
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite being high-achieving students, many medical students face academic challenges, particularly during their first year of study. Research indicates that self-regulated learning, involving metacognitive processes and adaptive strategies, can positively influence academic achievement. This study aimed to assess the early learning and study skills of first-year medical students in an international medical school with the goal of developing a learner-centered educational intervention to promote self-regulated learning.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) questionnaire that was administered annually each August to first-year medical students from 2019 to 2022. The distribution of students across different percentile ranges for each selected variable was determined for each year and all years collectively. Students were counted within distinct percentile brackets (50th and below, between 51st and 75th, and above 75th ) for each variable.
    RESULTS: A total of 147 students completed the LASSI questionnaire over the 4-year time period. Using academic resources was the greatest concern, with 67% of students in the 50th or below percentile, followed by selecting the main idea (56%), motivation (51%), and concentration (50%). Attitude scored highest across all cohorts, scoring between 21.55 ± 0.73 and 26.49 ± 0.34. In comparing mean scores of LASSI variables across all cohorts, attitude, motivation, test-taking strategies, time management, and the use of academic resources differed significantly (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: LASSI data can provide an early picture of students\' support needs. We posit that early identification of student learning and study skills and areas of struggle can inform personalized educational interventions and programs to support first-year medical students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual differences in reward salience may relate to the difficulty in regulating the effects of multiple substances (e.g., nicotine and food). Increased brain activation in reward and self-regulation (SR) regions has been evidenced while adults view appetitive cues (e.g., food pictures) to test substance use disorder treatment response. Enhancing SR with behavioral interventions may increase brain activation in SR regions and reduce responses in reward regions. Our primary analysis demonstrated increased brain activation in SR regions to smoking cues among individuals who practiced SR by delaying their first cigarette of the day for 2 weeks. However, little is known about the generalizability of SR between appetitive cues. This secondary analysis explored the influence of adherence to a SR behavioral intervention by examining the impact of practicing smoking SR on brain activation to food cues among adults who smoke. Participants (N = 65) were randomly assigned to practice SR by delaying their first daily cigarette or smoking as usual for 2-weeks. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected while people were told to think of \"negative\" or \"positive\" associations with the cue. The results indicated that practicing smoking SR was linked with increased activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) when viewing food cues. There was no correlation between delaying smoking adherence and brain activation in the dlPFC. Exploratory analyses suggested higher dlPFC activation when people thought about \"positive\" associations with the food cues instead of \"negative\" ones. We concluded that practicing smoking SR is related to increased brain activation to food cues, suggesting potential generalizability of SR practice from smoking cues to food cues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to investigate the impact of physical activity and self-control on college students\' mobile phone addiction through cross-lagged longitudinal surveys, addressing the limitations of previous cross-sectional studies.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 414 college students were tracked three times during a 12-month period using the Physical Activity Rating Scale-3 (PARS-3), the Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale (MPATS), and the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS). AMOS25.0 software was used to construct the cross-lagged relationship model, and the maximum likelihood approach was employed to investigate the model fitting. The asynchronous correlation between variables was investigated from the time series through the cross-lagged path coefficient.
    UNASSIGNED: The fitting indexes of the cross-lagged model showed x 2/df = 5.098, GFI = 0.977, NFI = 0.969, IFI = 0.975, CFI = 0.974; RMSEA = 0.100, and SRMR = 0.030. The calculation conducted by combining the path coefficient of the model shows that PA and SC are the antecedent variables of MPA, and PA is the antecedent variable of SC. In addition, SC serves as a mediator in the path of PA, affecting MPA.
    UNASSIGNED: (1) physical activity can positively affect subsequent self-control; (2) physical activity can negatively influence subsequent mobile phone addiction; (3) self-control can negatively affect subsequent mobile phone addiction; and (4) physical activity can indirectly influence subsequent mobile phone addiction through self-control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In spite of the increasing popularity of project-based collaborative learning (PBCL) as a pedagogy, real successful collaboration cannot always be achieved due to the cognitive, motivational and social emotional challenges students encounter during collaboration. Recognizing the challenges and developing regulation strategies to cope with the challenges at both individual and group level is essential for successful collaboration. In the last decades, a growing interest has been developed around socially shared regulation of emotions and how it is interwoven with self-regulation and co-regulation. However, capturing the process of students\' emotional challenges and regulations in a long and dynamic project proves difficult and there remains a paucity of evidence on how co-regulation and socially-shared regulation co-occur with learners\' cognitive and emotional progress in project-based collaborative learning. The purpose of the present study is to investigate and identify what kind of social emotional challenges students encountered during PBCL and how they regulate themselves and the groups in order to finish the projects. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted in an academic English classroom, with thirty-eight students self-reporting their challenges and regulations three times after finishing each of the projects. The results of qualitative analysis plus a case study of two groups indicate that students encounter a variety of social emotional challenges and employed different levels of co-regulation and socially shared regulation in addition to self-regulation, leading to varying collaboration results and experiences. The findings of the study offer insights into the emotional regulation in PBCL and shed light for future design of pedagogical interventions aiming at supporting socially shared regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inherent dual roles of \"follower\" and \"leader\" among ecosystem entrepreneurs inevitably introduce challenges in managing conflicting dependent and independent goals. Ecosystem entrepreneurs\' capabilities in conflict goals management directly influence new venture survival and development. This single-case qualitative study explores how ecosystem entrepreneurs develop conflict goals management capabilities through self-regulation, which is not only a unique practical challenge in ecosystem entrepreneurship, but also a cutting-edge topic in current theoretical research. Through research of entrepreneurs in Haier Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, the paper finds: (1) strategic corresponding and mechanism adapting emerge as the two trigger factors enabling ecosystem entrepreneurs to recognize the equilibrium or disequilibrium between conflicting goals; (2) by leveraging self-control, grit, and metacognition, ecosystem entrepreneurs construct decoupling mechanisms for antagonistic goal recognition and coupling mechanisms for synergistic goal recognition; (3) ecosystem entrepreneurs enhance their conflict goals management capabilities by developing both segregative and synergistic management capabilities. Furthermore, this research explores the self-regulation process underlying ecosystem entrepreneurs\' conflict goals management behaviors, including environmental interaction perception, conflict goals analysis, and delineation of goal relationships. Findings provide insights for ecosystem entrepreneurs on improving their conflict goals management capabilities through self-assessment and skill development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Most persons with an active menstrual cycle suffer from a range of aversive symptoms (e.g. reduced ability to concentrate) in the days before their menstruation - the premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Biological and cognitive mechanisms of PMS are poorly understood. It has been shown that vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV), a physiological marker of self-regulation, decreases during the PMS-affected cycle phase (luteal phase) only in individuals with high PMS symptomology. This study investigates the specific associations between vmHRV, PMS symptomology and cognitive self-regulation (attentional control).
    METHODS: In this between-subject study, participants completed an vmHRV baseline measurement through electrocardiography, a reaction time paradigm to measure attentional control (modified attention network test revised, ANT-R) and filled out a questionnaire regarding impact of PMS as well as current menstrual phase.
    RESULTS: Mixed Model analysis showed interactions effects in the hypothesized direction. VmHRV was decreased during the luteal phase only in individuals with higher PMS. Analogously, performance in the Executive Functioning of the ANT-R task was reduced in the luteal compared to the follicular phase only in individuals with increased PMS symptoms. No effects were found in the Orienting Network Score.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results point in the direction of associations between vmHRV, PMS and self-regulation. This could hint at common underlying mechanisms. Further research, however, must be conducted to examine causal pathways to confirm these associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Self-regulation is crucial for nurses who engage in in-depth end-of-life conversations with advanced cancer patients, especially in cultural contexts featuring death taboos. An improved understanding of the self-regulation process of nurses can help them address negative emotions and promote self-growth more effectively. Therefore, this study aimed to explore nurses\' self-regulation process after end-of-life conversations with advanced cancer patients.
    METHODS: This study employed a descriptive, qualitative approach. Seventeen nurses from four hospitals and a hospice unit in mainland China were interviewed between September 2022 and June 2023. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews. A thematic analysis method was used to analyse the data following the guidance of regulatory focus theory.
    RESULTS: Three main themes were developed: self-regulation antecedents include personality, experience, and support; promotion or prevention is a possible self-regulation process for nurses; both self-exhaustion and self-growth may be the outcomes of self-regulation, as did seven subthemes. Personality tendencies, life experience, and perceived support may affect nurses\' self-regulation, thereby affecting their self-regulation outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses exhibit different self-regulatory tendencies and self-regulation outcomes. The provision of peer support and counselling support to nurses is highly important with regard to achieving good self-regulation outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Implementing a self-refereeing system presents a unique challenge in sports education, particularly in academic and training settings where officiated sports prevail. However, Ultimate Frisbee stands out by entrusting players with both athlete and referee roles, introducing distinctive ethical complexities. This manuscript is intended to evaluate ethical behavior and self-control within the Spirit of the Game (SOTG) scoring system in Elite Ultimate. To address these, Ultimate employs the (SOTG) scoring system, integral since the sport\'s inception in the late 1980s. SOTG aims to enhance and evaluate athletes\' ethical conduct. This study evaluates SOTG\'s effectiveness in elite-level Ultimate, analyzing variations across divisions and age groups in three high-level tournaments.
    UNASSIGNED: Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected from five international Ultimate tournaments in 2022. Teams spanned diverse age groups (under 17 to over 50) and divisions (women\'s, mixed, open). Post-match, teams assessed opponents\' SOTG in five domains: Rules knowledge, fouls, fairness, attitude/self-control, and communication. Ratings used a 5-point Likert scale (\"poor\" to \"excellent\"). An overall SOTG score was calculated by aggregating domain scores.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study consistently revealed high SOTG scores, reflecting strong sportsmanship. \"Positive attitude and self-control\" consistently ranked highest, while \"Knowledge and use of the rules\" scored lowest. Divisional differences in SOTG were statistically insignificant. Notably, WMUCC2022 (participants aged 30+) had significantly higher SOTG scores, possibly indicating age-related self-control improvement or evolving sport culture. Lower rules knowledge scores may stem from linguistic translation challenges.
    UNASSIGNED: Self-refereeing promotes ethical behavior across divisions and age groups. SOTG underscores sportsmanship\'s importance and aligns with International Olympic Committee (IOC) and with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3, 4, 5 and 16 fostering a fairer, healthier, and more peaceful world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Prior studies have demonstrated that \"learning to learn\" (L2L) courses can lead to significant improvements in students\' Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) scores immediately following the course. This study aimed to analyze whether improvements in LASSI scores are sustained 1 year following an L2L elective course.
    METHODS: First-year pharmacy students in the classes of 2024 and 2025 completed the LASSI at the start of the fall semester and again immediately following an L2L course. One year later, during the second professional year, students completed the LASSI a third time. Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze within-participant differences in LASSI scores across each of the 10 LASSI scales. Univariate analysis of variance with Bonferroni correction was used for pairwise comparison.
    RESULTS: A total of 119 students completed all 3 LASSI assessments. LASSI scores improved in all 10 scales following completion of the L2L course. However, 1 year after the completion of the course, there was a statistically significant regression in all 10 scale scores (Wilks\' Λ [20,98] = 8.7). Among the 10 scales, scores for the Attitude and Concentration scales were statistically significantly lower during the second professional year relative to baseline at the start of the first professional year. Selecting Main Ideas was the only scale with a higher score during the second professional year relative to baseline.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite marked improvements in LASSI scores following the implementation of a \"learning to learn\" course for first-year pharmacy students, the improvements were not sustained after 1 year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the endeavor to advance our understanding of interindividual differences in dealing with chronic pain, numerous motivational theories have been invoked in the past decade. As they focus on relevant, yet different aspects of the dynamic, multilevel processes involved in human voluntary action control, research findings seem fragmented and inconsistent. Here we present Personality Systems Interactions theory as an integrative meta-framework elucidating how different motivational and volitional processes work in concert under varying contextual conditions. PSI theory explains experience and behavior by the relative activation of four cognitive systems that take over different psychological functions during goal pursuit. In this way, it may complement existing content-related explanations of clinical phenomena by introducing a functional, third-person perspective on flexible goal management, pain acceptance and goal maintenance despite pain. In line with emerging evidence on the central role of emotion regulation in chronic pain, PSI theory delineates how the self-regulation of positive and negative affect impacts whether behavior is determined by rigid stimulus-response associations (i.e., habits) or by more abstract motives and values which afford more behavioral flexibility. Along with testable hypotheses, multimodal interventions expected to address intuitive emotion regulation as a central process mediating successful adaptation to chronic pain are discussed.





