plaque psoriasis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An expert panel of Canadian dermatologists was assembled to develop consensus statements regarding the current landscape of topical therapies for plaque psoriasis and the place in therapy of the recently approved fixed-dose combination halobetasol propionate (HP)/tazarotene (TAZ) lotion (HP/TAZ) in the treatment algorithm for plaque psoriasis.
    METHODS: A modified nominal group technique, which combined both independent and group input from the expert panel, was used to develop the consensus statements. The expert panel completed surveys to elicit their independent views on the current landscape of topical therapies for plaque psoriasis in Canada. The first expert panel session was held to discuss the existing body of literature and develop draft consensus statements about topical therapies and the place in therapy of HP/TAZ. Independent feedback on the draft consensus statements was solicited from expert panel members prior to another expert panel session where the amended consensus statements were further discussed, edited and, finally, voted on.
    RESULTS: The expert panel reached consensus on 20 statements.
    CONCLUSIONS: Expert panel members agreed, based on the existing body of literature, that there is a place in therapy for HP/TAZ to address several current unmet treatment needs of patients with plaque psoriasis. Studies have shown that HP/TAZ is an effective and safe first-line treatment for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Due to its cosmetically pleasing vehicle and once-daily administration, HP/TAZ may improve patient acceptance and treatment adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plaque psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterised by periods of remission and relapse and associated with considerable burden to patients and healthcare systems. For most patients, standard-of-care is reactive management (RM) with topical therapies, but, more recently, the benefits of proactive management (PAM) have been recognised. This study aimed to gain consensus on real-world use and consumption in RM versus PAM regimens, based on fixed-dose combination calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate (Cal/BD) foam which, following a recent update, is currently the only topical therapy for psoriasis with a long-term maintenance regimen in its label.
    The modified-Delphi approach was used to gain insights and consensus on real-world views, use and consumption in RM versus PAM from a panel of dermatologists with experience prescribing Cal/BD foam as PAM. The panel included 16 dermatologists, 4 each from France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, and included two questionnaire rounds and a meeting to obtain final consensus.
    The panel agreed that topicals are burdensome to apply in clinical practice and that poor patient adherence, particularly long-term, is a barrier to effective psoriasis management. The panel advised that, as they prescribe a similar number of cans for RM and PAM over a given period, consumption is not a key driver influencing future decisions to prescribe PAM, even in instances where prescribing differences could be observed. Instead, the panel agreed that patient- and disease-related factors better determine patient suitability for PAM.
    This modified-Delphi study confirms that prescription of RM or PAM, with Cal/BD foam, is largely driven by patient-related factors and patient involvement is key to optimise outcomes. Real-world experiences captured in this study suggest that a PAM regimen does not increase overall consumption, and thus costs per patient for payers and prescribers, in comparison to RM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the existence of multiple assessment scores for psoriasis severity, skin disease with limited skin lesions but significant impairment of quality of life can be difficult to classify, leading to under- or overtreatment. Our objective was to obtain consensus on clinical criteria to classify psoriasis severity in French clinical practice, with a focus on moderate disease, using a modified Delphi method.
    A steering committee (SC) formulated a 22-item questionnaire to classify moderate psoriasis. An independent panel of French dermatologists indicated their level of agreement for each item using a 9-point Likert scale (round 1). Items without a strong consensus were modified and included in round 2. For each item, strong consensus was defined as at least 75% of scores ≥ 7 and median score ≥ 8; good consensus was defined as at least 75% of scores ≥ 7 or median score ≥ 8.
    Of 80 dermatologists who agreed to participate, 47 (59%) responded in round 1. All participants from round 1 responded in round 2. Fifteen (68%) items achieved strong consensus and four (18%) achieved good consensus. For psoriasis severity, several clinical dimensions assessed both by the physician (location, symptoms, temporality, previous treatments) and the patient (perception, physical and psychological impairment) obtained consensus. The following were considered sufficient to confirm that psoriasis is at least at a moderate stage: limited involvement but with an impact on patient/family quality of life; involvement of a special area; presence of uncontrolled symptoms (scaling, bleeding, pruritus, insomnia); accumulation of mild intensity symptoms; presence of burdensome onychodystrophy; failure of well-applied topical treatments. There was strong consensus that recognition of moderate psoriasis should lead to reassessment of topical treatments.
    Our modified Delphi panel suggests detailed criteria to help physicians classify patients with psoriasis which is at least at a moderate stage, which could, in turn, improve treatment in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Psoriasis affects children with a considerable burden in early life. Treating pediatric psoriasis is challenging also because of the lack of updated specific guidelines. With the recent approval of several biologics for pediatric psoriasis and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the management of young psoriatic patients is facing major changes. A revision of treatment recommendations is therefore needed.
    METHODS: In September 2021, a board of six Italian dermatologists convened to update treatment recommendations. The board issued evidence- and consensus-based statements covering relevant areas of pediatric psoriasis, namely: assessment of psoriasis severity, management of children with psoriasis, and treatment of pediatric psoriasis. To reach consensus, the statements were submitted to a panel of 24 experts in a Delphi process performed entirely via videoconference. A treatment algorithm was produced.
    RESULTS: There was full consensus that psoriasis severity is determined by the extension/severity of skin lesions, site of lesions, and impact on patient quality of life. Agreement was reached on the need for a multidisciplinary approach to pediatric psoriasis and the importance of patient/parents education. The relevance of vaccinations, including COVID-19 vaccination, for psoriatic children was acknowledged by all participants. Management issues that initially failed to reach consensus included the screening for psoriasis comorbidities and early treatment with biologics to prevent them and the use of telemedicine to facilitate patient follow-up. There was full consensus that topical corticosteroids are the first choice for the treatment of mild pediatric psoriasis, while phototherapy and systemic therapy are used in children with moderate-severe psoriasis. According to the proposed treatment algorithm, biologics are the first line of systemic therapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Targeted systemic therapies are changing the treatment of moderate-severe pediatric psoriasis, while topical corticosteroids continue to be the first choice for mild disease. Children-centered research is needed to further improve the treatment of pediatric psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Treat-to-target strategies are used in several chronic diseases to improve outcomes. Treatment goals have also been suggested for psoriasis, but there is currently no consensus on targets, and guidance is needed to implement this strategy in clinical practice. The project \'Treat to Target Italia\' was launched by a scientific board (SB) of 10 psoriasis experts to generate expert consensus recommendations.
    METHODS: On the basis of the published literature, their clinical experience, and the results of a survey among Italian dermatologists, the SB identified four relevant topics: (1) clinical remission; (2) quality of life; (3) abrogation of systemic inflammation; (4) safety. They drafted 20 statements addressing these four topics and submitted them to a panel of 28 dermatologists, in a Delphi process, to achieve consensus (greater than 80% agreement).
    RESULTS: Consensus was reached on all statements. Treatment goals defining clinical remission should include a 90% improvement from baseline in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI90 response) or an absolute PASI score of less than or equal to 3. Patient\'s quality of life and satisfaction are important targets. If PASI targets are achieved, there should be no or very low impact of psoriasis on quality of life [Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) score less than or equal to 3]. If PASI or DLQI goals are not achieved within 3-4 months, treatment should be changed. Abrogation of systemic inflammation may be crucial for preventing or delaying inflammatory comorbidities. Safety is an equally important target as efficacy.
    CONCLUSIONS: These 20 consensus statements define the parameters of a treat-to-target strategy for psoriasis in Italy. It is hoped that use of these in the management of patients with psoriasis will improve treatment outcomes and patient health-related quality of life.





