
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The problem of treating purulent scleral infections, rare but extremely severe complication of ophthalmic surgeries, remains unresolved. This article presents a case of successful surgical treatment of purulent scleritis - interlamellar scleral abscess - that developed in a patient after repeat penetrating keratoplasty performed due to infectious lysis of the transplant. Although the first keratoplasty was performed for acanthamoeba keratitis, there were no signs of acanthamoeba invasion in the transplant at the time of the second surgery. Scleritis manifested as an infiltrate with pus penetrating the anterior chamber and development of keratoiridocyclitis. During surgery, the abscess cavity was opened, irrigated with an antiseptic solution, and drained into the subconjunctival space; the anterior chamber was irrigated with balanced salt solution through a separate paracentesis. No infection recurrences were noted in the postoperative period and the corneal transplant remained clear.
    До настоящего времени не решена проблема лечения гнойных поражений склеры, являющихся редким, но крайне тяжелым осложнением офтальмологических операций. Мы представляем случай успешного хирургического лечения гнойного склерита — интерламеллярного абсцесса склеры, развившегося у пациентки после сквозной рекератопластики, выполненной по поводу инфекционного лизиса трансплантата. Хотя первая кератопластика проведена по поводу акантамебного кератита, на момент второй операции признаков акантамебной инвазии трансплантата уже не отмечалось. Склерит манифестировал в виде инфильтрата с проникновением гноя в переднюю камеру и развитием кератоиридоциклита. В ходе операции полость абсцесса была вскрыта, промыта раствором антисептика и дренирована в субконъюнктивальное пространство; передняя камера промыта раствором BSS через отдельный парацентез. В послеоперационном периоде рецидивов инфекции не отмечено, роговичный трансплантат сохраняет прозрачность.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanical properties of the sclera play a critical role in supporting the ocular structure and maintaining its shape. However, non-invasive measurements to quantify scleral biomechanics remain challenging. Recently introduced multi-directional optical coherence elastography (OCE) combined with an air-coupled ultrasound transducer for excitation of elastic surface waves was used to estimate phase speed and shear modulus in ex vivo rabbit globes (n = 7). The scleral phase speed (12.1 ± 3.2 m/s) was directional-dependent and higher than for corneal tissue (5.9 ± 1.4 m/s). In the tested locations, the sclera proved to be more anisotropic than the cornea by a factor of 11 in the maximum of modified planar anisotropy coefficient. The scleral shear moduli, estimated using a modified Rayleigh-Lamb wave model, showed significantly higher values in the circumferential direction (65.4 ± 31.9 kPa) than in meridional (22.5 ± 7.2 kPa); and in the anterior zone (27.3 ± 9.3 kPa) than in the posterior zone (17.8 ± 7.4 kPa). The multi-directional scanning approach allowed both quantification and radial mapping of estimated parameters within a single measurement. The results indicate that multi-directional OCE provides a valuable non-invasive assessment of scleral tissue properties that may be useful in the development of improved ocular models, the evaluation of potential myopia treatment strategies, and disease characterization and monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myopia is a common ocular condition characterized by biomechanical weakening revealed by increasing creep rate, cyclic softening scleral thinning, change of collagen fibril crimping, and excessive elongation of the posterior sclera resulting in blurred vision. Animal studies support scleral crosslinking as a potential treatment for myopia control by strengthening the weakened sclera and slowing scleral expansion. While multiple studies investigated aspects of the biomechanical weakening and strengthening effects in myopia and after scleral crosslinking, a comprehensive analysis of the underlying mechanical changes including the effect of vehicle injections is still missing. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive analysis of biomechanical changes by scleral inflation testing in experimental myopia, after retrobulbar vehicle injections and scleral crosslinking using genipin in tree shrews. Our results suggest that biomechanical weakening in myopia involves an increased creep rate and higher strain levels at which collagen fibers uncrimp. Both weakening effects were reduced after scleral crosslinking using genipin at doses that were effective in slowing myopia progression. Vehicle injections increased mechanical hysteresis and had a small but significant effect on slowing myopia progression. Also, our results support scleral crosslinking as a potential treatment modality that can prevent or counteract scleral weakening effects in myopia. Furthermore, vehicle solutions may cause independent biomechanical effects, which should be considered when developing and evaluating scleral crosslinking procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of using the adjustable flanged technique for secondary implantation of four-point scleral‑fixated posterior chamber intraocular lenses with two parallel 6-0 polyglactin sutures.
    METHODS: Two parallel 6-0 polyglactin sutures were passed separately through the two haptics on the horizontal line of the 4-haptic IOL. The four externalized sutures were then trimmed and cauterized to form flanges. The best corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and complications in all patients were observed and recorded.
    RESULTS: The flanged technique using two parallel 6-0 polyglactin sutures was applied to 14 aphakic eyes. The average preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.00 ± 0.88 LogMAR (Snellen 20/200), which improved to 0.42 ± 0.38 LogMAR (Snellen 20/48) at the final follow-up (P = 0.004). None of the patients experienced vitreous hemorrhage, low intraocular pressure, or issues with exposed or broken sutures.
    CONCLUSIONS: The simplicity of the technique, along with its ability to accommodate adjustments post-implantation, allows for optimal positioning and reduces risks like IOL tilt or dislocation. Overall, this is a promising approach to secondary IOL implantation, with potential benefits for both patient outcomes and surgical efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To use finite element (FE) analysis to assess what morphologic and biomechanical factors of the iris and anterior chamber are more likely to influence angle narrowing during pupil dilation.
    UNASSIGNED: The study consisted of 1344 FE models comprising the cornea, sclera, lens, and iris to simulate pupil dilation. For each model, we varied the following parameters: anterior chamber depth (ACD = 2-4 mm) and anterior chamber width (ACW = 10-12 mm), iris convexity (IC = 0-0.3 mm), iris thickness (IT = 0.3-0.5 mm), stiffness (E = 4-24 kPa), and Poisson\'s ratio (v = 0-0.3). We evaluated the change in (△∠) and the final dilated angles (∠f) from baseline to dilation for each parameter.
    UNASSIGNED: The final dilated angles decreased with a smaller ACD (∠f = 53.4° ± 12.3° to 21.3° ± 14.9°), smaller ACW (∠f = 48.2° ± 13.5° to 26.2° ± 18.2°), larger IT (∠f = 52.6° ± 12.3° to 24.4° ± 15.1°), larger IC (∠f = 45.0° ± 19.2° to 33.9° ± 16.5°), larger E (∠f = 40.3° ± 17.3° to 37.4° ± 19.2°), and larger v (∠f = 42.7° ± 17.7° to 34.2° ± 18.1°). The change in angles increased with larger ACD (△∠ = 9.37° ± 11.1° to 15.4° ± 9.3°), smaller ACW (△∠ = 7.4° ± 6.8° to 16.4° ± 11.5°), larger IT (△∠ = 5.3° ± 7.1° to 19.3° ± 10.2°), smaller IC (△∠ = 5.4° ± 8.2° to 19.5° ± 10.2°), larger E (△∠ = 10.9° ± 12.2° to 13.1° ± 8.8°), and larger v (△∠ = 8.1° ± 9.4° to 16.6° ± 10.4°).
    UNASSIGNED: The morphology of the iris (IT and IC) and its innate biomechanical behavior (E and v) were crucial in influencing the way the iris deformed during dilation, and angle closure was further exacerbated by decreased anterior chamber biometry (ACD and ACW).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the successful reconstruction of suture exposure with the oral mucosal graft in a patient with suture exposure after transscleral-sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. The 70-year-old patient had a history of vitreoretinal surgery and transscleral-sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation after complicated cataract surgery. He was referred to our department because of suture exposure. The best-corrected visual acuity was 20/2000 OD and 20/50 OS. We observed exposed PC9 sutures from both the nasal and temporal conjunctiva in the right eye. The patient showed appearance of scleromalacia in the same regions, so scleral flap surgery was not considered. Despite both tenoplasty and amniotic membrane transplant procedures, exposure could not be controlled. Instead, the patient received oral (buccal) mucosal graft transplant to the resistant exposure areas. A single layer of protective amniotic membrane was transplanted over the buccal mucosal graft. This method resulted in effective control of the exposed area. In conclusion, an oral mucosal graft can be used in many ocular pathologies that require conjunctival reconstruction because of the simplicity of tissue excision from the mucosa, allowing adequate tissue excision, durability of the obtained tissue, and ease of use. Our case report highlights that resistant transscleral-sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens suture exposure can be successfully managed with oral mucosal grafting.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: A modified surgical technique of sutured scleral fixated intraocular lens (SSF-IOL) was applied in a patient with post-traumatic aniridia and aphakia.
    METHODS: A 51-year-old man was referred to our clinic with decreased vision (finger count) in his right eye. This patient had previously undergone primary repair of the ruptured globe and pars plana vitrectomy to manage ocular trauma in the same eye. On presentation, the best corrected visual acuity in his right eye was 20/40. The slit lamp examination of his right eye revealed loss of total iris and lens. Corneal endothelial cell density was 1462 cells/mm2. Fundoscopic examination of the right eye revealed a retinal attachment. For IOL implantation, a rigid poly methyl methacrylate IOL was used with a 2-point scleral fixation performed using a polypropylene suture. One year postoperatively, the uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/32, and the manifest refraction was - 0.5/-1.5 × 130 (20/20). Pentacam revealed that the astigmatism of the anterior corneal surface and the total cornea was 1.1 D (axis: 59.8°) and 1.0 D (axis: 35.6°), respectively. The horizontal (3°-183°) cross-section image displayed an IOL with a 1° tilt and 0.425 mm decentration. The patient reported no dysphotopsia or photophobia and was satisfied with the visual results. OPD-scan III revealed that higher-order aberrations in the right eye were slightly higher than those in the left eye. No suture-related or other serious complications were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The modified SSF-IOL technique can offer improved visual quality for patients with aniridia and aphakia by ensuring proper IOL positioning and reducing astigmatism.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    One of the most common causes of eye loss is ocular trauma that overtime results in shrunken, non-functional eye known as a pthisical eye. The prosthetic options for such case include either prefabricated prosthesis or custom-made prothesis. Various materials and techniques are used for the fabrication of the prosthesis. Semi-customized prosthesis uses stock iris while the scleral shell is customized. This prosthesis has the advantages of both stock and custom-made prosthesis providing functionally and esthetically satisfactory result. This case report demonstrates the case of a 32 years old male who reported to the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown-Bridge, College of Dental Surgery, BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal for eye prosthesis to mask his pthisical eye. For this case, a semicustomized scleral shell prosthesis was planned and fabricated.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Background There are a wide range of pterygium excision techniques in practice. However, choosing the best possible option is an important factor to prevent its recurrence. Objective To compare the recurrence rate of different excision techniques and understand if a surgeon can alter the recurrence rate. Method A retrospective data of pterygium surgeries operated by a surgeon at Sagarmatha Choudhary Eye Hospital, Nepal from the year 2016 to 2018 was investigated for recurrence. The recurrence was measured by an independent Optometrist with the help of clinical photo and slit-lamp examination. A telephonic directory was maintained for every patient\'s follow up reminder. Result Altogether 916 individuals with mean age 56.20 years had undergone pterygium excision. Bare Sclera 280 (30.56%), Pterygium Extended Conjunctival Transplantation (PERFECT) 305 (33.29%), Conjunctival auto graft (CAG) 262 (28.60%), Simple Pterygium excision 60 (6.55%) and Amniotic Membrane Graft (AMG) 9 (0.98%), jointly formed the total study sample and surgical techniques. Recurrence for Bare sclera was 172 (61.42%), simple pterygium excision 34 (56.66%), Pterygium extended conjunctival transplantation 0 (0%), and conjunctival auto graft 2 (0.76%). Compared conjunctival auto graft with pterygium extended conjunctival transplantation and simple pterygium with bare sclera revealed similar recurrence rate comparatively. The p-value obtained were p = 0.2148 and p = 0.8152 (p > 0.05, 95% CI) respectively. Conclusion The loss of limbal stem cells in Bare sclera technique acts as stimulant for pterygium recurrence, in addition the remains of pterygial matter in simple pterygium excision acts as precursor for recurrence. Pterygium extended conjunctival transplantation indeed acts as barrier but needs fine surgical skills to perform. Conjunctival auto graft can be opted as an alternative technique for minimal recurrence as compared to Pterygium extended conjunctival transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Implantation of intraocular lens in the capsular bag has become the standard of care in aphakic state. However, in the absence of capsular support, several techniques and intraocular lenses are available. Our study aims to report the safety, efficacy, and clinical outcomes of transconjunctival intrascleral intraocular lens fixation with Yamane\'s double-needle technique and flanged haptics.
    METHODS: Prospective, observational study with some retrospective data collection. The study enrolled 13 patients (16 eyes) who underwent transconjunctival intrascleral fixation of an intraocular lens with Yamane\'s technique between June 2017 and April 2019 at Dhahran Eye Specialist Hospital and King Fahd University Hospital. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative comprehensive evaluation, including uncorrected and best-corrected vision, intraocular pressure, slit-lamp examination, dilated fundus examination, and ultrasound biomicroscopy. We excluded patients with visually significant coexistent pathology such as retinal diseases, glaucoma, follow-up less than three months, and combined surgery such as keratoplasty.
    RESULTS: The mean preoperative uncorrected visual acuity was 1.50 logMAR, and it improved to 0.60 logMAR. The mean preoperative best-corrected visual acuity was 0.70 logMAR, and it improved to 0.40 logMAR. The median safety index was 2.0, and the median efficacy index was 1.58. The postoperative complications included iris capture by the intraocular lens in one eye (7.7%), haptic extrusion in one eye (7.7%), and transient cornea edema in one eye (7.7%). There were no detected reports during the follow-up period of postoperative retinal detachment, choroidal detachment, elevation of the intraocular pressure (> 25 mmHg), hypotony, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, or endophthalmitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The transconjunctival intrascleral fixation of an intraocular lens is safe and effective with a short learning curve and was not associated with significant intraoperative or postoperative complications.





