population structure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population is characterized with great potentials in power and resolution of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, but single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based GWAS does not fully reach its potential. In this study, a MAGIC population of 1021 lines was developed from four Xian and four Geng varieties from five subgroups of rice. A total of 44 000 genes showed functional polymorphisms among eight parents, including frameshift variations or premature stop codon variations, which provides the potential to map almost all genes of the MAGIC population. Principal component analysis results showed that the MAGIC population had a weak population structure. A high-density bin map of 24 414 bins was constructed. Segregation distortion occurred in the regions possessing the genes underlying genetic incompatibility and gamete development. SNP-based association analysis and bin-based linkage analysis identified 25 significant loci and 47 QTLs for heading date, including 14 known heading date genes. The mapping resolution of genes is dependent on genetic effects with offset distances of <55 kb for major effect genes and <123 kb for moderate effect genes. Four causal variants and noncoding structure variants were identified to be associated with heading date. Three to four types of alleles with strong, intermediate, weak, and no genetic effects were identified from eight parents, providing flexibility for the improvement of rice heading date. In most cases, japonica rice carries weak alleles, and indica rice carries strong alleles and nonfunctional alleles. These results confirm that the MAGIC population provides the exceptional opportunity to detect QTLs, and its use is encouraged for mapping genes and mining favorable alleles for breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide association study (GWAS) is widely used to characterize genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with preharvest sprouting and seed dormancy. GWAS can identify both previously discovered and novel QTLs across diverse genetic panels. The high-throughput SNP arrays or next-generation sequencing technologies have facilitated the identification of numerous genetic markers, thereby significantly enhancing the resolution of GWAS. Although various methods have been developed, the fundamental principles underlying these techniques remain constant. Here, we provide a basic technological flow to perform seed dormancy assay, followed by GWAS using population structure control, and compared it with previous identified QTLs and genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The pilot-scale genome-wide association study in the US proso millet identified twenty marker-trait associations for five morpho-agronomic traits identifying genomic regions for future studies (e.g. molecular breeding and map-based cloning). Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) is an ancient grain recognized for its excellent water-use efficiency and short growing season. It is an indispensable part of the winter wheat-based dryland cropping system in the High Plains of the USA. Its grains are endowed with high nutritional and health-promoting properties, making it increasingly popular in the global market for healthy grains. There is a dearth of genomic resources in proso millet for developing molecular tools to complement conventional breeding for developing high-yielding varieties. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) is a widely used method to dissect the genetics of complex traits. In this pilot study of the first-ever GWAS in the US proso millet, 71 globally diverse genotypes of 109 the US proso millet core collection were evaluated for five major morpho-agronomic traits at two locations in western Nebraska, and GWAS was conducted to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with these traits. Analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference among the genotypes, and all five traits were also found to be highly correlated with each other. Sequence reads from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) were used to identify 11,147 high-quality bi-allelic SNPs. Population structure analysis with those SNPs showed stratification within the core collection. The GWAS identified twenty marker-trait associations (MTAs) for the five traits. Twenty-nine putative candidate genes associated with the five traits were also identified. These genomic regions can be used to develop genetic markers for marker-assisted selection in proso millet breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kiwifruit (Actinidiaceae family) is an economically important fruit tree in China and New Zealand. It is a typical dioecious plant that has undergone frequent natural hybridization, along with chromosomal ploidy diversity within the genus Actinidia, resulting in higher genetic differences and horticultural diversity between interspecific and intraspecific traits. This diversity provides a rich genetic base for breeding. China is not only the original center of speciation for the Actinidia genus but also its distribution center, housing the most domesticated species: A. chinensis var. chinensis, A. chinensis var. deliciosa, A. arguta, and A. polygama. However, there have been relatively few studies on the application of DNA markers and the genetic basis of kiwifruit plants. By combining information from chloroplast-specific SNPs and nuclear SCoT (nSCoT) markers, we can uncover complementary aspects of genetic variation, population structure, and evolutionary relationships. In this study, one chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) marker pair was selected out of nine cpDNA candidate pairs. Twenty nSCoT markers were selected and used to assess the population structure and chloroplast-specific DNA haplotype diversity in 55 kiwifruit plants (Actinidia), including 20 samples of A. chinensis var. chinensis, 22 samples of A. chinensis var. deliciosa, 11 samples of A. arguta, and two samples of A. polygama, based on morphological observations collected from China.
    RESULTS: The average genetic distance among the 55 samples was 0.26 with chloroplast-specific SNP markers and 0.57 with nSCoT markers. The Mantel test revealed a very small correlation (r = 0.21). The 55 samples were categorized into different sub-populations using Bayesian analysis, the Unweighted Pair Group Method with the Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, respectively. Based on the analysis of 205 variable sites, a total of 15 chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes were observed, contributing to a higher level of polymorphism with an Hd of 0.78. Most of the chloroplast-specific DNA haplotype diversity was distributed among populations, but significant diversity was also observed within populations. H1 was shared by 24 samples, including 12 of A. chinensis var. chinensis and 12 of A. chinensis var. deliciosa, indicating that H1 is an ancient and dominant haplotype among the 55 chloroplast-specific sequences. H2 may not have evolved further.The remaining haplotypes were rare and unique, with some appearing to be exclusive to a particular variety and often detected in single individuals. For example, the H15 haplotype was found exclusively in A. polygama.
    CONCLUSIONS: The population genetic variation explained by chloroplast-specific SNP markers has greater power than that explained by nSCoTs, with chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes being the most efficient. Gene flow appears to be more evident between A. chinensis var. chinensis and A. chinensis var. deliciosa, as they share chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes, In contrast, A.arguta and A. polygama possess their own characteristic haplotypes, derived from the haplotype of A. chinensis var. chinensis. Compared with A. chinensis, the A.arguta and A. polygama showed better grouping. It also seems crucial to screen out, for each type of molecular marker, especially haplotypes, the core markers of the Actinidia genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yield is the most complex trait to improve crop production, and identifying the genetic determinants for high yield is a major issue in breeding new varieties. In faba bean (Vicia faba L.), quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have previously been detected in studies of biparental mapping populations, but the genes controlling the main trait components remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated for the first time the genetic control of six faba bean yield-related traits: shattering (SH), pods per plant (PP), seeds per pod (SP), seeds per plant (SPL), 100-seed weight (HSW), and plot yield (PY), using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on a worldwide collection of 352 homozygous faba bean accessions with the aim of identifying markers associated with them. Phenotyping was carried out in field trials at three locations (Spain, United Kingdom, and Serbia) over 2 years. The faba bean panel was genotyped with the Affymetrix faba bean SNP-chip yielding 22,867 SNP markers. The GWAS analysis identified 112 marker-trait associations (MTAs) in 97 candidate genes, distributed over the six faba bean chromosomes. Eight MTAs were detected in at least two environments, and five were associated with multiple traits. The next step will be to validate these candidates in different genetic backgrounds to provide resources for marker-assisted breeding of faba bean yield.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Guizhou Plateau, as one of the original centers of tea plant, has a profound multi-ethnic cultural heritage and abundant tea germplasm resources. However, the impact of indigenous community factors on the genetic diversity, population structure and geographical distribution of tea plant is still unclear.
    RESULTS: Using the genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach, we collected 415 tea plant accessions from the study sites, estimated genetic diversity, developed a core collection, and conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) based on 99,363 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A total of 415 tea accessions were clustered into six populations (GP01, GP02, GP03, GP04, GP05 and GP06), and the results showed that GP04 and GP05 had the highest and lowest genetic diversity (Pi = 0.214 and Pi = 0.145, respectively). Moreover, 136 tea accessions (33%) were selected to construct the core set that can represent the genetic diversity of the whole collection. By analyzing seven significant SNP markers associated with the traits such as the germination period of one bud and two leaves (OTL) and the germination period of one bud and three leaves (OtL), four candidate genes possibly related to OTL and OtL were identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed the impact of indigenous communities on the population structure of 415 tea accessions, indicating the importance of cultural practices for protection and utilization of tea plant genetic resources. Four potential candidate genes associated with the OTL and OtL of tea plant were also identified, which will facilitate genetic research, germplasm conservation, and breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat is a staple food in many areas around the World. In the 20th century, breeders and scientists were able to boost wheat yield considerably. However, a yield plateau has become a concern and is threatening food security. Investments in cutting-edge technologies, including genomics and precision phenology measurements, can provide valuable tools to drive crop improvement. The objectives of this study were to (i) investigate the genetic diversity in a set of winter wheat lines, (ii) characterize their phenological response under different vernalization and photoperiod conditions, and (iii) identify effective markers associated with the phenological traits. A total of 249 adapted genotypes of different geographical origin were genotyped using the 35K Axiom® Wheat Breeder\'s Array. A total of 11,476 SNPs were used for genetic analysis. The set showed an average polymorphism information content of 0.37 and a genetic diversity of 0.43. A population structure analysis revealed three distinct subpopulations mainly related to their geographical origin (Europe, North America, and Western Asia). The lines of CGIAR origin showed the largest diversity and the lowest genetic distance to all other subpopulations. The phenology of the set was studied under controlled conditions using four combinations of long (19 h light) and short photoperiod (13 h light) and long vernalization (49 days at 5 °C) and no vernalization. With this, phenological traits such as earliness per se (Eps), relative response to vernalization (RRV), and relative response to photoperiod (RRP) were calculated. The phenotypic variation of growing degree days was significant in all phenology combinations. RRV ranged from 0 to 0.56, while RRP was higher with an overall average of 0.25. The GWAS analysis detected 30 marker-trait associations linked to five phenological traits. The highest significant marker was detected on chromosome 2D with a value of -log10(p) = 11.69. Only four loci known to regulate flowering exceeded the Bonferroni correction threshold of -log10(p) > 5.1. These results outline a solid foundation to address global food security and offer tremendous opportunities for advancing crop improvement strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus) is widely recognized as a probiotic species, and it exists in a variety of environments including host gut and dairy products. This work aimed at conducting a large-scale comparative genomics analysis of 384 L. rhamnosus genomes (257 whole-sequence or metagenomic-assembled genomes from gut-associated isolates [122 and 135 retrieved from the UHGG and NCBI databases, respectively] and 127 genomes from dairy isolates [34 from the NCBI database; 93 isolated from a cheese sample and sequenced here]). Our results showed that L. rhamnosus had a large and open pan-genome (15,253 pan-genes identified from all 384 genomes; 15,028 pan-genes if the 93 cheese-originated isolates were excluded). The core-gene phylogenetic tree constructed from the 384 L. rhamnosus genomes comprised five phylogenetic branches, with a random distribution of dairy and gut-associated isolates/genomes across the tree. No significant difference was identified in the overall profile of metabolism-related genes between dairy and gut-associated genomes; however, notably, the gut-associated strains/isolates contained more genes coding for specific metabolic pathways and carbohydrate-active enzymes, e.g., lacto-N-biosidase (EC; GT20) and lacto-N-biose phosphorylase/galacto-N-biose phosphorylase (EC; GH112). Further, we found that there was obvious intra-species diversification of the 93 cheese-originated L. rhamnosus isolates, forming three clades (Clades A, B, and C) in the reconstructed core-gene phylogenetic tree. There were numerous single nucleotide variations (over 10,000) across the three clades. Moreover, significant differences were observed in the content of metabolism-related genes across clades (p < 0.05, Adonis test), characterized by the enrichment in glycoside hydrolases in Clade C and the possession of unique metabolic pathways in each clade. These results implicated genomics/functional diversification of L. rhamnosus in a single food matrix and niche-driven adaptive evolution of isolates from dairy and host gut-associated origins. Our study shed insights into the selection of candidate strains for food industry applications.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Many geographical areas of sub-Saharan Africa, especially in rural settings, lack complete and up-to-date demographic data, posing a challenge for implementation and evaluation of public health interventions and carrying out large-scale health research. A demographic survey was completed in Mopeia district, located in the Zambezia province in Mozambique, to inform the Broad One Health Endectocide-based Malaria Intervention in Africa (BOHEMIA) cluster randomized clinical trial, which tested ivermectin mass drug administration to humans and/or livestock as a potential novel strategy to decrease malaria transmission.
    METHODS: The demographic survey was a prospective descriptive study, which collected data of all the households in the district that accepted to participate. Households were mapped through geolocation and identified with a unique identification number. Basic demographic data of the household members was collected and each person received a permanent identification number for the study.
    RESULTS: 25,550 households were mapped and underwent the demographic survey, and 131,818 individuals were registered in the district. The average household size was 5 members and 76.9% of households identified a male household head. Housing conditions are often substandard with low access to improved water systems and electricity. The reported coverage of malaria interventions was 71.1% for indoor residual spraying and 54.1% for universal coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets. The median age of the population was 15 years old. There were 910 deaths in the previous 12 months reported, and 43.9% were of children less than 5 years of age.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that the district had good coverage of vector control tools against malaria but sub-optimal living conditions and poor access to basic services. The majority of households are led by males and Mopeia Sede/Cuacua is the most populated locality in the district. The population of Mopeia is young (< 15 years) and there is a high childhood mortality. The results of this survey were crucial as they provided the household and population profiles and allowed the design and implementation of the cluster randomized clinical trial. Trial registration NCT04966702.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Oat (Avena sativa L.) is an important cereal crop grown worldwide for grain and forage, owing to its high adaptability to diverse environments. However, the genetic and genomics research of oat is lagging behind that of other staple cereal crops.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, a collection of 288 oat lines originating worldwide was evaluated using 2,213 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers obtained from an oat iSelect 6K-beadchip array to study its genetic diversity, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) as well as the genotype-phenotype association for hullessness and lemma color.
    UNASSIGNED: The average gene diversity and polymorphic information content (PIC) were 0.324 and 0.262, respectively. The first three principal components (PCs) accounted for 30.33% of the genetic variation, indicating that the population structure of this panel of oat lines was stronger than that reported in most previous studies. In addition, accessions could be classified into two subpopulations using a Bayesian clustering approach, and the clustering pattern of accessions was closely associated with their region of origin. Additionally, evaluation of LD decay using 2,143 mapped markers revealed that the intrachromosomal whole-genome LD decayed rapidly to a critical r2 value of 0.156 for marker pairs separated by a genetic distance of 1.41 cM. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) detected six significant associations with the hullessness trait. Four of these six markers were located on the Mrg21 linkage group between 194.0 and 205.7 cM, while the other two significant markers mapped to Mrg05 and Mrg09. Three significant SNPs, showing strong association with lemma color, were located on linkage groups Mrg17, Mrg18, and Mrg20.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results discerned relevant patterns of genetic diversity, population structure, and LD among members of a worldwide collection of oat landraces and cultivars proposed to be \'typical\' of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. These results have important implications for further studies on association mapping and practical breeding in high-altitude oat.





