
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intestinal tuberculosis (TB) is a frequently encountered pathology by surgeons all over India. There exists a vast body of knowledge about this disease; however, a detailed understanding of its presentation as well as surgical management is essential for every Indian surgeon, given its rampant nature. This report discusses the case of a 28-year-old female presenting with severe left upper abdominal pain, non-bilious vomiting, and fever, who was ultimately diagnosed with small bowel TB leading to perforations. Despite a history of pulmonary TB treated a year prior, the patient exhibited significant clinical and imaging findings, including pneumoperitoneum and peritonitis. Exploratory laparotomy revealed multiple tubercular perforations in the mid-jejunum and a stricture causing proximal jejunal dilatation. Surgical intervention involved resection of the affected segment and end-to-end anastomosis. Histopathological analysis confirmed TB as the cause. This case underscores the importance of considering TB in the differential diagnosis of small bowel perforations and highlights the critical role of timely surgical intervention and comprehensive management in improving patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chilaiditi syndrome is defined as the interposition of the colon between the liver and the diaphragm or abdominal wall and is known as Chilaiditi\'s sign on X-rays. Although rare, this procedure can lead to serious complications. Due to its infrequency and propensity for severe complications, diagnosing and differentiating this syndrome from other acute abdominal emergencies are very important for preventing unnecessary treatment or surgical procedures. We present a 72-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who presented to the emergency department with persistent shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, and vomiting. Physical examination revealed chest crepitation, tenderness in the left iliac fossa, and high blood pressure. Laboratory tests revealed a positive COVID-19 status, elevated C-reactive protein level, and respiratory alkalosis. Imaging, including a chest X-ray and CT scan, confirmed the presence of bowel loops under the diaphragm, confirming the diagnosis of Chilaiditi syndrome. Collaborative management by surgical and medical teams was essential in navigating this complex condition. This case highlights the complexity of chilaiditi syndrome, which can be episodic and intermittent, in addition to the importance of recognizing Chilaiditi\'s sign on imaging, particularly on CT scans, to differentiate it from pneumoperitoneum. Vigilance is crucial in identifying potential complications and guiding appropriate treatment to prevent adverse outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pneumatosis cystoides was first described by Du Vernay in 1783. This is a fairly rare disease with nonspecific symptoms and CT data on pneumoperitoneum. The authors present pneumatosis intestinalis in a patient with systemic connective tissue disorder. Free gas in abdominal cavity and dilated intestinal loops were an indication for emergency surgery with subsequent resection of intestine due to signs of ischemic damage. A review of clinical cases allows us to conclude that pneumoperitoneum requires careful differential diagnosis. Free gas in abdominal cavity in patients with cystic pneumatosis is an indication for emergency surgery only in case of complicated course of disease.
    Кистозный пневматоз был впервые описан Du Vernoi в 1783 г. Это редкое заболевание с неспецифичной симптоматикой и картиной пневмоперитонеума при компьютерно-томографическом исследовании. В статье приведен клинический случай кишечного пневматоза у пациента с системным заболеванием соединительной ткани. Свободный газ в брюшной полости и расширенные петли кишки послужили показанием к экстренному хирургическому вмешательству, которое закончилось резекцией участка кишки в связи с признаками ишемического повреждения. Обзор клинических случаев позволяет сделать вывод о том, что картина пневмоперитонеума при инструментальных исследованиях требует тщательной дифференциальной диагностики. Обнаружение свободного газа в брюшной полости при кистозном пневматозе является показанием к экстренной операции только в случаях осложненного течения.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the case of a 44 year old woman with systemic sclerosis who presented with intense abdominal pain without signs of peritonitis. An abdominal computed tomography showed generalized intestinal dilation, intestinal pneumatosis and an extensive pneumoperitoneum. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed but no perforation nor gastrointestinal leakage were found. Spontaneous pneumoperitoneum in patients with systemic sclerosis without visceral perforation is an extremely rare complication. Physicians must have a low threshold of suspicion for this entity when a patient with systemic sclerosis presents with spontaneous pneumoperitoneum in the absence of peritoneal signs.
    Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 44 años con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presentó dolor abdominal intenso sin datos de irritación peritoneal. Una tomografía computarizada de abdomen mostró dilatación generalizada de asas intestinales, neumatosis intestinal y neumoperitoneo extenso, por lo cual se realizó una laparoscopía diagnóstica, sin encontrar sitio de perforación. El neumoperitoneo espontáneo en pacientes con esclerodermia sin evidencia de perforación visceral es una complicación extremadamente rara. El médico deberá mantener un alto índice de sospecha para esta condición ante un paciente con esclerosis sistémica que se presente con un neumoperitoneo espontáneo sin datos de irritación peritoneal.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: With less than 90 reported cases to date, stercoral perforation of the colon is a rare occurrence. Stercoral ulceration is thought to occur due to ischemic pressure necrosis of the bowel wall, which is caused by the presence of a stercoraceous mass. To underscore this urgent surgical situation concerning clinical presentation, surgical treatment, and results, we present the case of a 66-year-old man with a stercoral perforation.
    METHODS: A 66-year-old man with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and gout presented at the emergency department with lower abdominal pain and a low-grade fever lasting for a few hours. Abdominal computed tomography indicated a suspected bezoar (approximately 7.6 cm) in the dilated cecum, accompanied by pericolic fat stranding, mild proximal dilatation of the ileum, pneumoperitoneum, and minimal ascites. Intraoperatively, feculent peritonitis with isolated cecal perforation were observed. Consequently, a right hemicolectomy with peritoneal lavage was performed. A histopathological examination supported the intraoperative findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: In stercoral perforations, a diagnosis should be diligently pursued, especially in older adults, and prompt surgical intervention should be implemented.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    When used for a selected patient population, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) can provide enteral nutrition percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) safely. PEG tubes generally possess a very low chance of life-threatening complications but due to the patient population that requires PEG tubes, a delayed diagnosis of minor complications could be fatal. In this study, we present a case of delayed pneumoperitoneum, discovered weeks after our patient underwent PEG placement for enteral nutritional needs. The patient recovered without the need for operative intervention. The development of a pneumoperitoneum in the setting of recent PEG needs a thorough clinical evaluation, and caution must be taken before immediately proceeding to operative exploration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Gas extravasation complications arising from perforated diverticulitis are common but manifestations such as pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, and pneumomediastinum happening at the same time are exceedingly rare. This case report explores the unique presentation of these 3 complications occurring simultaneously, their diagnosis and their management, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration for accurate diagnosis and effective management.
    METHODS: A 74-year-old North African female, with a medical history including hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, goiter, prior cholecystectomy, and bilateral total knee replacement, presented with sudden-onset pelvic pain, chronic constipation, and rectal bleeding. Clinical examination revealed hemodynamic instability, hypoxemia, and diffuse tenderness. After appropriate fluid resuscitation with norepinephrine and saline serum, the patient was stable enough to undergo computed tomography scan. Emergency computed tomography scan confirmed perforated diverticulitis at the rectosigmoid junction, accompanied by the unprecedented presence of pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, and pneumomediastinum. The patient underwent prompt surgical intervention with colo-rectal resection and a Hartmann colostomy. The postoperative course was favorable, leading to discharge one week after admission.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report highlights the clinical novelty of gas extravasation complications in perforated diverticulitis. The unique triad of pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, and pneumomediastinum in a 74-year-old female underscores the diagnostic challenges and the importance of advanced imaging techniques. The successful collaboration between radiologists and surgeons facilitated a timely and accurate diagnosis, enabling a minimally invasive surgical approach. This case contributes to the understanding of atypical presentations of diverticulitis and emphasizes the significance of interdisciplinary teamwork in managing such rare manifestations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO) is an uncommon phenomenon that is especially rare in young patients and can result in bowl ischemia and perforation if left untreated. Furthermore, pneumoperitoneum is almost always a concerning imaging finding and in the context of recent colonic resection may be a sign of anastomotic leakage.
    METHODS: We describe a case of a young female patient with postpartum ACPO who subsequently underwent a hemicolectomy with colorectal anastomosis. The patient\'s hospital course was complicated by massive postoperative pneumoperitoneum that resulted in resection of the anastomosis and creation of an end colostomy. However, despite this measure, there was recurrent pneumoperitoneum on cross-sectional imaging 36 h later. This was treated non-operatively and the remainder of their hospital course was uneventful.
    UNASSIGNED: A potential etiology for ACPO during pregnancy may be due to compression of parasympathetic plexus nerves by the gravid uterus. Idiopathic pneumoperitoneum has been documented on a number of occasions, though this is generally in older patients. It can present with signs of peritonitis or can be asymptomatic. Simultaneous pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum is rare and may be due to the transmission of air from the peritoneum to the mediastinum and thorax. The pneumoperitoneum itself may be due the air leakage through the significantly distended colon into the peritoneum.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of ACPO following pregnancy and associated pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and recurrent pneumoperitoneum suggest a communicating defect between the thoracic, mediastinal, and peritoneal cavities. Furthermore, the possibility of underlying colonic dysmotility should be considered prior to the restoration of large bowel continuity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Uterine rupture in the setting of pyometra is a rare occasion, with an incidence of less than 0.5%. The clinical manifestation of a perforated pyometra is non-specific; therefore, it can mimic many other causes of acute abdomen, such as perforated viscus, acute appendicitis, or diverticulitis, which poses unique challenges to diagnosis solely based on clinical information. We reviewed a case of an elderly postmenopausal lady who presented with a sudden onset of generalized abdominal pain, preceded by fever and vomiting. Physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with clinical signs of peritonism. She was initially diagnosed with possible obstructed gastrointestinal carcinoma by clinical examination, with the differential diagnosis of diverticular abscess. Eventually, further abdominal and pelvic contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) study revealed a pyometra with uterine rupture, complicated with pneumoretroperitoneum and pneumoperitoneum. This case emphasizes the value of a CT scan in establishing an accurate diagnosis and early detection of life-threatening complications, such as uterine rupture, as in this case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI), the presence of gas within the intestinal wall, is a rare but significant gastrointestinal condition. It may be associated with underlying gastrointestinal disorders or detected incidentally, posing diagnostic challenges. This article emphasizes the importance of recognizing and managing this condition conservatively when appropriate.
    METHODS: A previously healthy 40-year-old Caucasian female patient presented with left lumbar fossa pain, initially suggestive of renal colic. Physical examination revealed stable vital signs and a soft abdomen. Laboratory tests showed no signs of inflammation or renal abnormalities. Abdominal CT scan ruled out urinary lithiasis but identified pericolonic pneumoperitoneum on the left side. Due to the absence of peritonitis signs, surgical intervention was deferred. Over 72 h of close monitoring, the patient remained stable without clinical deterioration. Subsequent CT scans confirmed pneumatosis intestinalis. The patient remained asymptomatic and underwent a confirming colonoscopy.
    UNASSIGNED: Pneumatosis intestinalis can manifest with varying severity and is often linked to underlying gastrointestinal conditions. It can mimic life-threatening conditions like bowel perforation, necessitating careful differentiation. Non-surgical pneumoperitoneum, exemplified in this case, may result from benign causes like PI, warranting meticulous evaluation to prevent unnecessary surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights the need to recognize and manage asymptomatic PI. A multidisciplinary approach and CT imaging play pivotal roles in ensuring optimal patient outcomes. Vigilance among healthcare professionals is essential to consider PI in asymptomatic patients, mitigating the risk of undue surgical interventions, and facilitating timely diagnosis and intervention when necessary.





