
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accidents caused by venomous animals, especially scorpions, are a major public health problem due to the increase in incidence in recent decades, since scorpion species have become well adapted to urbanized environments. Nonetheless, the impact of urbanization in scorpionism is not clear. The objective of this study is to correlate the variation in the incidence of scorpion accidents with the rate of urbanized area. This was a retrospective, epidemiological study of accidents by scorpions in 376 of the most populous Brazilian cities in 2019 and compared to ten years earlier, using Spearman\'s correlation coefficient. Data were obtained by accessing DATASUS/TABNET and IBGE Cidades platforms. A weak negative correlation between scorpion stings and urbanization was found in 2009 (rs = -0.145). The correlation between the variation in the incidence of scorpionism and the percentage of urbanized area was not significant. Although the highest incidence of scorpionism occurs in-more urbanized environments, there is a wide distribution of scorpion accidents, especially in tropical and subtropical regions due to climatic conditions, the level of urbanization of Brazilian municipalities was not the major factor in the increase of scorpion accidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Envenomation by terrestrial toxic animals is considered a serious risk to human health worldwide. Snakes, hymenopterans, spiders, and scorpions have mainly attracted the attention of medical literature. However, the relative importance of spiders has been studied only in a few countries. Here, we present the first retrospective study on the incidence of spider bites requiring hospital care in Spain, compared to bites or stings from snakes, hymenopterans, and scorpions. Using ICD9MC and ICD10 databases from the World Health Organization\'s International Classification of Diseases for the period 1997-2020, we quantified the cases of envenomation by spiders, compared to those by other terrestrial toxic animals, the demographic data of envenomation cases, the relative severity of spider bites, and the geographic distribution of envenomation cases. Overall, the incidence of acute intoxication by terrestrial toxic animals in Spain was ca. 1.23 cases per million inhabitants. In decreasing order of importance, cases were due to snakes, hymenopterans, spiders, scorpions, and myriapods. Fatal cases were extremely rare, caused mainly by hymenopterans. No fatalities were caused by spiders, scorpions, and myriapods. A greater incidence of snake bites occurred in northern Spain, but no geographical trends were found for spider bites or scorpion stings. Severe poisoning or life-threatening cases due to bites or stings from toxic terrestrial animals in Spain seems to be very low, especially for spiders, compared to other countries in the world. In general, spiders do not present a risk to human health and should not be considered a major driver of morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To search for compounds with antiprotozoal activity, effects of snake venoms on the ciliates Tetrahymena pyriformis was studied. T. pyriformis from subkingdom of Protozoa, including the protozoal pathogens, was used as a model organism to select the venoms that are the most active against parasitic protozoans. Various concentrations of venoms were added to the cells, and the cells that survived after 24 h were counted. Among the six snake species from the Viperidae family, the venom of the viper Vipera berus, which completely killed the cells at 49 μg/mL, was the most active. Among four species from the Elapidae family, the previously studied cobra venoms containing cytotoxins with strong antiprotozoal activity as well as the venom of krait Bungarus multicinctus (10 μg/mL) were the most active. The venoms of the pit vipers and Nikolsky\'s viper did not show any activity at 12.5 mg/mL. Thus, the venoms of V. berus and B. multicinctus are promising for the isolation of new antiprotozoal compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Amazon basin is one of the seven major geographical areas where scorpionism is recorded. In French Guiana, 90 stings per 100,000 inhabitants are registered per year. As the severity of cases is higher in children, descriptive studies are needed to have a better understanding of this pathology. The aim of the present study is to describe pediatric scorpionism in French Guiana.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a monocentric descriptive retrospective study on scorpion stings in all pediatric patients admitted to Cayenne General Hospital from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2018.
    UNASSIGNED: In this survey, 132 patients were included. Of them, 63% were male. Patients with general signs of envenomation were younger and lighter (p = 0.04). The picture was \"one sting\" (95.3%) by a \"big\" (47.6%), \"black\" (60%) and \"small pincer\" (58%) scorpion on the extremity of the body (84%). Stings occurred mainly during the day, while patients changed clothes. There was no envenomation during night. The monthly evaluation highlights that the number of stings and percentage of general signs of envenomation were closely connected to a composite variable including the variation of the level of rivers (p = 0.005). Cardiac symptoms were recorded in 82% of cases with general signs of envenomation. The presence of pulmonary; ear, nose, and throat (ENT); or gastrointestinal symptoms are related to major envenomation (p = 0.001, p = 0.01, and p = 0.02 respectively). Leukocytosis and glycemia increased according to the envenomation grade whereas serum potassium and alkaline reserve decreased. Forty-six patients needed hospitalization and seven of them required intensive care. No patient died nor presented sequelae at discharge from the hospital.
    UNASSIGNED: Pediatric scorpionism in French Guiana is closely associated with child activities and climatic conditions. Severe envenomation presented most of the time with cardiac, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scorpion envenomation is a life-threatening health problem in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly among children. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiologic characteristics, clinical profile, and prognosis of neurologic complications among children with scorpionism in Upper Egypt. In this retrospective study, the neurologic complications of scorpionism in 2 university hospitals were analyzed from the points of epidemiologic and clinical picture and outcomes. The neurologic manifestations were found at a high percentage (85%). Irritability was the main manifestation (83.4%), followed by sweating (81.5%), hyperthermia (33.6%), and priapism (48.2% of males). Moreover, convulsion and coma were found in 14.7% and 11% of children, respectively. Neurologic manifestations were common in children with scorpionism and they correlated with poor outcome. Identification of epidemiologic and clinical features of central nervous system complications of scorpionism in children provide important data, helping in development of management policies aiming at preventive control of scorpionism and decrease its mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Through natural selection, many animal organs have evolved superior mechanical properties and elegant hierarchical structures adaptive to their multiple biological functions. We combine experiments and theory to investigate the composition-structure-property-function relations of scorpion stingers. Their hierarchical structures and functionally gradient mechanical properties were revealed. Slow motion analysis of the penetration process of a scorpion stinger was performed to examine the refined survival skills of scorpions. An experiment-based mechanics model of the stinger was proposed, the results of which revealed an optimized range of penetration angle in an insertion event. Both theoretical and numerical results are in good agreement with our experimental measurements. The analysis method and physical insights of this work are potentially important for investigating a general class of sharp-edge biological materials, e.g., cattle horns, spider fangs, cat claws, and plant thorns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review describes the history of taxonomic research on scorpions and provides an updated checklist and key of the scorpions currently known in China. This checklist is based on a thorough review of the extant literatures on scorpion species whose presence has been confirmed in China through field expeditions and examination of scorpion collections, excepting a few members that have no clear distribution or are currently in doubt. Totally, the scorpion fauna of China consists of 53 species and subspecies belonging to 12 genera crossing five families, with 33 species (62.3%) and one genus being recorded as endemic. Additionally, identification key and the distribution of scorpions from China are provided.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial endosymbionts are common among arthropods, and maternally inherited forms can affect the reproductive and behavioural traits of their arthropod hosts. The prevalence of bacterial endosymbionts and their role in scorpion evolution have rarely been investigated. In this study, 61 samples from 40 species of scorpion in the family Vaejovidae were screened for the presence of the bacterial endosymbionts Cardinium, Rickettsia, Spiroplasma and Wolbachia. No samples were infected by these bacteria. However, one primer pair specifically designed to amplify Rickettsia amplified nontarget genes of other taxa. Similar off-target amplification using another endosymbiont-specific primer was also found during preliminary screenings. Results caution against the overreliance on previously published screening primers to detect bacterial endosymbionts in host taxa and suggest that primer specificity may be higher in primers targeting nuclear rather than mitochondrial genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scorpion envenomation is a poorly explored problem in French Guiana. The aim of our study was to describe the epidemiological and clinical features of scorpion stings.
    METHODS: Our study is retrospective. It was conducted in the emergency department (ED) of Cayenne General Hospital, over an 8-year period (2003-2010).
    RESULTS: During the study period, 253 patients presented to the emergency department with a history of a scorpion sting. The mean incidence was 32 ± 8 cases per year. The peak of incidence was observed in April and May which are the rainiest months in the year. In most cases, the envenomation occurred between 6:00 and 11:00 am. The site of the sting was on the extremities (hand or foot) in 81% of cases. The scorpion was identified or brought to the hospital in 113 cases. It was described as a slim pincers scorpion in 97 cases. The mean time elapsed between the scorpion sting and admission was 4 ± 5 h. The main clinical symptoms at admission to the ED were local signs in 178 cases (70.4%), digestive disorders in 13 cases, neurologic manifestations in 18 cases, and respiratory manifestations in 7 cases. Adrenergic syndrome was found in 117 cases (46.2%), and cholinergic syndrome in 5 cases (2%). Hypertension was found in 80 patients, 14 of them had already a history of chronic hypertension. Overall, a total of 118 patients (46.6%) had Class I envenoming, 131 patients (51.8%) had Class II envenoming, and 4 patients (1.6%) experienced Class III envenoming. The evolution was favorable in all cases and no death was recorded. However, 42 patients (18.2%) were hospitalized in a medical unit and 4 patients were hospitalized in ICU without needing mechanical ventilation, inotropes or vasoactive drugs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Scorpion envenomation is an increasing accident in French Guiana. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and can require ICU admission. Practitioners have to be made aware of severe cases found mainly in children.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Scorpion sting is a public health problem in Khuzestan, South-West Iran. The aims of the current study were to monitor the hospitalized children, due to scorpion sting, and releasing more clinical and epidemiologic data related to scorpionism in this Province.
    METHODS: In this retrospective study, the data of scorpion sting victims, among the hospitalized children in Abuzar Children Hospital of Ahvaz Jundi Shapur University of Medical Sciences, was analyzed from the points of epidemiological and clinical aspects in 2006.
    RESULTS: The scorpion species of 18 files out of 57 were recognized accurately, using Farzanpay\'s keyof Iranian scorpions, as Androctonus crassicauda (Scorpionida: Buthidae) and Hemiscorpious lepturus (Scorpionida: Hemiscorpiidae).
    CONCLUSIONS: The most scorpionism emergencies among the children in the Khuzestan should be paid to those species. However, H. lepturus sting emergencies are in the top of attention among the children.





