects separately as an individual case regarding functional and neuroimaging tests. Six patients with Gerstmann tetrad (one with dominant acalculia, one with dominant left and right disorientation, two with writing disabilities and two with finger agnosia) and 6 control subjects with close ages were recruited in the current study. In the main phase, we assessed brain activation in response to experimental and interventional settings using neuroimaging techniques (FMRI-Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagingwhere twelve pictures were taken on a Dell inspiration 3T all-body scanner with sequences of echo pictures, 80o angled, TE 35 ms) of the subject\'s brain to declare lesions existence and locations that might result in one of the four cognitive impairment domains of Gerstman\'s syndrome tetrad. We assessed statistically significant differences of patient images vs. control images as well as the images of patients presenting specific symptomatic cognitive dysfunction domain vs. the images of patients presenting the three other domains. Neuroimages were analyzed using multiple databases such as T1 weighted and free sequence types. Gerstmann\'s syndrome is mainly connected to injury in the dominant parietal lobe, so images comparisons and analysis were only restricted to the left parietal lobe region. P values <0.05were only considered as statistically significant difference in comparisons of functional tests time and accuracy of patients vs. in addition to comparisons of brain images parameters of patient group vs. control group and specific symptomatic domain patients vs. other symptomatic domains patients. Regarding functional testing, Patients group took significantly higher time compared to control group. Regarding brain images parameters, patients in each domain showed significantly different lesions compared to other domains. Moreover, control subjects showed no lesions in the left parietal lobe compared to significant lesions in the patient groups. These results oppose the theory of Gerstmann that a common brain structural injury may result in the combination of all of the four symptomatic dysfunction domains. This may be due to the fact that Gerstmann examined incomplete cases which represent a considerable criticism to his scientific basis. Moreover, he excluded patients with speech difficulties and apraxia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Stuttering is a type of communication and fluency disorder that hurts mental and emotional health. It is also associated with a significant increase in both trait and social anxiety. Studies on stuttering in adults have indicated the nature and impact of this phenomenon. In addition, some psychological aspects of this phenomenon remain vague and need further investigation. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare emotion regulation difficulties, repetitive negative thinking, and experiential avoidance between people who stutter and healthy individuals. Method : In this study, 101 people who stutter (43 females and 58 males, with a mean age of 29.55 ± 187 years), as well as 110 healthy individuals (74 females and 36 males, with a mean age of 25.57 ± 489 years) as participants were chosen using the convenience sampling method among those who referred to the speech therapy clinics of Tehran, Iran. Research instruments including the repetitive negative thinking inventory, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, and Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-I) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using multivariate ANOVA test and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results: The mean age of the participants was 29.55 years in the people who stutter and 25.57 years in the healthy individuals (P < 0.01). The present results indicated that the mean score of experiential avoidance was higher in the people who stutter (M ± SD: 35.74 ± 9.24) compared to the healthy individuals (M ± SD: 8.89 ± 31.11). Additionally, the mean score of emotion regulation difficulties was higher in the people who stutter (M ± SD: 88.75 ± 20.59) compared to the healthy individuals (M ± SD: 64.14 ± 94.94) (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the mean score of repetitive negative thinking between the people who stutter (M ± SD: 98.45 ± 25.85) and healthy individuals (M ± SD: 93.71 ± 25.24) groups (P > 0.05). There was a significant correlation between experiential avoidance and emotion regulation difficulties in people who stutter (P < 0.01). Experiential avoidance and repetitive negative thinking can significantly predict emotion regulation difficulties in people who stutter (R = 0.65, P < 0.01). Conclusion: People who stutter obtained higher emotion regulation difficulties and experiential avoidance scores than those without stuttering and A significant correlation between experiential avoidance and emotion regulation difficulties was found. Future studies should consider the role of emotion regulation difficulties and experiential avoidance in people who stutter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study explores the features of bilingual neurogenic stuttering and the potential connection between emotion and articulation rate on speech disfluencies.
    METHODS: The participant is  a 59-year old, Yiddish-English bilingual male with a moderate non-fluent aphasia. Thirty-two narratives (16 in each language), elicited using cue words, were analyzed for frequency of disfluency, type of disfluency (stuttering vs. non-stuttering-like), word-type (content vs. function), within-word location of disfluency, and occurrence of accessory behaviors. Additionally, the percentage and type of emotion (positive vs. negative) expressed, and articulation rate (fluent syllables spoken/duration of fluent utterances) was assessed.
    RESULTS: Disfluency occurred in each language with approximately equal frequency. The most common stuttering-like disfluencies were repetitions (monosyllabic, sound, and syllable) and prolongations. The most common non-stuttering-like disfluencies were self-correction/revisions, phrase and multisyllabic word repetitions, and pauses (silent and filled). In both languages, disfluencies occurred on both content and function words, but primarily content words, and in any position of the word, although primarily initial position. No accessory behaviors were noted. There was a similar amount of emotion words used in each language although the first acquired language, L1/Yiddish, had an overall more positive tone, and his second acquired language, L2/English, had a more negative tone. Additionally, there was a negative relationship between emotion and the number of disfluencies in L1/Yiddish, and a positive relationship in L2/English. A faster articulation rate was found in his native and more proficient language, Yiddish, than English. There was a negative relationship between articulation rate and the number of disfluencies in L1/Yiddish, and a positive relationship in L2/English.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cross-linguistics differences for emotion and articulation rate demonstrates that these aspects impact on fluency and contributes to the disfluencies in each language. Clinical implications of the study demonstrates the importance of assessment of bilingual (i.e., proficiency and dominance) and fluency features of each language in the diagnostic process and the significance of considering emotional processes and articulation rate as part of a comprehensive intervention plan for acquired stuttering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study compared the interrater reliability of adult naïve listeners\' perceptual assessments of different speech variables in children with a cleft palate with or without a cleft lip (CP ± L). In addition, the study investigated whether the listeners were able to perceive differences in these speech variables before and after speech therapy for cleft palate speech disorders.
    Thirty-four speech samples of 14 children with a CP ± L (14 samples collected immediately before 10 hr of speech intervention, 14 samples collected immediately after speech intervention, and six randomly selected samples that were duplicated to assess intrarater reliability) were perceptually assessed by 26 adult naïve listeners. The listening panel consisted of nine men and 17 women (age range: 18-51 years). The speech variables included speech understandability, speech acceptability, hypernasality, hyponasality, nasal airflow, and articulation, which were assessed on a visual analog scale. Furthermore, the need for speech therapy was assessed.
    Good to very good interrater reliability was observed for the naïve listeners\' ratings of all speech variables. A significant time effect was found for the pre- and postevolution of the speech variables \"speech understandability,\" \"speech acceptability,\" \"nasal airflow,\" and \"articulation.\" This time effect indicates an improvement of these variables postintervention. According to the naïve listeners, children were less in need of additional speech therapy after the 10-hr intervention period compared to assessments before this intervention period.
    Adult naïve listeners perceptually identified an improvement in different speech variables after 10 hr of cleft palate speech therapy. These findings confirm previous assessments of expert speech-language pathologists and suggest that speech improvements after cleft palate speech therapy can also be perceived by communication partners outside the therapy room. Perceptual ratings of naïve listeners can, thus, be used to add life-situation significance to the assessments of experts. Future research could include both expert raters and caregivers or relatives of children with a CP ± L in listening panels, as previous knowledge on craniofacial anomalies may lead to different results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypokinetic dysarthria (HD) is a difficult-to-treat symptom affecting quality of life in patients with Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Levodopa may partially alleviate some symptoms of HD in PD, but the neural correlates of these effects are not fully understood. The aim of our study was to identify neural mechanisms by which levodopa affects articulation and prosody in patients with PD. Altogether 20 PD patients participated in a task fMRI study (overt sentence reading). Using a single dose of levodopa after an overnight withdrawal of dopaminergic medication, levodopa-induced BOLD signal changes within the articulatory pathway (in regions of interest; ROIs) were studied. We also correlated levodopa-induced BOLD signal changes with the changes in acoustic parameters of speech. We observed no significant changes in acoustic parameters due to acute levodopa administration. After levodopa administration as compared to the OFF dopaminergic condition, patients showed task-induced BOLD signal decreases in the left ventral thalamus (p = 0.0033). The changes in thalamic activation were associated with changes in pitch variation (R = 0.67, p = 0.006), while the changes in caudate nucleus activation were related to changes in the second formant variability which evaluates precise articulation (R = 0.70, p = 0.003). The results are in line with the notion that levodopa does not have a major impact on HD in PD, but it may induce neural changes within the basal ganglia circuitries that are related to changes in speech prosody and articulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the ability of a cleft-specific multi-site learning health network registry to describe variations in cleft outcomes by cleft phenotypes, ages, and treatment centers. Observed variations were assessed for coherence with prior study findings.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of prospectively collected data from 2019-2022.
    METHODS: Six cleft treatment centers collected data systematically during routine clinic appointments according to a standardized protocol.
    METHODS: 714 English-speaking children and adolescents with non-syndromic cleft lip/palate.
    METHODS: Routine multidisciplinary care and systematic outcomes measurement by cleft teams.
    METHODS: Speech outcomes included articulatory accuracy measured by Percent Consonants Correct (PCC), velopharyngeal function measured by Velopharyngeal Competence (VPC) Rating Scale (VPC-R), intelligibility measured by caregiver-reported Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS), and two CLEFT-Q™ surveys, in which patients rate their own speech function and level of speech distress.
    RESULTS: 12year-olds exhibited high median PCC scores (91-100%), high frequency of velopharyngeal competency (62.50-100%), and high median Speech Function (80-91) relative to younger peers parsed by phenotype. Patients with bilateral cleft lip, alveolus, and palate reported low PCC scores (51-91%) relative to peers at some ages and low frequency of velopharyngeal competency (26.67%) at 5 years. ICS scores ranged from 3.93-5.0 for all ages and phenotypes. Speech Function and Speech Distress were similar across phenotypes.
    CONCLUSIONS: This exploration of speech outcomes demonstrates the current ability of the cleft-specific registry to support cleft research efforts as a source of \"real-world\" data. Further work is focused on developing robust methodology for hypothesis-driven research and causal inference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background  This article describes the development of the Myanmar Articulation, Resonation, Nasal Emission, and Nasal Turbulence test for children with cleft lip and palate (CLP), and evaluation of its validity and reliability. Methods  It was created by three Thai researchers and a Burmese research assistant based on Burmese phonology. The content validity was evaluated by six Burmese language experts. All test items were divided into three groups: high-pressure oral consonants, low-pressure oral consonants, and nasal consonants. Results  All items (58-word and 32-phrase/sentence) gave an excellent level of the expert agreement (item-level content validity indexes = 1.00). The target items were illustrated as color pictures. Each picture was clearly drawn and easy to identify. As a pilot study of face validity, all pictures were administered to 10 typical-developing children. The actual testing was assessed by 10 CLP children, and the developed test was analyzed through consultation of the Burmese teachers and interpreters from a speech camp. Testing scores for a total including three groups of target items were shown acceptable for internal consistency reliability (ranged from 0.4 to 0.88). Conclusion  The constructed test is valid in terms of its content.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    This prospective, single-blinded, parallel, stratified, randomized clinical trial via telehealth aimed to investigate the impact of Startle Adjuvant Rehabilitation Therapy (START) on aphasia, apraxia of speech (AOS), and quality of life in individuals with chronic stroke. The study hypothesized that START would have a greater effect on AOS-related measures and more severe individuals.
    Forty-two participants with poststroke aphasia, AOS, or both were randomly assigned to the START or control group. Both groups received 77-dB GET READY and GO cues during a word repetition task for three 1-hr sessions on consecutive days. The START group additionally received 105-dB white noise GO cues during one third of trials. The Western Aphasia Battery-Revised, Apraxia Battery for Adults, Stroke Impact Scale, and Communication Outcomes After Stroke scale were administered at Day 1, Day 5, and 1-month follow-up.
    START improved performance on some subtests of the Western Aphasia Battery (Comprehension, Repetition, Reading) and measures of AOS (Diadochokinetic Rate, Increasing Word Length) in individuals with moderate/severe aphasia, whereas moderate/severe controls saw no changes. Individuals with mild aphasia receiving START had improved Reading, whereas mild controls saw improved Comprehension. The START group had increased mood and perceived communication recovery by Day 5, whereas controls saw no changes in quality of life.
    This study is the first to evaluate the impact of training with startling acoustic stimuli on clinical measures of aphasia and AOS. Our findings suggest START can enhance both nontrained speech production and receptive speech tasks in moderate/severe aphasia, possibly by reducing poststroke cortical inhibition. Our findings should be considered carefully, as our limitations include small effect sizes, within-group variability, and low completion rates for quality-of-life assessments and follow-up visits. Future studies should explore a mechanism of action, conduct larger and longer Phase 2 clinical trials, and evaluate long-term retention.





