
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Psittacanthus (Loranthaceae) is widely distributed in the Neotropical region, where it is known for its large, colourful, scentless flowers. Until very recently, all Psittacanthus species were regarded as exclusively hummingbird-pollinated and the large species radiation in the genus attributed to the interactions with bird dispersers and pollinators. P. eucalyptifolius (Kunth) G.Don. is the only species reported as bee-pollinated. Here we describe the floral biology, floral visitors, and the reproductive system of P. eucalyptifolius in an Amazonian savanna, Brazil. We also compare the pollination success (reproductive performance) among different Psittacanthus species reported in previous studies. Psittacanthus eucalyptifolius produces sweet-scented flowers, and a small quantity of concentrated nectar. At least five species of scopate bees were recorded visiting and carrying pollen of P. eucalyptifolius. Xylocopa frontalis carried most pollen, visited more flowers, remained longer, and touched reproductive parts of flowers in >95% of the observed visits. Experiments indicate that P. eucalyptifolius is partially autocompatible (39% autonomous pollination) but depends on pollinators to achieve higher performance (~78% in control), indicating that bees can be as effective as birds in pollinating this group of mistletoes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Butterflies have a wide spectrum of colour vision, and changes in flower colour influence both the visiting and nectaring (the act of feeding on flower nectar) events of them. However, the spontaneous behavioural response of butterflies while foraging on real flowers is less characterised in wild conditions. Hence, this study intends to investigate flower colour affinity in wild butterflies in relation to nectaring frequency (NF) and nectaring duration (ND). Six distinct flower colours were used to study spontaneous nectaring behaviour in 20 species of subtropical butterflies. Both NF and ND greatly varied in the flower colours they offered. Yellow flowers were frequently imbibed by butterflies for longer durations, followed by orange, while red, pink, white and violet flowers were occasionally nectared in shorter bouts. Though butterflies have a general tendency to nectar on multiple flower colours, the Nymphalids were more biased towards nectaring on yellow flowers, but Papilionids preferred both yellow and orange, while the Pierids were likely to display an equal affinity for yellow, orange and violet flowers as their first order of preference. Even if the blooms are associated with higher nectar concentrations or a significant grade reward, the butterfly may prefer to visit different-coloured flowers instead. Flower colour choice appears to be a generalist phenomenon for butterflies, but their specialist visiting nature was also significant. Nymphalid representatives responded to a wider variety of floral colour affinities than Pierid and Papilionid species. The colour preference of butterflies aids in the identification of flowers during foraging and influences subsequent foraging decisions, which ultimately benefits pollination success. The current information will support the preservation and conservation of butterflies in their natural habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to inadequate insect-pollinator data, particularly in sub-Saharan African countries like Tanzania, it is difficult to manage and protect these species in disturbed and semi-natural areas. Field surveys were conducted to assess insect-pollinator abundance and diversity and their interactions with plants in disturbed and semi-natural areas in Tanzania\'s Southern Highlands using pan traps, sweep netting, transect counts, and timed observations techniques. We found that species diversity and richness of insect-pollinators were high in semi-natural areas, and there was 14.29% more abundance than in disturbed areas. The highest plant-pollinator interactions were recorded in semi-natural areas. In these areas, the total number of visits by Hymenoptera was more than three times that of Coleoptera, while that of Lepidoptera and Diptera was more than 237 and 12 times, respectively. Hymenoptera pollinators had twice the total number of visits of Lepidoptera, and threefold of Coleoptera, and five times more visits than Diptera in disturbed habitats. Although disturbed areas had fewer insect-pollinators and fewer plant-insect-pollinator interactions, our findings indicate that both disturbed and semi-natural areas are potential habitats for insect-pollinators. The study revealed that the over-dominant species Apis mellifera could influence diversity indices and network-level metrics in the study areas. When A. mellifera was excluded from the analysis, the number of interactions differed significantly between insect orders in the study areas. Also, Diptera pollinators interacted with the most flowering plants in both study areas compared to Hymenopterans. Though A. mellifera was excluded in the analysis, we found a high number of species in semi-natural areas compared to disturbed areas. Conclusively, we recommend that more studies be conducted in these areas across sub-Saharan Africa to unveil their potential for protecting insect-pollinators and how ongoing anthropogenic changes threaten them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate species delimitation is the key to biodiversity conservation and is fundamental to most branches of biology. However, species delimitation remains challenging in those evolutionary radiations associated with mating system transition from outcrossing to self-fertilization, which have frequently occurred in angiosperms and are usually accompanied by rapid speciation. Here, using the Primula cicutariifolia complex as a case, we integrated molecular, morphological and reproductive isolation evidence to test and verify whether its outcrossing (distylous) and selfing (homostylous) populations have developed into independent evolutionary lineages. Phylogenetic trees based on whole plastomes and SNPs of the nuclear genome both indicated that the distylous and homostylous populations grouped into two different clades. Multispecies coalescent, gene flow and genetic structure analyses all supported such two clades as two different genetic entities. In morphology, as expected changes in selfing syndrome, homostylous populations have significantly fewer umbel layers and smaller flower and leaf sizes compared to distylous populations, and the variation range of some floral traits, such as corolla diameter and umbel layers, show obvious discontinuity. Furthermore, hand-pollinated hybridization between the two clades produced almost no seeds, indicating that well post-pollination reproductive isolation has been established between them. Therefore, the distylous and homostylous populations in this studied complex are two independent evolutionary lineages, and thus these distylous populations should be treated as a distinct species, here named Primula qiandaoensis W. Zhang & J.W. Shao sp. nov.. Our empirical study of the P. cicutariifolia complex highlights the importance of applying multiple lines of evidence, in particular genomic data, to delimit species in pervasive evolutionary plant radiations associated with mating system transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Floral shape (relative arrangement and position of floral organs) is critical in mediating fit with pollinators and maximizing conspecific pollen transfer particularly in functionally specialized systems. To date, however, few studies have attempted to quantify flowers as the inherently three-dimensional (3D) structures they are and determine the effect of intraspecific shape variation on pollen transfer. We here addressed this research gap using a functionally specialized system, buzz pollination, in which bees extract pollen through vibrations, as a model. Our study species, Meriania hernandoi (Melastomataceae), undergoes a floral shape change from pseudocampanulate corollas with more actinomorphically arranged stamens (first day) to open corollas with a more zygomorphic androecium (second day) over anthesis, providing a natural experiment to test how variation in floral shape affects pollination performance.
    In one population of M. hernandoi, we bagged 51 pre-anthetic flowers and exposed half of them to bee pollinators when they were in either stage of their shape transition. We then collected flowers, obtained 3D flower models through x-ray computed tomography for 3D geometric morphometric analyses, and counted the pollen grains remaining per stamen (male pollination performance) and stigmatic pollen loads (female pollination performance).
    Male pollination performance was significantly higher in open flowers with zygomorphic androecia than in pseudo-campanulate flowers. Female pollination performance did not differ among floral shapes.
    These results suggest that there is an \"optimal\" shape for male pollination performance, while the movement of bees around the flower when buzzing the spread-out stamens results in sufficient pollen deposition regardless of floral shape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The benefit of pollinators to crop production is normally calculated using \"pollinator dependence ratios,\" which reflect the proportion of yield lost (here reported as a value between 0 and 1) in the absence of pollinators; these ratios are quantified experimentally using pollinator exclusion experiments. Pollinator dependence ratio estimates can vary considerably for a single crop, creating large, frequently overlooked, uncertainty in economic valuations of pollinators. The source of this variation is usually unclear. We experimentally measured the pollinator dependence ratio of two UK commercial cultivars of raspberry Rubus idaeus L., using a range of yield metrics-fruit set, marketable fruit set, fruit weight, and marketable fruit weight-over 3 years (2019-2021), to quantify the effects of yield metric, interannual variation, and cultivar on pollinator dependence ratio estimates. We found a difference in the pollinator dependence ratio for fruit set of 0.71 between 2019 and 2020, showing the importance of carrying out exclusion studies over multiple years. Averaged over multiple years and two cultivars, the dependence ratio was 0.68 measured using marketable fruit set and 0.64 using marketable fruit weight. Imposing a quality threshold (size and shape) below which fruits would not be of commercial value (marketable fruit set/weight) dramatically increased both the pollinator dependence ratio and subsequent economic valuations of pollination service derived from it. Our study shows that, for raspberry, estimates of the pollinator dependence ratio, and therefore, the economic value of insect pollinators, are highly sensitive to the choice of yield metric and can change between years and cultivars. Many economic decisions about pollinator management, at farm, regional and national scales rely on estimates of pollinator dependence. We, therefore, recommend that for estimating pollinator dependence ratios, pollinator exclusion studies are conducted over three or more years and use yield metrics that incorporate quality criteria linked to actual market values and commercial thresholds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to understand whether the petal surface in \"cafeteria\"-type flowers, which offer their nectar and pollen to insect pollinators in an open way, is adapted to a stronger attachment of insect pollinators, we selected the plant Dahlia pinnata and the hovering fly Eristalis tenax, both being generalist species according to their pollinator\'s spectrum and diet, respectively. We combined cryo scanning electron microscopy examination of leaves, petals, and flower stems with force measurements of fly attachment to surfaces of these plant organs. Our results clearly distinguished two groups among tested surfaces: (1) the smooth leaf and reference smooth glass ensured a rather high attachment force of the fly; (2) the flower stem and petal significantly reduced it. The attachment force reduction on flower stems and petals is caused by different structural effects. In the first case, it is a combination of ridged topography and three-dimensional wax projections, whereas the papillate petal surface is supplemented by cuticular folds. In our opinion, these \"cafeteria\"-type flowers have the petals, where the colour intensity is enhanced due to papillate epidermal cells covered by cuticular folds at the micro- and nanoscale, and exactly these latter structures mainly contribute to adhesion reduction in generalist insect pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to monitor the volatile chemical composition from leaves and reproductive organs of Piper mollicomum Kunth (PM), in its reproduction period, as well as register inflorescence visitors, microclimate and phenological information. The essential oils (EOs) obtained from the different fresh organs by hydrodistillation were identified and quantified by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) and by GC coupled to a Flame Ionization Detector (GC/FID), respectively. The cercentage content of some volatiles present in reproductive organs, such as limonene, 1,8-cineole, linalool and eupatoriochromene, increased during the maturation period of the inflorescences, and decreased during the fruiting period, suggesting a defense/attraction activities. Furtermore, a biosynthetic dichotomy between 1,8-cineole (leaves) and linalool (reproductive organs) was recorded. A high frequency of bee visits was registered weekly, and some correlations showed a positive relationship between this variable and terpenes. Microclimate has an impact on this species\' phenological cycles and insect visiting behavior. All correlations between volatiles, insects, phenology and microclimate allowed us to present important data about the complex information network in PM. These results are extremely relevant for the understanding of the mechanisms of chemical-ecological plant-insect interactions in Piperaceae, a basal angiosperm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent decades have seen a surge in awareness about insect pollinator declines. Social bees receive the most attention, but most flower-visiting species are lesser known, non-bee insects. Nocturnal flower visitors, e.g. moths, are especially difficult to observe and largely ignored in pollination studies. Clearly, achieving balanced monitoring of all pollinator taxa represents a major scientific challenge. Here, we use time-lapse cameras for season-wide, day-and-night pollinator surveillance of Trifolium pratense (L.; red clover) in an alpine grassland. We reveal the first evidence to suggest that moths, mainly Noctua pronuba (L.; large yellow underwing), pollinate this important wildflower and forage crop, providing 34% of visits (bumblebees: 61%). This is a remarkable finding; moths have received no recognition throughout a century of T. pratense pollinator research. We conclude that despite a non-negligible frequency and duration of nocturnal flower visits, nocturnal pollinators of T. pratense have been systematically overlooked. We further show how the relationship between visitation and seed set may only become clear after accounting for moth visits. As such, population trends in moths, as well as bees, could profoundly affect T. pratense seed yield. Ultimately, camera surveillance gives fair representation to non-bee pollinators and lays a foundation for automated monitoring of species interactions in future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The flowers of some species of orchids produce nectar as a reward for pollination, the process of transferring pollen from flower to flower. Epipactis albensis is an obligatory autogamous species, does not require the presence of insects for pollination, nevertheless, it has not lost the ability to produce nectar, the chemical composition of which we examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for identification of potential insect attractants.
    RESULTS: During five years of field research, we did not observe any true pollinating insects visiting the flowers of this species, only accidental insects as ants and aphids. As a result of our studies, we find that this self-pollinating orchid produces in nectar inter alia aliphatic saturated and unsaturated aldehydes such as nonanal (pelargonal) and 2-pentenal as well as aromatic ones (i.e., syringaldehyde, hyacinthin). The nectar is low in alkenes, which may explain the absence of pollinating insects. Moreover, vanillin and eugenol derivatives, well-known as important scent compounds were also identified, but the list of chemical compounds is much poorer compared with a closely related species, insect-pollinating E. helleborine.
    CONCLUSIONS: Autogamy is a reproductive mechanism employed by many flowering plants, including the orchid genus Epipactis, as an adaptation to growing in habitats where pollinating insects are rarely observed due to the lack of nectar-producing plants they feed on. The production of numerous chemical attractants by self-pollinated E. albensis confirms the evolutionary secondary process, i.e., transition from ancestral insect-pollinating species to obligatory autogamous.





