public health intervention

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cameron County, a low-income south Texas-Mexico border county marked by severe health disparities, was consistently among the top counties with the highest COVID-19 mortality in Texas at the onset of the pandemic. The disparity in COVID-19 burden within Texas counties revealed the need for effective interventions to address the specific needs of local health departments and their communities. Publicly available COVID-19 surveillance data were not sufficiently timely or granular to deliver such targeted interventions. An agency-academic collaboration in Cameron used novel geographic information science methods to produce granular COVID-19 surveillance data. These data were used to strategically target an educational outreach intervention named \"Boots on the Ground\" (BOG) in the City of Brownsville (COB).
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a spatially targeted community intervention on daily COVID-19 test counts.
    METHODS: The agency-academic collaboration between the COB and UTHealth Houston led to the creation of weekly COVID-19 epidemiological reports at the census tract level. These reports guided the selection of census tracts to deliver targeted BOG between April 21 and June 8, 2020. Recordkeeping of the targeted BOG tracts and the intervention dates, along with COVID-19 daily testing counts per census tract, provided data for intervention evaluation. An interrupted time series design was used to evaluate the impact on COVID-19 test counts 2 weeks before and after targeted BOG. A piecewise Poisson regression analysis was used to quantify the slope (sustained) and intercept (immediate) change between pre- and post-BOG COVID-19 daily test count trends. Additional analysis of COB tracts that did not receive targeted BOG was conducted for comparison purposes.
    RESULTS: During the intervention period, 18 of the 48 COB census tracts received targeted BOG. Among these, a significant change in the slope between pre- and post-BOG daily test counts was observed in 5 tracts, 80% (n=4) of which had a positive slope change. A positive slope change implied a significant increase in daily COVID-19 test counts 2 weeks after targeted BOG compared to the testing trend observed 2 weeks before intervention. In an additional analysis of the 30 census tracts that did not receive targeted BOG, significant slope changes were observed in 10 tracts, of which positive slope changes were only observed in 20% (n=2). In summary, we found that BOG-targeted tracts had mostly positive daily COVID-19 test count slope changes, whereas untargeted tracts had mostly negative daily COVID-19 test count slope changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of spatially targeted community interventions is necessary to strengthen the evidence base of this important approach for local emergency preparedness. This report highlights how an academic-agency collaboration established and evaluated the impact of a real-time, targeted intervention delivering precision public health to a small community.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    OBJECTIVE: Preference information is increasingly being elicited to support decision-making. Although discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are commonly used, little is known about how respondents\' relative experience of a health issue, and its treatment, might impact the results of preference studies. The aim of this study was to explore how preferences differ between groups of individuals with varying levels of experience of a health issue and its treatment, using a weight loss maintenance (WLM) programme as a case study.
    METHODS: An online DCE survey was provided to four groups, each differing in their level of experience with weight loss and WLM programmes. One group was recruited from a randomised controlled trial of a WLM programme (ISRCTN14657176) and the other three from an online panel. Choice data were analysed using mixed logit models. Relative attribute importance scores and willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates were estimated to enable comparisons between groups.
    RESULTS: Preferences differed between the groups across different attributes. The largest differences related to the outcome (weight re-gain) and cost attributes, resulting in WTP estimates that were statistically significantly different. The most experienced group was willing to pay £0.35 (95% CI: £0.28, £0.42) to avoid a percentage point increase in weight re-gain, compared with £0.12 (95% CI: £0.08, £0.16) for the least experienced group.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence in a public health setting to suggest that preferences differ based on respondent experience of the health issue and its treatment. Health preference researchers should therefore carefully consider the appropriate composition of their study samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sewage surveillance could help develop proactive response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, but currently there are limited reports about examples in practical exercises. Here, we report a use case of intensified sewage surveillance to initiate public health action to thwart a looming Delta variant outbreak in Hong Kong. On 21 June 2021, albeit under basically contained COVID-19 situation in Hong Kong, routine sewage surveillance identified a high viral load of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in a sewage sample from one site covering over 33,000 population, suggesting infected cases living in the respective sewershed. The use of a newly developed method based on allele-specific real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (AS RT-qPCR) served to alert the first documentation of the Delta variant in local community sewage three days before the case was confirmed to be a Delta variant carrier. Intensified sewage surveillance was triggered. Targeted upstream sampling at sub-sewershed areas pinpointed the source of positive viral signal across spatial scales from sewershed to building level, and assisted in determining the specific area for issuing a compulsory testing order for individuals on 23 June 2021. A person who lived in a building with the positive result of sewage testing was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 on 24 June 2021. Viral genome sequences determined from the sewage sample were compared to those from the clinic specimens of the matched patient, and confirmed that the person was the source of the positive SARS-CoV-2 signal in the sewage sample. This study could help build confidences for public health agencies in using the sewage surveillance in their own communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The scaling up of public health interventions has received greater attention in recent years; however, there remains paucity of systematic investigations of the scaling up processes. We aim to investigate the overall process, actors and contexts of polio immunization scaling up in Indonesia from 1988 until 2018.
    A mixed method study with sequential explanatory design was conducted. We carried out a quantitative survey of 323 actors involved in the polio program at national and sub-national levels, followed by Key Informant Interviews (KII)s. Document review was also carried out to construct a timeline of the polio eradication program with milestones. We carried out descriptive statistical analysis of quantitative data and thematic analysis of qualitative data.
    The scaling up of polio immunization in Indonesia started as a vertical expansion approach led by the Ministry of Health within a centralized health system. The coverage of immunization increased dramatically from 5% in the earlier 80s to 67.5% in 1987; incremental increases followed until achieving Universal Child Immunization (UCI) in 1990 and subsequently 95% coverage in 1995. Engagement of stakeholders and funding made the scaling up of polio immunization a priority. There was also substantial multisector involvement, including institutions and communities. Local area monitoring (LAM) and integrated health posts (Posyandu) were key to the polio immunization implementation strategy. Challenges for scaling up during this centralized period included cold chain infrastructure and limited experience in carrying out mass campaigns. Scaling up during the decentralized era was slower due to expansion in the number of provinces and districts. Moreover, there were challenges such as the negative perception of immunization side-effects, staff turnover, and the unsmooth transition of centralization towards decentralization.
    Vertical scaling up of polio immunization program intervention was successful during the centralized era, with involvement of the president as a role model and the engine of multi sector actors. Posyandu (integrated health posts) played an important role, yet its revitalization after the reform-decentralization era has not been optimum.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat wave early warning systems help alert decision-makers and the public to prepare for hot weather and implement preventive actions to protect health. Prior to harmonization, public health units across Ontario either used independent systems with varying methodologies for triggering and issuing public heat warnings or did not use any system. The federal government also issued heat warnings based on different criteria. During heat events, adjacent public health units in Ontario and the federal government would routinely call heat warnings at different times with separate public messages, leading to confusion. This article describes the collaborative process and key steps in developing a harmonized Heat Warning and Information System (HWIS) for Ontario.
    Public health units across Ontario, Canada, collaborated with the federal and provincial government to develop the harmonized HWIS for Ontario.
    In 2011, stakeholders identified the need to develop a harmonized system across Ontario to improve heat warning services, warning criteria, and health messaging. Through a 5-year process facilitated by a non-governmental organization, the three levels of government collaborated to establish the Ontario HWIS.
    The province-wide HWIS was implemented in 2016 with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care\'s release of the harmonized HWIS Standard Operating Practice, which outlined the notification and warning process.
    The lessons learned could help spur action in other provinces and jurisdictions internationally in the development of similar health evidence-based warning systems, including in particular those for protecting public health during extreme heat events.






